
Okay, here we are. 好,我们到了。 Home, sweet home . 甜蜜的家

So, this is, like, your house? 这就是你家?

Wait a sec... 等等…

You're the guy who pretended he was a recorded message! 你就是那个假扮答录机的家伙!

No, that was someone else. 不,你认错了

Can I hold your hand? 能拉着我吗? No. 不行

When we got adopted by a bald guy, I thought this'd be more like Annie. 我还以为被这个秃子领养以后

会有什么好地方住呢 No, hey! 喂,别这样!

Kyle, these are not treats. These are guests.


Girls, this is Kyle, my 姑娘们,这是凯尔,我的… dog. 狗

Fluffy doggy! 毛毛狗!

What kind of dog is that? 这算是哪种狗?

He is a... I don't know. 他是…我也说不清

Do you really think that this is an appropriate place for little kids? 你觉得这地方真的适合小孩子住?

'Cause it's not. 我不觉得

No! No! Stay away from there! 不,不!别去碰那个!

It's fragile. 容易碎的

Well, I suppose

the plan will work with two. 也许我的计划两个人就够了

Hey! It's dark in here. 喂!里面好黑的

It poked a hole in my juice box. 我的饮料被扎了个洞

As you can see, 你们看

I have provided everything a child might need.


All right. 好了

Okay. As I was saying... Hey! 刚才说到…喂!

Somebody broke that. 有人闯祸了

Okay, okay.

Clearly, we need to set some rules. 好吧,看来我们得定一些规矩

Rule number one. 第一条

You will not touch anything. 你们什么也不能碰

What about the floor? 地板呢?

Yes, you may touch the floor. 可以碰地板

What about the air? 空气呢?

Yes, you may touch the air! 可以碰空气!

What about this? 这个呢?

- Where did you get that? - Found it. - 你怎么拿到的? - 捡的

Okay. Rule number two. You will not bother me while I'm working. 第二条,工作时不要打扰我

Rule number three. 第三条规矩

You will not cry or whine or laugh or giggle 不准哭不准笑不准发牢骚 or sneeze or burp or fart! 不准打嗝打喷嚏或者放屁!

So, no, no, no annoying sounds. All right?




Does this count as annoying? 这算不算烦人? Very! 相当的!

I will see you in six hours. 六小时后见

Okay, don't worry.

Everything's going to be fine. 别担心,没事的

We're gonna be really happy here. Right? Agnes?


She closed her eyes

and pretended to be asleep. 她闭上眼睛, 装作睡着了。

Okay, here we are. 好,我们到了。 Home, sweet home . 甜蜜的家

So, this is, like, your house? 这就是你家?

Wait a sec... 等等…

You're the guy who pretended he was a recorded message! 你就是那个假扮答录机的家伙!

No, that was someone else. 不,你认错了

Can I hold your hand? 能拉着我吗? No. 不行

When we got adopted by a bald guy, I thought this'd be more like Annie. 我还以为被这个秃子领养以后

会有什么好地方住呢 No, hey! 喂,别这样!

Kyle, these are not treats. These are guests.


Girls, this is Kyle, my 姑娘们,这是凯尔,我的… dog. 狗

Fluffy doggy! 毛毛狗!

What kind of dog is that? 这算是哪种狗?

He is a... I don't know. 他是…我也说不清

Do you really think that this is an appropriate place for little kids? 你觉得这地方真的适合小孩子住?

'Cause it's not. 我不觉得

No! No! Stay away from there! 不,不!别去碰那个!

It's fragile. 容易碎的

Well, I suppose

the plan will work with two. 也许我的计划两个人就够了

Hey! It's dark in here. 喂!里面好黑的

It poked a hole in my juice box. 我的饮料被扎了个洞

As you can see, 你们看

I have provided everything a child might need.


All right. 好了

Okay. As I was saying... Hey! 刚才说到…喂!

Somebody broke that. 有人闯祸了

Okay, okay.

Clearly, we need to set some rules. 好吧,看来我们得定一些规矩

Rule number one. 第一条

You will not touch anything. 你们什么也不能碰

What about the floor? 地板呢?

Yes, you may touch the floor. 可以碰地板

What about the air? 空气呢?

Yes, you may touch the air! 可以碰空气!

What about this? 这个呢?

- Where did you get that? - Found it. - 你怎么拿到的? - 捡的

Okay. Rule number two. You will not bother me while I'm working. 第二条,工作时不要打扰我

Rule number three. 第三条规矩

You will not cry or whine or laugh or giggle 不准哭不准笑不准发牢骚 or sneeze or burp or fart! 不准打嗝打喷嚏或者放屁!

So, no, no, no annoying sounds. All right?




Does this count as annoying? 这算不算烦人? Very! 相当的!

I will see you in six hours. 六小时后见

Okay, don't worry.

Everything's going to be fine. 别担心,没事的

We're gonna be really happy here. Right? Agnes?


She closed her eyes

and pretended to be asleep. 她闭上眼睛, 装作睡着了。


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