
【每日国际】英国人“完美人生”应做的50件事 做到8件就很了不起

(2013-05-22 15:44:41)








British people believe losing a stone in weight, performing live on stage, travelling to 25 foreign countries and earning more than your age are all crucial in order to 'live life to the full'.


Spending time with children, having a one-night stand and staying up all night drinking also feature on the new list of 50 achievements we feel we need to do at least once, along with finding true love and being married for more than 20 years.


Researchers compiled the list - which also includes doing abungee jump, dating someone exciting but completely wrong for you, blowing money on a spontaneous trip and going on holiday twice a year - by questioning 2,000 adults about what makes a 'full' life.


But the study also revealed the average person has ticked off just eight of the 50 achievements listed - and only 23 per cent of those polled believe they are already 'living life to the full'.


Trying all types of food, experiencing different cultures, having a degree, owning a pet and visiting all of Britain's historical landmarks were also hailed as 'essential'.


A spokesman for the poll, commissioned to mark the DVD release of Life Of Pi, said: 'The research is really interesting because much of the top 50 list focuses on experiences and achievements rather than having more material possessions.

此项调查的发言人表示:“这项研究很有趣,因为清单上列出来的50件事侧重于经历和成就,而不是拥有更多的物质财富。” 据悉委托此项调查是为了庆祝《少年派的奇幻漂流》DVD版发布。

'And that's exactly what the term 'living life to the full' means - it's getting to that point in life where you are enjoying each moment, from the thrills and adventures to the routine of everyday.

“这就是‘完美的生活’ 所代表的涵义——指的正是在生活你是如何享受每一刻的,从惊险刺激和冒险活动到每天的日常生活。”

'The research indicates people want to relax into their lives in order to enjoy it - by stopping all the worries about what other people are thinking, how much money they have - and as number nine in the list shows concentrating on what you do have rather than what you don't is of great importance.'


For many, spending more time outside would be indicative of having a full life, as would booking impulsive last minute holidays, having the courage to travel alone and spontaneously blowing money on shopping trips.


Being heroic is important to some: 12 per cent would like to physically rescue someone, and 26 per cent want to be well thought of by family and friends.


Many people would like to feel they could enjoy the little comforts in life, while 31 per cent want to be 'true to themselves'.And in order to live life to the full, Brits would like to have reached their desired career peak by the age of 40.


Making time for family and friends, treating each day like it's their last, and being able to keep kids on the straight and narrow are important to Brits.


The study shows that 65 per cent claim they don't live life to the full all the time because they can't afford to, while 38 per cent don't have the time.


Just under four in 10 people say they have to think of other people around them and this sometimes prevents them from fulfilling their dreams, while 17 per cent are too scared to take theplunge.


Only three in 10 people class themselves as adventurous, but 85 per cent say that if money was no option they would try to achieve more of the elements in the top 50 list.


The spokesman continued: 'Pi was forced to make a decision not only to survive but to live. It seems as though in real life, people are faced with much simpler choices but still face a challenge when seeking out that genuine sense of fulfillment.'


【每日国际】英国人“完美人生”应做的50件事 做到8件就很了不起

(2013-05-22 15:44:41)








British people believe losing a stone in weight, performing live on stage, travelling to 25 foreign countries and earning more than your age are all crucial in order to 'live life to the full'.


Spending time with children, having a one-night stand and staying up all night drinking also feature on the new list of 50 achievements we feel we need to do at least once, along with finding true love and being married for more than 20 years.


Researchers compiled the list - which also includes doing abungee jump, dating someone exciting but completely wrong for you, blowing money on a spontaneous trip and going on holiday twice a year - by questioning 2,000 adults about what makes a 'full' life.


But the study also revealed the average person has ticked off just eight of the 50 achievements listed - and only 23 per cent of those polled believe they are already 'living life to the full'.


Trying all types of food, experiencing different cultures, having a degree, owning a pet and visiting all of Britain's historical landmarks were also hailed as 'essential'.


A spokesman for the poll, commissioned to mark the DVD release of Life Of Pi, said: 'The research is really interesting because much of the top 50 list focuses on experiences and achievements rather than having more material possessions.

此项调查的发言人表示:“这项研究很有趣,因为清单上列出来的50件事侧重于经历和成就,而不是拥有更多的物质财富。” 据悉委托此项调查是为了庆祝《少年派的奇幻漂流》DVD版发布。

'And that's exactly what the term 'living life to the full' means - it's getting to that point in life where you are enjoying each moment, from the thrills and adventures to the routine of everyday.

“这就是‘完美的生活’ 所代表的涵义——指的正是在生活你是如何享受每一刻的,从惊险刺激和冒险活动到每天的日常生活。”

'The research indicates people want to relax into their lives in order to enjoy it - by stopping all the worries about what other people are thinking, how much money they have - and as number nine in the list shows concentrating on what you do have rather than what you don't is of great importance.'


For many, spending more time outside would be indicative of having a full life, as would booking impulsive last minute holidays, having the courage to travel alone and spontaneously blowing money on shopping trips.


Being heroic is important to some: 12 per cent would like to physically rescue someone, and 26 per cent want to be well thought of by family and friends.


Many people would like to feel they could enjoy the little comforts in life, while 31 per cent want to be 'true to themselves'.And in order to live life to the full, Brits would like to have reached their desired career peak by the age of 40.


Making time for family and friends, treating each day like it's their last, and being able to keep kids on the straight and narrow are important to Brits.


The study shows that 65 per cent claim they don't live life to the full all the time because they can't afford to, while 38 per cent don't have the time.


Just under four in 10 people say they have to think of other people around them and this sometimes prevents them from fulfilling their dreams, while 17 per cent are too scared to take theplunge.


Only three in 10 people class themselves as adventurous, but 85 per cent say that if money was no option they would try to achieve more of the elements in the top 50 list.


The spokesman continued: 'Pi was forced to make a decision not only to survive but to live. It seems as though in real life, people are faced with much simpler choices but still face a challenge when seeking out that genuine sense of fulfillment.'



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