


1. deadline reach short-time goals achievable study set aside

2. 1500

3. Diploma Central Radio ang TV University.

4. compulsory optional English Phonetics

5. 14 4 76


1.Strengths: A high level of motivation.

Good self-discipline.

Rich life experience.

Better understanding.

Self-management of time.

Self-decision-making on learning.

Weaknesses: Failing memory.

Poor imitation.

Having many other things to do.

Lack of time.

Lack of learning community.

2.(1)Make use of different kinds of learning resourses.

(2)Visit the study centre.

(3)Attend tutorials.

(4)Find study partners.

(5)Stay in touch with your tutor.

(6)Contact us at the Central Radio and TV University.

3.(1)Do not interrupt reading.

(2)Make a sensible guess.

(3)Underline the word.

4.(1)Focus on the reader.

(2)Plan before you write.

(3)Keep it simple.

(4)Check your writing at least three times before you finish it.

(5)If you can, do your writing on a computer with a good word-processing package.

5.If you don’t understand something that a person says to you,do not just stop talking.Keep the conversation going by asking the person to repeat what he or she said.You can also ask him or her to say it again in a different way or to explain.

三、写作。(20’ 不少于120字)



1. deadline reach short-time goals achievable study set aside

2. 1500

3. Diploma Central Radio ang TV University.

4. compulsory optional English Phonetics

5. 14 4 76


1.Strengths: A high level of motivation.

Good self-discipline.

Rich life experience.

Better understanding.

Self-management of time.

Self-decision-making on learning.

Weaknesses: Failing memory.

Poor imitation.

Having many other things to do.

Lack of time.

Lack of learning community.

2.(1)Make use of different kinds of learning resourses.

(2)Visit the study centre.

(3)Attend tutorials.

(4)Find study partners.

(5)Stay in touch with your tutor.

(6)Contact us at the Central Radio and TV University.

3.(1)Do not interrupt reading.

(2)Make a sensible guess.

(3)Underline the word.

4.(1)Focus on the reader.

(2)Plan before you write.

(3)Keep it simple.

(4)Check your writing at least three times before you finish it.

(5)If you can, do your writing on a computer with a good word-processing package.

5.If you don’t understand something that a person says to you,do not just stop talking.Keep the conversation going by asking the person to repeat what he or she said.You can also ask him or her to say it again in a different way or to explain.

三、写作。(20’ 不少于120字)


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