自行车变速器设计_毕业论文设计1 精品


论文题目 :

系名 : 号 : 级 : 级 : 业 : 部 : 自行车变速器设计 机械设计制造及自动化 机械工程系


指导教师 : 完成时间 :





作者专业 : 机械设计制造及自动化 作者学号 : [1**********]5 作者签名 : 2013年5月15日



Bicycle Speed Controller Design



摘 要





Mechanical stepless transmission is a transmission device, the main feature is that under the condition of invariable in the input speed, can realize the output shaft speed continuous variation within a certain scope, to meet machine or production systems in the process of operation with the various demands of the different working conditions; The main structure characteristics is that required by variable speed drive mechanism, speed and pressure device or output mechanism of three parts. Adopts stepless transmission, especially with reduction drive further enlarge its range of variable speed and output torque, and can better adapt to the requirements under various working conditions, make the efficiency of the best, in improving product yield and quality, meet the needs of product transformation, energy conservation, realize the mechanization, automation and so on various aspects of the whole system has significant effect. So the stepless transmission has become a basic form of general transmission, used in textile, light industry, food, packaging, lifting transport, mining, metallurgy, agriculture, national defense and test and other kinds of machinery.

Based on the analysis of various CVT and CVT bikes,in this dissertation ,we change some parts of the Kopp-B CVT forming a new kind of CVT used to the bicycle .They are used to input or output the power through the friction and a pair of helical gears is also used to adjust the speed, so the speed can change between 0.75 and 1.22.This research shows that when the CVT are used in the bicycle ,they can significant improve the performance of bike so that all customers can use it convenient.

Key words:The bicycle; transmission; transmission device; CVT device


论文题目 :

系名 : 号 : 级 : 级 : 业 : 部 : 自行车变速器设计 机械设计制造及自动化 机械工程系


指导教师 : 完成时间 :





作者专业 : 机械设计制造及自动化 作者学号 : [1**********]5 作者签名 : 2013年5月15日



Bicycle Speed Controller Design



摘 要





Mechanical stepless transmission is a transmission device, the main feature is that under the condition of invariable in the input speed, can realize the output shaft speed continuous variation within a certain scope, to meet machine or production systems in the process of operation with the various demands of the different working conditions; The main structure characteristics is that required by variable speed drive mechanism, speed and pressure device or output mechanism of three parts. Adopts stepless transmission, especially with reduction drive further enlarge its range of variable speed and output torque, and can better adapt to the requirements under various working conditions, make the efficiency of the best, in improving product yield and quality, meet the needs of product transformation, energy conservation, realize the mechanization, automation and so on various aspects of the whole system has significant effect. So the stepless transmission has become a basic form of general transmission, used in textile, light industry, food, packaging, lifting transport, mining, metallurgy, agriculture, national defense and test and other kinds of machinery.

Based on the analysis of various CVT and CVT bikes,in this dissertation ,we change some parts of the Kopp-B CVT forming a new kind of CVT used to the bicycle .They are used to input or output the power through the friction and a pair of helical gears is also used to adjust the speed, so the speed can change between 0.75 and 1.22.This research shows that when the CVT are used in the bicycle ,they can significant improve the performance of bike so that all customers can use it convenient.

Key words:The bicycle; transmission; transmission device; CVT device


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