

Factors to Consider When Travelling to a Foreign Country



Considering you’ll be thousands of miles away from your family minivan, you’re going to need to figure out how to get around once you land at your destination. 鉴于你会离家数千英语,你就得要弄清楚在你到达目的时如何应对。

When renting a car, be sure to take into consideration the cost of gas and insurance in addition to the baseline rental fees. Keep in mind logistics you don’t really think about when driving at home, like the rules of the road. And if you don’t know how to drive a stick shift, don’t fake it. Please.

租车时,一定要考虑到油费,以及额外的基本租车费中的保险费。牢记你在本国内开车时没放在心上的物流情况,比如道路规则。如果你不知道如何开车变速杆, 请不要作假。

Your other option, of course, is to rely on public transportation. This may be easier than renting a car – especially if you don’t exactly know where you’re going. But it’s

also likely to be much more expensive. Do some cost-benefit analysis before you embark on your journey, and figure out what the best route to take – literally and metaphorically.

你的其他选择, 当然, 是依赖公共交通。这可能是比租车尤其是如果你不知道你去的地方更简单。但也可能更贵。在你开始你的旅程时做一些成本效益分析, 并找出最佳路线----字面上的和没有说明的。

Language and Cultural Barriers


If you’re heading to a country in which the language spoken by the majority of the population is not your native tongue, you need to do some work before you take off. Bring with you a dictionary, a physical map, and even pictures of specific locations you want to visit. Don’t rely on your phone to do all the work for you (we’ll get to that later).

如果你去的那个国家的大多数人所使用的语言不是你的母语, 你起飞之前就需要做一些工作。带一本字典, 一个纸质地图, 甚至你想访问的特定位置的照片。不要依赖你的电话为你做所有的工作(稍后我们会讲到) 。

Chances are you know some key phrases to help get you out of a jam. If you think you’re going to rely on a local citizen to help you out at some point, make sure you know what’s culturally and socially acceptable in the country you’re visiting. Certain innocuous hand gestures, for example, have totally different meanings in other countries. Don’t make a mistake that will end up hurting someone’s feelings – or worse.

你知道一些关键机会来帮助你解决难题。如果你认为你要依靠当地公民给于你某种程度上的帮助, 你一定要知道会接收你的文化和社会方式。某些无害的手势, 例如, 在其他国家有完全不同的含义。不要犯错误, 那最终会伤害某人的感情——或者更糟。

Exchange Rate and Economy


The almighty dollar isn’t just accepted no matter where you are. In most other countries, you’ll have to do some exchanging at the border in order to make your money worth anything while on vacation. When doing so, make sure you know how much your hard-earned cash is worth.

万能的美元不是在哪里都能接受。为了让钱花得更值得,度假时在大多数国家的边境得要换汇。当这样做时, 你一定要知道你辛苦赚来的钱的价值。

Not only should you understand how much it’s worth, but you should also pay

attention to how far it’ll go. For example, a single US dollar is worth over 100 yen in Japan. Transferring a few hundred bucks into yen might make you feel like a millionaire, but the reality is many commodities, such as clothing, are much more expensive in the Far East than in the Western world. Be careful with your money while on vacation – you’ll need it in an emergency.

你不但要理解值得, 但是你也应该注意它能让你走多远。例如, 在日本一个单一的美元价值超过100日圆。将几百美元兑换成日圆可能会让你觉得像一个百万富翁, 但现实是远东的许多商品, 如服装、更昂贵的比在西方世界贵。度假时小心你的钱-----在紧急情况下你会需要它。

Electronics Policy


Most people know they’ll have to purchase a specific outlet adapter for their

electronics when visiting a foreign country. But most of us likely haven’t taken the time to check out our host country’s policies on Internet and cellphone usage.

大多数人都知道在国外度假必须购买一个特定的电子插座适配器。但我们大多数人可能还没有花时间查看我们去度假国的互联网政策和手机的使用情况。 Many countries have stringent regulations in place regarding what sites you can visit and what programs or services you can use. While there are ways around such regu lations, you’re better off just following the laws of the country you’re in, and saving the Netflix for a rainy day when you’re back on your home turf.

