英语阅读1 1


We all see and hear about extraordinary people around us and wonder why can’t we be more like them? Sometimes we chuck that notion as absurd

and unachievable. I would say not so fast. It’s not the big things that make someone extraordinary. It’s the small things.


Things that over a period of time have the power to radically change your life. They become extraordinary by making a difference in someone's life. Here are some of the things extraordinary people do every day:


1. They are open to criticism


Just because you’re the boss, doesn’t mean you are right every time. It doesn’t mean you have the best ideas. Learn to back up your ideas or decisions with reason. Use logic to explain things, not authority. By doing this your decisions might invite criticism, but you will also get an opportunity to improve.

你是老板,但这不表示你每次都对,不表示你的想法最好。学着用理性来支持你的想法或决定。运用逻辑来解释事情 ,而不是运用权威。这样的话你的决策可能会引发批评,但是你却得到了提高的机会。

2. They admit their mistakes


My friend’s boss made a huge mistake by tying up with an event management company. The whole purpose of the tie-up was to promote his company but it failed miserably. Instead of defending his idea and carrying on as if nothing happened, he apologised to the team for not including them in the decision making. It’s OK to admit you were wrong. You will not only gain the respect of your team mates, you will also gain credibility.


3. They are generous with compliments


Remember the time, say in school or at work when you worked really hard but got nothing in return. Not even a thank you. It hurts when your efforts are not recognized. So every chance you get to praise someone, do it. A simple, “That was some great work, keep it up,” can go a long way in making the employee feel great about them self. A compliment can have a positive impact on their lives. Your team/family will love you for it.


4. They are sensitive to others


Think about a time you complimented someone and the recipient changed the topic? Maybe he or she was uncomfortable. But you still were not amused were you? Similarly, when you feel awkward receiving a compliment or an award, remain in control and give the person in front of you a genuine smile and thank him or her. Don’t make the moment sour by acting on your insecurities.


5. They ask for help


When you need help, don’t be arrogant or shy and stop yourself. If you’re lost on the road, it is fine to ask for directions. Everyone needs a little help sometime. When you ask for help, you receive help. By doing so, you’re letting people know you’re no superhuman, that you’re willing to listen, you also need support at times…which only show you could become a great leader someday.


6. They apologize when needed


We all make mistakes, but what makes a person big is when he is ready to apologize. Don’t try to hide behind excuses: “I didn’t mean to say it, it just

happened.” “I was irritated with such and such person so…” No. Don’t try to shift blame. Just come right out and say you’re sorry.


7. They are willing to learn


When you don’t understand how something works, let an expert show you. When you let someone teach you something, you are telling the person that you respect their talent, time and that you believe he knows what he is talking about. That you respect their experience. Always be willing to learn, because there is no way in hell to know everything.


8. They are helpful


Never hesitate to help someone. It’s fairly simple but it goes a long way. Don’t be non-committal and say something vague like, “Can I help you?” because they might just say, “No, I’m good.” The key is to not sound patronizing. Be

specific. “I had the same problem with this coffee machine in the morning. I think I have figured a way to make it work.” Offer in a way that feels mutually beneficial.

能助人时且助人。说起来容易做起来难。不要害怕承诺并说一些模糊的话,“需要我的帮忙吗?”因为别人可能以为你只是说说,“不,我很好。”并要注意不要以恩人自居。要具体一点.” 早晨我也碰到这个咖啡机出现过同样的问题。我觉得我想到了一个办法能把它修好。”用一种互惠互利的方式去帮助他人。

9. They are expressive


They are not bottled up. They feel something they verbalize it. Then be it pulling someone for not working hard or congratulating someone on their wonderful performance. This behaviour is not only restricted to work, but is applied to every aspect of their life.


10. They’re in charge of their emotions


Sometimes it is very important to stay mum. Especially when you’re angry or irritated or bitter, you don’t want to end up saying things you didn’t really mean to. So they take their time, they process their emotions, thin back to what

happened, and then come to a decision about how to tackle it. Before you say anything, consider other’s feelings. Never be rash with words or actions.



