

《魂断蓝桥》(Waterloo Bridge)有好几个不同版本,其中1940年由费雯·丽(Vivien Leigh)和罗伯特·泰勒(Robert Taylor)主演的《魂断蓝桥》最为著名,与《北非谍影》(Casablanca)和《乱世佳人》(Gone With the Wind)一起成为电影史上三大经典爱情影片。影片讲述了第一次世界大战期间一个芭蕾舞女演员和一个上尉的爱情悲剧。费雯·丽在影片中扮演女主角芭蕾舞演员Myra Lester,罗伯特·泰勒出演男主角上尉Roy Cronin。导演是茂文·勒鲁瓦(Mervyn Leroy),《鸳梦重温》(Random Harvest)和《出水芙蓉》(Million Dollar Mermaid)等影片也是其大作。


滑铁卢大桥(Waterloo Bridge),又叫伦敦桥(The medieval London Bridge)。桥长近400米,宽约25米,横跨泰晤士河南北两侧。滑铁卢大桥始建于1817年。建成时,正值英国的威灵顿公爵在滑铁卢战役中大胜拿破仑两周年,此桥便由此得名滑铁卢。1942年,滑铁卢桥重新建成。因为电影译名《魂断蓝桥》的缘故,中国人称之为蓝桥。伦敦泰晤士河上共有15座桥,还有座伦敦双塔桥(Tower Bridge)也非常有名。英国著名儿歌“London Bridge Is Falling Down” 就是指双塔桥。


《魂断蓝桥》的英文原名是Waterloo Bridge,直译“滑铁卢桥”。滑铁卢(Vaterlo/Waterloo)是比利时的一个城镇,1815年拿破仑军队大败于此处。因而在西方语言中Waterloo 就有了“惨败”的转义。当时国内的发行商对这部电影十分重视,在翻译片名时经过再三权衡。最初是《滑铁卢桥》,这样译显然是不太雅致的,甚至容易让人误认为是与拿破仑有关的影片。后又改译为《断桥残梦》。最后编译组在全国范围内征名,一位女士寄去了“魂断蓝桥”,成为最终的中文片名。电影名称的翻译非直译,而是取自中国古代的典故“守信约于蓝桥,尾生抱柱”,表达男女主人公至死不渝的感情。《庄子·盗跖》:尾生与女子期于梁下,女子不来,水至不去,抱梁柱而死。据《西安府志》,这座桥就在陕西省蓝田县,名叫蓝桥。后来人们就把情人一方失约,另一方殉情叫做“魂断蓝桥”。




电影主题曲Auld Lang Syne,是根据苏格兰民谣《友谊地久天长》改编,苏格兰语意为“美好的往日”。


1. Who is the director of this movie? (Mervey LeRoy)

2. When and where did the British Prime Minister declare war against Germany in WWII?

(At 11:15 on Sept. 3rd, 1939, at No. 10 Downing Street)

3. What is the equivalent of No. 10 Downing Street in the U.S.?

4. What is the English for “灯火管制”? (Blackout)

5. What is the English for “空袭”? (Air-raid)

6. What were Roy Cronin’s ranks in WW I and WW II?

(Captain and colonel)

7. Where did Roy run into Myra Lester? (On Waterloo Bridge)

8. When was Waterloo Bridge first built? (In 1817)

9. What is the theme song of the movie? (Auld Lang Syne)

10. What does Auld Lang Syne mean? (The old good times)

11. What did Myra give Roy at the underground station?

(A good luck charm)

12. When did Myra begin to learn dancing? (When she was 12)

13. Where was Roy leaving for when they first met? (France)

14. Where did Roy and Myra have supper together?

(At the Candlelight Club)

15. What was the last dance at the Candlelight Club? (Waltz)

16. Why did Madame came to congratulate Myra? (Myra did not

go to bed until four a.m. but still able to get up in the morning.)

17. What is the English for “梦游”? (Sleepwalking)

18. When and where was Myra born?(June 9, 1895 in Birmingham)

19. What was Myra’s father’s profession? (Schoolmaster)

20. Why were they go to Bond Street? (To buy a wedding ring)

21. Where was it they planned to have their marriage ceremony? (Saint Matthews Church)

22. What was the law about marriage, according to the minister? (No marriage should take place after three o’clock.)

23. Did they go back to the church the next day? Why? (No. Roy had orders to leave for front immediately.)

24. What did Kitty suggest to Myra when they received flowers from

Roy? (She suggested that they sell the flowers for food.)

25. What did Myra and Kitty do to make a living?

(Working as prostitutes)

26. What did Mrs. Cronin do when she found out Myra’s strange

behavior was due to the news of Roy’s death?

(She tried her best to look for Myra.)

27. Did Myra tell Mrs. Cronin frankly what she did for a living?

(No, she implied it.)

