
The review on the Devil Wears Prada

Stage is always shining. In this film, Miranda, the editor in chief, is just like a queen in Runway. And we can see this from the reactions before Miranda’s coming. She is running her life everyday and makes others tense too. Grim , the word is suitable of her I think. Miranda also agreed the view that she is a dragon lady and career-obsessed. Everyday she does the job, runs for top, top, top, and never stops a step, even spends another $300,000 reshooting something. Spotlights are still shining. Meanwhile, the most important, Paris is coming. It seems nothing but the Paris. I appreciate Miranda’s enthusiasm for her job. She loves it and she really has done well. But it is too much. She should spare a little more time just for life itself like to eat something in person. “That’s all.” Miranda always said, using her constant voice. I like this great woman, but hope less stress for her.

And for Andy, I think she is a nice, smart, hardworking girl. From beginning, she had her dream and she got it at last. To be Miranda’s assistant, as it is said in the film, it’s a job that a million girls would kill for. Andy learned a lot and became more excellent after about one year’s work. When she told Emily about the job change, I know, job competition is quite strict but fair base of ability. Finally Andy quits her job. She told Nate she once missed what she believed in and turned back her friends and family. That’s bad. These may be the reasons she leaves the Runway.

What moved me most is the scene that Miranda smiled in the car. It just brings warmth when she looked at a confident and free Andy walking.

When in Paris, Nigel got his new job. He said, “This is the fist time in 18 years I’m going to be able to call the shots in my own life.” After heard this, my heart was really shocked. “How couldn’t we just exactly to be ourselves? It seems to be so hard. And why everybody needs to change so much even for something not really like?” Andy gave the job up as an assistant to get back to herself and to be a journalist that she wants in the beginning. She would have more wonderful life I believe.

To do our job full of energy. And to do something that doesn’t make one’s mind tired. What’s more, job is not life. We shouldn’t change ourselves totally for that. To be original, and to have the small honey.

The review on the Devil Wears Prada

Stage is always shining. In this film, Miranda, the editor in chief, is just like a queen in Runway. And we can see this from the reactions before Miranda’s coming. She is running her life everyday and makes others tense too. Grim , the word is suitable of her I think. Miranda also agreed the view that she is a dragon lady and career-obsessed. Everyday she does the job, runs for top, top, top, and never stops a step, even spends another $300,000 reshooting something. Spotlights are still shining. Meanwhile, the most important, Paris is coming. It seems nothing but the Paris. I appreciate Miranda’s enthusiasm for her job. She loves it and she really has done well. But it is too much. She should spare a little more time just for life itself like to eat something in person. “That’s all.” Miranda always said, using her constant voice. I like this great woman, but hope less stress for her.

And for Andy, I think she is a nice, smart, hardworking girl. From beginning, she had her dream and she got it at last. To be Miranda’s assistant, as it is said in the film, it’s a job that a million girls would kill for. Andy learned a lot and became more excellent after about one year’s work. When she told Emily about the job change, I know, job competition is quite strict but fair base of ability. Finally Andy quits her job. She told Nate she once missed what she believed in and turned back her friends and family. That’s bad. These may be the reasons she leaves the Runway.

What moved me most is the scene that Miranda smiled in the car. It just brings warmth when she looked at a confident and free Andy walking.

When in Paris, Nigel got his new job. He said, “This is the fist time in 18 years I’m going to be able to call the shots in my own life.” After heard this, my heart was really shocked. “How couldn’t we just exactly to be ourselves? It seems to be so hard. And why everybody needs to change so much even for something not really like?” Andy gave the job up as an assistant to get back to herself and to be a journalist that she wants in the beginning. She would have more wonderful life I believe.

To do our job full of energy. And to do something that doesn’t make one’s mind tired. What’s more, job is not life. We shouldn’t change ourselves totally for that. To be original, and to have the small honey.


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