
名词性从句综合练习 2015.4.11



1. It was never clear the man hadn’t reported the accident sooner.

2. Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious 3. comes will be welcomed to the open-air concert.


we do and who we are if we want to succeed.

2. It is not always easy for the public to see use a new invention can be of to human life.

3. We’ve offered her the job, but I don’she ’ll accept it.


1. I’d like to start my own business — that ’s I ’d do if I had the money.

2. I’m afraid he’3. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was it was rather

closely modeled on his own life.


1. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars road conditions need improving.

we should call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor.

二、语法填空 :

Everyone knew 1_______Andy was a famous writer, but no one knew 2_______she came from and 3_______she

was born in 1961 was still a mystery. 4_______they did know was 5_______she was loved by poor people because

she always helped 6_______was in need of money. Andy was generous and helpful, but some people thought she

was chasing fame. Andy said she didn’t understand 7_______they were so narrow-minded, but it didn’t matter 8__

_____others would thought of her. She just wanted to do 9________she thought was right. I think that is 10______

the meaning of life lies.

提示:1.大家都知道Andy 是位有名的作家,但没有人知道她来自何处,而且她是否出生于1961年仍然

是个谜;2.大家对她了解的是穷人都喜欢她,因为她总是帮助那些急需钱的人;3.Andy 很慷慨而且乐于

助人,但有些人认为她想出名;4.Andy 说她不明白为什么他们那么心胸狭窄,但别人怎么想对她无所谓,



1. 据报道,这本书的中文版本(version)在2011年年初就开始出售了。(2011,广东,基础写作)

the Chinese version of the book began to sell in China early 2011.

2. 这本书讲述了作者是怎样用中国传统的方法教育自己的两个女儿的.(2011.广东)

The book tells 3. 真正的朋友会尽其所能来帮助你。(whatever) (话题:朋友)

The true friends will 4. 毫无疑问,练字不会妨碍学习,反而还有助于学习。(话题:学习习惯) practicing hand writing doesn’

5. 众所周知,拥有很好的词汇知识是学习一门语言的基础。(话题:如何学好一门语言)

⑴ language learning a good knowledge of vocabulary.

6. 我突然想到一个好主意,我可以在圣诞节早上打个电话给父母并寄一份礼物给他们。(话题:孩子与父母


I could my parents and

7. 在这篇文章里作者讲了什么是食物中毒以及什么可能导致食物中毒。(话题:食物中毒food poisoning)

In the passage the author states

8. 学习是学生应该做的事,但是如果给钱他们,他们会误认为他们是为钱而不是知识而学。(2010, 广东)

Study is , but if they are paid to study, they will be misled to

(注意:名词性从句. 包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句。高中宾语从句并不高级,应学会


1. 表达I think/believe/hope that…并不高级,不如使用强调句型I do think/believe/hope that…或

it is thought/believed/hoped that,it is my belief/hope that…主语从句或my belief/hope is that…表语从句. 还

可以用同位语从句I hold the view/belief that…

2. I +1坚持2命令3建议4要求 that+宾语从句虚拟语气(should )+do并不高级, 应该用主语从句

it is+suggest/order/demand/request/require//demand+ed+that(should)do或

my suggestion/order/demand/request/require//demand is that (should) do表语从句或

I make a suggestion/order/demand/request/requirement/ desire/demand that…(should) do同位语从句)

四、基础写作 :

Mike 和Sue 决定要买一辆车。显然,他们很想买最贵的,但此刻他们没足够的钱。此时,他们得到

Sue 的叔叔意外去世的消息, Sue继承了一大笔钱。在她继承那笔遗产时,银行告诉她那些她必须遵守的

规则,建议她把所有的钱存到银行里,但Sue 不同意。她认为把钱拿去消费是正确的,所以她就和Mike

去买了那辆他们喜欢的车。 写作要求:

1) 用5句话表达上述全部内容。

2) 每句话都要用到名词性从句或定语从句。

名词性从句综合练习 2015.4.11



1. It was never clear the man hadn’t reported the accident sooner.

2. Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious 3. comes will be welcomed to the open-air concert.


we do and who we are if we want to succeed.

