
some people argue that… while others offer an opposite attitude, insisting that…. I tend to express a neutral standpoint on this issue. That is to say, ……

As far as I am concerned, I

some people argue that… while others offer an opposite attitude, insisting that…. I tend to express

some peole argue that… while others offer opposite attitude, insisting that… I tend to express a neutral standpoint on this issue. That is to say, …

Some people argue that… while others offer opposite attitude, insisting that… I tend to express a neutral standpoint on this issue. That is to say,…

As far as I am concerned.

on the one hand, on the other hand.

Analects of Confucius, Confucius

Analects of Confucius,

as an Chinese saying goes, “……”





By contrast,

Obviously, this forms a sharp contradiction against what is stated by the writer.

Obviously, this point forms a sharp contradiction against that is stated by the writer. Again, this argument is retorted by the lecturer.

Again, this argument is retorted by the lecturer.

The speaker provides an opposite opinion towards this issue.

as a matter of fact,

To sum up,

as it vastly acknowledged,

as it vastly acknowledged, ..


Nevertheless, it is too absolute to define university education as the most important factor in a person ’s success.

Nevertheless, it is too absolute to define ….as ….

Nevertheless, it is too absolute to say that…..







the innate nature of the children is love of playing and having fun.

frankly speaking,

the speaker and he writer hold the divergent attitude towards the …… Through relevant reasons and examples, the lecturer extensively refutes the viewpoint stated in the reading material.

some people argue that… while others offer an opposite attitude, insisting that…. I tend to express a neutral standpoint on this issue. That is to say, ……

As far as I am concerned, I

some people argue that… while others offer an opposite attitude, insisting that…. I tend to express

some peole argue that… while others offer opposite attitude, insisting that… I tend to express a neutral standpoint on this issue. That is to say, …

Some people argue that… while others offer opposite attitude, insisting that… I tend to express a neutral standpoint on this issue. That is to say,…

As far as I am concerned.

on the one hand, on the other hand.

Analects of Confucius, Confucius

Analects of Confucius,

as an Chinese saying goes, “……”





By contrast,

Obviously, this forms a sharp contradiction against what is stated by the writer.

Obviously, this point forms a sharp contradiction against that is stated by the writer. Again, this argument is retorted by the lecturer.

Again, this argument is retorted by the lecturer.

The speaker provides an opposite opinion towards this issue.

as a matter of fact,

To sum up,

as it vastly acknowledged,

as it vastly acknowledged, ..


Nevertheless, it is too absolute to define university education as the most important factor in a person ’s success.

Nevertheless, it is too absolute to define ….as ….

Nevertheless, it is too absolute to say that…..







the innate nature of the children is love of playing and having fun.

frankly speaking,

the speaker and he writer hold the divergent attitude towards the …… Through relevant reasons and examples, the lecturer extensively refutes the viewpoint stated in the reading material.


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