
As the Internet develops rapidly,the world seems to be more smaller.Everyday in our life,the Apps such QQ、Wechat or weibo were frequently used by us.They even become a part of our lives.We are more willing to send e-mails rather than write litters,we are customed to low our heads down to strare at our phones rather than talk with a steanger .So many people live in their own personal virtual circles.Some people begin to think that face-to-face commiunications are not significant any more.I don’t think so.

Although the Ecommunications are convenient and rapid,what we get are just some dispersive pieces of words and a cold screen.We can not feel the warmth of humanity.Only by face-to-face communications can we know a friend beter and build beter relationships with them.When we talk to some people,our ability of expression is improved.People were born to talk,they cried when they were just babies.Why do we change the nature rules?We invent tools to talk better,not to stop talking.

Wether the world will be warm or cold determines what we choose,so stop relying on the Internet,just open your mouth and heart!

As the Internet develops rapidly,the world seems to be more smaller.Everyday in our life,the Apps such QQ、Wechat or weibo were frequently used by us.They even become a part of our lives.We are more willing to send e-mails rather than write litters,we are customed to low our heads down to strare at our phones rather than talk with a steanger .So many people live in their own personal virtual circles.Some people begin to think that face-to-face commiunications are not significant any more.I don’t think so.

Although the Ecommunications are convenient and rapid,what we get are just some dispersive pieces of words and a cold screen.We can not feel the warmth of humanity.Only by face-to-face communications can we know a friend beter and build beter relationships with them.When we talk to some people,our ability of expression is improved.People were born to talk,they cried when they were just babies.Why do we change the nature rules?We invent tools to talk better,not to stop talking.

Wether the world will be warm or cold determines what we choose,so stop relying on the Internet,just open your mouth and heart!


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