许多国家有对你访问的网站和程序或者你使用的服务等有严格的规定。虽然有避开这些规定的方法, 你最好还是遵循这个国家的法律, 当你回到你的家乡保存Netflix 以备不时之需。


Factors to Consider When Travelling to a Foreign Country



Considering you’ll be thousands of miles away from your family minivan, you’re going to need to figure out how to get around once you land at your destination. 鉴于你会离家数千英语,你就得要弄清楚在你到达目的时如何应对。

When renting a car, be sure to take into consideration the cost of gas and insurance in addition to the baseline rental fees. Keep in mind logistics you don’t really think about when driving at home, like the rules of the road. And if you don’t know how to drive a stick shift, don’t fake it. Please.

租车时,一定要考虑到油费,以及额外的基本租车费中的保险费。牢记你在本国内开车时没放在心上的物流情况,比如道路规则。如果你不知道如何开车变速杆, 请不要作假。

Your other option, of course, is to rely on public transportation. This may be easier than renting a car – especially if you don’t exactly know where you’re going. But it’s

also likely to be much more expensive. Do some cost-benefit analysis before you embark on your journey, and figure out what the best route to take – literally and metaphorically.

你的其他选择, 当然, 是依赖公共交通。这可能是比租车尤其是如果你不知道你去的地方更简单。但也可能更贵。在你开始你的旅程时做一些成本效益分析, 并找出最佳路线----字面上的和没有说明的。

Language and Cultural Barriers


If you’re heading to a country in which the language spoken by the majority of the population is not your native tongue, you need to do some work before you take off. Bring with you a dictionary, a physical map, and even pictures of specific locations you want to visit. Don’t rely on your phone to do all the work for you (we’ll get to that later).

如果你去的那个国家的大多数人所使用的语言不是你的母语, 你起飞之前就需要做一些工作。带一本字典, 一个纸质地图, 甚至你想访问的特定位置的照片。不要依赖你的电话为你做所有的工作(稍后我们会讲到) 。

Chances are you know some key phrases to help get you out of a jam. If you think you’re going to rely on a local citizen to help you out at some point, make sure you know what’s culturally and socially acceptable in the country you’re visiting. Certain innocuous hand gestures, for example, have totally different meanings in other countries. Don’t make a mistake that will end up hurting someone’s feelings – or worse.

你知道一些关键机会来帮助你解决难题。如果你认为你要依靠当地公民给于你某种程度上的帮助, 你一定要知道会接收你的文化和社会方式。某些无害的手势, 例如, 在其他国家有完全不同的含义。不要犯错误, 那最终会伤害某人的感情——或者更糟。

Exchange Rate and Economy


The almighty dollar isn’t just accepted no matter where you are. In most other countries, you’ll have to do some exchanging at the border in order to make your money worth anything while on vacation. When doing so, make sure you know how much your hard-earned cash is worth.

万能的美元不是在哪里都能接受。为了让钱花得更值得,度假时在大多数国家的边境得要换汇。当这样做时, 你一定要知道你辛苦赚来的钱的价值。

Not only should you understand how much it’s worth, but you should also pay

attention to how far it’ll go. For example, a single US dollar is worth over 100 yen in Japan. Transferring a few hundred bucks into yen might make you feel like a millionaire, but the reality is many commodities, such as clothing, are much more expensive in the Far East than in the Western world. Be careful with your money while on vacation – you’ll need it in an emergency.

你不但要理解值得, 但是你也应该注意它能让你走多远。例如, 在日本一个单一的美元价值超过100日圆。将几百美元兑换成日圆可能会让你觉得像一个百万富翁, 但现实是远东的许多商品, 如服装、更昂贵的比在西方世界贵。度假时小心你的钱-----在紧急情况下你会需要它。

Electronics Policy


Most people know they’ll have to purchase a specific outlet adapter for their

electronics when visiting a foreign country. But most of us likely haven’t taken the time to check out our host country’s policies on Internet and cellphone usage.

大多数人都知道在国外度假必须购买一个特定的电子插座适配器。但我们大多数人可能还没有花时间查看我们去度假国的互联网政策和手机的使用情况。 Many countries have stringent regulations in place regarding what sites you can visit and what programs or services you can use. While there are ways around such regu lations, you’re better off just following the laws of the country you’re in, and saving the Netflix for a rainy day when you’re back on your home turf.

许多国家有对你访问的网站和程序或者你使用的服务等有严格的规定。虽然有避开这些规定的方法, 你最好还是遵循这个国家的法律, 当你回到你的家乡保存Netflix 以备不时之需。


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