








Urbane famously yimeng mountain area linyi, shandong province is located in the southeast, three over nine county, covers an area of 1.72 square kilometers and a population of 10 million, is the largest area of shandong province, the largest population of the administrative region.

Linyi lies in the southeast coast, the geographical position is superior, the geographical advantages, perfect infrastructure. Location, on the east of rizhao port, lanshan port and

lianyungang, belong to the euro-asian continental bridge Oriental bridgehead category, in shandong and jiangsu two economy in the boundary of the province, the north-south

intersection, the sea land JianJi, vast development space. After after the founding of the decades of hard struggle, linyi has laid a good foundation. Linyi airport access of ten cities across the country, the beijing-shanghai expressway, on the highway, railway, the euro-asian continental bridge coastal railway passage of linyi in domestic crisscross, constitute a very

convenient land three-dimensional transportation backbone, and constantly improve the modern communication net, make the space and time foreign contact yimeng greatly shorten the

distance, passenger flow, logistics, cash flow, information flow here weft intersection, inside and outside two-way interaction, radiation at home and abroad, and a big, big, big open blending development pattern has initially formed. Various types of linyi landscape, including the north scenery and straightforward of the occupied the land of fish and rice charm in a body, the neat &graceful, bearing ten thousand party. The north is roll

mountains, the central part is the border of hills, is the vast

expanse of the southern alluvial plain. The northern mengshan, with "natural oxygen bar", "keeping in good health and longevity is well-known, in which hundreds of, seventy-two peak, 36 land, set risks, Mr, quiet, desert, strange, male, show at an organic whole, remote to mount tai, its stunning. Winding YiHe, such as mosaics of the jade belt, alberta, full of spirit. The presence of the southern plains ebon soil-layers disturbed, white asked, DaoHua fragrance. Beautiful "very minor" sing out linyi infinite beautiful scenery.

Linyi is a piece of history culture details profound land.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago on both sides of the YiHe is the human activities ancestors, linyi city has 2400 years of history. The world-famous "sun tzu's" and "the sun bin art of bamboo slips unearthed here is, with excellent portrait of han stone north village is incorporated in the han national key units to be protected, linyi museum puts cultural relics pieces,

including more than 300 items of national cultural relics. Linyi or a generation in the various ge is bright, the holy book of wang xizhi, calligrapher's YanZhenQing, SuanSheng liu hong, and zing zi, kuang heng, the home of the WangXiang, etc. They can is if the stars, illumination century, views the earth the human outstanding earth deities, yimeng nature bestows brilliance. Linyi is a famous old revolutionary base areas. The war, the people to fight the foreign aggression yimeng and the victory of Chinese revolution made tremendous contributions and sacrifices, thirty thousand children die of yimeng excellent dedication. The wheel rolling ZhiQian team, SongZi send lang joined the army GongSao tableau, moving story,

well-documented MengLiangGu campaign took down the glorious revolution performance.

Rich resources of linyi city, people's industrious guileless, is a piece of land full of vitality. Comrade MAO zedong instructions from the calendar home village, to the first village electrification liu group village, to the arduous struggle the new typical

LuoZhuang, ShenQuanZhuang, between nine tents, reflected the linyi people's bears hardships and stands hard work, the mental outlook of self-improvement. The reform and open policy the spring breeze that the earth yimeng vibrant, fresh, industry, agriculture, business, brigade, transportation, urban

construction, communication, electric power and all-round

progress in all social undertakings, linyi wholesale city is known all over the country, taking the wholesale market third, become lu, Sue, henan, and anhui region's largest commodity

distributing center, we are committed to the development of modern logistics form, the construction of the regional modern logistics center, a historic city is with high attitude and new look rapid rise, the development of accomplishment was sit up and take notice.

Linyi in shandong province is the tourism resources city. Good ecological environment and a long history, changda culture and the old revolutionary base areas for the glorious traditions of linyi city provides rich and colorful high grade of tourism resources. Based on the tourism resources, the rapid development of the tourism industry in the linyi city in recent years. In "15" program in the municipal party committee and the characteristic of linyi has established "yimeng good scenery" strategy, tourism development highlighted "green yimeng", "red

amorous feelings", "WenTaoWuLve" three big theme, tourism image and brand yimeng is more and more distinct, more and more outstanding. Linyi tomorrow will be better, linyi tourism tomorrow must also will be more beautiful!









