
1. Where is Edinburgh?

A In Wales C In Northern Ireland D In Ireland

选B. Wales的首府威Cardiff, Scotland的首府为Edinburgh. Northern Ireland的首府Belfast, Ireland的首府为Dublin.

2. Which of the following is Not a U.S. news and cable network?

A ABC B CNN C CBS 选 D. BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司, ABC=American Broadcasting Company, Inc美国广播公司; CNN= Cable News Network美国有线广播公司, CBS= Columbia Broadcasting System哥伦比亚广播公司

3. The Capital of Australia is __.

A Sydney B Melbourne D Perth

选C.Sydney第一城市, 位于New South Wales州;Melbourne第二大城市位于Victoria州,Canberra位于Sydney与Melbourne之间;Perth位于Australia州

4. Which degree is offered in community colleges in the United States?

A Master's degree B Doctor's degree C Bachelor's degree 5. George Bernard Shaw was a(n) __.

A playwright B poet C novelist D essayist

选A.George Bernard Shaw (英国,萧伯纳),爱尔兰籍,剧作家,批评家,社会评论家,主要作品有Man and Superman, Back to Methuselah, Saint Joan ,Arms and the Man, Pygmalion ,获得1925年诺贝尔文学奖。

6. John Galsworthy was most famous for__.

A Heart of Darkness B Ulysses C The Forsyste Saga D A Passage to India

选C.John Galsworthy(英国),小说家,剧作家。主要作品有The Forsyte Saga,于1932年获得了诺贝尔文学奖;Heart of Darkness,作者Joseph Conrad,波兰籍英国小说家,另有Lord Jim ;Ulysses, 作者James Joyce, 爱尔兰作家Finnergans Wake《为芬尼根守灵》; A Passage to India,作者E.M. Forster,英国小说家,另有Howards End霍华德别业。

7. The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by__.

A Henry James B O. Henry C Harriet Beccher Stower 选D.Mark Twain= Samuel Langhorne Clemens,作品有The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; Henry James, 主要作品有Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl; O.Henry= William Sydney Porter, 主要作品有Cabbages and Kings, Four Million; Harriet Beecher Stower, 其反奴隶制小说Uncle Tom's Cabin,促进了废奴运动发展。 study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in condition is__.

A morphology形态学 B general linguistics普通语言学 语音学 D semantics语义学

9. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?

A Landlady B Greenhouse C Uplift 选D.是derivation派生词.

10. The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any which we don't have to work. This is an example of __.

A meaning shift B widening of meaning C narrowing of meaning

D loss of meaning

1. study of __ is Syntax.

A textual organization C word formation

D language functions

选B. Syntax (句法),研究词或其他句子成分如何联合起来形成合乎语法的句子规则的学科。

2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language?

A arbitrariness B productivity C cultural transmission 选D.语言的区别性特征包含有五个特征:arbitrariness(任意性),productivity(能产性), duality(双层性),displacement(不受时空限制),cultural transmission(文化传递性)。 Arbitrariness,指一句话所表达的意思与表达这个意思的语言文字之间的关系不确定。Productivity,事实上,能产性有时也称之为创造性,指的是人们可以构造或理解无穷多的新语句。duality, 语言结构的二重性指的一个是语音结构,另一个是语义结构。 cultural transmission指的是语言不像遗传基因那样才能代代相传,语言必须作为一个体系,必须一点一点的习得。人所要学的某一特定的语言是文化的即社会的语言,人出生后孤立于文化或社会环境之外是无法习得语言的。

3. The speech act theory was first put forward by__.

A John Scarl Noarn Chomsky D M.A.K Halliday

选B.言语行为理论是由英国哲学家奥斯汀提出的假说。60年代,英国哲学家Johan Austin奥斯汀和Johan Searle赛尔勒先后发表了“语言行为”的理论。根据奥斯汀的言语行为理论,当人们说出每句话时,不管其是否含有行为动词,都包含有“说”的成分和“做”的成分,即言内行为locutionary act,言外行为illocutionary act和言后行为perlocutionary act.

