
Jack:hello,I’m jack from CCTV .I mean I’m a reporter who is doing a research would mind doing me a favor?

Tom:It’s my pleasure

Jack:as we all know,although the medicine technology is developing rapidly,we still have to face up to the facts that the process of aging have never slown down.Athough we can have a long life now,we can’t have a long and healthy life.so what is your attitude toward aging?

Tom:I think that aging is a normal phenomenon of life,while our organs’ function is degrading, aging is getting closer and closer to us.Of course,everyone likes beauty,our mood about slowing down the process of aging is understandable. However, we have to admit that, only young people can promote social development, therefore, we should face up to aging frankly.

Jack:I agree with you.as you say,it is reasonable for everyone to aspire beauty and juvenescence.so is it possible to slow down the process of aging in your opinion?

Tom:I think it is absolutely possible.and we have many choices in slowing down the aging.

Jack:yeah,can you give me some specific examples?

Tom:Of course.first of all,you can keep a happy and optimistic mood.you know,sadness will increase the number of wrinkles on your face.secondly,you can improve the aging process through diet,for examfle,

apple is recognized as the anti-aging food.finally,it is also a good choice to strengthen physical exercise.

Jack:you are right.I like eating apples,and I think it really helpful to slow down the process of aging.finally thank you for your cooperation. Tom:you are welcome

Jack:hello,I’m jack from CCTV .I mean I’m a reporter who is doing a research would mind doing me a favor?

Tom:It’s my pleasure

Jack:as we all know,although the medicine technology is developing rapidly,we still have to face up to the facts that the process of aging have never slown down.Athough we can have a long life now,we can’t have a long and healthy life.so what is your attitude toward aging?

Tom:I think that aging is a normal phenomenon of life,while our organs’ function is degrading, aging is getting closer and closer to us.Of course,everyone likes beauty,our mood about slowing down the process of aging is understandable. However, we have to admit that, only young people can promote social development, therefore, we should face up to aging frankly.

Jack:I agree with you.as you say,it is reasonable for everyone to aspire beauty and juvenescence.so is it possible to slow down the process of aging in your opinion?

Tom:I think it is absolutely possible.and we have many choices in slowing down the aging.

Jack:yeah,can you give me some specific examples?

Tom:Of course.first of all,you can keep a happy and optimistic mood.you know,sadness will increase the number of wrinkles on your face.secondly,you can improve the aging process through diet,for examfle,

apple is recognized as the anti-aging food.finally,it is also a good choice to strengthen physical exercise.

Jack:you are right.I like eating apples,and I think it really helpful to slow down the process of aging.finally thank you for your cooperation. Tom:you are welcome


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