


中国疆域东西横跨整个东亚大陆的5200千米,中国地形多样,其东面和南面,频临海岸线,多为低地与丘陵,地势平缓,土壤肥沃,全国大部分农业作物和人口都集聚于此;其西部和北部,多为凹陷的盆地(戈壁滩、塔克拉玛干)、起伏的高原和高耸的山丘,世界之最的青藏高原也在这块区域中,这里不宜种植农业作物,人口稀少。 从传统意义上来讲,中国人口集中分布在其中部平原,一直以来中国以开发自己巨大的内陆市场为导向,逐渐在北部平原上发展起以长江中下游平原为中心的庞大市场力量。近些年来,长达1.8万多千米的海岸线一直都进行广泛的出口导向贸易,这种力量转换使得沿海城市的经济成为了中国经济的领头羊。


China stretches some 5200 kilometers across the East Asian landmass. Its physical features are multiples. The eastern and southern half of the country, its seacoast fringed with offshore islands, is a region of fertile lowlands and foothills with most of the agricultural output and human population. The western and northern half of China is a region of sunken basins (Gobi, Taklamakan), rolling plateaus, and towering massifs, including a

portion of the highest tableland on earth (Tibetan Plateau) with lower agricultural possibilities and thus, far less populated.

Traditionally, the Chinese population centered on the Chinese central plain and oriented itself toward its own enormous inland market, developing as an imperial power whose center lay in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River on the northern plains, More recently, the 18000-kilometers coastline have been used extensively for export-oriented trade, making a power shift, with the coastline provinces becoming the leading economic center.

With and area of about 9.6 million km2,the People’s Republic of China is the 3rd largest country in total area behind Russia and Canada, and very similar to the United States.



中国疆域东西横跨整个东亚大陆的5200千米,中国地形多样,其东面和南面,频临海岸线,多为低地与丘陵,地势平缓,土壤肥沃,全国大部分农业作物和人口都集聚于此;其西部和北部,多为凹陷的盆地(戈壁滩、塔克拉玛干)、起伏的高原和高耸的山丘,世界之最的青藏高原也在这块区域中,这里不宜种植农业作物,人口稀少。 从传统意义上来讲,中国人口集中分布在其中部平原,一直以来中国以开发自己巨大的内陆市场为导向,逐渐在北部平原上发展起以长江中下游平原为中心的庞大市场力量。近些年来,长达1.8万多千米的海岸线一直都进行广泛的出口导向贸易,这种力量转换使得沿海城市的经济成为了中国经济的领头羊。


China stretches some 5200 kilometers across the East Asian landmass. Its physical features are multiples. The eastern and southern half of the country, its seacoast fringed with offshore islands, is a region of fertile lowlands and foothills with most of the agricultural output and human population. The western and northern half of China is a region of sunken basins (Gobi, Taklamakan), rolling plateaus, and towering massifs, including a

portion of the highest tableland on earth (Tibetan Plateau) with lower agricultural possibilities and thus, far less populated.

Traditionally, the Chinese population centered on the Chinese central plain and oriented itself toward its own enormous inland market, developing as an imperial power whose center lay in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River on the northern plains, More recently, the 18000-kilometers coastline have been used extensively for export-oriented trade, making a power shift, with the coastline provinces becoming the leading economic center.

With and area of about 9.6 million km2,the People’s Republic of China is the 3rd largest country in total area behind Russia and Canada, and very similar to the United States.


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