
Dear admissions officer,

My name is XXX. I am XXX years old. Now I am studying at XXXXXXXX high school. I love singing、reciting 、writing and playing scooter. I was the lead singer for all the large-scale theatrical performances in high school. Although I love to sing, but I prefer to study law in the future, because I believe the power of law and justice can change everyone become a better person.

In the future I wish i can become an excellent lawyer or singer. If I become a lawyer, I will stand on the side of justice, I will fight with the law for peoples dignity and safety. If I become a singer, my singing will make people love their life more.

When I first go to (country ), I totally fell in love with this beautiful and richly endowed country. Since i went to Toronto, I fell in love with this beautiful city and the people over there. I will study hard in your school, and hopefully will get into the life of Canada soon. I will try to integrate the Chinese and western culture together to make me a new life over there.

Your sincerely



Dear admissions officer,

My name is XXX. I am XXX years old. Now I am studying at XXXXXXXX high school. I love singing、reciting 、writing and playing scooter. I was the lead singer for all the large-scale theatrical performances in high school. Although I love to sing, but I prefer to study law in the future, because I believe the power of law and justice can change everyone become a better person.

In the future I wish i can become an excellent lawyer or singer. If I become a lawyer, I will stand on the side of justice, I will fight with the law for peoples dignity and safety. If I become a singer, my singing will make people love their life more.

When I first go to (country ), I totally fell in love with this beautiful and richly endowed country. Since i went to Toronto, I fell in love with this beautiful city and the people over there. I will study hard in your school, and hopefully will get into the life of Canada soon. I will try to integrate the Chinese and western culture together to make me a new life over there.

Your sincerely




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