
目 录

受《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》保护的中国鸟类   国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录   公告 我会网站“www.chinabird.org”建立 雉类研究   水鸟研究   环志研究 研究快报 国内动态 国外动态 第六届海峡两岸鸟类学术研讨会 封面介绍   英文摘要


为了解决日益增长的野生动植物贸易对生物资源造成的威胁,国际社会于1973年3月在美国首都华盛顿召开了“关于缔结《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》的全权代表大会”,并讨论通过了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(简称CITES公约)。在该公约中列出了在全世界需要控制贸易的物种名单,分成附录Ⅰ 、附录Ⅱ和附录 Ⅲ三个级别。我国于1981年正式加入CITES公约,并在中国科学院和国家林业局分别建立了科学机构和管理机构,主管我国履行CITES公约和控制濒危野生动植物的 进出口工作。 在CITES公约所涉及的动植物类群中,鸟类是一个被关注的重点。根据2002年11月第12届缔约国大会通过的附录,对涉及我国的鸟类进行了统计和整理, 结果表明我国鸟类被列入CITES公约的总共168种,隶属于13目25科。其中被列入附录Ⅰ的有35种,附录Ⅱ的120种,附录Ⅲ的13种。详细名单见下表。




▲ 关于设立“中国鸟类学研究奖励基金”的决定 

我国是世界上鸟类资源相对比较丰富的国家,迄今已经记录的鸟类约1 300种,其中大约100种仅分布或主要分布在我国境内。自20世纪以来,在几代学者的共同努力下,我国鸟类学的研究不断取得进展,一些研究成果获得国际鸟类学界高度重视。2002年在北京成功举办的第23届国际鸟类学大会,为我国鸟类学走向世界提供了一个良好的契机,是我国鸟类学发展的一个里程碑。为了鼓励国内鸟类学工作者潜心基础研究,进一步推动我国鸟类学的发展,经在京理事会讨论通过,中国动物学会鸟类学分会决定设立“中国鸟类学研究奖励基金”。 












▲ 关于中国鸟类学会鹤类及水鸟委员会专家组成员的调整 


组 长:王岐山 

副组长:徐延恭 丁长青 

组 员: (按姓氏笔划排序)

马逸清 马 鸣 马志军 王 会

王天厚 史海涛 田秀华 卢 欣

朴仁珠 邢莲莲 纪伟涛 陈承彦

李长友 李文发 李来兴 李晓民

李筑眉 何芬奇 邹红菲 杨 岚

邱英杰 周 放 周立志 胡鸿兴

桂小杰 高育仁 钱法文 虞 快


▲ 中国动物学会鸟类学分会向“郑作新鸟类科学基金会”提供赞助

经2003年4月20日中国动物学会鸟类学分会在京理事会决议,由学会向“郑作新鸟类科学基金会”提供赞助费10万元,以鼓励青年学者为振兴鸟类科学而奋斗。希望广大会员积极申 报青年奖。(学会秘书处)




(北京 张雁云)〖FL〗〗

雉 类 研 究

▲ 贵州、广西发现白颈长尾雉的新分布区 


受世界雉类协会资助,海南师范学院生物系和贵州生物研究所联合对贵州的白颈长尾雉进行调查,在贵州北部、中部和南部均发现了白颈长尾雉的新分布地,使该雉在贵州的分布范围不仅大大扩展,而且使得原有分布区变为连续,即北起沿河县麻阳河保护区,经铜仁地区的梵净山、佛顶山(石阡县、余庆县、镇远县和施秉县)和雷公山(雷山、台江、榕江和剑河县),南至月亮山区(三都、荔波、从江和榕江县)。 本次调查还在广西北部发现有白颈长尾雉分布,同时根据本次调查结果,推断重庆地区可能也有白颈长尾雉分布。在贵州和广西的白颈长尾雉分布区,对该雉的猎捕极为严重,仅在某县的一个乡镇的集市上就看到4只白颈长尾雉在出售。贵州南部的月亮山区,是白颈长尾雉、白鹇等雉类的一个极为重要的栖息地,但由于同时属于4个县的边界地区,一直未能建立保护区。交通偏僻和当地村民对森林的自觉保护使该地区植被保存十分完好,而且大部分都是原生林。自2001年起, 一些外来商将这些原生林(树高可达40 m)砍伐利用,极大地破坏了该山区的原生植被。目前这一状况仍在继续。 这一做法既严重破坏了白颈长尾雉等珍稀濒危雉类的栖息地和当地人赖以生存的水源涵养林,又极大挫伤了当地村民的保护积极性。我们建议有关部门重视本地区森林植被的保护,鉴于本地区对保护白颈长尾雉的重要价值,建议尽早建立自然保护区。

(海南 梁 伟 贵州 李筑眉)  

▲ 四川乡城县发现绿尾虹雉 


(云南 韩联宪)

▲ 大别山地区白冠长尾雉的栖息地及保护现状调查 

受世界自然基金会“中国珍稀物种保护小型基金”和WPA资助,自2001~2002年12月,我们对大别山区的金寨、岳西(安徽)、罗山、新县、商城(河南)、广水、大悟(湖北)等7个地点的白冠长尾雉的分布、生境利用、种群数量以及保护现状进行了全面调查。掌握了该物种在这些地区的数量状况、生存状况,分析了该地区白冠长尾雉栖息地的片段化程度及其对种群存活的影响,并对保护工作所存在的问题和需要采取的保护措施进行了探讨。在白冠长尾雉分布比较集中的河南董寨自然保护区开始野外生态学的研究工作,研究内容包括白冠长尾雉的种群数量、空间利用、栖息地选择、繁殖生物学和集群行为。在研究中,采用无线电遥测技术对6只白冠长尾雉的活动进行了追踪研究,获得了一批科研数据。在繁殖季节,先后发现白冠长尾雉的巢5个,对巢址的特征进行了分析。采集了卵壳、食物等分析样品。 对所采集的数据进行整理和分析,所得结果填补了白冠长尾雉的一些空白领域,如集群行为、

活动区及活动区功能划分与活动性、栖息地选择、巢址和夜栖地等。 利用无线电遥测,我们对白冠长尾雉个体的扩散进行了初步研究,发现不适宜生境对白冠长尾雉个体的活动具有隔离作用。在已获得的栖息地的特征和片段化参数的基础上,我们结合GIS对两个研究地区的栖息地状况进行数字化模拟,并对栖息地质量进行了评价。我们的调查工作对当地自然保护区的建设也起到了一定的促进作用。在我们开展调查工作期间, 董寨自然保护区由省级自然保护区正式升格为国家级自然保护区。河南新县连康山自然保护区也大大加强了管理工作,并完成了自然保护区的总体规划。通过本项目的实施,安徽、湖北等调查地点的干部和群众加深了对野生动物保护的认识。由于我们的调查工作得到了河南、湖北、安徽等省野生动物主管部门的支持,同时也引起了他们的关注,因此对于推动整个大别山地区野生动物乃至生物多样性的保护将发挥积极的作用。

(北京 张正旺)  

▲ 西藏灌丛环境藏马鸡种群动态的长期监测研究进展


(武汉 卢 欣)  

▲ 白尾稍虹雉研究取得重要进展 


(云南 韩联宪、罗 旭)  

▲ 白冠长尾雉雌鸟无线电遥测取得成功 

2003年在陕西佛坪,北京师范大学采用无线电遥测技术对白冠长尾雉雌鸟的繁殖活动进行了成功的追踪,所标记的4只雌鸟均营巢产卵,1号巢已经成功孵化, 其他巢的孵卵情况进行观察之中。

(北京 张晓辉 张正旺)

▲ 海南雉类资源考察 



(海南 梁 伟、史海涛)

▲ 云南无量山自然保护区雉类资源丰富 


(北京 张正旺)  

▲ 白腹锦鸡在云南局部地区数量增加 


(云南 韩联宪、黄石林)  

▲ 云南江中山绿孔雀保护急需加强 


(云南 韩联宪) 