28. What would you do if you were Myra? Why?

29. What would you do if you were Roy and knew everything?


《魂断蓝桥》(Waterloo Bridge)有好几个不同版本,其中1940年由费雯·丽(Vivien Leigh)和罗伯特·泰勒(Robert Taylor)主演的《魂断蓝桥》最为著名,与《北非谍影》(Casablanca)和《乱世佳人》(Gone With the Wind)一起成为电影史上三大经典爱情影片。影片讲述了第一次世界大战期间一个芭蕾舞女演员和一个上尉的爱情悲剧。费雯·丽在影片中扮演女主角芭蕾舞演员Myra Lester,罗伯特·泰勒出演男主角上尉Roy Cronin。导演是茂文·勒鲁瓦(Mervyn Leroy),《鸳梦重温》(Random Harvest)和《出水芙蓉》(Million Dollar Mermaid)等影片也是其大作。


滑铁卢大桥(Waterloo Bridge),又叫伦敦桥(The medieval London Bridge)。桥长近400米,宽约25米,横跨泰晤士河南北两侧。滑铁卢大桥始建于1817年。建成时,正值英国的威灵顿公爵在滑铁卢战役中大胜拿破仑两周年,此桥便由此得名滑铁卢。1942年,滑铁卢桥重新建成。因为电影译名《魂断蓝桥》的缘故,中国人称之为蓝桥。伦敦泰晤士河上共有15座桥,还有座伦敦双塔桥(Tower Bridge)也非常有名。英国著名儿歌“London Bridge Is Falling Down” 就是指双塔桥。


《魂断蓝桥》的英文原名是Waterloo Bridge,直译“滑铁卢桥”。滑铁卢(Vaterlo/Waterloo)是比利时的一个城镇,1815年拿破仑军队大败于此处。因而在西方语言中Waterloo 就有了“惨败”的转义。当时国内的发行商对这部电影十分重视,在翻译片名时经过再三权衡。最初是《滑铁卢桥》,这样译显然是不太雅致的,甚至容易让人误认为是与拿破仑有关的影片。后又改译为《断桥残梦》。最后编译组在全国范围内征名,一位女士寄去了“魂断蓝桥”,成为最终的中文片名。电影名称的翻译非直译,而是取自中国古代的典故“守信约于蓝桥,尾生抱柱”,表达男女主人公至死不渝的感情。《庄子·盗跖》:尾生与女子期于梁下,女子不来,水至不去,抱梁柱而死。据《西安府志》,这座桥就在陕西省蓝田县,名叫蓝桥。后来人们就把情人一方失约,另一方殉情叫做“魂断蓝桥”。




电影主题曲Auld Lang Syne,是根据苏格兰民谣《友谊地久天长》改编,苏格兰语意为“美好的往日”。


1. Who is the director of this movie? (Mervey LeRoy)

2. When and where did the British Prime Minister declare war against Germany in WWII?

(At 11:15 on Sept. 3rd, 1939, at No. 10 Downing Street)

3. What is the equivalent of No. 10 Downing Street in the U.S.?

4. What is the English for “灯火管制”? (Blackout)

5. What is the English for “空袭”? (Air-raid)

6. What were Roy Cronin’s ranks in WW I and WW II?

(Captain and colonel)

7. Where did Roy run into Myra Lester? (On Waterloo Bridge)

8. When was Waterloo Bridge first built? (In 1817)

9. What is the theme song of the movie? (Auld Lang Syne)

10. What does Auld Lang Syne mean? (The old good times)

11. What did Myra give Roy at the underground station?

(A good luck charm)

12. When did Myra begin to learn dancing? (When she was 12)

13. Where was Roy leaving for when they first met? (France)

14. Where did Roy and Myra have supper together?

(At the Candlelight Club)

15. What was the last dance at the Candlelight Club? (Waltz)

16. Why did Madame came to congratulate Myra? (Myra did not

go to bed until four a.m. but still able to get up in the morning.)

17. What is the English for “梦游”? (Sleepwalking)

18. When and where was Myra born?(June 9, 1895 in Birmingham)

19. What was Myra’s father’s profession? (Schoolmaster)

20. Why were they go to Bond Street? (To buy a wedding ring)

21. Where was it they planned to have their marriage ceremony? (Saint Matthews Church)

22. What was the law about marriage, according to the minister? (No marriage should take place after three o’clock.)

23. Did they go back to the church the next day? Why? (No. Roy had orders to leave for front immediately.)

24. What did Kitty suggest to Myra when they received flowers from

Roy? (She suggested that they sell the flowers for food.)

25. What did Myra and Kitty do to make a living?

(Working as prostitutes)

26. What did Mrs. Cronin do when she found out Myra’s strange

behavior was due to the news of Roy’s death?

(She tried her best to look for Myra.)

27. Did Myra tell Mrs. Cronin frankly what she did for a living?

(No, she implied it.)

28. What would you do if you were Myra? Why?

29. What would you do if you were Roy and knew everything?


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