

I amyou.认识你深感荣幸。

It’s a pleasure to know you.认识阁下深感荣幸。

It’s very nice to have a chance to meet you.真高兴能有这个机会认识你。

Well ! This is a surprise! How have you been?嗯!真是个惊喜!近来可好吗?

Hi! Are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗

So far so good.到目前还好


I think I am reasonably frank by nature.我想我生性相当坦率。

I am quite reserved, but I value friendship.我相当内向,但我重视友谊。

My name is XX .I'm 21 years old . I like reading books looking for things on the Internet and watching TV .Sometimes I go fishing with my father.My favourite lessons is Chinese . I am good at playing computer games. At weekends I often play basketball with my classmates.


接着会谈及一些背景问题,主要是家庭,教育,工作等。要从容不迫,尽量把话题 引向你准备充分的论题。由于时间有限,所以你说的越多,考官的问话机会就越少。当然也不要强抢话题,要自然有逻辑性地表达观点,否则适得其反。




Do you have any hobbies?

what do you do in your spare time?

what kind of music do you like best?

what’s the most popular sports in your city?

Could you tell me something about your family?

Are you married? Have you any children?

When did you get married? Could you describe something about your wedding?

which university did you graduate from?

what’s your major?

Do you still keep in touch with your classmates?

Do you miss your campus life?

what impessed you most in your university life?

what are the main festivals in your hometown/country?

Are there any special activities during the festival?

然后考官会 给你一张卡片,上面会假定一个场景并要求你通过提问获得一些具体的信息。这一部分平时要多练习,掌握多样的问句类型,问题的次序和衔接要根据考官的回答及 时调整。最后你会被问及未来打算,通常会出现很难回答的问题,这是你提高分数的关键,不过没答出也别在意。

stage3 角色卡:

The examiner has just booked a holiday at the travel agent.Find out some information about the holiday.

To find about : the destination

the form of transport

the length of the holiday

interviewer’s feelings

The Student Union at your university is organizing a skiing trip.You are interested in going on the trip.Ask the interviewerquestions to get as mush as you can about it

To find about : cost






ski equipment

numbers going on trip By ask the interviewer ,find out as much as you can about the bookshop discount card.

To find about : wher

where it can be obtained




if you lose the card

stage4 未来打算:

what about your future plan?

Do you think your English is good enough to live in Canada?

what will you do if you can’t find a job in Canada?

what’s your biggest problem in emmigrating to Canada? How do you overcome the problems?

Do you know the biggest difference between Chinese culture and British culture?

why do you choose Canada as your destination?

what’s the most attractive thing of Canada for you?

what do you want to study in Canada?

where are you going to study in? Why?

Do you think going abroad will benefit your career?

When are you going to return China?

what do you plan to do when you come back to China?

How long do you think you may need to get used to the new life in Canada?

Does your wife/husband surpport your plan?

If you were refused to emmigrate to Canada,what are you going to do?

最后和考官道别。决窍就是放松,你会发现你有超 水平发挥,口语是最易拿分的,当然拿高分也不容易。

stage5 道别:

Good bye.

Bye bye.

I am glad to talk with you.

Thank /the talk.

See you later.

It’s really nice to know you.

I appreciate the time you gave me.


so long,my friends,see you again.


I amyou.认识你深感荣幸。

It’s a pleasure to know you.认识阁下深感荣幸。

It’s very nice to have a chance to meet you.真高兴能有这个机会认识你。

Well ! This is a surprise! How have you been?嗯!真是个惊喜!近来可好吗?

Hi! Are you having fun?嗨,你过得愉快吗

So far so good.到目前还好


I think I am reasonably frank by nature.我想我生性相当坦率。

I am quite reserved, but I value friendship.我相当内向,但我重视友谊。

My name is XX .I'm 21 years old . I like reading books looking for things on the Internet and watching TV .Sometimes I go fishing with my father.My favourite lessons is Chinese . I am good at playing computer games. At weekends I often play basketball with my classmates.


接着会谈及一些背景问题,主要是家庭,教育,工作等。要从容不迫,尽量把话题 引向你准备充分的论题。由于时间有限,所以你说的越多,考官的问话机会就越少。当然也不要强抢话题,要自然有逻辑性地表达观点,否则适得其反。




Do you have any hobbies?

what do you do in your spare time?

what kind of music do you like best?

what’s the most popular sports in your city?

Could you tell me something about your family?

Are you married? Have you any children?

When did you get married? Could you describe something about your wedding?

which university did you graduate from?

what’s your major?

Do you still keep in touch with your classmates?

Do you miss your campus life?

what impessed you most in your university life?

what are the main festivals in your hometown/country?

Are there any special activities during the festival?

然后考官会 给你一张卡片,上面会假定一个场景并要求你通过提问获得一些具体的信息。这一部分平时要多练习,掌握多样的问句类型,问题的次序和衔接要根据考官的回答及 时调整。最后你会被问及未来打算,通常会出现很难回答的问题,这是你提高分数的关键,不过没答出也别在意。

stage3 角色卡:

The examiner has just booked a holiday at the travel agent.Find out some information about the holiday.

To find about : the destination

the form of transport

the length of the holiday

interviewer’s feelings

The Student Union at your university is organizing a skiing trip.You are interested in going on the trip.Ask the interviewerquestions to get as mush as you can about it

To find about : cost






ski equipment

numbers going on trip By ask the interviewer ,find out as much as you can about the bookshop discount card.

To find about : wher

where it can be obtained




if you lose the card

stage4 未来打算:

what about your future plan?

Do you think your English is good enough to live in Canada?

what will you do if you can’t find a job in Canada?

what’s your biggest problem in emmigrating to Canada? How do you overcome the problems?

Do you know the biggest difference between Chinese culture and British culture?

why do you choose Canada as your destination?

what’s the most attractive thing of Canada for you?

what do you want to study in Canada?

where are you going to study in? Why?

Do you think going abroad will benefit your career?

When are you going to return China?

what do you plan to do when you come back to China?

How long do you think you may need to get used to the new life in Canada?

Does your wife/husband surpport your plan?

If you were refused to emmigrate to Canada,what are you going to do?

最后和考官道别。决窍就是放松,你会发现你有超 水平发挥,口语是最易拿分的,当然拿高分也不容易。

stage5 道别:

Good bye.

Bye bye.

I am glad to talk with you.

Thank /the talk.

See you later.

It’s really nice to know you.

I appreciate the time you gave me.


so long,my friends,see you again.


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