▲ 黄腹角雉精液的低温保存 

从17只笼养黄腹角雉采集精液,稀释后分别保存于4℃的冰箱和-196℃液氮中。 在4℃条件下,保存于生理盐水、C 2液、Lake液、Beltsville液等不同稀释液中的精液,其精子存活状况相差很大,其中保存于Beltsville液中的精子存活率最高,48小时后仍有60%以上的活精子,精子的活力也达到0.4以上。 生理盐水稀释液中的精液在前30min内精子的活率变化不大,12小时后精子的活率低于20%,36小时后,精子全部死亡。尽管3~5岁黄腹角雉的射精量、精子密度等参数与8岁的个体没有显著差异,但3~5岁和8岁以上(含8岁)黄腹角雉的精液在同样条件下保存24h后,后者的活率尚未达到前者的一半。推测可能与高龄个体精子质量的下降有关。降温过程中精子内外渗透压和水结晶等影响,精液冷冻保存过程中冷冻保护剂的浓度以及降温速度的选择非常重要。实验发现,以4%的二甲基亚砜(DMSO)作

为保护剂,在5~-20℃、-20~-80℃和-80~-196℃的温度范围内,分别以1℃/min、50℃/min和160℃/min的速率降温,黄腹角雉精液的冷冻保存效果较好.解冻后精子的活率可达到35%。 (北京 张雁云)  

▲ 2002年1~2月在浙江乌岩岭保护区黄腹角雉的栖息地内悬挂了200个人工巢。至5月累计检查,其中16个被黄腹角雉利用。这在国内外的雉类保护研究中是首次,引起国际同行们的关注。 

(北京 邓文洪)  

▲ 笼养角雉的营巢行为 

在英国的一些养殖场中,人们往往让角雉的母鸟自己照料抚养后代。一龄雌鸟在营巢产卵时,往往选择一个位置较高的巢址。使其卧在巢内时可以观望四周。尽管它本身很容易被看到,但它可以发现任何潜在的天敌和危险。孵卵期间母鸟的警惕性很高。而有过繁殖经历的母鸟的营巢行为明显不同。它的营巢位置相对较低,卧在巢内人们很难发现。而它也不必经常地观察巢外动静。这种行为或许有利于使母鸟专心孵卵而省去不必要的能量支出。  (英国 John Corder)  

▲ 四川山鹧鸪栖息地保护项目喜获资助 


(英国 Simon Dowell)  

▲ 湖南省野生动物救护繁殖中心雉类繁殖简报 

本中心自1992年成立以来,一直把开展珍稀雉类的人工驯养繁殖技术研究作为重点工作。目前已建立了10种珍稀雉类的人工繁殖种群,包括黄腹角雉、红腹锦鸡、白颈长尾雉、白冠长尾雉、白鹇等种类。 2002年人工繁殖珍稀雉类1000余只,其中黄腹角雉81只,白颈长尾雉50只,红腹锦鸡354只,白鹇310只,白冠长尾雉35只。上述种类的受精卵的孵化率均在90%以上,白鹇受精卵孵化率达到了96%。2003年繁殖季节到5月10日止,已孵化黄腹角雉91只,红腹角雉5只、红腹锦鸡145只、白腹锦鸡5只、白颈长尾雉75只、白冠长尾雉34只、白鹇252只。目前正在孵卵的还有500余枚。 

(湖南 李 立)

水 鸟 研 究

▲ 崇明东滩发现带无线电发射器的黑脸琵鹭 


好者陆巍、王吉衣也于4月19日在崇明东滩围垦的鱼塘内记录到黑脸琵鹭21只,并发现佩戴无线电发射器和环志的黑脸琵鹭。估计该鸟和4月2日记录到的黑脸琵鹭可能是同一只鸟。 4月1日~2日,马志军和敬凯在崇明东滩共记录到黑脸琵鹭27只,共3个群体(分别为13只,11只,3只)。除11只在天空飞行外,其他两群体都在滩涂上活动。近年来,马志军等在迁徙季节多次在长江河口湾区域记录到停歇的黑脸琵鹭种群。上海师范大学俞伟东曾在崇明东滩一次记录到黑脸琵鹭60余只。这表明长江河口湾区域为黑脸琵鹭重要的迁徙中途停歇地。

(上海 马志军)  

▲ 崇明东滩越冬白头鹤消息 


(上海 马志军) 

▲ 长江下游非繁殖期黑腹滨鹬调查 

黑腹滨鹬为东亚 澳大利亚迁徙路线上最为常见的鸟类之一。为了了解非繁殖期黑腹滨鹬在我国长江下游地区的种群状况,湿地国际组织的Mark Barter和东洞庭湖自然保护区的雷刚等在2003年1月对湖南、湖北、江西、安徽四省的黑腹滨鹬进行了调查。在46个调查区域,共记录到黑腹滨鹬47739只。近一半数量的黑腹滨鹬是在湖南省记录的,其中在安徽菜子湖记录到的最大集群的个体数量达6490只。根据本次调查的结果,Mark Barter和雷刚认为,非繁殖期在整个长江下游的黑腹滨鹬数量可能超过20万只。因此,长江下游地区对非繁殖期黑腹滨鹬的保护具有重要意义。

(上海 马志军)  

▲ 九段沙湿地自然保护区鸟类资源调查

九段沙位于长江河口湾区域的最外侧,为长江河口湾区域新形成的沙岛。2000年,上海市批准成立了九段沙湿地自然保护区。为了配合九段沙湿地自然保护区申报国家级自然保护区的工作,2002年10月至2003年1月,马志军、唐仕敏、敬凯等对九段沙的鸟类资源进行了4次调查。调查共记录到鸟类70种,其中包括国家二级保护鸟类黑脸琵鹭和小天鹅。另外,还记录到了苍鹰、普通 、白头鹞、雀鹰、红隼等猛禽。

近年来,上海市的高校和科研单位多次对九段沙的鸟类资源进行调查。从调查的结果来看,九段沙鸟类的种类正在迅速增加。2000年在九段沙共记录湿地鸟类21种;2001年,在九段沙共记录到鸟类44种,其中湿地鸟类29种(原统计资料为30种,包括1种非湿地鸟类);而2002年10月至2003年1月,仅秋末和冬季不到两个季节就记录到鸟类70种,其中湿地鸟类40种。九段沙鸟类种类的增加与滩涂面积的不断增加有关。由于长江夹带泥沙在九段沙不断淤积,九段沙的滩涂面积不断增加,这为湿地鸟类提供了更为广阔的栖息环境。根据复旦大学、华东师范大学、上海师范大学、上海科技馆等单位的调查资料,目前,九段沙记录到的鸟类总计有113种。随着九段沙面积的继续增加,九段沙在鸟类保护上的意义将更加重要。 (上海 马志军)  

▲ 珠海琪澳岛红树林湿地——珠江三角洲仅剩的少数越冬鸟类自然栖息地之一 




(广东 高育仁)  

▲ 海南省发现新的黑脸琵鹭越冬地 


(海南 梁 伟 北京 张国钢)  

▲ 开展有关海岸湿地越冬水鸟的专项调查 

根据2001年2月中日两国政府在东京召开的关于中日两国共同开展候鸟保护的工作会议精神,由国家林业局保护司和全国鸟类环志中心组成领导小组,与东南沿海各省区野生动物主管部门共同组成调查队,于2002年12月20日—2003年1月9日和2003年2月15日—3月1日对江苏省、上海崇明、浙江省、福建省、广西省以及海南省的海岸湿地进行了越冬水鸟和黑脸琵鹭、黑嘴鸥的专项调查。本次黑脸琵鹭的越冬调查历时3个月,共7个省,基本上覆盖了江苏以南的东部沿海主要湿地和主要的岛屿沿岸湿地。共完成166个主要观察点,其中大陆海岸湿地123个,主要岛屿沿岸湿地57个。 黑脸琵鹭在我国的越冬地除香港米浦和台湾曾文溪口外,在大陆还在江苏盐城、上海崇明岛、广东深圳、福建闽江口、海南东寨港和临高,本次发现越冬的黑脸琵鹭种群7个,共74只。其中上海崇明岛、福建闽江口和海南临高是新发现的越冬地,这些越冬地是否稳定,还须今后的进一步跟踪调查。继1999年调查以来,今年对黑嘴鸥的越冬种群的分布和数量又进行了一次较为全面的调查。分别在江苏、浙江、福建发现越冬的黑嘴鸥种群20个,其中浙江1335只、福建231只和江苏1040只,共2606只。本次调查还在江苏盐城发现450余只的白琵鹭,在浙江宁海发现5只小天鹅以及在福建闽江口发现3只斑嘴鹈鹕。 

