
Today,the country we will introduce to you is Brazil.


One of the most famous symbols of Brazilian culture is football.

The favorite pastime 消遣、娱乐of youngsters 年轻人 is playing football on streets. And over 10,000 Brazilians play for the professional football league 联盟、联赛.

The Brazilian national football team is one of the most successful national football teams in the history of the World Cup, with five championships (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002).


Samba!The Samba dance originated起源 from Africa.It is full of passion and vitality活力.Besides,the Samba dance is quite 相当beautiful and the music has a strong rhythm节奏.


The 105-foot-tall (38-meter-tall) Christ the Redeemer耶稣基督像 statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is one of the “new seven wonders of the world”.It started to be built in 1921 and finished in 1931.The statue is so spectacular壮观的that it attracts thousands of tourists to pay a visit to it every day.

4.何知远 Iguassu Falls are the waterfalls瀑布 of the Iguassu River located on the border边界 of the Brazilian state of Paraná巴拉那and the Argentine 阿根廷的province of Misiones米西奥内斯.


be located in =lie in


be located on 中国和蒙古的地理位置关系 在一个具体地方

be located at


be located to 中国和日本的地理位置关系

5.徐畅 Coffee has been one of the main beverages 饮料among Brazilians since the beginning of the 19th century.

Brazilians are fond of drinking strong coffee comparatively相当地.After waking up in the morning,the first thing they will do is to drink a cup of coffee.


The annual年度的 Carnival in Brazil is a unique festival节日. It is also the most important ethnic种族的 celebration庆祝.

It comes between the end of February and the beginning of March every year.

Thousands of tourists from overseas海外are attracted to join the feast宴会 of rejoicing庆祝.

Today,the country we will introduce to you is Brazil.


One of the most famous symbols of Brazilian culture is football.

The favorite pastime 消遣、娱乐of youngsters 年轻人 is playing football on streets. And over 10,000 Brazilians play for the professional football league 联盟、联赛.

The Brazilian national football team is one of the most successful national football teams in the history of the World Cup, with five championships (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002).


Samba!The Samba dance originated起源 from Africa.It is full of passion and vitality活力.Besides,the Samba dance is quite 相当beautiful and the music has a strong rhythm节奏.


The 105-foot-tall (38-meter-tall) Christ the Redeemer耶稣基督像 statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is one of the “new seven wonders of the world”.It started to be built in 1921 and finished in 1931.The statue is so spectacular壮观的that it attracts thousands of tourists to pay a visit to it every day.

4.何知远 Iguassu Falls are the waterfalls瀑布 of the Iguassu River located on the border边界 of the Brazilian state of Paraná巴拉那and the Argentine 阿根廷的province of Misiones米西奥内斯.


be located in =lie in


be located on 中国和蒙古的地理位置关系 在一个具体地方

be located at


be located to 中国和日本的地理位置关系

5.徐畅 Coffee has been one of the main beverages 饮料among Brazilians since the beginning of the 19th century.

Brazilians are fond of drinking strong coffee comparatively相当地.After waking up in the morning,the first thing they will do is to drink a cup of coffee.


The annual年度的 Carnival in Brazil is a unique festival节日. It is also the most important ethnic种族的 celebration庆祝.

It comes between the end of February and the beginning of March every year.

Thousands of tourists from overseas海外are attracted to join the feast宴会 of rejoicing庆祝.


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