
西瓜皮别扔! 能治儿童8种疾病



夏季长痱子,孩子痛痒难忍,可取新鲜西瓜皮若干,洗净后捣汁,涂抹身上5~6分钟后用温水洗净; 或直接用西瓜皮切去红瓤部分,并切成方便手拿的小块,反复轻擦生痱子处,一天擦两三次,一般擦拭3次即可止痒,两天可治愈; 平时可以用西瓜皮熬水给孩子洗澡,对预防和治疗痱子都有很好的效果。


孩子口腔长包或口腔溃疡,可以将西瓜皮烤焦研末,含在口中,可治口舌生疮,西瓜霜就是如此来的。如果妈妈考虑到将西瓜皮烤焦太麻烦, 可以将西瓜皮同绿豆一起熬,还可根据孩子的口味喜好放冰糖或者放骨头熬汤,然后喝汤,吃西瓜皮、绿豆。也可作为平时预防孩子上火的良饮。













Watermelon tired throw! Can cure 8 kinds of diseases in children

Nutrition research has proved that the watermelon contains a lot of water, sugar, cellulose, vitamins, pectin and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other mineral elements, watermelon juice and skin contains the inorganic salts have diuretic effect.

1, treat prickly heat, wipe 3 times can be effective

Summer long prickly heat, children unbearable itching, desirable fresh watermelon rind some, wash after Daozhi, smear body 5 to 6 minutes after the wash with warm water; or the direct use of watermelon pitche partial red flesh, and cut into small convenient hand, repeated graze born prickly heat, two or three times a day, wiping, wipe three times can relieve itching, two days can be cured; usually can with watermelon skin boil water to bathe the baby, have very good effect to prevent and treat prickly heat.

2, oral ulcer

Children oral packet length or oral ulcer can will watermelon skin scorched research at the end of the containing in the mouth, can cure mouth sores, watermelon frost is so. If her mother take into account the watermelon skin burnt too much trouble can be the watermelon rind with bean boil together, can also according to the tastes and preferences of children put sugar or bone soup, then drink the soup, eat watermelon, mung bean. Can also be used as a good drink to prevent children lit. www.huayueting1.com www.gsjhbz.com

3, treatment of burn and scald

If children are minor burns, the watermelon peel and slice after enough to burn and scald wounds and to relieve pain and healing effect. While rich in summer, watermelon, mom can also will watermelon skin dry and burning ash, with the

proportion of 100 grams of watermelon PIGA 5 grams borneol grinds end mix, plus the amount of vegetable oil, with a bottle of spare, burn, scald occurs when a child, you can apply to the affected area. www.jiugangzhagun.com

4, the treatment of toothache

The watermelon peel and dried in the sun at the end of the research, add a little borneol, the child has a toothache, health cotton swab dipped in just the right amount of powder wipe affected part, daily Cha five or six times, to treat toothache has very good effect. My mother also can take advantage of the summer, watermelon can be dried, usually drink tea, both adults and children.

5, prevention of heat stroke

Hot summer weather, restless children or outing is easy to heat stroke, the mother can before going out, watermelon rind washed and cut into thin green skin, boiling water for 30 minutes, remove the slag and an appropriate amount of sugar or rock candy, cool, so drinking can prevent heatstroke. The child suffered heatstroke, available watermelon for children brush, accelerate the temperature decrease.

6, treatment of constipation

There are two watermelons have the effect, children constipation, can be the crust into watermelon juice drink, laxative effect is very good. Constipation time is too long, you can also consider adding some honey. But Yang, deficiency of Qi and

blood of the children with caution, because the laxative effect is good, may cause diarrhea. www.jy290.com www.hitjob.net

7, treatment of cough

Children recurrent cough, cough yellow sputum, accompanied by dry mouth, sore throat, tongue red, moss thin yellow or yellow and greasy can with watermelon skin with stewing pot steam for 2 hours, then add rock sugar, eat melon drink juice, 1 times a day, can treat lung hot cough.

8, after sun repair

Children go out to play is a sunburn, can be cut into small slices of watermelon skin, deposited on the skin, 5~10 minutes to change a, the more serious damage to the skin of the watermelon into the refrigerator, and then ice deposited, adhere to a week or so, the treatment of sunburn.