4. The capital city of Canada is __.

A Montreal B Ottawa C Vancouver D York

选B.Canada的首度是Ottawa(渥太华)。Toronto(多伦多)是加拿大最大的城市;Montreal (蒙利特尔)加拿大第二城市;Vancouver(温哥华)为第三大城市。

5. U.S. presidents normally serve a (an) __ term.

A eight-year C six-year D two year


6. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.

B Baltimore C Philadelphia D Boston

选A.Huston (休斯顿)是位于美国南部Texas(德克萨斯州) 的城市,而

Boston(波士顿) Baltimore (巴尔的摩)Philadephia(费城)都是位于美国东北部的大城市。

7. The state church in England is __.

A The Baptist B The Roman Catholic C The Protestant Church 选D.The Church of England (英国圣公会),是英国的国家教会,是亨利八世1531年创立的,他颁布了《最高法案》,宣布国王取代教皇成为教会的首脑。英国国教会和国家的关系是一种权利和义务的关系,国王必须是英国国教徒和教会的支持者。

8. The novel Emma is written by__.

B Elizabeth C Gaskell C Charlotte Bronte D Mary Shelley

选A.Emma爱玛是Jane Austen简 奥斯汀的重要作品之一,描写女主人认


9. Which of the following is not a Romantic Poet?

A William Wordsworth B Percy B. Shelley C George G. Byron D 选D.乔治 爱略特George Eliot是玛丽 安 伊万斯Mary Ann Evans的笔名,这位才女是19世纪现实主义小说的代表。William Wordsworth(威廉 华兹华斯),Percy.B Shelly(雪莱), George G Byron (拜伦)都是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表。

10. William Sidney Porter, known as O.Henry, is most famous for __.

A his poem B his plays C His novels 选D.O Henry(欧 亨利)原名William Sidney Porter (威廉 西德尼 波特),美国著名短篇小说,《麦琪的礼物》是他最著名的代表作之一,有人称之为“或许是文学里最佳的通俗故事。

1. The longest river in Britain is ___?

B Tees C Thames D Clyde

选A. Severn(塞汶河)为英国最长的河,长约338千米。 Thames(泰晤士河)为英国第二大河。

2. The British Isles is made up of ___?

A Three large islands and hundreds of small ones C Three large islands and dozens of small ones

D Two large islands and dozens of small ones

The British Isles is a geographical term which includes two large islands: Great Britain and Ireland and 5,000 small islands.

3. In ___ the Romans conquered Greece. B 1200 B.C C 700 B.C D the 5th century

4. Which work described the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy?

A Antigone B Odyssey D Oedipus the king

选C. Iliad《伊利亚特》描述了由 Agamemnon(阿伽门侬)领导的Troy(特洛伊)战争。

5. There are three political divisions ___ on the island of Great Britain.

A England, Scotland, and Ireland C England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

D Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland

选B. 大不颠岛有三大政治区:England英格兰、Scotland苏格兰、Wales威尔士,其中人口最多,面积最大的岛是England(英格兰)。

6. The Tower of London, located in the central of London, was built by___.

A King Harold B William the Conqueror C Robin Hood D Oliver Cromwell

选B. The Tower of London(伦敦塔),位于泰晤士河北岸,伦敦塔附近,是伦敦著名的古迹之一。William the Conqueror(威廉一世)于11世纪保卫和控制整个伦敦而建造了该塔,占地18英亩。经过历代君主的扩建和修整,整个建筑反映了英国不同朝代的建筑风格。

7. St. Paul's Cathedral is in ___.

A Liverpool B London C Glasgow D Birmingham

选B. St. Paul's Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂)是英格兰最大的新教教堂。最早在此址上建立的诺曼教堂在1666年的伦敦大火中焚毁,现在圣保罗大教堂由英国建筑师雷恩设计,于1675年兴建,历时35年于1710年建好。教堂内有威灵顿纪念碑,教堂正门上部人子墙上雕刻着圣保罗传教的画面,墙顶上立有圣保罗的石雕像。

8. The largest lake in Britain is ___?

A Ullswater B Loch Lomond C Windermere 选D. The Lough Neagh(内伊湖)英国北爱尔兰湖泊,是大不列颠岛最大的湖,长31公里,面积389平方公里。Lough 为爱尔兰方言,是湖泊、海湾的意思。

9. Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C?