(北京 张国钢)  

▲ 亚洲白鹤与重要湿地的保护 

由国际鹤类基金会组织四个白鹤分布国(中国、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和伊朗)共同向UNEP申请的全球环境基金(GEF)项目,将于今年6月份正式启动。由于受非典(SARS)的影响,原定今年4月底在我国召开的项目启动会,不得不移到俄罗斯的莫斯科举行,时间也推迟到6月初。该项目总金额为1 000万美元,中国项目区占其中的40%。在我国实施的项目区域是黑龙江的扎龙国家级自然保护区、吉林的莫莫格和向海国家级自然保护区、内蒙的科尔沁国家级自然保护区,江西鄱阳湖整个湖区作为项目实施区域,鄱阳湖项目区具体负责单位是江西野生动植物保护管理局。项目实施从2003年开始,到2009年结束,跨越7个年度。


内容是项目点能力建设(人员培训、购置必要的设备等)、白鹤等其它水鸟的监测、社区共管等。通过该项目的实施,将进一步提高我国东部地区对迁徙水鸟的保护和管理工作。 (北京 钱法文)  

▲ 为积极配合首次白鹤GEF项目第一次指导委员会会议的召开,中国GEF项目办公室召集各项目点负责人及技术人员,于4月13—16日在吉林向海国家级自然保护区召开了工作会议。会议主要内容是审核2003年执行的项目、安排工作时间和经费、根据UNEP的项目表填写2003年度工作计划。国际鹤类基金会李凤山博士和GEF项目国际办公室主任Paul先生参加了本次会议,并对具体内容进行了指导。

(北京 钱法文)  

▲ 鹤类网络保护区小项目即将启动 


网络保护区 上报项目

三江国家级自然保护区 鹤类保护与管理

兴凯湖国家级自然保护区 中俄兴凯湖国际保护区鹤类研究

扎龙国家级自然保护区 乌裕尔河流域迁徙白鹤的监测

向海国家级自然保护区 建设鹤类救护站

双台河口国家级自然保护区 鹤类种群监测

黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区 鹤类调查与监测

盐城国家级自然保护区 越冬丹顶鹤及其栖息地有效管理

升金湖国家级自然保护区 越冬水鸟及生境管理研究初探

鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区 越冬珍禽联合保护

草海国家级自然保护区 刘家巷黑颈鹤觅食区参与式保护

(北京 钱法文)  

▲ 鄱阳湖越冬鹤类调查 


种类 白鹤 白头鹤 白枕鹤 灰鹤 东方白鹳

数量 4004 462 1932 458 1526

(北京 钱法文)  

▲ 北京动物园开展“朱 自然育雏试验研究” 

在国家林业局、北京市科学技术委员会和北京市园林局的资助下,北京动物园先后进行了朱 人工饲养和繁殖基础研究、朱 增殖研究、提高朱 种群生存力的研究。2001年开始了为期三年的“朱 自然育雏试验研究”,不但朱 自然育雏获得成功,朱 代育白 雏鸟获得成功,白 代育朱 雏鸟也获得初步成功。2003年进行重复试验,可望能对已经绝迹的朱 “迁徙型”种的恢复措施提供一点基础资料。

(北京 刘 斌 李福来)  

▲ 江西九连山自然保护区发现海南

2003年,江西省九连山自然保护区的技术人员在省内外专家的建议和支持下,加大了对Gorsachius magnificus的寻找工作力度,终于发现了海南〖HT5,7SS〗开〖KG- 3〗鸟〖HT5SS〗,数量为8~10只。2003年1月18日,保护区的管理人员在进行日常巡护时,在保护区的花露核心区边缘的大丘田河畔草丛中,发现一只受伤成年鹭鸟。所拍摄的照片得到了徐延恭研究员和香港李国诚先生的确认。2003年4月14日傍晚7时许,我们与何芬奇、戴年华等专家在大丘田河畔观察到一只飞翔的海南 。按有关专家的建议,保护区的科研人员分别于2003年4月下旬和5月中旬进行了两次专项考察。考察期间多次在白天观察到海南 觅食行为。4月下旬,我们分别在13时许、15时许观察到了海南 ;5月中旬,在8时许观察到海南 活动,5月13日11时许在一次观察时间长达30来分钟,最近处距鸟不足5米。九连山自然保护区对海南 的关注,始于2001年。但直至2003年发现实体,才确定海南 在九连山有分布。

(江西 唐培荣 廖承开)

环 志 研 究

▲ 黑龙江地区鸟类环志总结交流会在哈市召开 

2001—2002年度“全国鸟类环志总结交流会 黑龙江地区交流会”于2003年1月16—17日在黑龙江省哈尔滨市林海大厦召开。会议由黑龙江省林业野生动植物保护管理处和全国鸟类环志中心主持。参加会议的人员来自于东北林业大学帽儿山鸟类环志站、嫩江高峰林场鸟类环志站、三江保护区、龙江集团资源处、兴隆林业局青峰鸟类环志站及内蒙古自治区大兴乌尔旗汗林业局等省、市的环志站负责人及部分环志站的主管领导,全国鸟类环志中心,人员共22人。会议议程有二个:首先由帽儿山鸟类环志站常家传教授、嫩江高峰林场鸟类环志站李显达、兴隆林业局青峰鸟类环志站李洪文、全国鸟类环志中心侯韵秋和戴铭等总结交流2001—2002年各环志站及全国的鸟类环志概况及存在的问题;议程二讨论环志证的发放条件及2003年全国鸟类环志的工作重点。总之,本次会议的重点为总结交流经验,研究存在的问题及解决方法。会议一致认为,近两年来,全国的环志鸟的种类和数量有了明显提高,特别是黑龙江省的鸟类环志工作进展很快,了解、热爱鸟类环志的专业人员、基层干部和志愿人员不断增加。同时,会议还充分认识到:2003年鸟类环志的工作重点是: 





(全国鸟类环志中心 侯韵秋) 

▲ 2003年春季鸟类环志基本概况 

东北林业大学帽儿山常家传教授的春季环志工作于5月24日结束,共环志92种9 040只,是历年春季环志数量最多的一年。据悉,今春已有7个省(区)12~14个单位开展鸟类环志工作。进展顺利的工作地点有:黑龙江嫩江高峰林场和兴隆林业局青峰林场、辽宁鸟类研究中心、黑龙江省洪河国家级自然保护区、吉林省吉林市鸟类环志保护站、珲春市依力沟环志点、山东省青岛鸟类保护环志站、河北省秦皇岛市鸟类环志站、上海市崇明东滩自然保护区及内


(全国鸟类环志中心 侯韵秋)  

▲ 4—6月环志中心参加的活动暂停 


(全国鸟类环志中心 侯韵秋)  

▲ 秦皇岛市鸟类环志站新人新气象 


(全国鸟类环志中心 侯韵秋)  

▲ 欧洲首次回收到我国环志的白腰朱顶雀 


环志信息:A093156,白腰朱顶雀 Carduelis flammea ,2001年10月24日由黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场环志。2003年2月11日,挪威鸟类环志员Peter Sjolte Ranke,通过E-mail报告回收信息,2月15日再详报。发现日期:2003年2月10日15∶00;发现地点:Moss市Ostfold县(59.26N,10.38E);并又增加一环放飞:(Stavanger Museum 3H23677);年龄与性别:雄性,年龄不祥(至少3年)。

(全国鸟类环志中心 楚国忠)  

▲ 关于鸟类环志工作中注意个人卫生的通知



(全国鸟类环志中心 楚国忠)

