
Education inequality in China

As the famous French thinker Rousseau said, education is a great tool to achieve social equity. China's Education Law stipulates that citizens enjoy equal opportunity to receive education. They should not be restricted of the state of property. According to the survey, China's education is not fair in at least the following three aspects.

First, the gap between urban areas and rural areas caused the inequality. Currently, the gap between urban areas and rural areas is widening obviously and it causes the imbalance in allocation of educational resources and results in unfair education. "Seeking" magazine reported farmers’ per capita income in 2009. Pudong and Kunshan was 12000 yuan and Dingxi was 1800 yuan. We can see that there is a great deal of difference among famers in different cities. And when the compulsory education is on the basis of the economic condition, because of the counties facing financial difficulty, it inevitably will lead to the difficulty in education. Some schools, because the local government has sufficient funds, they have spacious and elegant environments, first-class facilities, all kinds of advanced equipment, language room, computer room, laboratory, piano room, art gallery, library, and gymnasium. But some other schools which do not have enough education funds still use dilapidated housings and their teaching method is still a blackboard, a piece of chalk and a teacher's mouth. It causes children in the countries

lose in the starting line.

Second, the system design causes the education inequality. For example, college entrance examination system has some problems. In the allocation of quota, the government does not consider the population and number of students in different counties and cities. The entrance designs of some local high school or universities cause difficulties in other areas. For example, Henan province has nearly 100 million people and the number of students graduated from senior middle school every year is about 960 thousand. Among these students, only 6000 can go outside of the province to study, for example, in Beijing University, Qinghua University. In addition, the enrollment quota of these high schools is 8.3 ‰ in all of the cities in China but it is only 0.1 ‰ in Henan. There are not enough good high schools in their province and high schools in other provinces do not need them, so they have to walk on the wire or spend a lot of money to the big city to read those state-run educational institutions.

Third, low family income causes the education inequality. The stage of compulsory education is free according to the policy, so that everyone can be enrolled in compulsory education stage to achieve the basic education. However, due to the poverty of some families, their children still have difficulties in studying in the senior middle schools and high schools. Especially tuition fee of the key schools with high quality of teaching is always very high and children in low-income families can not receive

high quality education.

We have done a lot of work and solved some problems in the education equity but there are still many problems. In order to construct a harmonious society, promoting social equity, we still need to make great efforts in the education equality. It not only needs to increase national finance investment to solve the financial difficulties of poor counties, but also needs to promote the standardization of running school in order to reduce the regional differences and the differences between urban and rural areas. I believe that under the lead of Chinese characteristic socialism and scientific outlook on development, education inequality will be solved at last.

Education inequality in China

As the famous French thinker Rousseau said, education is a great tool to achieve social equity. China's Education Law stipulates that citizens enjoy equal opportunity to receive education. They should not be restricted of the state of property. According to the survey, China's education is not fair in at least the following three aspects.

First, the gap between urban areas and rural areas caused the inequality. Currently, the gap between urban areas and rural areas is widening obviously and it causes the imbalance in allocation of educational resources and results in unfair education. "Seeking" magazine reported farmers’ per capita income in 2009. Pudong and Kunshan was 12000 yuan and Dingxi was 1800 yuan. We can see that there is a great deal of difference among famers in different cities. And when the compulsory education is on the basis of the economic condition, because of the counties facing financial difficulty, it inevitably will lead to the difficulty in education. Some schools, because the local government has sufficient funds, they have spacious and elegant environments, first-class facilities, all kinds of advanced equipment, language room, computer room, laboratory, piano room, art gallery, library, and gymnasium. But some other schools which do not have enough education funds still use dilapidated housings and their teaching method is still a blackboard, a piece of chalk and a teacher's mouth. It causes children in the countries

lose in the starting line.

Second, the system design causes the education inequality. For example, college entrance examination system has some problems. In the allocation of quota, the government does not consider the population and number of students in different counties and cities. The entrance designs of some local high school or universities cause difficulties in other areas. For example, Henan province has nearly 100 million people and the number of students graduated from senior middle school every year is about 960 thousand. Among these students, only 6000 can go outside of the province to study, for example, in Beijing University, Qinghua University. In addition, the enrollment quota of these high schools is 8.3 ‰ in all of the cities in China but it is only 0.1 ‰ in Henan. There are not enough good high schools in their province and high schools in other provinces do not need them, so they have to walk on the wire or spend a lot of money to the big city to read those state-run educational institutions.

Third, low family income causes the education inequality. The stage of compulsory education is free according to the policy, so that everyone can be enrolled in compulsory education stage to achieve the basic education. However, due to the poverty of some families, their children still have difficulties in studying in the senior middle schools and high schools. Especially tuition fee of the key schools with high quality of teaching is always very high and children in low-income families can not receive

high quality education.

We have done a lot of work and solved some problems in the education equity but there are still many problems. In order to construct a harmonious society, promoting social equity, we still need to make great efforts in the education equality. It not only needs to increase national finance investment to solve the financial difficulties of poor counties, but also needs to promote the standardization of running school in order to reduce the regional differences and the differences between urban and rural areas. I believe that under the lead of Chinese characteristic socialism and scientific outlook on development, education inequality will be solved at last.


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