A Roman Culture C Chinese Culture D Egyptian Culture


10.The founder of scientific mathematics is ___.

A Aristotle B Heracleitus C Socrates D Pythagoras


1. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in ___?

A 200 B.C B 55 A.D C 55 B.C D 410 A.D(Anno Domini)

选C.公元前55年, 由Julius Caesar(恺撒)领导的罗马人首次入侵Britain,而罗马人撤出大不列颠是在公元410年。

3. The statement “You can not step twice into the same river” was said by___?

A Aristotle B Heracletus C Socrates D Pythagoras



4. The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, ___, and Aristotle, who are active in Athens雅典in the 5th and 4th century


A Pythagoras B Heracleitus C Herodotus D Plato

选D.Socrates(苏格拉底)、Plato(柏拉图)and Aristotle(亚里士多德)是公元前5世纪到公元前4实际活跃在雅典的欧洲三大哲学家。

5. Between 1337 and 1453 the ___ took place in Britain.

A Wars of Roses B Black Death

D Peasants Uprising

选C.从1337—1453英法之间的战争断断续续地持续了一百年,称之为“英法百年战争”。(Hundred Years' War)

6. William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in___.

A 1066 B 1086 C 1381 D 1035

选A.1066年10月14日William, Duke of Normandy(诺蔓底公爵威廉)在Hastings(黑斯廷斯)战败英国国王Harold(哈罗德),这是英国历史上著名的诺曼征服时间(The Norman Conquest)。此战役确定了诺曼人对英格兰人的统治地位。同年12月25日威廉在伦敦加冕,称William the Conqueror(征服者威廉)。

7. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from ___ to ___.

A 1600-1604 B 1640-1644 C 1642-1646 D 1646-1650 选C.1642英国第一次内战在查里斯国王和国会之间展开,因国王的反对者主要是清教徒,因此英国内战又称之为“清教徒革命”。

8. believed that the highest good in life was pleasure, freedom from pain and emotional upheaval(n. 突变,剧变).

A Cynics B Stoics C Sceptics 选D.公元前4世纪,西方哲学四大流派:the Cynics(犬儒主义学派)、the Sceptics(怀疑论学派)、the Epicureans(享乐主义学派)、the Stoics(斯多葛学派)互相争鸣。the Epicureans(享乐主义学派)认为“快乐”是人生的最大追求。

9. James Watt created a ___ in 1769?

A Spinning Mule B Steam Engine C Power Loom D Spinning Jenny 选B.James Watt(詹姆斯.瓦特)于1769发明了蒸汽机,蒸汽机的发明在英国的工业革命中起着重要的作用。

10.Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated(没收,充公) by William and given to ___.

A The Danes B the Irish C The Norman barons D The Scots

选C.多数本属于萨克逊人的土地被征服者威廉没收后送给了诺曼贵族们。(The Norman barons)

1. Who led The Peasants Uprising in Britain?

B Henry Turner C Richard D Stephen

选A.由于百年战争并没有改变农民的生活条件,又加上人头税(the Poll Tax)的征收。1381年(Watt Tyler)瓦特.泰勒领导了农民起义。

2. In English individualistic culture, one should bother Englishmen without a good reason and making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an English proverb ___?

A as welcome as a storm B an Englishman's house is his castle

C do not wear out your welcome D outstay one's welcome


3. ____ is the first weekday after Christmas, a legal holiday in English, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand,Australia and South Africa.

