

Hello, everyone!

Glad to be here with you. I’m honored to meet new friends from other regions.

Welcome friends!

Next, please allow me to introduce myself. I hope you will love me. Thank you!

My name is Ma Hao. I’m 14 years old. I come from Hainan Middle School. I am in Grade Two. I love my school, my teachers and classmates. As vice chairman of the student union, I win glory for the school, teachers and students wholeheartedly. I am excellent in character and learning, so I am chosen as “good student of middle school “ and “excellent student cadre” every year.

I am optimistic. I have a lot of hobbies. In my hobby, I realize the power of happiness and knowledge.

I like innovation and technology. I won the second prize of the National Innovation and Technology, the second prize of the National Information Olympics and the third prize of the National Robot Contest. They sparked my aspirations of exploring science and technology.

I like making friends with others. I have many good friends. I feel very happy, because they are not only good friends but also helpful teachers and they will give me help and care.

I like listening to music. Music can make people happy and relaxed and let people forget the troubles. Music opens my mind and brings me a sense of beauty.

I like reading books. I won the second prize of

In charge of United Nations Club of Hainan Middle School, I had participated in the National Model United Nations for middle school students and got the Best Potential

Award. From the contest, I can see a kind of real situation which contains creativity and vitality. It encourages me to learn English well.

I believe I will be the best in my efforts!


Hello, everyone!

Glad to be here with you. I’m honored to meet new friends from other regions.

Welcome friends!

Next, please allow me to introduce myself. I hope you will love me. Thank you!

My name is Ma Hao. I’m 14 years old. I come from Hainan Middle School. I am in Grade Two. I love my school, my teachers and classmates. As vice chairman of the student union, I win glory for the school, teachers and students wholeheartedly. I am excellent in character and learning, so I am chosen as “good student of middle school “ and “excellent student cadre” every year.

I am optimistic. I have a lot of hobbies. In my hobby, I realize the power of happiness and knowledge.

I like innovation and technology. I won the second prize of the National Innovation and Technology, the second prize of the National Information Olympics and the third prize of the National Robot Contest. They sparked my aspirations of exploring science and technology.

I like making friends with others. I have many good friends. I feel very happy, because they are not only good friends but also helpful teachers and they will give me help and care.

I like listening to music. Music can make people happy and relaxed and let people forget the troubles. Music opens my mind and brings me a sense of beauty.

I like reading books. I won the second prize of

In charge of United Nations Club of Hainan Middle School, I had participated in the National Model United Nations for middle school students and got the Best Potential

Award. From the contest, I can see a kind of real situation which contains creativity and vitality. It encourages me to learn English well.

I believe I will be the best in my efforts!


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