
必修五Unit 1 Great scientists

John Snow, a well-known doctor in London, became _______(inspire) when he

thought about helping ordinary people who _________(expose) to cholera, a______(die) disease of its day. Many thousands of people died _________ there was an outbreak because no one knew the cause of it. John wanted to help solve the problem.

He got interested in two theories __________(explain) how cholera killed people. He believed in the second theory ________suggested that people _________(absorb) the disease with their meals. In 1854, when another ________ hit London, he was ready to test the two theories. _________ the help of the map he made, he got a valuable clue about the cause of the disease and was able to announce that the water was


Unit 2 The United Kingdom

If you study British history, you may find the country went through several different ________. The first name England ________(refer) to England and Wales, but when the two countries joined Scotland in 1603, the name Great Britain was given to represent the country. With the _________(join) of Northern Ireland, the country got the name the United Kingdom, which was shown to the world in a new flag _________(call) the Union Jack.

________ the four countries, England is the ________ and is divided into ________ zones: the South, the North and the Midlands. Its capital _________, which has been

influenced by some invaders, _________ the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans, is the greatest _________(history) treasure of all with its museums, art collections,

theatres, parks and buildings.

Unit 3 Life in the future

Li Qiang couldn’t believe that he had traveled to the year AD 3008 _______ a time capsule. Because this was his ________ time trip, he was worried and ________(settle) so that he suffered _________”time lag”. Besides, he was hit by the lack of fresh air. His guide, Wang Ping, who was very _________(understand), gave him some green tablets and a mask, which helped him _______ the problems. However, Li Qiang experienced something new. He flew ________ the ground in a hovering carriage. ________(arrive) home, he was shown into a large bright, clean room with a wall of trees. After eating something, he fell ________ asleep in the bed that _________(produce) from the floor.

Unit 4 Making the news

It is Zhou Yang’s first day at the office of China Daily. He is excited and ________ to go out _______ a story on his own, but he can’t because he isn’t ___________(experience) enough. His new boss, Hu Xin, is sharing with him how to be a good reporter.

To be a good reporter, one needs to be curious, which _________(able) one to ask many different questions and acquire all the information he needs to know. Besides, it’s important for a reporter to have a nose ________ a story, _________(know) if someone is telling the truth. And while interviewing people, a reporter has to listen to the answers carefully because he has to listen to the _________(detail) facts and prepare the next question __________(depend) on what people say. If possible, a reporter can

__________(recorder) the interview in case he _________(accuse) of printing lies.

Unit 5 First aid

First aid is the kind of help ________ to someone ________falls ill or gets injury

before a doctor can _______(find). Of course, the illness or injury is not serious. Now let’s talk about FIRST AID for burns. You have three layers of skin that protect yourself

_________diseases, poisons and the harmful rays ________ the sun. Your skin also gives you your ________ of touch. First aid is a very important step in the _________(treat).

People can get burned by many things, ________ hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, etc. There are three types of burns. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns, depending on ________layers are burned. Different degree burn can be treated in a different _________. Let’s keep these things in mind.


Unit 1

1. inspired 2. were exposed 3. deadly 4. when/whenever 5. explaining 6. that 7. absorbed 8. outbreak 9. With 10. to blame

unit 2

1. names 2. referred 3. joining 4. called 5. Of 6. largest 7. three 8. London 9. like/such as 10. Historical

unit 3

1. in 2. first 3. unsettled 4. from 5. understanding 6. overcome/solve 7. above 8. Arriving 9. fast/sound 10. was produced

unit 4

1. eager 2. on 3. experienced 4. enables 5. for 6. knowing 7. detailed 8. depending 9.

record 10. is accused of

unit 5

1. given 2. who 3. be found 4. against/from 5. from 6. sense 7. treatment 8. such as/like 9. which 10. way

必修五Unit 1 Great scientists

John Snow, a well-known doctor in London, became _______(inspire) when he

thought about helping ordinary people who _________(expose) to cholera, a______(die) disease of its day. Many thousands of people died _________ there was an outbreak because no one knew the cause of it. John wanted to help solve the problem.

He got interested in two theories __________(explain) how cholera killed people. He believed in the second theory ________suggested that people _________(absorb) the disease with their meals. In 1854, when another ________ hit London, he was ready to test the two theories. _________ the help of the map he made, he got a valuable clue about the cause of the disease and was able to announce that the water was


Unit 2 The United Kingdom

If you study British history, you may find the country went through several different ________. The first name England ________(refer) to England and Wales, but when the two countries joined Scotland in 1603, the name Great Britain was given to represent the country. With the _________(join) of Northern Ireland, the country got the name the United Kingdom, which was shown to the world in a new flag _________(call) the Union Jack.

________ the four countries, England is the ________ and is divided into ________ zones: the South, the North and the Midlands. Its capital _________, which has been

influenced by some invaders, _________ the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans, is the greatest _________(history) treasure of all with its museums, art collections,

theatres, parks and buildings.

Unit 3 Life in the future

Li Qiang couldn’t believe that he had traveled to the year AD 3008 _______ a time capsule. Because this was his ________ time trip, he was worried and ________(settle) so that he suffered _________”time lag”. Besides, he was hit by the lack of fresh air. His guide, Wang Ping, who was very _________(understand), gave him some green tablets and a mask, which helped him _______ the problems. However, Li Qiang experienced something new. He flew ________ the ground in a hovering carriage. ________(arrive) home, he was shown into a large bright, clean room with a wall of trees. After eating something, he fell ________ asleep in the bed that _________(produce) from the floor.

Unit 4 Making the news

It is Zhou Yang’s first day at the office of China Daily. He is excited and ________ to go out _______ a story on his own, but he can’t because he isn’t ___________(experience) enough. His new boss, Hu Xin, is sharing with him how to be a good reporter.

To be a good reporter, one needs to be curious, which _________(able) one to ask many different questions and acquire all the information he needs to know. Besides, it’s important for a reporter to have a nose ________ a story, _________(know) if someone is telling the truth. And while interviewing people, a reporter has to listen to the answers carefully because he has to listen to the _________(detail) facts and prepare the next question __________(depend) on what people say. If possible, a reporter can

__________(recorder) the interview in case he _________(accuse) of printing lies.

Unit 5 First aid

First aid is the kind of help ________ to someone ________falls ill or gets injury

before a doctor can _______(find). Of course, the illness or injury is not serious. Now let’s talk about FIRST AID for burns. You have three layers of skin that protect yourself

_________diseases, poisons and the harmful rays ________ the sun. Your skin also gives you your ________ of touch. First aid is a very important step in the _________(treat).

People can get burned by many things, ________ hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation, the sun, electricity, etc. There are three types of burns. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns, depending on ________layers are burned. Different degree burn can be treated in a different _________. Let’s keep these things in mind.


Unit 1

1. inspired 2. were exposed 3. deadly 4. when/whenever 5. explaining 6. that 7. absorbed 8. outbreak 9. With 10. to blame

unit 2

1. names 2. referred 3. joining 4. called 5. Of 6. largest 7. three 8. London 9. like/such as 10. Historical

unit 3

1. in 2. first 3. unsettled 4. from 5. understanding 6. overcome/solve 7. above 8. Arriving 9. fast/sound 10. was produced

unit 4

1. eager 2. on 3. experienced 4. enables 5. for 6. knowing 7. detailed 8. depending 9.

record 10. is accused of

unit 5

1. given 2. who 3. be found 4. against/from 5. from 6. sense 7. treatment 8. such as/like 9. which 10. way


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