


1. --Can you play football? --No, I can’t. 2. –Can you ride a bike? --Yes, I can. 3. –Can you swim? --Yes, I can.

4. –Can you make a model plane? --Sorry, I can’t. 5. Look! I can swim! Unit2

1. --What ’s the weather like today? --It ’s sunny. 2. Let ’s go and play football. 3. Let ’s make a snowman.

4. --What ’s the weather like? --It ’s cloudy and rainy. 5. I can fly a kite. Unit3

1. --What ’s your favourite season? –Spring. It’s warm and windy. I can fly a kite in spring.

2. --What ’s the weather like in autumn? –It ’s cool and windy.

3. –What ’s your favourite season? --Summer. I can swim in summer. 4. No pain, no gain. 5. I want to fly a kite.



1 2

Bill can play football. Can you play football? Yes, I can. Me too, me, too. Can you play football? Yes, I can. Yaoyao can fly a kite. Me too, me, too. Joy can ride a bike. Me too,me too. Binbin can swim. Me too, me too. Andy can make a model plane. Me too, me too.

Lily can make a snowman. Me too, me too. Unit2

1. It ’s rainy. It ’s rainy. Umbrellas go up, up, up. It ’s cloudy. Can you play football? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Can you ride a bike? No, I can’t. Can you ride a bike? No, I can’t. Can you ride a bike?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t. No, I can’t. 2

Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day. Little children want to play Rain, rain, go away.

It ’s cloudy.

Umbrellas go down, down, down. It ’s snowy. It ’s snowy.

Umbrellas go up, up, up. It ’s windy. It ’s windy.

Umbrellas go down, down, down. It ’s sunny. It ’s sunny.

Umbrellas go up, up, up. Unit3

1 Four seasons in a year. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Warm in spring. Hot in summer. Cool in autumn. Cold in winter. Four seasons in a year. Spring, summer, autumn, winter.


Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is golden. And winter is white.



1. --Can you play football? --No, I can’t. 2. –Can you ride a bike? --Yes, I can. 3. –Can you swim? --Yes, I can.

4. –Can you make a model plane? --Sorry, I can’t. 5. Look! I can swim! Unit2

1. --What ’s the weather like today? --It ’s sunny. 2. Let ’s go and play football. 3. Let ’s make a snowman.

4. --What ’s the weather like? --It ’s cloudy and rainy. 5. I can fly a kite. Unit3

1. --What ’s your favourite season? –Spring. It’s warm and windy. I can fly a kite in spring.

2. --What ’s the weather like in autumn? –It ’s cool and windy.

3. –What ’s your favourite season? --Summer. I can swim in summer. 4. No pain, no gain. 5. I want to fly a kite.



1 2

Bill can play football. Can you play football? Yes, I can. Me too, me, too. Can you play football? Yes, I can. Yaoyao can fly a kite. Me too, me, too. Joy can ride a bike. Me too,me too. Binbin can swim. Me too, me too. Andy can make a model plane. Me too, me too.

Lily can make a snowman. Me too, me too. Unit2

1. It ’s rainy. It ’s rainy. Umbrellas go up, up, up. It ’s cloudy. Can you play football? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Can you ride a bike? No, I can’t. Can you ride a bike? No, I can’t. Can you ride a bike?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t. No, I can’t. 2

Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day. Little children want to play Rain, rain, go away.

It ’s cloudy.

Umbrellas go down, down, down. It ’s snowy. It ’s snowy.

Umbrellas go up, up, up. It ’s windy. It ’s windy.

Umbrellas go down, down, down. It ’s sunny. It ’s sunny.

Umbrellas go up, up, up. Unit3

1 Four seasons in a year. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Warm in spring. Hot in summer. Cool in autumn. Cold in winter. Four seasons in a year. Spring, summer, autumn, winter.


Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is golden. And winter is white.


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