西瓜皮别扔! 能治儿童8种疾病



夏季长痱子,孩子痛痒难忍,可取新鲜西瓜皮若干,洗净后捣汁,涂抹身上5~6分钟后用温水洗净; 或直接用西瓜皮切去红瓤部分,并切成方便手拿的小块,反复轻擦生痱子处,一天擦两三次,一般擦拭3次即可止痒,两天可治愈; 平时可以用西瓜皮熬水给孩子洗澡,对预防和治疗痱子都有很好的效果。


孩子口腔长包或口腔溃疡,可以将西瓜皮烤焦研末,含在口中,可治口舌生疮,西瓜霜就是如此来的。如果妈妈考虑到将西瓜皮烤焦太麻烦, 可以将西瓜皮同绿豆一起熬,还可根据孩子的口味喜好放冰糖或者放骨头熬汤,然后喝汤,吃西瓜皮、绿豆。也可作为平时预防孩子上火的良饮。













Watermelon tired throw! Can cure 8 kinds of diseases in children

Nutrition research has proved that the watermelon contains a lot of water, sugar, cellulose, vitamins, pectin and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other mineral elements, watermelon juice and skin contains the inorganic salts have diuretic effect.

1, treat prickly heat, wipe 3 times can be effective

Summer long prickly heat, children unbearable itching, desirable fresh watermelon rind some, wash after Daozhi, smear body 5 to 6 minutes after the wash with warm water; or the direct use of watermelon pitche partial red flesh, and cut into small convenient hand, repeated graze born prickly heat, two or three times a day, wiping, wipe three times can relieve itching, two days can be cured; usually can with watermelon skin boil water to bathe the baby, have very good effect to prevent and treat prickly heat.

2, oral ulcer

Children oral packet length or oral ulcer can will watermelon skin scorched research at the end of the containing in the mouth, can cure mouth sores, watermelon frost is so. If her mother take into account the watermelon skin burnt too much trouble can be the watermelon rind with bean boil together, can also according to the tastes and preferences of children put sugar or bone soup, then drink the soup, eat watermelon, mung bean. Can also be used as a good drink to prevent children lit. www.huayueting1.com www.gsjhbz.com

3, treatment of burn and scald

If children are minor burns, the watermelon peel and slice after enough to burn and scald wounds and to relieve pain and healing effect. While rich in summer, watermelon, mom can also will watermelon skin dry and burning ash, with the

proportion of 100 grams of watermelon PIGA 5 grams borneol grinds end mix, plus the amount of vegetable oil, with a bottle of spare, burn, scald occurs when a child, you can apply to the affected area. www.jiugangzhagun.com

4, the treatment of toothache

The watermelon peel and dried in the sun at the end of the research, add a little borneol, the child has a toothache, health cotton swab dipped in just the right amount of powder wipe affected part, daily Cha five or six times, to treat toothache has very good effect. My mother also can take advantage of the summer, watermelon can be dried, usually drink tea, both adults and children.

5, prevention of heat stroke

Hot summer weather, restless children or outing is easy to heat stroke, the mother can before going out, watermelon rind washed and cut into thin green skin, boiling water for 30 minutes, remove the slag and an appropriate amount of sugar or rock candy, cool, so drinking can prevent heatstroke. The child suffered heatstroke, available watermelon for children brush, accelerate the temperature decrease.

6, treatment of constipation

There are two watermelons have the effect, children constipation, can be the crust into watermelon juice drink, laxative effect is very good. Constipation time is too long, you can also consider adding some honey. But Yang, deficiency of Qi and

blood of the children with caution, because the laxative effect is good, may cause diarrhea. www.jy290.com www.hitjob.net

7, treatment of cough

Children recurrent cough, cough yellow sputum, accompanied by dry mouth, sore throat, tongue red, moss thin yellow or yellow and greasy can with watermelon skin with stewing pot steam for 2 hours, then add rock sugar, eat melon drink juice, 1 times a day, can treat lung hot cough.

8, after sun repair

Children go out to play is a sunburn, can be cut into small slices of watermelon skin, deposited on the skin, 5~10 minutes to change a, the more serious damage to the skin of the watermelon into the refrigerator, and then ice deposited, adhere to a week or so, the treatment of sunburn.


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