
There are many prophecies about 2012:

No.1 An orbit that will culminate in a collision with Earth in 2012.(行星相撞)

No.2 Solar storm (太阳风暴)

No.3 Magnetic Polar shift(两级交换)

Why do so many people believe 2012 is the end of the world?

1.The mayan prophecy

According to mayan civilization predicted:Time is the end of December 22 , 2012. the sun will disappear, the earth violent shaking,disasters happened everywhere......When the fifth sun age coming, the earth would be destroyed. The mayan calendar showed, converted 3113 years for calendar is on December 21, 2012.

2.Natural disasters occurred frequently

Recently, there are a large amount of natural disasters. Like Acid rain (酸雨)、Demand of water 、 Species extinction(物种灭绝)、Desertification of land (土地沙化)、air pollution 、 Earthquakes 、Japan Tsunami (海啸)、Flood in Australia... In my opinion, the culprit is our humanity. People development and utilization of nature, focus only on the immediate interests while ignoring long-term effects.

So whether we should do something to protect our fragile earth? The answer is yes!And what can we do? For example, use less disposable tableware(一次性餐具);Close the faucet (水龙头)when you don’t use

it;Plant more trees,and so on.

We have only one earth, please cherish it!

There are many prophecies about 2012:

No.1 An orbit that will culminate in a collision with Earth in 2012.(行星相撞)

No.2 Solar storm (太阳风暴)

No.3 Magnetic Polar shift(两级交换)

Why do so many people believe 2012 is the end of the world?

1.The mayan prophecy

According to mayan civilization predicted:Time is the end of December 22 , 2012. the sun will disappear, the earth violent shaking,disasters happened everywhere......When the fifth sun age coming, the earth would be destroyed. The mayan calendar showed, converted 3113 years for calendar is on December 21, 2012.

2.Natural disasters occurred frequently

Recently, there are a large amount of natural disasters. Like Acid rain (酸雨)、Demand of water 、 Species extinction(物种灭绝)、Desertification of land (土地沙化)、air pollution 、 Earthquakes 、Japan Tsunami (海啸)、Flood in Australia... In my opinion, the culprit is our humanity. People development and utilization of nature, focus only on the immediate interests while ignoring long-term effects.

So whether we should do something to protect our fragile earth? The answer is yes!And what can we do? For example, use less disposable tableware(一次性餐具);Close the faucet (水龙头)when you don’t use

it;Plant more trees,and so on.

We have only one earth, please cherish it!


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