研 究 快 报

▲ 麻雀(Passer montanus )的活动区及环境监测研究 

麻雀(Passer montanus)作为环境的指示物种已经引起人们的重视。对伴人生活的麻雀开展环境监测方面的研究具有现实意义,结合从人类生存环境的质量变化,来分析麻雀对环境改变作出的反应,进而阐述环境变化对整个生态系统可能带来的危害。因此,我们在国家自然科学基金资助项目(项目号: 30170187)“麻雀与城市环境监测的研究”的支持下,通过检测麻雀各组织中As、Hg、Cd、Pb、Ni、Co和Mn的积累状态,分析了鸟类在不同环境下的体内污染物积累,并初步分析了元素积累的年龄、组织、性别、地区等差异,并对麻雀监测环境的可行性进行了研究。利用专用于小鸟的无线电追踪设备,我们发现象麻雀这样的小型雀类,发射器的重量约占体重的3%以下遥测效果更好;在北京师范大学居留的麻雀具有稳定

2的冬季活动区,面积大约为7600 m ;麻雀的活动范围较小并相对固定,这对于监测其居留


从北京不同污染源的地区所采集的麻雀体内的污染物含量均比较高;各个元素之间具有明显 的相关性;麻雀内部组织与羽毛中所富集的重金属具有明显的相关性,表明以麻雀作为监测城市环境污染状况是可行的;尽管羽毛是监测环境污染的有力工具,但在分析时(尤其在对Hg进行分析的时候)要注意换羽等阶段的影响。

(北京 潘 超 郑光美)  

▲ 白尾地鸦生态学与保护研究 

得到国家自然科学基金和世界自然基金(WWF China Program)资助的白尾地鸦项目,2003年3—4月在新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠对白尾地鸦的分布、繁殖和保护现状进行调查。目前已经发现18个鸟巢。为了配合新疆当地5月初的爱鸟周活动,项目组马鸣等人还专门编写了《白尾地鸦》小册子,32页,维和汉两种文字,免费发放5千本。

(新疆 马 鸣)  

▲ 猎隼的越冬地与繁殖地调查 


(新疆 马 鸣)  

▲ 珠海见到栗喉蜂虎 



(广东 高育仁)  

▲ 野生鸟类进入城市 


(广东 高育仁)  

▲ 湖北鸟类物种的新发现及新资料 



在南湾嘴湖面发现凤头 繁殖种群70~80只。该种鸟类一贯为湖北的冬候鸟,每年11月上旬迁来,3~5只结群活动,翌年3月下旬、4月上旬迁离。据当地渔民反映它们在梁子湖自1997年以来已繁殖了4年。还发现在水牛群周边摄食的牛背鹭3只,白鹭5只和黄嘴白鹭7只;在湖滩沙砾中发现剑 和灰头麦鸡正在产卵和孵化,1997年夏天,渔民陈水清在农舍废弃的烟筒中发现一对棉凫正在育雏:郑州市林业局李振文在当地获得一号猎杀标本,经鉴定是红脚苦恶乌,为湖北省新记录。 

2.2001年7月18日至20日,继1999年8月8日至10日和2000年8月12日至14日在神农架林区阳日乡苦水河发现 嘴鹬5只,2只成体和3只幼体后,发现最大的繁殖种群18只,它们在河滩沙砾中筑巢和夜宿。自1998年8月5日在神农架国家级自然保护区鸭石口阴峪河岩面上发现白顶溪鸲以来,至今未见其踪迹。溪流的优势种仍然是红尾水鸲,常见种为小燕尾,褐河乌、灰背燕尾,斑背燕尾、黑背燕尾。2002年6月14日至17日,在九冲河芦院和西沟,海拔700~970 m,约6 km范围内,发现发冠卷尾繁殖种群14只和2个巢。



(武汉 胡鸿兴)

国 内 动 态

▲ 广西即将建立两个鹭鸟保护区 


该保护区位于南宁市南部的邕宁县南晓镇那兰村。经过当地群众长期自发保护, 在那兰村已经形成了一个稳定的鹭鸟群落, 现有池鹭、白鹭、绿鹭和夜鹭四种。这些鹭鸟聚集在小范围内营群巢,成为“鹭林”。其种群数量众多,盛时可超过1万只,蔚为壮观。现划定保护区面积349公顷,为一个市级的小型鸟类保护区。3月下旬该保护区通过了论证和评审,已正式上报待批。

2.广西防城万鹤山鹭鸟自然保护区该保护区位于北部湾沿海的防城港市防城区滨海地带。北部湾沿海地带处于东南亚和亚洲东北部之间的候鸟迁徙通道上,是候鸟迁徙的重要中途停歇地,同时也是我国东南沿海地区多种鹭鸟的重要繁殖地之一。因此,该保护区在生物多样性保护中具有重要作用。亦是经过当地群众长期自发保护, 在防城区万鹤山亦形成了一个稳定的鹭鸟群落, 保护区内现有鹭科鸟类10种, 其中7种鹭鸟聚集在万鹤山小范围内营群巢,成为大型复杂的鹭林,具有极高的科学研究价值。保护区规划面积1620公顷,为一个自治区级的小型鸟类保护区。其范围内不但有山林、河溪,而且划进了大片沿海红树林和滩涂,可为数量众多的鹭鸟提供充足的觅食地。该保护区5月初通过了论证和评审并已正式上报待批。上述两个保护区鹭林的形成,都是当地社区长期参与保护的结果,是人、鸟与自然环境和谐相处的典型范例,具有特别重要的生态建设和生态教育的示范作用,其意义十分深远。我们希望有更多的群众参与保护鸟类,也期待有更多的鸟类保护区建立。

(广西 周 放)  

▲ 海南开鸟前景堪忧 

(国家自然科学基金项目:39660016 ) 

海南开鸟一度被认为已经绝迹。上世纪90年代初在广西南部重新发现后,近几年又有些地方报导有其活动踪迹,因此国外有些学者又盲目乐观起来,以为海南 尚有较多数量。通过我们近几年在全国各地的调查,可以说海南 的生存状况并不乐观。现将大致情况汇报如下:


目前海南开鸟已知最大的繁殖种群在广西南部,但其数量也不过50 - 60只。该种群主要分布在海拔400米以下的生态环境比较退化的地区,分为几个小种群。近几年虽然采取了一些保护措施,但远未达到有效保护。在海南开鸟的分布区,盗伐林木、挖树根之事不断;更有甚者,利用西部大开发资金,砍伐海南开鸟栖息地的稀树灌木林来营造速生桉树林。人类经济活动愈来愈频繁对该种群构成极大威胁。


广东车八岭国家级自然保护区是另一个确定有海南开鸟分布的地方。但那里的海南 种群数量很少,非常不易见到该鸟。据当地群众反映,仅在樟栋水(一条小河溪)少数河段见到过该鸟活动。考虑到该保护区面积较小,只有7545公顷,山溪水域面积也不大,环境容纳量极为有限;保护区周围地区生态环境较退化,即使有海南开鸟零星残存分布数量也不会多,因此该地的海南 种群只是一个不大的种群。





位于林区内,为一典型的山区水库,拦断关门河而成。湖宽50~100m,两岸较陡,但水库大坝下浅水区较多。原来库岸边长有较多树木,1992年5月,在库岸边发现一海南 巢,并采集了一只成鸟和一只幼鸟作标本。用GPS测定巢地位置为N31°42.119′,E110°47.344′,海拔高度595m。前几年因上游开矿的需要,沿右侧库岸开了一条公路,毁坏了大部分沿岸树木,并破坏了原营巢地。近年来又在左侧库岸开辟了温泉旅游区,人来车往大量增加,该栖息地已被彻底破坏。


2位于林区内,南河中一河湾处,河岸坡上,有约0.3 hm梯田,N31°44.238′,E110°51.457




(广西 周 放)  

