
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my city----wuhan. I’m working for China International Travel Agency. My name is Yan lei. I’m always ready to serve you. If you have any questions, just let me know. I hope you’ll be satisfied with my service and that you’ll enjoy yourself during your visition.

Today, we will visit Yellow Crane Tower. I think it is the best attraction with a long history in Wuhan, even in China. And that some of you may know there are two similar attractions ,that is, Yueyang Tower and Tengwang Tower. But Yellow Crane Tower has been given the great fame of No.1 tower in all the landscapes.

So ,you must be curious about why it is so popular. Does anyone know something about it? Yes ,it has a long history .and many famous people wrote a lot of poetries. especially those poetries written by Libai. the complexity of the building structure and roof shape .This makes Yellow crane tower special,

Also ,there are some stories about it. Legend has it that in Wuchang, there used to be a wine shop opened by a young man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drew a magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance whenever it heard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the wine shop was always full of guests. After 10 years, the Taoist priest revisited the wine shop. He played the flute and then rode on the crane to the sky. In memory of the supernatural encounter and the priest, the shop owner built a tower and named it Yellow Crane Tower. Maybe you have heard other versions of stories,

According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). After completion, the tower served as a gathering place for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature. Cui Hao, a famous poet during the Tang dynasty (618-907), made the tower well known throughout China with his poem "Yellow Crane Tower". It is said that there are more than10000 poetries about Yellow Crane Tower in total.

Although destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt time and again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to ashes. The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1981. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower, 51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars, overlapping ridges and interlocking

Now, let’s go into it to see how it looks.

(四楼) The fourth floor is a place of cultural activities, display of contemporary paintings of famous impromptu tour of the floor, for, where a specially prepared four treasures, you are bound to love it and enjoy it.

(二楼)We see, displayed on the second floor in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Tang and Song dynasties and modern model of the six spot. Their respective representatives of the Office of the architectural style of their era. You see, the Tang Dynasty Yellow Crane Tower, the city connected to the first floor and outside to see only two layers, the overall structure of relatively simple and rough, giving a powerful sense of simplicity. The floor, take a look at the Song Dynasty, by the House, and Taiwan, Hennessy, Gallery four parts, each looking重檐, FeiDa four open, displaying the delicate Jun Yi of the Song Dynasty style. The form of a continuation of the Yuan Dynasty the Song Dynasty style, the Ming Dynasty are still two floors. We see here there are some cloth or something like that pont, you know that this is what is the use of it? Yes, this is our parasols used by ancient people. See the spot here, the Qing dynasty, which at three, the first canopy layer 12 represents the 12 hour day, the second canopy layer 12, on behalf of 12 months a year, the third layer 24 canopies are 24 solar terms on behalf of one year. To the Chinese traditional culture into the astronomical calendar which is the most magic of it, it is regrettable that in the summer of 1884, Emperor Guangxu is ten years, it has been destroyed雷火. Finally, is now one of the Yellow Crane Tower, it is essential to the Qing Dynasty Yellow Crane Tower, rebuilt in 1984, losing both the traditional spot of the unique design of the floor, past a more than magnificent.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my city----wuhan. I’m working for China International Travel Agency. My name is Yan lei. I’m always ready to serve you. If you have any questions, just let me know. I hope you’ll be satisfied with my service and that you’ll enjoy yourself during your visition.

Today, we will visit Yellow Crane Tower. I think it is the best attraction with a long history in Wuhan, even in China. And that some of you may know there are two similar attractions ,that is, Yueyang Tower and Tengwang Tower. But Yellow Crane Tower has been given the great fame of No.1 tower in all the landscapes.

So ,you must be curious about why it is so popular. Does anyone know something about it? Yes ,it has a long history .and many famous people wrote a lot of poetries. especially those poetries written by Libai. the complexity of the building structure and roof shape .This makes Yellow crane tower special,

Also ,there are some stories about it. Legend has it that in Wuchang, there used to be a wine shop opened by a young man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drew a magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance whenever it heard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the wine shop was always full of guests. After 10 years, the Taoist priest revisited the wine shop. He played the flute and then rode on the crane to the sky. In memory of the supernatural encounter and the priest, the shop owner built a tower and named it Yellow Crane Tower. Maybe you have heard other versions of stories,

According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). After completion, the tower served as a gathering place for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature. Cui Hao, a famous poet during the Tang dynasty (618-907), made the tower well known throughout China with his poem "Yellow Crane Tower". It is said that there are more than10000 poetries about Yellow Crane Tower in total.

Although destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt time and again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to ashes. The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1981. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower, 51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars, overlapping ridges and interlocking

Now, let’s go into it to see how it looks.

(四楼) The fourth floor is a place of cultural activities, display of contemporary paintings of famous impromptu tour of the floor, for, where a specially prepared four treasures, you are bound to love it and enjoy it.

(二楼)We see, displayed on the second floor in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Tang and Song dynasties and modern model of the six spot. Their respective representatives of the Office of the architectural style of their era. You see, the Tang Dynasty Yellow Crane Tower, the city connected to the first floor and outside to see only two layers, the overall structure of relatively simple and rough, giving a powerful sense of simplicity. The floor, take a look at the Song Dynasty, by the House, and Taiwan, Hennessy, Gallery four parts, each looking重檐, FeiDa four open, displaying the delicate Jun Yi of the Song Dynasty style. The form of a continuation of the Yuan Dynasty the Song Dynasty style, the Ming Dynasty are still two floors. We see here there are some cloth or something like that pont, you know that this is what is the use of it? Yes, this is our parasols used by ancient people. See the spot here, the Qing dynasty, which at three, the first canopy layer 12 represents the 12 hour day, the second canopy layer 12, on behalf of 12 months a year, the third layer 24 canopies are 24 solar terms on behalf of one year. To the Chinese traditional culture into the astronomical calendar which is the most magic of it, it is regrettable that in the summer of 1884, Emperor Guangxu is ten years, it has been destroyed雷火. Finally, is now one of the Yellow Crane Tower, it is essential to the Qing Dynasty Yellow Crane Tower, rebuilt in 1984, losing both the traditional spot of the unique design of the floor, past a more than magnificent.


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