
Unit 8 形成性测验

一、英汉互译( 40’)

1.粥_________________ 2. 汤_______________

3.卷心菜_______________ 4. 羊肉______________

5.洋葱_________________ 6. 一个大碗的米饭___________________

7. 菜单________________ 8. 一份中碗的面条___________________

9. 橘子汁______________ 10. 多大__________________

11. special______________ 12. dessert___________________

13. would like__________ 14. apple juice______________

15. green tea____________ 16. carrot_________________

17. reason_____________ 18. Thursday_______________

19. large_______________ 20. medium________________

二、读短文,用方框内所给的词填空 (10’)

There are many kinds of _____in the supermarket this week. What _____of fruit would you like? Apples,oranges,bananas or strawberries ? Different people may like _______fruit. Today we have some great ______. The apples are 8 RMB a kilo. The oranges are 3 RMB a kilo. Strawberries are 6 RMB a kilo. So please go to the supermarket __________.

三、翻译 (25’)

1. 我不喜欢汉堡包、比萨和冰茶。

I ________ ________ hamburgers,pizza ________ ice tea.

2. 你喜欢什么类型的茶?

________ ________ of tea would you like?

3. 我们也还有橘汁和绿茶。

We ________ have ________ ________ and _______ ________

4. 他想要一个牛肉的中碗的面条。

He'd like a ________ bowl of noodles ________ ________.

5. 让我们列一份菜单吧!

Let's make ________ ________!

6. At the house of dumplings, we have some great specials.

7. I’d like beef and tomato noodles, please!

8.what size bowl of noodles would you like?

9. Special 1 has onion and fish, and is just 10 RMB for 15 dumplings .

10.would you like a small bowl of porridge?


A: _________________________________?

B: Yes,please. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I want to order a birthday cake for my mother. A: _________________________________?

B: A large cake,please.

A: What would you like on it?

B: _________________________________.


B: It's 8910566

A: _________________________________

B: 65 Yi Yuan Road

附加题:改错 (10’)

1. What'd you like with it? ____________

2 Would you like tomatoes noodles? ____________

3. Many girls don't like math and physics. ____________

4. Would you like anything to eat? ____________

5. He'd likes a bowl of noodles with potato. ____________



1.porridge 2. Soup 3. Cabbage 4. Mutton 5. Onion

6. A large bowl of rice 7. Menu 8. A medium bowl of rice

9. Orange juice 10. What size 11. 特色菜 12. 点心

13. 想要 14. 苹果汁 15. 绿茶 16. 胡萝卜 17 原因

18.星期四 19. 大的 20, 中等的

二、 B D C E A


1. Don't like, or 2. What kind 3. Also , orange juice green tea

4. Medium with beef 5. A menu







1. Can I help you? 2. What size cake would you like?

3.Beef and onion 4. What's your telephone number

5. What's your address

五、 1.with- on 2. Tomatoes_ tomato 3.and_ or 4. Anything _ something 5.likes- like

Unit 8 形成性测验

一、英汉互译( 40’)

1.粥_________________ 2. 汤_______________

3.卷心菜_______________ 4. 羊肉______________

5.洋葱_________________ 6. 一个大碗的米饭___________________

7. 菜单________________ 8. 一份中碗的面条___________________

9. 橘子汁______________ 10. 多大__________________

11. special______________ 12. dessert___________________

13. would like__________ 14. apple juice______________

15. green tea____________ 16. carrot_________________

17. reason_____________ 18. Thursday_______________

19. large_______________ 20. medium________________

二、读短文,用方框内所给的词填空 (10’)

There are many kinds of _____in the supermarket this week. What _____of fruit would you like? Apples,oranges,bananas or strawberries ? Different people may like _______fruit. Today we have some great ______. The apples are 8 RMB a kilo. The oranges are 3 RMB a kilo. Strawberries are 6 RMB a kilo. So please go to the supermarket __________.

三、翻译 (25’)

1. 我不喜欢汉堡包、比萨和冰茶。

I ________ ________ hamburgers,pizza ________ ice tea.

2. 你喜欢什么类型的茶?

________ ________ of tea would you like?

3. 我们也还有橘汁和绿茶。

We ________ have ________ ________ and _______ ________

4. 他想要一个牛肉的中碗的面条。

He'd like a ________ bowl of noodles ________ ________.

5. 让我们列一份菜单吧!

Let's make ________ ________!

6. At the house of dumplings, we have some great specials.

7. I’d like beef and tomato noodles, please!

8.what size bowl of noodles would you like?

9. Special 1 has onion and fish, and is just 10 RMB for 15 dumplings .

10.would you like a small bowl of porridge?


A: _________________________________?

B: Yes,please. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I want to order a birthday cake for my mother. A: _________________________________?

B: A large cake,please.

A: What would you like on it?

B: _________________________________.


B: It's 8910566

A: _________________________________

B: 65 Yi Yuan Road

附加题:改错 (10’)

1. What'd you like with it? ____________

2 Would you like tomatoes noodles? ____________

3. Many girls don't like math and physics. ____________

4. Would you like anything to eat? ____________

5. He'd likes a bowl of noodles with potato. ____________



1.porridge 2. Soup 3. Cabbage 4. Mutton 5. Onion

6. A large bowl of rice 7. Menu 8. A medium bowl of rice

9. Orange juice 10. What size 11. 特色菜 12. 点心

13. 想要 14. 苹果汁 15. 绿茶 16. 胡萝卜 17 原因

18.星期四 19. 大的 20, 中等的

二、 B D C E A


1. Don't like, or 2. What kind 3. Also , orange juice green tea

4. Medium with beef 5. A menu







1. Can I help you? 2. What size cake would you like?

3.Beef and onion 4. What's your telephone number

5. What's your address

五、 1.with- on 2. Tomatoes_ tomato 3.and_ or 4. Anything _ something 5.likes- like


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