▲ 呼吁保护广州番禺新垦越冬鸟类栖息湿地 

广州南部番禺区有一片重要湿地,位于珠江三角洲的出海口,总面积在3000公顷以上,近几年来有大量越冬鸟类栖息,经我们和有关部门调查发现后立即建立了广州市的区级鸟类保护区。三年多前已作为广东省候选区之一申报亚洲重要鸟区。经过我们4年来的不定期调查,记录到鸟类60-80种,其中以越冬水鸟为主。有鹭类和琵鹭类12种,鸭类十几种,鹬3种以上,鸥类和燕鸥类10种以上。其中出现过黑脸琵鹭、花脸鸭、罗纹鸭、游隼、黑嘴鸥等濒危物种。还有鸬鹚、白琵鹭、草鹭、大麻开鸟 、黑翅长脚鹬、黑尾塍鹬、红嘴巨鸥、褐翅鸦鹃等珍稀种类。每年越冬鸟类的高峰期数量达1~2万只之多。省内有关部门也正考虑将此块广州仅剩的半自然状态湿地升格为省级自然保护区。不幸的是广州市政府去年底决定大规模开发附近地区,拟建现代化的钢铁基地和化工基地。新垦湿地已被划入开发涉及地区。该湿地如被开发,珠江三角洲目前仅有的少数几处重要的越冬水鸟栖息地之一将永远失去,且不可能恢复。工业发展造成生态自然地的丧失,将是任何代价都换不回来的。为此我们已经通过媒体作出大力呼吁,希望得到广泛支持。

(广东 高育仁) 

▲ 海南收回餐馆野生动物经营权 


(海南 梁伟、史海涛)  

▲ 受海南省教育厅资助,海南师范学院生物系对在中国仅发现分布于海南万宁大洲岛的哇金丝燕进行了调查。由于长期以来对燕窝的过度利用,到2002年,大洲岛仅发现2个金丝燕的巢,不得不第三次进行封闭管理。可以说目前该鸟已“生态灭绝”。这是人们利用过度和不注意加以保护而导致物种濒临灭绝的典型例子。〗

(海南 梁伟、史海涛)

▲ 郑光美理事长参加世界雉类协会会议 

应世界雉类协会(WPA)的邀请,鸟类学分会理事长、WPA-China 主席郑光美教授和WPA-China 秘书张正旺教授于2003年1月12日-25日访问了英国,参加了世界雉类协会的工作总结,并受邀做了关于中国雉类研究现状的报告。访英期间,还访问了狩猎动物保护协会、Crocket St. Thomas 野生动物园、Chester 动物园、纽卡斯尔大学、剑桥大学、大英博物馆、英国皇家鸟类保护委员会、国际鸟类联盟等单位。鉴于郑光美教授在雉类研究方面的突出贡献,郑光美教授已被选为世界雉类协会副会长。

(北京 张正旺)  

▲ 我国将评选国树国鸟国花 候选名单将在近期公布 


▲ 2002年4月22日,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院胡鸿兴教授继1995年获得《全国环境教育先进个人》称号后,又荣获第六届《地球奖》,该奖项为我国环境保护领域最高奖。

▲ 2002年观鸟数据库工作总结

随着我国人民生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的人们已将观鸟作为一种新的休闲方式,很多专业鸟类学工作者也在野外工作之余观察和记录所见到的各种鸟类。如果我们将这些观鸟记录集中起来,那么对于监测我国鸟类资源的变化趋势将会有重要的参考价值。基于此要求,我们受中国鸟类学会委托,在香港观鸟会林超英、张浩辉先生的支持与帮助下,于2002年10月开始创建永久性 “全国观鸟记录数据库”,该库自创建之日起搜集和输入了去年8月份以后全国各地观鸟组织、个人及其鸟类专业研究人员在国内各地的观鸟记录情况。目前已经完成的工作:1)建立了数据库工作的领导机构、确定了工作人员;2)整理了中国鸟类最新名录;3)借鉴香港观鸟会的经验,建立了观鸟数据记录表格和稀有种记录表格;4)建议、鼓励民间观鸟组织建立观鸟数据库;5)通过电子邮件、学会通讯、信件等方式向国内外同行宣传“全国观鸟记录数据库”,并征集有关观鸟记录;6)2002年8至月2002年12月,本数据库共收录有观鸟记录50多份。从数据库得到的记录分析,2002年全国的观鸟活动进一步发展,观鸟地点涉及京津沪三市及河北、广州、湖南、四川、云南等省,共20多个地点。观察人员包括鸟类学工作者、民间环保团体的观鸟爱好者、大专院校学生、(包括外国人士)等。所观察到的鸟类共计379种,分属16目55科168属。由于“全国观鸟记录数据库”工作刚

刚起步,2002年所收录的记录也还很有限,因此需要各位同行及各界爱鸟人士的大力协助。有些观鸟者常年坚持野外观鸟,非常有经验,记录也很准确, 在今后的工作中,我们会及时与诸位有经验的观鸟者联系,共同把“全国观鸟记录数据库”建设好。欢迎国内同行提交观鸟记录。请寄北京师范大学生命科学学院张正旺教授收,邮编100875;电子邮件:[email protected]。 

(北京 张正旺)

国 外 动 态 

▲ 国际雉类学术研讨会 (International Galliformes Symposium)通知  

国际雉类学术研讨会将于2004年4月5-7日在印度北部的Dehra Dun召开。本次会议是世界雉类协会将2000年尼泊尔会议之后的又一次盛会。会议的主办方为:世界雉类协会。承办单位:世界雉类协会南亚办公室、印度野生生物研究所。会议的议程包括论文交流、研讨会、野外考察等。在2003年1月郑光美教授访问英国期间,世界雉类协会的许多官员都表示希望中国能有较多的代表参加会议,同时中国鸟类学会雉类专业委员会也计划申办2007年的国际雉类学术研讨会,因此我们希望我国的雉类专家尽早准备论文,并做好参加会议的准备。希望参加会议的我会会员,请向张正旺教授(e-mail: [email protected])报名。

▲ 新书介绍:《全球水鸟种群数量评估—第三版》 

湿地国际(Wetland International)于2002年出版了《全球水鸟种群数量评估——第三版》(Waterbird Population Estimates Third Edition)。该书由Simon Delany和Derek Scott 主编,包括以下内容:





・为国际重要湿地的确定、迁徙水鸟的保护和区域性水鸟保护协议的制定提供了理论依据; ・指出了目前对全球水鸟种群、物种和地理区域分布的了解所欠缺的内容; 

・全书为彩版印刷,共226页,840幅分布图、63张彩色照片、4个表格和2个统计图。  同第一版(1994)和第二版(1997)一样,《全球水鸟种群数量评估—第三版》将成为全世界水鸟研究和保护管理人员的一本重要的参考书。该书定价25英镑,可向Natural History Book Service联系购买,也可以免费从网上下载。具体地址: http://www.nhbs.com/xbscripts/bkfsrch?search=1036


(北京 丁长青)  

▲ 泰国八色鸫在缅甸消失89年后被重新发现 



▲ 《世界鸟类手册》第八卷已经出版 

《世界鸟类手册》(Handbook of the Birds of the World)第八卷(阔嘴鸟至窜鸟科)由 西班牙著名的Lynx Edicions出版社于2003年6月正式推出。这是该套鸟类权威著作中介绍雀形目鸟类的第一卷,主要涉及阔嘴鸟科(Eurylaimidae)、裸眉鸫科(Philepittidae)、八色鸫科(Pittidae)、灶鸟科(Furnariidae)、 雀科(Dendrocolaptidae、蚁〖HT5,7SS〗 科(Thamnophilidae)、蚁鸫〖CM(20〗科(Formicariidae)、食蚁鸟科(Conopophagidae)和窜鸟科(Rhinocryptidae)。400多张照片,81个彩色图版。定价160欧元。详情可访问网站www. hbs. com. 

(北京 张正旺) 


▲ 原订于2003年11月在台湾台中市台湾自然科学博物馆召开的“第六届海峡两岸鸟类学术研讨会”,经双方筹委会的努力,准备工作正在开展。大陆代表团通过报名,论文筛选等,已组成由我会副理事长刘 发教授任团长、宋杰秘书长任副团长的代表团。有关申办的各项工作由宋杰先生负责与台湾方面联系。目前,由于“非典”暴发,大陆与台湾的有关


封 面 介 绍 

血雉 Ithaginis cruentus( Blood Pheasant) 



(北京 王 楠)

The List of Chinese Birds Protected by the CITES

▲ According to the new version of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) issued in 2003, there are 168 species of Chinese birds listed in the Appendices, including 35 species in Appendix Ⅰ, 120 species in Appendix Ⅱ, and 13 species in Appendix Ⅲ.

