


联系电话:******** 邮箱:*********

求职目标 销售实习生、管理培训生 教育背景 2008.9~2012.6 华东理工大学 生物工程专业 学士学位在读 2012年毕业 工作经历 2011.1~2011.2 民丰种业有限公司 产品业务员

 向区域内的种子经销商推广公司的产品,主要负责新客户开发与产品销售。 一个月内销售玉米种子一万八千斤。 与商户洽谈协商,最终确定售价,尽个人所能为公司带来更大的利益。同时维护与客户



2010.3~2011.9 上海左攸文化传播有限公司


 该公司主要针对在校大学生提供旅游产品与服务,并率先提出“体验式户外”的概念。





团协商建立合作关系;及时反馈数据并搜集竞争对手信息;  

 能够在压力环境中工作,并能在最后期限前完成指派任务 在短时间内胜任工作体现出了较强的学习能力








被评为优秀员工并获得奖金 拓展教练/户外领队(2010.3~2011.9)     2009.6~2009.8 上海热带风暴水上乐园 救生员  

实践活动 2010.8月末 自主销售

 在校区搬迁4天时间内卖出了近800个压缩袋,平均每5人中就有一人购买过该商品 体现了较强的市场洞察力,紧抓搬迁带来的极佳契机,使用了一些销售技巧,短时间内

取得了理想的效果,积累了经验,并学会从消费者的角度思考问题 其他技能及获奖情况

 华东理工大学微生物竞赛三等奖 语言水平: 良好的英语读写能力 英语六级证书 ; 上海本地方言 计算机水平: 熟练操作word 、office、Excel等办公软件

****** Mao

Address:Room:*****,NO.****,South Lianhua Rd,Shanghai

Mobile:******** E-mail:******* 2008.9~2012.6 East China University of Science and Technology

Bachelor degree in Bioengineering

Good at communications Can work under pressure

Strong desire to learn Loyal and honest

2011.1~2011.2 Minfeng seeds Co., Ltd.

 Sale seeds to the customers. The work is mainly done to develop new customers and achieve deals.

 Sold 9,000 kilos of corn seeds within one month.

 Communicate and bargain with customer according to two key points, which are prize and sales, to

achieve final prize. Besides that, maintaining good relationships with them can also help to build a

win-win situation.

 Try every effort to gain more benefits and profit for my company.

2010.3~2011.9 Zoyohike Co., Ltd.

2010.10~2011.9 Minister of Campus Marketing Department

 A company aim to provide the campus students with best travelling products and services, which puts

forward a new concept, the experience type-outdoor activities.

 In charge of sales and build up the brand image. Manage to expand the sales areas from 4 colleges to

13 colleges. Sales increased by 170% than the same time the last year.

 Set up sales teams in different colleges in Shanghai area and work with teams to find the best way to

promote the sales. Cooperate with associates in college to get the best outcome of promotion activities

and the feedbacks. Analysis the feedbacks and adjust our activities in times. Collect information of


2010.3~2011.9 Team leader of outdoor tours and Development training

 Provide outward bounds for clients to improve the team co-operations and build up the team spirit.

 Learn fast and promote to be chief trainers in half year. Provide training with the freshmen of the

company who after became good trainers.

 High responsibility and good sense of service.

 Good understanding of people’s needs and Handle things properly

2010.8 independent sales

 Sell the vacuum bag when we were moving to another dorm. Sold 800 bags during 4 days which means 1 out of 5 students bought one. Good insight of the market and take advantage of the opportunity of the moving. It helped to

learn the sales skill and have good experience. Start to consider things on the consumer side.

 Third prize in the ECUST microbial competition Language: English-Proficiency in oral and written English CET6;Good in Shanghai dialect Computer skill: Good at word, excel, etc.



联系电话:******** 邮箱:*********

求职目标 销售实习生、管理培训生 教育背景 2008.9~2012.6 华东理工大学 生物工程专业 学士学位在读 2012年毕业 工作经历 2011.1~2011.2 民丰种业有限公司 产品业务员

 向区域内的种子经销商推广公司的产品,主要负责新客户开发与产品销售。 一个月内销售玉米种子一万八千斤。 与商户洽谈协商,最终确定售价,尽个人所能为公司带来更大的利益。同时维护与客户



2010.3~2011.9 上海左攸文化传播有限公司


 该公司主要针对在校大学生提供旅游产品与服务,并率先提出“体验式户外”的概念。





团协商建立合作关系;及时反馈数据并搜集竞争对手信息;  

 能够在压力环境中工作,并能在最后期限前完成指派任务 在短时间内胜任工作体现出了较强的学习能力








被评为优秀员工并获得奖金 拓展教练/户外领队(2010.3~2011.9)     2009.6~2009.8 上海热带风暴水上乐园 救生员  

实践活动 2010.8月末 自主销售

 在校区搬迁4天时间内卖出了近800个压缩袋,平均每5人中就有一人购买过该商品 体现了较强的市场洞察力,紧抓搬迁带来的极佳契机,使用了一些销售技巧,短时间内

取得了理想的效果,积累了经验,并学会从消费者的角度思考问题 其他技能及获奖情况

 华东理工大学微生物竞赛三等奖 语言水平: 良好的英语读写能力 英语六级证书 ; 上海本地方言 计算机水平: 熟练操作word 、office、Excel等办公软件

****** Mao

Address:Room:*****,NO.****,South Lianhua Rd,Shanghai

Mobile:******** E-mail:******* 2008.9~2012.6 East China University of Science and Technology

Bachelor degree in Bioengineering

Good at communications Can work under pressure

Strong desire to learn Loyal and honest

2011.1~2011.2 Minfeng seeds Co., Ltd.

 Sale seeds to the customers. The work is mainly done to develop new customers and achieve deals.

 Sold 9,000 kilos of corn seeds within one month.

 Communicate and bargain with customer according to two key points, which are prize and sales, to

achieve final prize. Besides that, maintaining good relationships with them can also help to build a

win-win situation.

 Try every effort to gain more benefits and profit for my company.

2010.3~2011.9 Zoyohike Co., Ltd.

2010.10~2011.9 Minister of Campus Marketing Department

 A company aim to provide the campus students with best travelling products and services, which puts

forward a new concept, the experience type-outdoor activities.

 In charge of sales and build up the brand image. Manage to expand the sales areas from 4 colleges to

13 colleges. Sales increased by 170% than the same time the last year.

 Set up sales teams in different colleges in Shanghai area and work with teams to find the best way to

promote the sales. Cooperate with associates in college to get the best outcome of promotion activities

and the feedbacks. Analysis the feedbacks and adjust our activities in times. Collect information of


2010.3~2011.9 Team leader of outdoor tours and Development training

 Provide outward bounds for clients to improve the team co-operations and build up the team spirit.

 Learn fast and promote to be chief trainers in half year. Provide training with the freshmen of the

company who after became good trainers.

 High responsibility and good sense of service.

 Good understanding of people’s needs and Handle things properly

2010.8 independent sales

 Sell the vacuum bag when we were moving to another dorm. Sold 800 bags during 4 days which means 1 out of 5 students bought one. Good insight of the market and take advantage of the opportunity of the moving. It helped to

learn the sales skill and have good experience. Start to consider things on the consumer side.

 Third prize in the ECUST microbial competition Language: English-Proficiency in oral and written English CET6;Good in Shanghai dialect Computer skill: Good at word, excel, etc.


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