A Thanksgiving Day B Anzac Day C St. Valentine's Day 选D.Boxing Day(礼节日)。英国法定假日,是圣诞节的次日,遇星期日天延顺。按英国习俗,这天向邮递员、仆人、雇员等赠送盒装“节礼”,故称节礼日。

4. The Bible was originally written in ___.

A Latin B English D Arabic


5. ____ is a very wise man, the king of the Hebrews around the tenth century B.C. and was well-known for his wisdom.

A Solomon B The old Adam C Judas D Jesus


6. Which of the following king was executed in the civil war?

A James I C James II D Charles II

选B.Charles I (查里一世,1600—1649,英国斯图亚特王朝国王)。其统治期间,对抗国会,压迫清教徒,引起内战,1647年别Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔)领导的军队俘虏。1649年被国会判处死刑。

7. From 1649 to 1658 English was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as ___.

A President B Lord Protector C Lieutenant General D Commander of the New Model Army

选B.从1649到1658年的英国被称为共和国(Commonwealth)。共和国的第一位统治者Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔)成为英格兰共和国的Lord Protector(护国公)。Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔),1618年当选为议员,为清教徒领袖。英国内战爆发后,他率领铁甲军的骑兵击败了保皇党部队,是处死查理一世的主要人物,1653年将国会解散,自称Lord Protector(护国公),成为英格兰共和国的首脑。

8. A

A the House of Lords B the Prime Minister D the two major parties

选C.“不信任投票”是由英国下议院(Lower House)即众议院(the House of Commons)决定的,亦称平民院,简称下院。是英国议会的组成部分。议员由普选产生,共有650个席位。下议院首席官员为议长,由议员选举产生。下议院任期为5年,但政府可能提前大选。

9. Which of the following particularly happens on the Queen's Birthday?

A Trooping the Color B the Eisteddfod C bonfires D masquerades 选A.Queen's Birthday(英国女王的诞辰日)为6月。每年的女王生日时在白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)前都要举行盛大的检阅庆祝活动,这一天,军队将举行场面壮观的Trooping the Color(行军旗敬礼)仪式。

10.In American English

A Dutch B India language C German D French


1. Where is Edinburgh?

A In Wales C In Northern Ireland D In Ireland

选B. Wales的首府威Cardiff, Scotland的首府为Edinburgh. Northern Ireland的首府Belfast, Ireland的首府为Dublin.

2. Which of the following is Not a U.S. news and cable network?

A ABC B CNN C CBS 选 D. BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司, ABC=American Broadcasting Company, Inc美国广播公司; CNN= Cable News Network美国有线广播公司, CBS= Columbia Broadcasting System哥伦比亚广播公司

3. The Capital of Australia is __.

A Sydney B Melbourne D Perth

选C.Sydney第一城市, 位于New South Wales州;Melbourne第二大城市位于Victoria州,Canberra位于Sydney与Melbourne之间;Perth位于Australia州

4. Which degree is offered in community colleges in the United States?

A Master's degree B Doctor's degree C Bachelor's degree 5. George Bernard Shaw was a(n) __.

A playwright B poet C novelist D essayist

选A.George Bernard Shaw (英国,萧伯纳),爱尔兰籍,剧作家,批评家,社会评论家,主要作品有Man and Superman, Back to Methuselah, Saint Joan ,Arms and the Man, Pygmalion ,获得1925年诺贝尔文学奖。

6. John Galsworthy was most famous for__.

A Heart of Darkness B Ulysses C The Forsyste Saga D A Passage to India

选C.John Galsworthy(英国),小说家,剧作家。主要作品有The Forsyte Saga,于1932年获得了诺贝尔文学奖;Heart of Darkness,作者Joseph Conrad,波兰籍英国小说家,另有Lord Jim ;Ulysses, 作者James Joyce, 爱尔兰作家Finnergans Wake《为芬尼根守灵》; A Passage to India,作者E.M. Forster,英国小说家,另有Howards End霍华德别业。

7. The novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by__.

A Henry James B O. Henry C Harriet Beccher Stower 选D.Mark Twain= Samuel Langhorne Clemens,作品有The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; Henry James, 主要作品有Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl; O.Henry= William Sydney Porter, 主要作品有Cabbages and Kings, Four Million; Harriet Beecher Stower, 其反奴隶制小说Uncle Tom's Cabin,促进了废奴运动发展。 study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in condition is__.

