
1. be strangely passive

2. barely describe their symptoms

3. appear ignorant

4. take up too much of this Important Person’s time

5. take a certain medication

6. incredibly enough

7. to relate to people

8. had not shown up for work

9. school bullies have been around as long as there have been schools

10. dominate their smaller, quieter peers

11. be overexposure to violent TV programs

12. thousands of acts of violence, including assault and murder

13. lead to aggression and violence

14. victims of bullies often turn into bullies themselves

15. abused by family members or tormented by other kids

16. look closely into the eyes of

17. be looking into the eyes of a former victim

18. had distinct differences from

19. a final polishing for upperclass gentlemen- a privilege unnecessary for those who had lower social status

20. interfere with 干扰

21. a lack of motivation

22. on a regular basis

23. being distracted by

24. attempt to commit something to memory

25. refer to the physical setting in a question

26. give the other person a compliment

27. seek direct information

28. Hw do you happen to know them

29. In some circumstances, the most effective way of coping with stress is withdrawal

30. be overcome by anxiety

31. withdraw emotionally from the stressful situation

32. advanced in her career

33. Once in existence

34. a classic example

35. be stricken next with this crippling disease

36. contributed heavily

37. beyond its wildest dream

38. its purpose had been fulfilled

39. keep its bureaucracy intact

40. be striking

41. run out of jobs

42. deceive themselves in various ways to cope better with problems

43. cites the example

44. although all her medical indications were to the contrary

45. putting on an act for

46. physiological symptoms of stress

47. make sense out of a speaker’s remarks

48. one person dominates a conversation

49. fall into the role of audience

50. parents lecture their children

51. in an attempt to

52. in the most generous terms possible

53. have labeled this tendency

54. blame the problem on their personal qualities

55. lashes out angrily

56. everybody does it

57. the sex of offenders affects the severity of sentences

58. receive the death penalty

59. be more reluctant to send

60. Nonwhites are awarded parole and probation less often

61. executed more often for capital crimes

62. be given more lenient sentences

1. be strangely passive

2. barely describe their symptoms

3. appear ignorant

4. take up too much of this Important Person’s time

5. take a certain medication

6. incredibly enough

7. to relate to people

8. had not shown up for work

9. school bullies have been around as long as there have been schools

10. dominate their smaller, quieter peers

11. be overexposure to violent TV programs

12. thousands of acts of violence, including assault and murder

13. lead to aggression and violence

14. victims of bullies often turn into bullies themselves

15. abused by family members or tormented by other kids

16. look closely into the eyes of

17. be looking into the eyes of a former victim

18. had distinct differences from

19. a final polishing for upperclass gentlemen- a privilege unnecessary for those who had lower social status

20. interfere with 干扰

21. a lack of motivation

22. on a regular basis

23. being distracted by

24. attempt to commit something to memory

25. refer to the physical setting in a question

26. give the other person a compliment

27. seek direct information

28. Hw do you happen to know them

29. In some circumstances, the most effective way of coping with stress is withdrawal

30. be overcome by anxiety

31. withdraw emotionally from the stressful situation

32. advanced in her career

33. Once in existence

34. a classic example

35. be stricken next with this crippling disease

36. contributed heavily

37. beyond its wildest dream

38. its purpose had been fulfilled

39. keep its bureaucracy intact

40. be striking

41. run out of jobs

42. deceive themselves in various ways to cope better with problems

43. cites the example

44. although all her medical indications were to the contrary

45. putting on an act for

46. physiological symptoms of stress

47. make sense out of a speaker’s remarks

48. one person dominates a conversation

49. fall into the role of audience

50. parents lecture their children

51. in an attempt to

52. in the most generous terms possible

53. have labeled this tendency

54. blame the problem on their personal qualities

55. lashes out angrily

56. everybody does it

57. the sex of offenders affects the severity of sentences

58. receive the death penalty

59. be more reluctant to send

60. Nonwhites are awarded parole and probation less often

61. executed more often for capital crimes

62. be given more lenient sentences


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