

听力原文 Ⅰ.

1. Linda wants to join the music club. 2. Jim usually gets up at 6:45.

3. Selina often takes a shower in the morning. 4. My favorite subject is math. It’s interesting. 5. Lana likes playing the guitar very much. Ⅱ.

6. Alice, nice to meet you. 7. How do you spell“eraser ”? 8. Where’s my book? Can you see it? 9. Does Jack like strawberries? 10. What’s your favorite sport? Ⅲ.

M: Good evening, Ann. W: Good evening, Andy.

M: I know you are an English teacher. And many students like you very much. Can I ask you some questions? W: Sure.

M: When is your birthday? W: It’s December 21.

M: You look healthy. Do you often do sports?

W: Yes. I like running best. I also like basketball, soccer, ping-pong, and baseball. M: But do you have much time to play sports every day?

W: Yes. I run to school in the morning and run back home in the afternoon. I play sports with my students after class. M: Wow! You ’re a good runner!

W: Yes. I want my students to do more sports, too. It’s good for them. M: I think so.


Tom is an American boy. He is from New York.His father, Mr Brown, and mother, Mrs Brown, both work in Beijing now. So he studies in No.61Middle School in Beijing. He usually goes to school at 7:10 every morning. At school, Tom’s favorite subjects are science and music. He thinks they are very interesting. He doesn’t like math. He thinks it ’s too boring. After school, Tom usually plays soccer and basketball with his Chinese friends. On weekends, Tom often goes to the movies with his parents.



46—55 old, school, help, difficult, favorite, because,

best, playing, movies, are

阅读理解 56—70 CDBCC CAABD BBDAC 书面表达 略


听力原文 Ⅰ.

1. Linda wants to join the music club. 2. Jim usually gets up at 6:45.

3. Selina often takes a shower in the morning. 4. My favorite subject is math. It’s interesting. 5. Lana likes playing the guitar very much. Ⅱ.

6. Alice, nice to meet you. 7. How do you spell“eraser ”? 8. Where’s my book? Can you see it? 9. Does Jack like strawberries? 10. What’s your favorite sport? Ⅲ.

M: Good evening, Ann. W: Good evening, Andy.

M: I know you are an English teacher. And many students like you very much. Can I ask you some questions? W: Sure.

M: When is your birthday? W: It’s December 21.

M: You look healthy. Do you often do sports?

W: Yes. I like running best. I also like basketball, soccer, ping-pong, and baseball. M: But do you have much time to play sports every day?

W: Yes. I run to school in the morning and run back home in the afternoon. I play sports with my students after class. M: Wow! You ’re a good runner!

W: Yes. I want my students to do more sports, too. It’s good for them. M: I think so.


Tom is an American boy. He is from New York.His father, Mr Brown, and mother, Mrs Brown, both work in Beijing now. So he studies in No.61Middle School in Beijing. He usually goes to school at 7:10 every morning. At school, Tom’s favorite subjects are science and music. He thinks they are very interesting. He doesn’t like math. He thinks it ’s too boring. After school, Tom usually plays soccer and basketball with his Chinese friends. On weekends, Tom often goes to the movies with his parents.



46—55 old, school, help, difficult, favorite, because,

best, playing, movies, are

阅读理解 56—70 CDBCC CAABD BBDAC 书面表达 略


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