(Zhang Zhengwang)  

▲ The List of Wild Terricolous Animals that are Beneficial or Valuable in Economy & Scientific Research and Protected by China was issued by the State Forestry Administration, P. R. China on August 1, 2000. The list divided protected wild animals into two types, key protected and general protected, for the purpose of widely protecting. There are 707 species in 61 families of 18 orders of birds in the list. (Zheng Guangmei) 


In order to make more achievements in the research about waterbirds and cranes, the COS decides to reorganize the Specialist Group on Waterbirds and Cranes.as below:Chairman: Wang Qishan 

Vice-Chariman: Xu Yangong, Ding Changqing 

On April 20, 2003, the Beijing Council of COS makes a decision that the Society will sponsor the Cheng Tso-hsin Fund of Bird Sciences with 100,000 RMB for encouraging the young research working on bird. China Ornithological Society May 16, 2003 ▲ The Decision of Setting Up the Promotional Fund of China Ornithological Research

Aiming to encourage basic research of Chinese researchers and promote the development of birds' research, the COS decides to set up the Promotional Fund of China Ornithological Research. 

▲ Scope:  

1)Basic research on the species that lacking of data on breeding ecology; 

2)Finding new species and subspecies in China; 

3)New distribution records. 


1)The applicant should be the member of the COS 

2)The result has been published in the key journals. 

3)The applicant should be the first owner of the research result 

The application of 2003 should be mailed to Song Jie before Dec. 31,2003. The address is the COS, College of Life Sciences, BNU, Beijing, 100875

▲ Construction of the Website of China Ornithological Society 

The website of COS,www.chinabird.org, has been opened since 2002. Current columns include Introduction of COS, Publications, News and Notes, List of members of COS, Important Messages,Birdwatching in China, Related Links. Columns under-constructed are Database of Songs and Photos of birds and Database of Birdwatching.  (Zhang Yanyun)  


▲ New sites of Elliot's Pheasant found in Guizhou Province 

Funded by WPA, the distribution of Elliot's pheasant in Guizhou was surveyed by Liang Wei, Hainan Normal University and Li Zhumei, Institute of Biology, Guizhou Province, in 2002. Some new sites for the pheasant were found, including Foding shan NNR (Shiqian, Yuqing, Zhenyuan and Shibing county), Mayanghe NNR (Yanhe and Wuchuan county) and Yueliangshan Forest (Sandu, Libo, Congjiang and Rongjiang county). In addition, some new sites in Guangxi Province and Chongqing city were found. Elliot's Pheasant is threatened by poaching and habitat loss in the study areas. Illegal hunting for this bird in Guizhou and Guangxi was a severe threat.Yueliangshan forest is a very good habitat for Elliot's with its primary forest protected by local people. However,

deforestration in this area occurred since 2001.We suggested that a provincial nature reserve should be established there as soon as possible in order to conserve the Elliot's Pheasant. 

(Liang Wei and Li Zhumei)  

▲ Chinese Monal found in Xiangcheng County of Sichuan Province 

On 22nd September 2002, four Chinese Monals were observed by the birding group of Hong Kong Birdwatching Society in Xicheng County, Sichuan Province. This site is very close to the Da Xue Shan of Zhongdian County, Yunnan Province. It is the most south record of sites for Chinese Monal. 

(Han Lianxian)   

▲ Investigation of the fragmentation of Reeve's Pheasant in Dabie Mountains  From 2001 to 2002, we conducted a survey of habitat use and conservation status of Reeve's Pheasant in Dabie Shan. This project was jointed supported by WWF Small Grants and WPA. The distribution,habitat use, population densities, threats and conservation status of Reeve's Pheasant were investigated in Jinzhai, Yuexi of Anhui Province, Luoshan, Xinxian, Shangcheng of Henan Province, and Guangshui, Dawu of Hubei Province. The most intensive studies were carried out in Dongzhai Nature Reserve. During the field work, six individuals were radiotagged and tracked through the breeding season, 5 nests had been found. Our work has promoted to the management of nature reserves. During the year, Dongzhai had raised its level from a provincial reserve to a national nature reserve; and Liankang Shan had completed the action plan to improve its management. 

(Zhang Zhengwang)  

▲ Report on studies of population dynamics of Tibetan eared pheasants Crossoptilon harman  


The field work of 2002 was continued in Xiongse monastery (29°27′N, 91°40′E) nearby Lhasa, Tibet. We investigated the size and composition of all Tibetan eared pheasant flocks occurring in the study area and found that the population had kept declining since the peak of 2000. Nesting success of the eared pheasants this year was lower than that last year. We also trapped and marked 28 individuals so that the number of marked individuals were over 120. Also, the data on social behaviors of the eared pheasants were gathered. 

(Lu Xin)  

▲ The Progress of Sclater's Monal Project in Yunnan 

Supported by Yunnan Science Foundation and World Pheasant Association, the project of Sclater's Monal in Yunnan have made several important achievements. We have collected the data of population numbers, sex ratio, diet, home range and roosting sites in Gaoligongshan Nature Reserve. In April 2003, a nest was found on a rock at 3400m above sea level. The information of incubation behaviour and incubation rhythms

were also obtained. 

(Han Lianxian and Luo Xu)  

▲ First Success of Radio-tracking Hen Reeve's Pheasant in China 

In the breeding season of 2003, the researchers from Beijing Normal University have been successfully tracking the hen Reeve's Pheasant in the natural habitat in Foping County, Shaanxi Province. Totally 4 hens have been radio-tagged and tracked by the technique of radio telemetry. All the 4 hens built nests and laid eggs. So far, the first nest has been successful hatched. 

(Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Zhengwang)  

▲ The Surveys of Gailliformes in Baisha County of Hainan Province 

During the surveys in 2003, several rare species of Galliformes, including Hainan Hill Partridge, Hainan Peacock Pheasant, Red Jungle Fowl and Silver pheasant were found in Nankai forest, Baisha County of Hainan Province. We found the Nankai forest is an important habitat with nice primary forest for pheasants. A provincial nature reserve will be set up after our surveys. We suggested that more work should be done in this area. 

(Liang Wei and Shi Haitao)  

▲ Wuliangshan Nature Reserve home 18 species of Galliformes

This Nature Reserve is located in Yunnan Province. The species include Mrs.Hume's Pheasant, Chinese Francolin, Green Peafowl, Ring necked Hill Partridge, Scaly breasted Hill Partridge, Rufous throated Hill Partridge, Bar backed Hill Partridge, Chinese Bamboo Partridge, Temminck's Tragopan, Silver Pheasant, Red Junglefowl, Ring necked Pheasant and Lady Amherst's Pheasant. As there is no detail survey on Galliformes in this nature reserve, the Chief of the reserve wrote to WPA China expressing their interests to cooperate with WPA China to make a survey and they welcome our experts to conduct research in the reserve as well. 

(Zhang Zhengwang)   

▲ Lady Amherst's Pheasant is increasing in some areas in Yunnan 

The areas include Cangshan of Dali City and Wuliangshan Nature Reserve in Nanjian County, Yunnan Province. The long-term monitoring project is on the way of planning. (Han Lianxian)  

▲ The Green Peafowl in Western Yunnan Need Effective Protection  

We found several Green Peafowls in Xiaoheishan Nature Reserve in March 2003 during a field survey. But the wild population of Green Peafowl is threatened by the poisoning baits which the local farmers used for protect their crops. There are some cases of dead birds outside the nature reserve. We call for the local government take some effective measures to protect the Green Peafowl. 

(Han Lianxian)   

▲ The Breeding Results of Hunan Wildlife Rescue Center 

Hunan Wildlife Rescue Center was established in 1992 and it homes about 10 species of rare pheasants, including Cabot's Tragopan, Golden Pheasant, Reeve's Pheasant, Silver Pheasant and Elliot's Pheasant. Till May 10, 2003, we have hatched 91 Cabot's tragopan, 5 Temminck's tragopan, 145 Golden Pheasant, 5 Lady Amherst's Pheasant, 75 Elliot's Pheasant, 34 Reeve's Pheasnt and 252 Silver Pheasants. 