A morphology形态学 B general linguistics普通语言学 语音学 D semantics语义学

9. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?

A Landlady B Greenhouse C Uplift 选D.是derivation派生词.

10. The word holiday originally meant holy day; but now the word signifies any which we don't have to work. This is an example of __.

A meaning shift B widening of meaning C narrowing of meaning

D loss of meaning

1. study of __ is Syntax.

A textual organization C word formation

D language functions

选B. Syntax (句法),研究词或其他句子成分如何联合起来形成合乎语法的句子规则的学科。

2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language?

A arbitrariness B productivity C cultural transmission 选D.语言的区别性特征包含有五个特征:arbitrariness(任意性),productivity(能产性), duality(双层性),displacement(不受时空限制),cultural transmission(文化传递性)。 Arbitrariness,指一句话所表达的意思与表达这个意思的语言文字之间的关系不确定。Productivity,事实上,能产性有时也称之为创造性,指的是人们可以构造或理解无穷多的新语句。duality, 语言结构的二重性指的一个是语音结构,另一个是语义结构。 cultural transmission指的是语言不像遗传基因那样才能代代相传,语言必须作为一个体系,必须一点一点的习得。人所要学的某一特定的语言是文化的即社会的语言,人出生后孤立于文化或社会环境之外是无法习得语言的。

3. The speech act theory was first put forward by__.

A John Scarl Noarn Chomsky D M.A.K Halliday

选B.言语行为理论是由英国哲学家奥斯汀提出的假说。60年代,英国哲学家Johan Austin奥斯汀和Johan Searle赛尔勒先后发表了“语言行为”的理论。根据奥斯汀的言语行为理论,当人们说出每句话时,不管其是否含有行为动词,都包含有“说”的成分和“做”的成分,即言内行为locutionary act,言外行为illocutionary act和言后行为perlocutionary act.

4. The capital city of Canada is __.

A Montreal B Ottawa C Vancouver D York

选B.Canada的首度是Ottawa(渥太华)。Toronto(多伦多)是加拿大最大的城市;Montreal (蒙利特尔)加拿大第二城市;Vancouver(温哥华)为第三大城市。

5. U.S. presidents normally serve a (an) __ term.

A eight-year C six-year D two year


6. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.

B Baltimore C Philadelphia D Boston

选A.Huston (休斯顿)是位于美国南部Texas(德克萨斯州) 的城市,而

Boston(波士顿) Baltimore (巴尔的摩)Philadephia(费城)都是位于美国东北部的大城市。

7. The state church in England is __.

A The Baptist B The Roman Catholic C The Protestant Church 选D.The Church of England (英国圣公会),是英国的国家教会,是亨利八世1531年创立的,他颁布了《最高法案》,宣布国王取代教皇成为教会的首脑。英国国教会和国家的关系是一种权利和义务的关系,国王必须是英国国教徒和教会的支持者。

8. The novel Emma is written by__.

B Elizabeth C Gaskell C Charlotte Bronte D Mary Shelley

选A.Emma爱玛是Jane Austen简 奥斯汀的重要作品之一,描写女主人认


9. Which of the following is not a Romantic Poet?

A William Wordsworth B Percy B. Shelley C George G. Byron D 选D.乔治 爱略特George Eliot是玛丽 安 伊万斯Mary Ann Evans的笔名,这位才女是19世纪现实主义小说的代表。William Wordsworth(威廉 华兹华斯),Percy.B Shelly(雪莱), George G Byron (拜伦)都是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表。

10. William Sidney Porter, known as O.Henry, is most famous for __.

A his poem B his plays C His novels 选D.O Henry(欧 亨利)原名William Sidney Porter (威廉 西德尼 波特),美国著名短篇小说,《麦琪的礼物》是他最著名的代表作之一,有人称之为“或许是文学里最佳的通俗故事。

1. The longest river in Britain is ___?

B Tees C Thames D Clyde

选A. Severn(塞汶河)为英国最长的河,长约338千米。 Thames(泰晤士河)为英国第二大河。

2. The British Isles is made up of ___?

A Three large islands and hundreds of small ones C Three large islands and dozens of small ones

D Two large islands and dozens of small ones

The British Isles is a geographical term which includes two large islands: Great Britain and Ireland and 5,000 small islands.

