
授權人簽字(Principal Signature):


1. 授權(委託)辦理戶籍登記前,當事人應先向戶政事務所洽詢是否得授權(委託)他人申請。 2.請領國民身分證之當事人如在國




二、被授權人欄:依被授權人之姓名、性別、出生年月日、出生地、 身分證字號、



例如:土地標示:台北市 區 段 小段 地號土地(全

部或持分 分之 )

房屋標示:台北市 區 路 段 巷 弄 號 樓建物

(全部或權利範圍 分之 )




與、出典、 抵押、 出租、分割、補(換)發權利書狀、征收稅款等手續及其他有關權利變更管理、收益、處分等行為)。






例如:代理本人申請印鑑登記並領取印鑑證明 份。







1. Principal:

Provide the Principal’s name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, passport/ID

numbers and address.

2. Agent: Provide the Agent’s name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, ID numbers and

registered address.

3. Land Location and Extent of Ownership: (denoting the subject lands/buildings)

For example:

, Section

% ownership)

, Alley, Street/Road,

Section % ownership)

4. Scope of Authorization:

(1) Describe the scope of authorization. For example, the Agent is authorized to handle the

sale, transfer, gifting, mortgaging, leasing, or dividing of the subject lands/buildings, re-issuance of land/building deeds, tax payments, and other matters related to the management, proceeds, and disposals of the subject lands/buildings.

For example: the Agent is authorized to receive and/or apply for the certificate of household registration.

(2) If the Scope of Authorization is related to authorizing relatives/friends in the ROC to

dispose of lands/buildings on behalf of the Principal, the applicant shall provide detailed information on the “Land Location and Extent of Ownership” and the “Competent Land Office.” If the Scope of Authorization is related to authorizing relatives/friends in the ROC as Agents to apply for registration of inheritance on behalf of the Principal, the applicant shall provide detailed information of the Land Location, or the name of the county (city) in which the subject land(s)/building(s) is/are located in case the detailed information is not being available.

(3) For matters related to the receiving of the seal certificate on behalf of the Principal, the

applicant shall use the Letter of Appointment as described in the Regulations of Seal Registration. If the applicant wishes to use this Power of Attorney instead, he/she shall include all information as required in the Letter of Appointment. If the Principal has

not applied for a seal certificate before, a supplementary phrase such as “to apply for seal registration on behalf of the Principal” shall be included in the Power of Attorney. If the Principal wishes to ask the Agent to apply for a change of registered seal on his/her behalf, the phrase shall be changed accordingly. The applicant shall also specify the number of copies to be issued.

For example: authorizing the Agent to apply for and receive copies of the seal certificate.

5. Duration of Authorization: The Principal shall specify the duration of authorization in

order to decide when this document starts and ceases to take effect.

6. The contents of the Power of Attorney shall not be altered. In case of mistakes occurring

while completing this document, the applicant shall either fill out a new application form or sign or attach his/her seal on the mistake(s) and have the Overseas Mission attach a correction mark on the mistake(s) as proof of the truthfulness of the document.

7. A “Blank” mark shall be stamped in the boxes of the Power of Attorney in case of

unavailability of information. If the information provided in the boxes marked “Land Location,” “Extent of Ownership” and “Scope of Authorization” is not sufficient for the spaces to be filled, the applicant shall stamp “Blank” behind the last word written.

授權人簽字(Principal Signature):


1. 授權(委託)辦理戶籍登記前,當事人應先向戶政事務所洽詢是否得授權(委託)他人申請。 2.請領國民身分證之當事人如在國




二、被授權人欄:依被授權人之姓名、性別、出生年月日、出生地、 身分證字號、



例如:土地標示:台北市 區 段 小段 地號土地(全

部或持分 分之 )

房屋標示:台北市 區 路 段 巷 弄 號 樓建物

(全部或權利範圍 分之 )




與、出典、 抵押、 出租、分割、補(換)發權利書狀、征收稅款等手續及其他有關權利變更管理、收益、處分等行為)。






例如:代理本人申請印鑑登記並領取印鑑證明 份。







1. Principal:

Provide the Principal’s name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, passport/ID

numbers and address.

2. Agent: Provide the Agent’s name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, ID numbers and

registered address.

3. Land Location and Extent of Ownership: (denoting the subject lands/buildings)

For example:

, Section

% ownership)

, Alley, Street/Road,

Section % ownership)

4. Scope of Authorization:

(1) Describe the scope of authorization. For example, the Agent is authorized to handle the

sale, transfer, gifting, mortgaging, leasing, or dividing of the subject lands/buildings, re-issuance of land/building deeds, tax payments, and other matters related to the management, proceeds, and disposals of the subject lands/buildings.

For example: the Agent is authorized to receive and/or apply for the certificate of household registration.

(2) If the Scope of Authorization is related to authorizing relatives/friends in the ROC to

dispose of lands/buildings on behalf of the Principal, the applicant shall provide detailed information on the “Land Location and Extent of Ownership” and the “Competent Land Office.” If the Scope of Authorization is related to authorizing relatives/friends in the ROC as Agents to apply for registration of inheritance on behalf of the Principal, the applicant shall provide detailed information of the Land Location, or the name of the county (city) in which the subject land(s)/building(s) is/are located in case the detailed information is not being available.

(3) For matters related to the receiving of the seal certificate on behalf of the Principal, the

applicant shall use the Letter of Appointment as described in the Regulations of Seal Registration. If the applicant wishes to use this Power of Attorney instead, he/she shall include all information as required in the Letter of Appointment. If the Principal has

not applied for a seal certificate before, a supplementary phrase such as “to apply for seal registration on behalf of the Principal” shall be included in the Power of Attorney. If the Principal wishes to ask the Agent to apply for a change of registered seal on his/her behalf, the phrase shall be changed accordingly. The applicant shall also specify the number of copies to be issued.

For example: authorizing the Agent to apply for and receive copies of the seal certificate.

5. Duration of Authorization: The Principal shall specify the duration of authorization in

order to decide when this document starts and ceases to take effect.

6. The contents of the Power of Attorney shall not be altered. In case of mistakes occurring

while completing this document, the applicant shall either fill out a new application form or sign or attach his/her seal on the mistake(s) and have the Overseas Mission attach a correction mark on the mistake(s) as proof of the truthfulness of the document.

7. A “Blank” mark shall be stamped in the boxes of the Power of Attorney in case of

unavailability of information. If the information provided in the boxes marked “Land Location,” “Extent of Ownership” and “Scope of Authorization” is not sufficient for the spaces to be filled, the applicant shall stamp “Blank” behind the last word written.


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