(Li Li)  

▲ The Nesting Behavior of Captive Tragopans 

Our captive Tragopan hens are all encouraged to raise their own young. The first year that a hen makes her nest and sits on the eggs, she chooses a site where she can sit high in the nest and see what is going on around her. She is very visible, but she can see any possible predators and dangers. She remains very alert throughough the incubation period. As she becomes more experienced at nesting, she chooses to make a much deeper nest, where she can be totally concealed; often she cannot see out of the nest. However, she also seems much more relaxed and is often asleep in the nest, thus saving much energy prior to hatching time. when she will need to be extra vigilant. One small problem we have found is that, because we use nesting baskets for our tragopans, the experienced hens build such deep nests that the chicks find great difficulty in getting out of the baskets after they hatch. It would be interesting to see how much of this behaviour is replicated in the wild. 

(John Corder)  

▲ Funding Success for Sichuan Partridge Forest Conservation Project 

The Sichuan partridge forest conservation project has received over 24,000 pounds of funding for the development of two new nature reserves in southern Sichuan. The funding has been donated by the North of England Zoological Society based at Chester Zoo in the U.K. and by Mr. James Goodhart who is a supporter of the World Pheasant Association, also in the U.K. The money will pay for training of local people in wildlife conservation skills, the development of infrastructure such as a field station at one of the reserves and for surveys of local biodiversity to be carried out. The reserves, one at Laojunshan in Pingshan county and the other at Mamize in Leibo county, consist of valuable broadleaf forest habitat, home of the endangered Sichuan partridge Arborophila rufipectus. They also contain other Chinese endemic birds like the Gold fronted Fulvetta Alcippe variegaticeps and the Omei Shan Liocichla Liocichla omeiensis. They are high in biodiversity and support a wide range of plants and animals. The reserves are managed by local people under the direction of the Sichuan Forestry Department and the project is co-ordinated by Dai Bo who works for the Wildlife Division in the Forestry Department. The funding of these reserves will ensure that the habitat can be managed effectively for the conservation of endemic birds in Sichuan. 

(Simon Dowell)  

Waterbird Research

▲ Black faced Spoonbills with band and telemetry were found in the east of Chongming Beach. Three flocks of Black faced Spoonbills ( Platalea minor ) with one having band and telemetry were found in the east of Chongming Beach on April 1 and 2, 2002. According to Simba Chen of Wild Bird Society of Japan, the bird was banded in Mai, Hong Kong. On April 19, another flock of 21 individuals was seen in the same region. Yu Weidong from Shanghai Normal University had recorded more than 60 individuals of the species. All data suggest that the estuary of Yangtze River is an important stage in the migration route of the Black faced Spoonbills.  (Ma Zhijun)  

▲ Hooded Cranes founded in the east of Chongming Beach. 

101 individuals of the Hooded Crane (Grus monacha) were observed in the east of Chongming Beach in the winter, 2002. The flock left the region in the end of March, 2003. According to the investigation of Xu Ling, East China Normal Universtiy, the birds arrived at the beach as early as October 28, 2002. Therefore, the wintering period of the bird should be about 5 months. However, measures should be taken to protect the habitat of bird, which has been threatened by the reclamation and the invasion of the herb. 

(Ma Zhijun)  

▲ The investigation of the Dunlin during the non-breeding period 

The dunlin (Calidris alpina) was one of the most common birds in the migration route between East Asia and Australia. In January, 2003, M. Barter of the Wetlands International and Lei Gang of East Dongting Lake Nature Reserve had investigated the dunlin in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui Province and recorded 47739 individuals, among which more than one half were in Hunan Province and the biggest flock in Caizi Lake of Anhui had 6493 individuals. According to the result, it is estimated that there are more than 200,000 dunlins lived in the middle and lower part of Yangtze River during the non breeding period. So the region is very important to protect the dunlins.  

▲ The investigation of birds in Jiuduansha Wetlands Nature Reserve 

Jiuduansha Island is located in the estuary of Yangtze River. To help the reserve to apply for the national nature reserve,had investigated the bird resources in the region for four times during Oct., 2002-Jan., 2003.It is recorded that there are more than 70 species, including two species of national second class protected birds, the Black faced Spoonbill and the Tundra Swan, and some raptors. According to some investigations carried out in recent years, the number of species of birds in Jiuduansha has been rapidly increasing resulted from the increase of the beach where the birds live. 

(Ma Zhijun)  

▲ Qi'Ao Island Mangrove Wetland of Zhuhai——One of Several Wintering Habitats Left in the Delta of the Pearl River 

Qi'Ao Island Mangrove Wetland, Mai Po of Hong Kong and Futian of Shenzhen form a

triangle around the estuary of the Pearl River, which is one of several wintering habitats left in the region.Since its discovery by related units and us, the mangrove wetland has been protected and restored and will be set up as an important waterbirds reserve. During the investigation for two years, we have found 93 species of birds in the wetlands, 7 of which belong to national second class protected wildlife. Moreover, there are more than 10 thousand of birds living in the region in the winter. Qi'Ao Wetland will surely become an important wintering habitat of waterbirds in the Delta of the Pearl River in the future!

(Gao Yuren)  

▲ The Black faced Spoonbill found in Henan Province 

13 Black-faced Spoonbills in Lingao County and 1 have been found in Dongzhaigangin Henan Province in 2002. Although We didn't find the bird in Yinggehai, Ledong County, the local government had seen two individuals in 2001 and 2002 respectively.  (Liang Wei and Zhang Guogang)  

▲ The special investigation of the wintering waterbirds, the Black-faced Spoonbill

and the Saunders's Gull 

According to the agreement on conservation of migratory birds between China and Japan, the National Bird Banding Center had organized a special team to investigate the wintering waterbirds, the Black-faced Spoonbill and the Saunders's Gull (Larus saunersi) in the coastal wetlands in Jiangsu, Chongming of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi and Hainan for five months. We found that, apart form Mai Po of Hong Kong and Zengwenxikou of Taiwan, there were some distribution areas of the Black-faced Spoonbill in the Mainland, including Yancheng of Jiangsu, Chongming of Shanghai, the estuary of Min River of Fujian, Dongzhaigang and Lingao of Hainan. Chongming, the estuary of Min River and Lingao are new distribution areas, more works should be taken to examine their stability. As to the Saunders's Gull, we have found 20 wintering populations in Jiangsu (1040 individuals), Zhejiang (1335) and Fujian(231) provinces. We also recorded about 450 individuals of the White Spoonbill ( Platalea regia) in Yancheng,5 Tundra Swans in Ninghai, Zhejiang, and 3 Spot-billed Pelicans( Pelecanus philippensis) in the estuary of the Min River. 

(Zhang Guogang)  

▲ GEF and its implementation in China 

The GEF item shared by four countries, China, Russia, Kazakstan and Iran will be initiated in JuneChina accounts for 40% of the 10,000,000 dollars' item. Zhalong Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang, Momoge and Xianghai of Jilin, Ke'erqin of Inner Mongalia and Poyang Lake of Jiangxi have been selected as the implementation areas from 2003 to 2009. 

(Qian Fawen)  

▲ Small items on the crane conservation net among nature reserves will be initiated. In order to promote the the crane conservation network of China, the Wildlife

Conservation Department of the State Forestry Administration will set up some small items to encourage the reserves to carry out the action plan. Currently, 10 reserves have applied for items. 

(Qian Fawen)  

▲ The investigation of wintering cranes in the Poyang Lake

From January 1~9, 2003, the National Bird Banding Center and Jiangxi Province cooperatively organized the investigation of wintering cranes in the Poyang Lake. We have investigated 68 wetlands around Poyang Lake and found that there were nearly 300,000 birds of more than 40 species. 

