
Good morning teachers, my name is Han Mengyang. Today I will give a speech about Qipao ’s history.

As we all known, Qipao is one of the most beautiful flower in long culture river of China with one hundred years history.

In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, because of feudal ideas, women couldn’t wear tight clothes to show their body. So at that time Qipao were loose. The size of waist were close to the size of chest. Yellow meant royal back to then, so folks were not allow to wear Qipao. Qipao were colorful and made all kinds of material, there were also a lot of decorations on the cuff and collar. To gave the best wishes, they often sewed some flowers and mythical animals on it, such as Phoenix and Peony.

After the 1940s, influenced by the west countries ,the traditional Qipao had changed. The shorts of the sleeves, the fitting waist, showed the elegance and active of Chinese women and set off the beauty of the female shape. Since then Qipao became a symbol of fashion, students, housewife, movie stars, even the old ladies were wearing that. It was the most golden time of Qipao.

Today when Qipao exhibited in other country, it received worm welcome. Now it became a formal suit of social or political occasions. The world famous movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Emma Watson, Victoria Beckham, they worn Qipao to some activities.

I think Qipao, traditional Chinese clothes, is the treasure of Chinese culture. We should know it more and pass it to our next generations.

Thanks for your listening.

Good morning teachers, my name is Han Mengyang. Today I will give a speech about Qipao ’s history.

As we all known, Qipao is one of the most beautiful flower in long culture river of China with one hundred years history.

In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, because of feudal ideas, women couldn’t wear tight clothes to show their body. So at that time Qipao were loose. The size of waist were close to the size of chest. Yellow meant royal back to then, so folks were not allow to wear Qipao. Qipao were colorful and made all kinds of material, there were also a lot of decorations on the cuff and collar. To gave the best wishes, they often sewed some flowers and mythical animals on it, such as Phoenix and Peony.

After the 1940s, influenced by the west countries ,the traditional Qipao had changed. The shorts of the sleeves, the fitting waist, showed the elegance and active of Chinese women and set off the beauty of the female shape. Since then Qipao became a symbol of fashion, students, housewife, movie stars, even the old ladies were wearing that. It was the most golden time of Qipao.

Today when Qipao exhibited in other country, it received worm welcome. Now it became a formal suit of social or political occasions. The world famous movie stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Emma Watson, Victoria Beckham, they worn Qipao to some activities.

I think Qipao, traditional Chinese clothes, is the treasure of Chinese culture. We should know it more and pass it to our next generations.

Thanks for your listening.


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