

topic: my family

teaching aims:

1、learn these new words and phrases: university, nature, beijing opera, be fond of , be strict with,how happy we are!

2、can understand and read this passage by themselves.

3、can talk about their own families with these words and phrases.

teaching steps:

1、sing a song:

‘if you’re happy’(ss sing the song and do some actions)

(借助歌曲开始课堂教学,活跃气氛。同时选用与本课内容紧密结合的歌曲,也为新知的呈现埋下伏笔,自然导出how happy we are! )

2、free talk:

hello, what’s your name?

how old are you?

what can you do?

what do you like? (i like…)

i see , you are fond of…

teach: be fond of ( on—fond---be fond of )

what are you fond of ?(i’m fond of…)

(采用free talk的形式,其目的主要是以旧引新,在相互问候的同时,自然的引出新知,体现教学的无痕。)



①.look , this is my father. guess, what’s he fond of?

he’s fond of cars.(媒体呈现图片及句子)

②.every week he drives his car to shanghai, because he works in a university in shanghai. (媒体呈现图片及句子)

teach : university(unit---university),read the sentence.

③.he’s a teacher. he teaches english. (ss read after the t) (媒体呈现图片及句子) ④.i was his student. he was very strict with me. now he’s also very strict with me.

teach: strict(street---strict), read the sentence: he’s also very strict with me.(媒体呈现图片及句子)

(由free talk中的be fond of,来猜猜文中父亲的喜好,并同时解决有关父亲的背景材料,分解文章内容,降低学习难度,但又不打破阅读教学的整体性,同时也不使教学内容零碎呈现,主线直穿文章。)


paragraph 1

①.now you know sth. about me and my father. do you want to know the other people in my family? (yes)

look, this is a photo of my family (show family)

qs: how many people are there in my family? (seven)

who are they? (they are….)

②.i have a happy family. it’s…… (t make a model, ss try to retell this paragraph) paragraph 2

①. you all have the picture of my family. look at the passage, read paragraph 2 quickly by yourselves.

②. let’s play the game: who’s who? are you ready?


③. you know sth. about my family members, but what are they fond of, do you know? enjoy some video show, then tell me: their jobs and what they are fond of.


④. ok, let’s finish this form: what are their jobs? what are they fond of?


⑤listening and comprehension:

you all did a good job. now let’s listen to the passage, then we’ll make some choices. (生听录音,完成选择)

paragraph 3

(选择题最后一题what do they all like?引出):nature

(欣赏大自然风光) nature(picture---nature)

the nature is very_________.

we all like nature, so we often go walking, swimming together.


we should protect nature. (渗透思想教育)



read the passage in four.(以小组为单位自读课文)

let’s read groups by groups.(小组分段读课文)


(1)here’s some information for you. this is gaoyue’s family. it’s a ….(t 示范)

(2)if you’re gaoyue, can you talk about your family?


(3)ok, it’s time for you. this is david’s family, this is mike’s family. group 1,2 are david; group 3,4 are mike. try to finish the passage about your family. (生看图或表格中的信息完成写作并展示)



look at my family photo again. in my family, father and mother love me very much. i want to say: father and mother i love you.-----family

(这句话中的首字母组成了本课的标题,既是对学生思想教育的熏陶,又能对本节课起画龙点睛的作用。) a family is full of love and joy.

how happy we are! (生跟读,体会)



topic: my family

teaching aims:

1、learn these new words and phrases: university, nature, beijing opera, be fond of , be strict with,how happy we are!

2、can understand and read this passage by themselves.

3、can talk about their own families with these words and phrases.

teaching steps:

1、sing a song:

‘if you’re happy’(ss sing the song and do some actions)

(借助歌曲开始课堂教学,活跃气氛。同时选用与本课内容紧密结合的歌曲,也为新知的呈现埋下伏笔,自然导出how happy we are! )

2、free talk:

hello, what’s your name?

how old are you?

what can you do?

what do you like? (i like…)

i see , you are fond of…

teach: be fond of ( on—fond---be fond of )

what are you fond of ?(i’m fond of…)

(采用free talk的形式,其目的主要是以旧引新,在相互问候的同时,自然的引出新知,体现教学的无痕。)



①.look , this is my father. guess, what’s he fond of?

he’s fond of cars.(媒体呈现图片及句子)

②.every week he drives his car to shanghai, because he works in a university in shanghai. (媒体呈现图片及句子)

teach : university(unit---university),read the sentence.

③.he’s a teacher. he teaches english. (ss read after the t) (媒体呈现图片及句子) ④.i was his student. he was very strict with me. now he’s also very strict with me.

teach: strict(street---strict), read the sentence: he’s also very strict with me.(媒体呈现图片及句子)

(由free talk中的be fond of,来猜猜文中父亲的喜好,并同时解决有关父亲的背景材料,分解文章内容,降低学习难度,但又不打破阅读教学的整体性,同时也不使教学内容零碎呈现,主线直穿文章。)


paragraph 1

①.now you know sth. about me and my father. do you want to know the other people in my family? (yes)

look, this is a photo of my family (show family)

qs: how many people are there in my family? (seven)

who are they? (they are….)

②.i have a happy family. it’s…… (t make a model, ss try to retell this paragraph) paragraph 2

①. you all have the picture of my family. look at the passage, read paragraph 2 quickly by yourselves.

②. let’s play the game: who’s who? are you ready?


③. you know sth. about my family members, but what are they fond of, do you know? enjoy some video show, then tell me: their jobs and what they are fond of.


④. ok, let’s finish this form: what are their jobs? what are they fond of?


⑤listening and comprehension:

you all did a good job. now let’s listen to the passage, then we’ll make some choices. (生听录音,完成选择)

paragraph 3

(选择题最后一题what do they all like?引出):nature

(欣赏大自然风光) nature(picture---nature)

the nature is very_________.

we all like nature, so we often go walking, swimming together.


we should protect nature. (渗透思想教育)



read the passage in four.(以小组为单位自读课文)

let’s read groups by groups.(小组分段读课文)


(1)here’s some information for you. this is gaoyue’s family. it’s a ….(t 示范)

(2)if you’re gaoyue, can you talk about your family?


(3)ok, it’s time for you. this is david’s family, this is mike’s family. group 1,2 are david; group 3,4 are mike. try to finish the passage about your family. (生看图或表格中的信息完成写作并展示)



look at my family photo again. in my family, father and mother love me very much. i want to say: father and mother i love you.-----family

(这句话中的首字母组成了本课的标题,既是对学生思想教育的熏陶,又能对本节课起画龙点睛的作用。) a family is full of love and joy.

how happy we are! (生跟读,体会)



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