3. In ___ the Romans conquered Greece. B 1200 B.C C 700 B.C D the 5th century

4. Which work described the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy?

A Antigone B Odyssey D Oedipus the king

选C. Iliad《伊利亚特》描述了由 Agamemnon(阿伽门侬)领导的Troy(特洛伊)战争。

5. There are three political divisions ___ on the island of Great Britain.

A England, Scotland, and Ireland C England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

D Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland

选B. 大不颠岛有三大政治区:England英格兰、Scotland苏格兰、Wales威尔士,其中人口最多,面积最大的岛是England(英格兰)。

6. The Tower of London, located in the central of London, was built by___.

A King Harold B William the Conqueror C Robin Hood D Oliver Cromwell

选B. The Tower of London(伦敦塔),位于泰晤士河北岸,伦敦塔附近,是伦敦著名的古迹之一。William the Conqueror(威廉一世)于11世纪保卫和控制整个伦敦而建造了该塔,占地18英亩。经过历代君主的扩建和修整,整个建筑反映了英国不同朝代的建筑风格。

7. St. Paul's Cathedral is in ___.

A Liverpool B London C Glasgow D Birmingham

选B. St. Paul's Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂)是英格兰最大的新教教堂。最早在此址上建立的诺曼教堂在1666年的伦敦大火中焚毁,现在圣保罗大教堂由英国建筑师雷恩设计,于1675年兴建,历时35年于1710年建好。教堂内有威灵顿纪念碑,教堂正门上部人子墙上雕刻着圣保罗传教的画面,墙顶上立有圣保罗的石雕像。

8. The largest lake in Britain is ___?

A Ullswater B Loch Lomond C Windermere 选D. The Lough Neagh(内伊湖)英国北爱尔兰湖泊,是大不列颠岛最大的湖,长31公里,面积389平方公里。Lough 为爱尔兰方言,是湖泊、海湾的意思。

9. Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C?

A Roman Culture C Chinese Culture D Egyptian Culture


10.The founder of scientific mathematics is ___.

A Aristotle B Heracleitus C Socrates D Pythagoras


1. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in ___?

A 200 B.C B 55 A.D C 55 B.C D 410 A.D(Anno Domini)

选C.公元前55年, 由Julius Caesar(恺撒)领导的罗马人首次入侵Britain,而罗马人撤出大不列颠是在公元410年。

3. The statement “You can not step twice into the same river” was said by___?

A Aristotle B Heracletus C Socrates D Pythagoras



4. The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, ___, and Aristotle, who are active in Athens雅典in the 5th and 4th century


A Pythagoras B Heracleitus C Herodotus D Plato

选D.Socrates(苏格拉底)、Plato(柏拉图)and Aristotle(亚里士多德)是公元前5世纪到公元前4实际活跃在雅典的欧洲三大哲学家。

5. Between 1337 and 1453 the ___ took place in Britain.

A Wars of Roses B Black Death

D Peasants Uprising

选C.从1337—1453英法之间的战争断断续续地持续了一百年,称之为“英法百年战争”。(Hundred Years' War)

6. William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in___.

A 1066 B 1086 C 1381 D 1035

选A.1066年10月14日William, Duke of Normandy(诺蔓底公爵威廉)在Hastings(黑斯廷斯)战败英国国王Harold(哈罗德),这是英国历史上著名的诺曼征服时间(The Norman Conquest)。此战役确定了诺曼人对英格兰人的统治地位。同年12月25日威廉在伦敦加冕,称William the Conqueror(征服者威廉)。

7. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from ___ to ___.

