

One of the themes that are common to everyone is how to become success. As to whether luck plays an important role in people's success, different people hold different views due to their distinct backgrounds. Some believe that luck is essential to people's success, while others assert that luck has nothing to do with success. As matter of fact, the issue is complex and controversial one. On balance, I tend to agree that luck is a valuable factor contributed to people's success. My view can be greatly substantiated by the following discussions.

The main reason for my view is that although hard work is the necessary condition to gain success, luck can give people more opportunities to reach their goals. It is said that "no pain, no gain", with enough luck, however, people can

succeed more easily. At this point, my experience may fairly prove the opinion. When I graduated from college, I was in a dilemma to choose a position in two corporations, which were both famous internet companies, and both provided me the similar salary and position. Finally, I selected one and gave up another just by chance. As a result, the corporation I didn't choose bankrupted in one year, and the corporation I worked in was flourishing, and successfully launched its' stocks finally. With the shares of stocks that the company provided to me, I got the unexpected fortune of about 300,000 Yuan. It is luck that really brings me the extra reward.

Apart from opportunities brought by luck, in some special instances, luck may determine people's fate – a loser or winner, a victim or a survivor. For example, Einstein, a famous founder of the relativity theory and also a Jew, fortunately left Germany and was living in USA when Hitler began to slaughter Jews. Suppose he still lived in Germany at that time, maybe the world would lose one of the most distinguished physicists.

Admittedly, it is the fact that hard work plays the most pivotal role in people's success. And also we can not overlook some negative impact of luck on people's success in that luck may bring people success easily, but it may also let people lose success rapidly. Nevertheless, we can not deny that Luck opens more doors to success, or even changes people's fate totally.

In sum, although we can not ignore the importance of hard work and some negative impact of luck on people's success, in the light of the above discussion, it can be safely said that Luck contributes a lot to people's success, especially in creating possibilities to succeed and changing people's fate. When luck comes to

embrace or visit people, people should not let it slip away.


One of the themes that are common to everyone is how to become success. As to whether luck plays an important role in people's success, different people hold different views due to their distinct backgrounds. Some believe that luck is essential to people's success, while others assert that luck has nothing to do with success. As matter of fact, the issue is complex and controversial one. On balance, I tend to agree that luck is a valuable factor contributed to people's success. My view can be greatly substantiated by the following discussions.

The main reason for my view is that although hard work is the necessary condition to gain success, luck can give people more opportunities to reach their goals. It is said that "no pain, no gain", with enough luck, however, people can

succeed more easily. At this point, my experience may fairly prove the opinion. When I graduated from college, I was in a dilemma to choose a position in two corporations, which were both famous internet companies, and both provided me the similar salary and position. Finally, I selected one and gave up another just by chance. As a result, the corporation I didn't choose bankrupted in one year, and the corporation I worked in was flourishing, and successfully launched its' stocks finally. With the shares of stocks that the company provided to me, I got the unexpected fortune of about 300,000 Yuan. It is luck that really brings me the extra reward.

Apart from opportunities brought by luck, in some special instances, luck may determine people's fate – a loser or winner, a victim or a survivor. For example, Einstein, a famous founder of the relativity theory and also a Jew, fortunately left Germany and was living in USA when Hitler began to slaughter Jews. Suppose he still lived in Germany at that time, maybe the world would lose one of the most distinguished physicists.

Admittedly, it is the fact that hard work plays the most pivotal role in people's success. And also we can not overlook some negative impact of luck on people's success in that luck may bring people success easily, but it may also let people lose success rapidly. Nevertheless, we can not deny that Luck opens more doors to success, or even changes people's fate totally.

In sum, although we can not ignore the importance of hard work and some negative impact of luck on people's success, in the light of the above discussion, it can be safely said that Luck contributes a lot to people's success, especially in creating possibilities to succeed and changing people's fate. When luck comes to

embrace or visit people, people should not let it slip away.


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