We all see and hear about extraordinary people around us and wonder why can’t we be more like them? Sometimes we chuck that notion as absurd

and unachievable. I would say not so fast. It’s not the big things that make someone extraordinary. It’s the small things.


Things that over a period of time have the power to radically change your life. They become extraordinary by making a difference in someone's life. Here are some of the things extraordinary people do every day:


1. They are open to criticism


Just because you’re the boss, doesn’t mean you are right every time. It doesn’t mean you have the best ideas. Learn to back up your ideas or decisions with reason. Use logic to explain things, not authority. By doing this your decisions might invite criticism, but you will also get an opportunity to improve.

你是老板,但这不表示你每次都对,不表示你的想法最好。学着用理性来支持你的想法或决定。运用逻辑来解释事情 ,而不是运用权威。这样的话你的决策可能会引发批评,但是你却得到了提高的机会。

2. They admit their mistakes


My friend’s boss made a huge mistake by tying up with an event management company. The whole purpose of the tie-up was to promote his company but it failed miserably. Instead of defending his idea and carrying on as if nothing happened, he apologised to the team for not including them in the decision making. It’s OK to admit you were wrong. You will not only gain the respect of your team mates, you will also gain credibility.


3. They are generous with compliments


Remember the time, say in school or at work when you worked really hard but got nothing in return. Not even a thank you. It hurts when your efforts are not recognized. So every chance you get to praise someone, do it. A simple, “That was some great work, keep it up,” can go a long way in making the employee feel great about them self. A compliment can have a positive impact on their lives. Your team/family will love you for it.


4. They are sensitive to others


Think about a time you complimented someone and the recipient changed the topic? Maybe he or she was uncomfortable. But you still were not amused were you? Similarly, when you feel awkward receiving a compliment or an award, remain in control and give the person in front of you a genuine smile and thank him or her. Don’t make the moment sour by acting on your insecurities.


5. They ask for help


When you need help, don’t be arrogant or shy and stop yourself. If you’re lost on the road, it is fine to ask for directions. Everyone needs a little help sometime. When you ask for help, you receive help. By doing so, you’re letting people know you’re no superhuman, that you’re willing to listen, you also need support at times…which only show you could become a great leader someday.


6. They apologize when needed


We all make mistakes, but what makes a person big is when he is ready to apologize. Don’t try to hide behind excuses: “I didn’t mean to say it, it just

happened.” “I was irritated with such and such person so…” No. Don’t try to shift blame. Just come right out and say you’re sorry.


7. They are willing to learn


When you don’t understand how something works, let an expert show you. When you let someone teach you something, you are telling the person that you respect their talent, time and that you believe he knows what he is talking about. That you respect their experience. Always be willing to learn, because there is no way in hell to know everything.


8. They are helpful


Never hesitate to help someone. It’s fairly simple but it goes a long way. Don’t be non-committal and say something vague like, “Can I help you?” because they might just say, “No, I’m good.” The key is to not sound patronizing. Be

specific. “I had the same problem with this coffee machine in the morning. I think I have figured a way to make it work.” Offer in a way that feels mutually beneficial.

能助人时且助人。说起来容易做起来难。不要害怕承诺并说一些模糊的话,“需要我的帮忙吗?”因为别人可能以为你只是说说,“不,我很好。”并要注意不要以恩人自居。要具体一点.” 早晨我也碰到这个咖啡机出现过同样的问题。我觉得我想到了一个办法能把它修好。”用一种互惠互利的方式去帮助他人。

9. They are expressive


They are not bottled up. They feel something they verbalize it. Then be it pulling someone for not working hard or congratulating someone on their wonderful performance. This behaviour is not only restricted to work, but is applied to every aspect of their life.


10. They’re in charge of their emotions


Sometimes it is very important to stay mum. Especially when you’re angry or irritated or bitter, you don’t want to end up saying things you didn’t really mean to. So they take their time, they process their emotions, thin back to what

happened, and then come to a decision about how to tackle it. Before you say anything, consider other’s feelings. Never be rash with words or actions.



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