

Good morning, my respected professors! It is my honor to be here for your interview. First, let me introduce myself to your. I am * *, 23, born in Guilin, I am a senior student in the Computer College of Henan Normal University. Now, I am doing my best to obtaining a chance to attend Sichuan University.

In the past 4 years, most my time has been spent on study or campus activities. I had passed the CET-6 and Software Designer Examination. Our software project got the supported of the College Student Development Foundation. Furthermore, the experience of being monitor in my class and vice director in the Students‟ Union helped me know the importance of cooperation and communication.

As to my characters, I don‟t want to use any beautiful word to praise myself. Just like my father, I strive to be an honest, upright and modest man. In my spare time, I like swimming, table tennis and Chinese chess. Also English songs and movies are my favorite.

Forrest Gump had said, „Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get‟. However, I always believe we should cherish our time, and sense any change for self-development, and we will have a good prospects. Diligence is the mother of success, Efficiency is the only way.

That is all for my self-introduction, thank you!




1) 考官要求你作自我介绍时,不要用…let me introduce myself briefly / please allow me to introduce myself to you等句子,重复、啰嗦。开头可以只用一句话引入:Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.然后就可以进入主题,介绍姓名、年龄等等。

2) 自我介绍的主体内容。

① 姓名。介绍自己姓名时,发音一定要准(南方考生要多加注意)。

② 年龄。年龄可以跟在姓名后带过(I am XXX, 25 years old)。

③ 原来的院校、专业。注意:一定要把原来学校的英文名称、专业的英文名称弄清楚(尤其


所属的公司、职位。注意:在职考生则应将自己公司、自己职位/职称的英文名称弄明白。 ④ 性格、能力。可以着重强调你的个性对你报考的专业有何积极的作用。如果报考的是学术性的专业,可以说自己细心(carefully,detail-oriented)、条理分明(logical)、踏实(steady)等;如果是研究性、应用性更强一点的专业,可以说自己负责(responsible)、可靠(dependable)、有效率(efficient)等。

其他的一些表示性格、能力的形容词有:active, aggressive(有进取心的), adaptable, amicable(友好的), analytical(善于分析的), cooperative, creative, disciplined, dutiful, energetic, faithful, gentle, independent(有主见的), innovative,

motivated, modest, objective, precise, punctual, precise(一丝不苟的), temperate等等。

在职考生或有过工作经验的考生还可以强调一下你的工作成绩,如:As the assistant to the General Manger of XXX Company, I have helped to negotiate a $200,000 deal for the corporation.

⑤ 爱好。All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 除了强调你的学习的重视,同时也要避免给考官一种“书呆子”的感觉。一般可以从体育、音乐、电影等方面来说,同时要简单说明这些爱好对你的积极意义(build my body, relax myself, open my mind…);注意避免提到那些可能引起考官反感的爱好,如:playing computer games,watching TV等。

⑥ 你对报考的专业有兴趣(be interested in/be fascinated with/be obsessed

with…),可适当举出一些例子,如经常看相关的书籍、论文、文章、新闻等。在职考生可以强调知识教育对工作的影响: In my work, I find it necessary to broaden my horizons in communication. That‟s why I long for entering your prestigious university.

3) 结束时可以用说:That‟s all about me. / Well, that‟s who I am. Thanks for your attention.


Good morning, my respected professors! It is my honor to be here for your interview. First, let me introduce myself to your. I am * *, 23, born in Guilin, I am a senior student in the Computer College of Henan Normal University. Now, I am doing my best to obtaining a chance to attend Sichuan University.

In the past 4 years, most my time has been spent on study or campus activities. I had passed the CET-6 and Software Designer Examination. Our software project got the supported of the College Student Development Foundation. Furthermore, the experience of being monitor in my class and vice director in the Students‟ Union helped me know the importance of cooperation and communication.

As to my characters, I don‟t want to use any beautiful word to praise myself. Just like my father, I strive to be an honest, upright and modest man. In my spare time, I like swimming, table tennis and Chinese chess. Also English songs and movies are my favorite.

Forrest Gump had said, „Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get‟. However, I always believe we should cherish our time, and sense any change for self-development, and we will have a good prospects. Diligence is the mother of success, Efficiency is the only way.

That is all for my self-introduction, thank you!




1) 考官要求你作自我介绍时,不要用…let me introduce myself briefly / please allow me to introduce myself to you等句子,重复、啰嗦。开头可以只用一句话引入:Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.然后就可以进入主题,介绍姓名、年龄等等。

2) 自我介绍的主体内容。

① 姓名。介绍自己姓名时,发音一定要准(南方考生要多加注意)。

② 年龄。年龄可以跟在姓名后带过(I am XXX, 25 years old)。

③ 原来的院校、专业。注意:一定要把原来学校的英文名称、专业的英文名称弄清楚(尤其


所属的公司、职位。注意:在职考生则应将自己公司、自己职位/职称的英文名称弄明白。 ④ 性格、能力。可以着重强调你的个性对你报考的专业有何积极的作用。如果报考的是学术性的专业,可以说自己细心(carefully,detail-oriented)、条理分明(logical)、踏实(steady)等;如果是研究性、应用性更强一点的专业,可以说自己负责(responsible)、可靠(dependable)、有效率(efficient)等。

其他的一些表示性格、能力的形容词有:active, aggressive(有进取心的), adaptable, amicable(友好的), analytical(善于分析的), cooperative, creative, disciplined, dutiful, energetic, faithful, gentle, independent(有主见的), innovative,

motivated, modest, objective, precise, punctual, precise(一丝不苟的), temperate等等。

在职考生或有过工作经验的考生还可以强调一下你的工作成绩,如:As the assistant to the General Manger of XXX Company, I have helped to negotiate a $200,000 deal for the corporation.

⑤ 爱好。All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 除了强调你的学习的重视,同时也要避免给考官一种“书呆子”的感觉。一般可以从体育、音乐、电影等方面来说,同时要简单说明这些爱好对你的积极意义(build my body, relax myself, open my mind…);注意避免提到那些可能引起考官反感的爱好,如:playing computer games,watching TV等。

⑥ 你对报考的专业有兴趣(be interested in/be fascinated with/be obsessed

with…),可适当举出一些例子,如经常看相关的书籍、论文、文章、新闻等。在职考生可以强调知识教育对工作的影响: In my work, I find it necessary to broaden my horizons in communication. That‟s why I long for entering your prestigious university.

3) 结束时可以用说:That‟s all about me. / Well, that‟s who I am. Thanks for your attention.


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