2. It is not always easy for the public to see use a new invention can be of to human life.

3. We’ve offered her the job, but I don’she ’ll accept it.


1. I’d like to start my own business — that ’s I ’d do if I had the money.

2. I’m afraid he’3. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was it was rather

closely modeled on his own life.


1. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars road conditions need improving.

we should call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor.

二、语法填空 :

Everyone knew 1_______Andy was a famous writer, but no one knew 2_______she came from and 3_______she

was born in 1961 was still a mystery. 4_______they did know was 5_______she was loved by poor people because

she always helped 6_______was in need of money. Andy was generous and helpful, but some people thought she

was chasing fame. Andy said she didn’t understand 7_______they were so narrow-minded, but it didn’t matter 8__

_____others would thought of her. She just wanted to do 9________she thought was right. I think that is 10______

the meaning of life lies.

提示:1.大家都知道Andy 是位有名的作家,但没有人知道她来自何处,而且她是否出生于1961年仍然

是个谜;2.大家对她了解的是穷人都喜欢她,因为她总是帮助那些急需钱的人;3.Andy 很慷慨而且乐于

助人,但有些人认为她想出名;4.Andy 说她不明白为什么他们那么心胸狭窄,但别人怎么想对她无所谓,



1. 据报道,这本书的中文版本(version)在2011年年初就开始出售了。(2011,广东,基础写作)

the Chinese version of the book began to sell in China early 2011.

2. 这本书讲述了作者是怎样用中国传统的方法教育自己的两个女儿的.(2011.广东)

The book tells 3. 真正的朋友会尽其所能来帮助你。(whatever) (话题:朋友)

The true friends will 4. 毫无疑问,练字不会妨碍学习,反而还有助于学习。(话题:学习习惯) practicing hand writing doesn’

5. 众所周知,拥有很好的词汇知识是学习一门语言的基础。(话题:如何学好一门语言)

⑴ language learning a good knowledge of vocabulary.

6. 我突然想到一个好主意,我可以在圣诞节早上打个电话给父母并寄一份礼物给他们。(话题:孩子与父母


I could my parents and

7. 在这篇文章里作者讲了什么是食物中毒以及什么可能导致食物中毒。(话题:食物中毒food poisoning)

In the passage the author states

8. 学习是学生应该做的事,但是如果给钱他们,他们会误认为他们是为钱而不是知识而学。(2010, 广东)

Study is , but if they are paid to study, they will be misled to

(注意:名词性从句. 包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句。高中宾语从句并不高级,应学会


1. 表达I think/believe/hope that…并不高级,不如使用强调句型I do think/believe/hope that…或

it is thought/believed/hoped that,it is my belief/hope that…主语从句或my belief/hope is that…表语从句. 还

可以用同位语从句I hold the view/belief that…

2. I +1坚持2命令3建议4要求 that+宾语从句虚拟语气(should )+do并不高级, 应该用主语从句

it is+suggest/order/demand/request/require//demand+ed+that(should)do或

my suggestion/order/demand/request/require//demand is that (should) do表语从句或

I make a suggestion/order/demand/request/requirement/ desire/demand that…(should) do同位语从句)

四、基础写作 :

Mike 和Sue 决定要买一辆车。显然,他们很想买最贵的,但此刻他们没足够的钱。此时,他们得到

Sue 的叔叔意外去世的消息, Sue继承了一大笔钱。在她继承那笔遗产时,银行告诉她那些她必须遵守的

规则,建议她把所有的钱存到银行里,但Sue 不同意。她认为把钱拿去消费是正确的,所以她就和Mike

去买了那辆他们喜欢的车。 写作要求:

1) 用5句话表达上述全部内容。

2) 每句话都要用到名词性从句或定语从句。


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