Urbane famously yimeng mountain area linyi, shandong province is located in the southeast, three over nine county, covers an area of 1.72 square kilometers and a population of 10 million, is the largest area of shandong province, the largest population of the administrative region.

Linyi lies in the southeast coast, the geographical position is superior, the geographical advantages, perfect infrastructure. Location, on the east of rizhao port, lanshan port and

lianyungang, belong to the euro-asian continental bridge Oriental bridgehead category, in shandong and jiangsu two economy in the boundary of the province, the north-south

intersection, the sea land JianJi, vast development space. After after the founding of the decades of hard struggle, linyi has laid a good foundation. Linyi airport access of ten cities across the country, the beijing-shanghai expressway, on the highway, railway, the euro-asian continental bridge coastal railway passage of linyi in domestic crisscross, constitute a very

convenient land three-dimensional transportation backbone, and constantly improve the modern communication net, make the space and time foreign contact yimeng greatly shorten the

distance, passenger flow, logistics, cash flow, information flow here weft intersection, inside and outside two-way interaction, radiation at home and abroad, and a big, big, big open blending development pattern has initially formed. Various types of linyi landscape, including the north scenery and straightforward of the occupied the land of fish and rice charm in a body, the neat &graceful, bearing ten thousand party. The north is roll

mountains, the central part is the border of hills, is the vast

expanse of the southern alluvial plain. The northern mengshan, with "natural oxygen bar", "keeping in good health and longevity is well-known, in which hundreds of, seventy-two peak, 36 land, set risks, Mr, quiet, desert, strange, male, show at an organic whole, remote to mount tai, its stunning. Winding YiHe, such as mosaics of the jade belt, alberta, full of spirit. The presence of the southern plains ebon soil-layers disturbed, white asked, DaoHua fragrance. Beautiful "very minor" sing out linyi infinite beautiful scenery.

Linyi is a piece of history culture details profound land.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago on both sides of the YiHe is the human activities ancestors, linyi city has 2400 years of history. The world-famous "sun tzu's" and "the sun bin art of bamboo slips unearthed here is, with excellent portrait of han stone north village is incorporated in the han national key units to be protected, linyi museum puts cultural relics pieces,

including more than 300 items of national cultural relics. Linyi or a generation in the various ge is bright, the holy book of wang xizhi, calligrapher's YanZhenQing, SuanSheng liu hong, and zing zi, kuang heng, the home of the WangXiang, etc. They can is if the stars, illumination century, views the earth the human outstanding earth deities, yimeng nature bestows brilliance. Linyi is a famous old revolutionary base areas. The war, the people to fight the foreign aggression yimeng and the victory of Chinese revolution made tremendous contributions and sacrifices, thirty thousand children die of yimeng excellent dedication. The wheel rolling ZhiQian team, SongZi send lang joined the army GongSao tableau, moving story,

well-documented MengLiangGu campaign took down the glorious revolution performance.

Rich resources of linyi city, people's industrious guileless, is a piece of land full of vitality. Comrade MAO zedong instructions from the calendar home village, to the first village electrification liu group village, to the arduous struggle the new typical

LuoZhuang, ShenQuanZhuang, between nine tents, reflected the linyi people's bears hardships and stands hard work, the mental outlook of self-improvement. The reform and open policy the spring breeze that the earth yimeng vibrant, fresh, industry, agriculture, business, brigade, transportation, urban

construction, communication, electric power and all-round

progress in all social undertakings, linyi wholesale city is known all over the country, taking the wholesale market third, become lu, Sue, henan, and anhui region's largest commodity

distributing center, we are committed to the development of modern logistics form, the construction of the regional modern logistics center, a historic city is with high attitude and new look rapid rise, the development of accomplishment was sit up and take notice.

Linyi in shandong province is the tourism resources city. Good ecological environment and a long history, changda culture and the old revolutionary base areas for the glorious traditions of linyi city provides rich and colorful high grade of tourism resources. Based on the tourism resources, the rapid development of the tourism industry in the linyi city in recent years. In "15" program in the municipal party committee and the characteristic of linyi has established "yimeng good scenery" strategy, tourism development highlighted "green yimeng", "red

amorous feelings", "WenTaoWuLve" three big theme, tourism image and brand yimeng is more and more distinct, more and more outstanding. Linyi tomorrow will be better, linyi tourism tomorrow must also will be more beautiful!


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