

Cooper Tire takes $29m hit from Chinese strikes

英国《金融时报》 米强 北京报道

Chinese industrial action cost Cooper Tire $29m in the three months to September 30, the Ohio-based company reported, shedding rare light on the economic impact of a labour dispute in China.

总部位于美国俄亥俄州的固铂轮胎(Cooper Tire)报告称,中国的劳工行动导致其在截至去年9月30日的3个月期间损失2900万美元。这也让人罕见地一瞥中国劳资纠纷的经济影响。

While strikes are common across China, they typically occur at little-known suppliers. On those rare occasions when labour unrest disrupts operations at a large multinational, the impact on a global company’s overall operations is usually not material enough to force disclosure about a specific strike’s financial cost.


The seven-month industrial action at Cooper’s joint venture Chengshan Tire factory in Shandong province derailed a $2.4bn bid by Apollo Tyres for Cooper, in what would have been the largest Indian takeover of a US company. It also occurred at a facility that generates as much as one quarter of Cooper’s revenue and profit.

发生在位于山东的固铂成山轮胎公司(Cooper Chengshan Tire,固铂旗下的合资公司)的这场为时7个月的罢工,让阿波罗轮胎公司(Apollo Tyres) 对固铂24亿美元的收购计划告吹。该笔收购原本会是印度对美国企业规模最大的一笔收购。固铂有高达四分之一的营收和利润来自发生罢工的固铂成山。

In a delayed third-quarter earnings report, Cooper said the strike had cost it $22m in reduced production and a further $7m in “manufacturing inefficiencies”. The company incurred a further $5m in expenses related to the failed transaction during the quarter.


The losses in Shandong contributed to a 25 per cent year-on-year fall in third-quarter sales, to $832m. Operating profit contracted almost 80 per cent compared with 2012, to $28m. Cooper reported a net loss of $168,000 for the July-September period, compared with a net profit of $74m a year earlier.


Management and the workforce at Chengshan had opposed the proposed takeover by Apollo, arguing that it would saddle Cooper with too much debt.



Standard Life warns on Scots ‘Yes ’ vote

英国《金融时报》 阿利斯泰尔•格雷 伦敦, 王明 爱丁堡报道

The campaign for Scottish Independence suffered a setback yesterday when two of the country’s biggest employers warned on the risks of a Yes vote, in a sign that companies are ready to break their silence on the issue.


Standard Life, the insurance company that employs 5,000 people north of the border, said constitutional changes could prompt it to shift large parts of operations out of Scotland in the most significant intervention by a big company.

在苏格兰拥有5000名雇员的保险公司标准人寿(Standard Life)表示,宪法的改变可能促使它将大部分业务转移出苏格兰,这是一家大型企业在“苏独”问题上最重大的介入。

Royal Bank of Scotland, which has 12,000 staff in the country, also warned a vote for independence could damage its credit rating, although its chief executive insisted the group would remain “neutral ” on the outcome of the referendum.


Until now few companies have been willing to enter the independence debate for fear of upsetting customers and staff. However, if opinion polls continue to show nationalists narrowing the gap ahead of the vote in September then groups worried about the implications are more likely to speak out.


Standard Life, which has been based in Scotland since 1825, has started to register new entities in England, which would smooth any move south. The future of the currency is its biggest concern, say people familiar with the matter.


The Royal Bank of Scotland said in its annual report: “A vote in favour of Scottish independence would be likely to significantly impact the group’s credit ratings.”


Second in size only to the City of London, the Scottish financial and professional services industry supports 150,000 jobs and accounts for nearly 13 per cent of the Scottish economy, says lobby group TheCityUK.

游说团体TheCityUK 表示,苏格兰的金融和专业服务业在规模上仅次于伦敦金融城(City of London) ,提供了15万就业岗位,占苏格兰经济的近13%。

Additional reporting by Kiran Stacey, Sam Fleming and Chris Newlands

基兰•斯泰西(Kiran Stacey)、萨姆•弗莱明(Sam Fleming)和克里斯•纽兰兹(Chris Newlands)补充报道


Cooper Tire takes $29m hit from Chinese strikes

英国《金融时报》 米强 北京报道

Chinese industrial action cost Cooper Tire $29m in the three months to September 30, the Ohio-based company reported, shedding rare light on the economic impact of a labour dispute in China.

