

After the goods will be finsh, we will inform customer's shipping agent or use our own shipping agent to arrange cargo,declare and do some doc, such as PL,CI,CO,FORM A, export invoice and so on. Finally, we will follow the container till our customer take their goods.

XX/07--XX/05:Guangzhou Jindo Container Co., Ltd. Industry: Machinery, Equipment, Heavy Industries QC Dept Executive Assistant/Secretary

Duty on department manager's day-to-day business.For example,make daily report,weekly report,month

report,update the company's brief introduction and QC organization and all the document in QC dept,booking air ticket and hotel for the customer, and some customer service.

Because I can familiar with containet production flow,translate glossary,give some basic besiness reply to the customer,so both manager and customer have a wonderful impression.


XX/09--XX/07 Guangzhou radio & TV University English Associate

Majoy in junior and senior spoken English,listening English,foreign trade English,Europe and American literature,English writing,international trade and so on.


XX/10--Present Guangzhou Dade education institute bachelor of logistics managerment the undergraduate course bachelor certificate and professional logistics manager

The curriculum mainly by Zhongshan University's

senior Professor, says in the weekend shifts mainly


After the goods will be finsh, we will inform customer's shipping agent or use our own shipping agent to arrange cargo,declare and do some doc, such as PL,CI,CO,FORM A, export invoice and so on. Finally, we will follow the container till our customer take their goods.

XX/07--XX/05:Guangzhou Jindo Container Co., Ltd. Industry: Machinery, Equipment, Heavy Industries QC Dept Executive Assistant/Secretary

Duty on department manager's day-to-day business.For example,make daily report,weekly report,month

report,update the company's brief introduction and QC organization and all the document in QC dept,booking air ticket and hotel for the customer, and some customer service.

Because I can familiar with containet production flow,translate glossary,give some basic besiness reply to the customer,so both manager and customer have a wonderful impression.


XX/09--XX/07 Guangzhou radio & TV University English Associate

Majoy in junior and senior spoken English,listening English,foreign trade English,Europe and American literature,English writing,international trade and so on.


XX/10--Present Guangzhou Dade education institute bachelor of logistics managerment the undergraduate course bachelor certificate and professional logistics manager

The curriculum mainly by Zhongshan University's

senior Professor, says in the weekend shifts mainly


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