A 1600-1604 B 1640-1644 C 1642-1646 D 1646-1650 选C.1642英国第一次内战在查里斯国王和国会之间展开,因国王的反对者主要是清教徒,因此英国内战又称之为“清教徒革命”。

8. believed that the highest good in life was pleasure, freedom from pain and emotional upheaval(n. 突变,剧变).

A Cynics B Stoics C Sceptics 选D.公元前4世纪,西方哲学四大流派:the Cynics(犬儒主义学派)、the Sceptics(怀疑论学派)、the Epicureans(享乐主义学派)、the Stoics(斯多葛学派)互相争鸣。the Epicureans(享乐主义学派)认为“快乐”是人生的最大追求。

9. James Watt created a ___ in 1769?

A Spinning Mule B Steam Engine C Power Loom D Spinning Jenny 选B.James Watt(詹姆斯.瓦特)于1769发明了蒸汽机,蒸汽机的发明在英国的工业革命中起着重要的作用。

10.Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated(没收,充公) by William and given to ___.

A The Danes B the Irish C The Norman barons D The Scots

选C.多数本属于萨克逊人的土地被征服者威廉没收后送给了诺曼贵族们。(The Norman barons)

1. Who led The Peasants Uprising in Britain?

B Henry Turner C Richard D Stephen

选A.由于百年战争并没有改变农民的生活条件,又加上人头税(the Poll Tax)的征收。1381年(Watt Tyler)瓦特.泰勒领导了农民起义。

2. In English individualistic culture, one should bother Englishmen without a good reason and making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an English proverb ___?

A as welcome as a storm B an Englishman's house is his castle

C do not wear out your welcome D outstay one's welcome


3. ____ is the first weekday after Christmas, a legal holiday in English, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand,Australia and South Africa.

A Thanksgiving Day B Anzac Day C St. Valentine's Day 选D.Boxing Day(礼节日)。英国法定假日,是圣诞节的次日,遇星期日天延顺。按英国习俗,这天向邮递员、仆人、雇员等赠送盒装“节礼”,故称节礼日。

4. The Bible was originally written in ___.

A Latin B English D Arabic


5. ____ is a very wise man, the king of the Hebrews around the tenth century B.C. and was well-known for his wisdom.

A Solomon B The old Adam C Judas D Jesus


6. Which of the following king was executed in the civil war?

A James I C James II D Charles II

选B.Charles I (查里一世,1600—1649,英国斯图亚特王朝国王)。其统治期间,对抗国会,压迫清教徒,引起内战,1647年别Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔)领导的军队俘虏。1649年被国会判处死刑。

7. From 1649 to 1658 English was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Cromwell as ___.

A President B Lord Protector C Lieutenant General D Commander of the New Model Army

选B.从1649到1658年的英国被称为共和国(Commonwealth)。共和国的第一位统治者Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔)成为英格兰共和国的Lord Protector(护国公)。Oliver Cromwell(克伦威尔),1618年当选为议员,为清教徒领袖。英国内战爆发后,他率领铁甲军的骑兵击败了保皇党部队,是处死查理一世的主要人物,1653年将国会解散,自称Lord Protector(护国公),成为英格兰共和国的首脑。

8. A

A the House of Lords B the Prime Minister D the two major parties

选C.“不信任投票”是由英国下议院(Lower House)即众议院(the House of Commons)决定的,亦称平民院,简称下院。是英国议会的组成部分。议员由普选产生,共有650个席位。下议院首席官员为议长,由议员选举产生。下议院任期为5年,但政府可能提前大选。

9. Which of the following particularly happens on the Queen's Birthday?

A Trooping the Color B the Eisteddfod C bonfires D masquerades 选A.Queen's Birthday(英国女王的诞辰日)为6月。每年的女王生日时在白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)前都要举行盛大的检阅庆祝活动,这一天,军队将举行场面壮观的Trooping the Color(行军旗敬礼)仪式。

10.In American English

A Dutch B India language C German D French



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