总部位于美国俄亥俄州的固铂轮胎(Cooper Tire)报告称,中国的劳工行动导致其在截至去年9月30日的3个月期间损失2900万美元。这也让人罕见地一瞥中国劳资纠纷的经济影响。

While strikes are common across China, they typically occur at little-known suppliers. On those rare occasions when labour unrest disrupts operations at a large multinational, the impact on a global company’s overall operations is usually not material enough to force disclosure about a specific strike’s financial cost.


The seven-month industrial action at Cooper’s joint venture Chengshan Tire factory in Shandong province derailed a $2.4bn bid by Apollo Tyres for Cooper, in what would have been the largest Indian takeover of a US company. It also occurred at a facility that generates as much as one quarter of Cooper’s revenue and profit.

发生在位于山东的固铂成山轮胎公司(Cooper Chengshan Tire,固铂旗下的合资公司)的这场为时7个月的罢工,让阿波罗轮胎公司(Apollo Tyres) 对固铂24亿美元的收购计划告吹。该笔收购原本会是印度对美国企业规模最大的一笔收购。固铂有高达四分之一的营收和利润来自发生罢工的固铂成山。

In a delayed third-quarter earnings report, Cooper said the strike had cost it $22m in reduced production and a further $7m in “manufacturing inefficiencies”. The company incurred a further $5m in expenses related to the failed transaction during the quarter.


The losses in Shandong contributed to a 25 per cent year-on-year fall in third-quarter sales, to $832m. Operating profit contracted almost 80 per cent compared with 2012, to $28m. Cooper reported a net loss of $168,000 for the July-September period, compared with a net profit of $74m a year earlier.


Management and the workforce at Chengshan had opposed the proposed takeover by Apollo, arguing that it would saddle Cooper with too much debt.



Standard Life warns on Scots ‘Yes ’ vote

英国《金融时报》 阿利斯泰尔•格雷 伦敦, 王明 爱丁堡报道

The campaign for Scottish Independence suffered a setback yesterday when two of the country’s biggest employers warned on the risks of a Yes vote, in a sign that companies are ready to break their silence on the issue.


Standard Life, the insurance company that employs 5,000 people north of the border, said constitutional changes could prompt it to shift large parts of operations out of Scotland in the most significant intervention by a big company.

在苏格兰拥有5000名雇员的保险公司标准人寿(Standard Life)表示,宪法的改变可能促使它将大部分业务转移出苏格兰,这是一家大型企业在“苏独”问题上最重大的介入。

Royal Bank of Scotland, which has 12,000 staff in the country, also warned a vote for independence could damage its credit rating, although its chief executive insisted the group would remain “neutral ” on the outcome of the referendum.


Until now few companies have been willing to enter the independence debate for fear of upsetting customers and staff. However, if opinion polls continue to show nationalists narrowing the gap ahead of the vote in September then groups worried about the implications are more likely to speak out.


Standard Life, which has been based in Scotland since 1825, has started to register new entities in England, which would smooth any move south. The future of the currency is its biggest concern, say people familiar with the matter.


The Royal Bank of Scotland said in its annual report: “A vote in favour of Scottish independence would be likely to significantly impact the group’s credit ratings.”


Second in size only to the City of London, the Scottish financial and professional services industry supports 150,000 jobs and accounts for nearly 13 per cent of the Scottish economy, says lobby group TheCityUK.

游说团体TheCityUK 表示,苏格兰的金融和专业服务业在规模上仅次于伦敦金融城(City of London) ,提供了15万就业岗位,占苏格兰经济的近13%。

Additional reporting by Kiran Stacey, Sam Fleming and Chris Newlands

基兰•斯泰西(Kiran Stacey)、萨姆•弗莱明(Sam Fleming)和克里斯•纽兰兹(Chris Newlands)补充报道


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