
Three Objects

After working for a whole day, dragged my tired feet I came back home. Hardly had I sat down when there came the ring. An air of strange came upon me for I had never heard it before. Driving by curiosity , I stood up and started to search for its source. Finally, I, following the ring, walked into the bedroom and noted a new mobile and a broken book lay on the table, right beside the binoculars, which I bought to observe the rare astronomical phenomenon at night. With quite a lot doubt, I picked up the phone and noticed there was a message on the phone, read "Let's play a game, if you fail to figure out my passwords in a day , the woman living in the opposite apartment will be killed .The passwords are shielded in the book ". I thought it as a joke, but soon I was proved definitely too naive as the arrival of the second message " Take it serious, and never consider calling the police, you are being watched ". Suddenly a sense of fear came over me. I realized that there must be something wrong and out of social morality, I tried to pull myself together and racked my brain to find what countermeasure I should take.

I walked to the window, took out the binoculars and tried to make sure what was going on in the woman's house. But I could not see anything. The window curtains were sealed just remaining some clothes hanging in the porch. Turning to the book, a detective story as I knew, I still couldn’t get any clue about the passwords. "Maybe I could get into the woman' house to find something", I said to myself, but how could I make it? Thought for a while and an idea suddenly came upon me. I knocked at the door, and a man opened it. I explained to him that I was his neighbor living under his floor. As the result of I had lost my keys. I asked if I could use his porch to get into my house because our porches were almost linked together. The man was warm-hearted and would like to do me the favor. Successfully, I got into the house but found no one in the parlor. After a careful search, a locked room got my attention. I stood back a few steps and collided out the door. Much to my surprise, a woman sat in front of the computer and looked at me strangely . At this moment, another message came" Y ou are joked, and I have told you not to read too much Sherlock Holmes". It occurred to me that the book on the table was exactly the Sherlock Holmes, which had been torn by my wife. For I spent too much time on detective novels and paid less attention to her, she was so angry that she quarreled with me and even tore the books the other day. Just as it is said that the truth will come out in the wash, my lovely wife and her friend, namely the woman was the ringleader of the whole “attempted murder ”.

1. 红色波浪线表示有格式错误。记得标点符号后面要空格!特别是, 。

2. 绿色波浪线表示有语法错误。

Three Objects

After working for a whole day, dragged my tired feet I came back home. Hardly had I sat down when there came the ring. An air of strange came upon me for I had never heard it before. Driving by curiosity , I stood up and started to search for its source. Finally, I, following the ring, walked into the bedroom and noted a new mobile and a broken book lay on the table, right beside the binoculars, which I bought to observe the rare astronomical phenomenon at night. With quite a lot doubt, I picked up the phone and noticed there was a message on the phone, read "Let's play a game, if you fail to figure out my passwords in a day , the woman living in the opposite apartment will be killed .The passwords are shielded in the book ". I thought it as a joke, but soon I was proved definitely too naive as the arrival of the second message " Take it serious, and never consider calling the police, you are being watched ". Suddenly a sense of fear came over me. I realized that there must be something wrong and out of social morality, I tried to pull myself together and racked my brain to find what countermeasure I should take.

I walked to the window, took out the binoculars and tried to make sure what was going on in the woman's house. But I could not see anything. The window curtains were sealed just remaining some clothes hanging in the porch. Turning to the book, a detective story as I knew, I still couldn’t get any clue about the passwords. "Maybe I could get into the woman' house to find something", I said to myself, but how could I make it? Thought for a while and an idea suddenly came upon me. I knocked at the door, and a man opened it. I explained to him that I was his neighbor living under his floor. As the result of I had lost my keys. I asked if I could use his porch to get into my house because our porches were almost linked together. The man was warm-hearted and would like to do me the favor. Successfully, I got into the house but found no one in the parlor. After a careful search, a locked room got my attention. I stood back a few steps and collided out the door. Much to my surprise, a woman sat in front of the computer and looked at me strangely . At this moment, another message came" Y ou are joked, and I have told you not to read too much Sherlock Holmes". It occurred to me that the book on the table was exactly the Sherlock Holmes, which had been torn by my wife. For I spent too much time on detective novels and paid less attention to her, she was so angry that she quarreled with me and even tore the books the other day. Just as it is said that the truth will come out in the wash, my lovely wife and her friend, namely the woman was the ringleader of the whole “attempted murder ”.

1. 红色波浪线表示有格式错误。记得标点符号后面要空格!特别是, 。

2. 绿色波浪线表示有语法错误。


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