
Driving License of the People’s Republic of China

(English Translation)

License No. :

Name: Gender: Nationality: Chinese Address:

Date of Birth:

Issuing authority: Traffic Police Detachment of Beijing Public Security Bureau (改成您驾照所在地的名称即可)

Issue Date:


Valid From: September 29, 2008 Valid For: 6 Years

Provisions on Code for Vehicles Permitted to Drive

A1: Buses and class A3, B1, B2;

A2: Trucks and class B1, B2;

A3: City Bus and class C1;

B1: Medium-sized bus and class C1, M;

B2: Large-scale truck and class C1, M;

C1: Automobiles and class C2, C3;

C2: Auto-transmission automobiles;

C3: Low-speed truck and class C4;

C4: Three-wheel motor vehicles;

D: Three-wheel motorcycles and class E;

E: Two-wheel motorcycles and class F;

F: Light motorcycles;

M: Wheel type self propel machinery;

N: Trolley buses;

P: Trams

This license shall not be suspended by any unit or individual other than the public security and traffic management authorities.

This form shall be valid until the Chinese Driver’s License expires.

Driving License of the People’s Republic of China

(English Translation)

License No. :

Name: Gender: Nationality: Chinese Address:

Date of Birth:

Issuing authority: Traffic Police Detachment of Beijing Public Security Bureau (改成您驾照所在地的名称即可)

Issue Date:


Valid From: September 29, 2008 Valid For: 6 Years

Provisions on Code for Vehicles Permitted to Drive

A1: Buses and class A3, B1, B2;

A2: Trucks and class B1, B2;

A3: City Bus and class C1;

B1: Medium-sized bus and class C1, M;

B2: Large-scale truck and class C1, M;

C1: Automobiles and class C2, C3;

C2: Auto-transmission automobiles;

C3: Low-speed truck and class C4;

C4: Three-wheel motor vehicles;

D: Three-wheel motorcycles and class E;

E: Two-wheel motorcycles and class F;

F: Light motorcycles;

M: Wheel type self propel machinery;

N: Trolley buses;

P: Trams

This license shall not be suspended by any unit or individual other than the public security and traffic management authorities.

This form shall be valid until the Chinese Driver’s License expires.


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