(Qian Fawen)  

▲ The breeding of the Crested Ibis in Beijing Zoo 

Funded by the State Forestry Administration, Science and Technology Committee of Beijing City and the Garden Bureau of Beijing City, we have successively conducted the research on the artificial feeding and breeding of the Crested Ibis (Nipponia Nippon ),the study on improving the population viability and the experimental study on the natural brooding of the species. Currently, we have succeeded in the natural brooding of the Crested Ibis and alternate brooding between the Crested Ibis and the Black headed Ibis ( Therskiornis melanocephalus). We plan to repeat the experiment this year in order to provide basic data for the restoration of the migratory populations of the Created Ibis. 

(Liu Bin and Li Fulai)  

▲ White eared Night Herons ( Gorsachius magnificus ) Found in Jiulianshan Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province 

In 2003, we have found 8-10 individuals of the White-eared Night Herons in Jiulianshan Nature Reserve. In fact, we began to search the birds since 2001, but finally observed them in 2003. The photo of a wounded adult has been identified by specialists from the CAS and Hong Kong. 

(Tang Peirong, Liao Chengkai)  

Bird Banding Research

▲ The Bird Banding Summary Meeting of Heilongjiang was held in Harbin. 

2001—2002 Bird Banding Summary Meeting of Heilongjiang was held in Harbin in January, 2003.22 colleagues from different units attended the meeting. In recent years, more birds and more species have been banded in China.,especially The meeting emphasis three key tasks of 2003: 1) improve the quality and reduce the mistakes; 2) increase the number of banded waterbirds and raptors; 3) grant the Bird Banding Certificate to the staff. 

(Hou Yunqiu)   

▲ The general situation of bird banding in the spring of 2003 

It is reported that there are 12—14 organizations in 7 provinces that begin to band

the birds.three stations of which, Gaofeng Forestry Station of Nenjiang, Qingfeng Forestry Station of Xinglong and Bird Research Center of Liaoning, have banded nearly 10,000 birds. 

(Hou Yunqiu)  

▲ Europe firstly re-captured the Common Redpoll banded by China. 

The Common Redpoll ( Carduelis flammea ) banded by China was firstly re-captured in Norway, which attracted the European ornithologists. Some years before, two Common Redpolls from Finland and Sweden respectively were re-captured in Heilongjiang Province, China. In recent years, Heilongjiang Province has made great success in the bird banding by implementing the strategy of the State Forestry Administration, which results in the increase of the number of banded birds. So Europe can re-capture the banded bird from China. 

(Chu Guozhong)  

Brief Reports

▲ Study on the home range and environmental monitoring of the Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) 

Levels of metal contaminants start to accumulate in higher species in the food chain and so it is these species that offer the best opportunity to monitor these pollutants in the environment. As birds are conspicuous and are often easier to study than other species, they are ideal for fulfilling this role. Tree Sparrow is a sedentary species and always forages near towns, farms and other places close to human in Beijing. It is widespread and non-endangered species. Therefore, it might be a proper species to monitor the local environment. Supported by the NNSF (No. 30170187), we studied whether the Tree Sparrow is a potential good biomonitors for point source contamination. Using radiotracking, we counted the home range of the Tree Sparrow is about 7600m2 by 90% harmonic mean transformation. The forage site and home range of Tree Sparrow are steady during study of which imply that it is a potential species for monitoring point-pollute environment. Differences in heavy metal concentrations between adults and chicks, among different locations, between different types of tissues are distinct, but there are no significant differences of heavy metals concentrations between female and male. The eggs laid in the first brood had relatively higher concentrations of mucury (p=0.04 *) than those in the second ones. The metal levels but nickel and manganese in ventral feathers of Eurasian Hoopoe are lower than those in Tree Sparrow. Therefore, we must have a good knowledge of the ecology parameters of the bird before selecting it as the indicative animal. The concentrations of heavy metals in Tree Sparrow are high. There are remarkable relationships among the elements. Most importantly, the relationships of the metals concentration among feathers and tissues are significant. Organochlorines are accumulated mainly on feathers. All above indicate that Tree Sparrow is a feasible species for monitoring the environment. Although feathers are the most common tools for the monitoring, different moult stages should be considered. 

(Pan Chao and Zheng Guangmei)  

▲ Ecological and conservational research on the Xinjiang Ground Jay 

Funded by the NNSF and the WWF-China Program, we had investigate the distribution, breeding and conservation status of the Xijiang Ground Jay ( Podoces biddulphi ) in the Takelamagan Desert for March to April in 2003 and found 18 nests. 

(Ma Ming)  

▲ The wintering and breeding habitats of the Saker Falcon 

It is reported that the falcon ( Falcon cherrug ) distributes in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet Doctor Potapov from the Falcon Institute of the Bird Center of the British and Ma Ming from the CAS cooperatively investigate the wintering and breeding habitats of bird in the above-mentioned areas from April to June, 2003. Up to date, we have found some new breeding areas in the 4000-5000m high mountains. 

(Ma Ming)  

▲ Chestnut-tailed Bee Eaters was observed in Zhuhai 

A flock of 5 Bee eaters ( Merops philippinus ) were observed in Qi' Ao Mangrove Wetlands, Zhuhai, Guangdong, which is infrequent in the region. 

(Gao Yuren) 

▲ Wild birds come to our city 

Because of the enlargement of Guangzhou, many wild birds formerly living in the downtown are observed in the city. The Chinese Bulbul ( Pycnonotus sinensis ) maybe the first guest coming to our city twenty or thirty years before, then the White Wagtail ( Motacilla alba ), the Common Tailorbird ( Orthotomus sutorius ), the Yellow bellied Prinia ( Prinia flaviventris ), the Japanese Whiteeye ( Zosterops japoncus ), the Barn Sparrow ( Hirundo rustica ), the Blackbird ( Turdus merula ), even the Common Kestrel ( Falcon tinnunculus ) frequently visits to the city.

(Gao Yuren)  

▲ Some fieldworks in Hubei Province 

1.From July 2 9, 2001, we had observed many species in the Liangzi Lake, Hubei, which are listed as: Great Crested Grebe ( Podices cristatus ), Cattle Egret ( Bubulcus ibis ), Little Egret ( Egretta garzetta ), Chinese Egret ( Egretta eulophotes) , Ringed Plover ( Charadrius hiaticula ), Grey headed Lapwing (Vanellus cinereus), Cotton Pygmy Goose ( Nettapus Coromandelianus ), and Brown Crake (Amaurornis akool).

2.Some species observed in the Shenlongjia region are listed as: Ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii) , White capped Redstart ( Chaimarrornis leucocephalus) , Plumbeous Water Redstart (Rhyacornis fuliginosus) , Little Forktail (Enicurus scouleri), Spotted Forktail (Enicurus maculatus ), Black backed Forktail ( Enicurus immaculatus) , Slaty backed Forktail (Enicurus schistaceus) , Brown Dipper (Cinclus pallasii) , and Hair crested Drongo ( Dicrurus hottentottus). 

3. Results of the investigation in the Longgan Lake Nature Reserve are listed as below: Silky Starling ( Sturnus sericeus) , Chinese Egret (Egretta eulophotes), Whiskered Tern ( Chlidonias hybridus ), White winged Black Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus ),

Common Tern ( Sterna hirundo) , Little Tern (Sterna albifrons ), Black Stork (Ciconia nigra ), Hooded Crane ( Grus monacha ), and Common Redshack ( Tringa totanus).

4. Some species observed in the Chenhu Wetlands Nature Reserve of Wuhan are listed as: Oriental White Stork ( Ciconia boyciana ), Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus), Tundra Swan ( Cygnus columbianus ), Great Egret (Egretta alba ) and some species of Anseriformes. 

(Hu Hongxing)  

News and Notes——China

▲ Two reserves special in the conservation of herons and egrets will be established in Guangxi Province 

(1)Nanan Bird Nature Reserve The reserve is located in Nannan Village, Nanxiao Town, Huning County, Nanning City. There are four species of Ardedae, the Chinese Pond Heron (Aredola bacchus), Little Egret (Egretta garzetta), Green-backed Heron (Butorides striatus) and Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) and more than 10,000 of them in this 349ha reserve.(2)Wanheshan Bird Nature Reserve he reserve is located in the shore of Fangchenggang City, which is an important stage in the migration routes of birds and one of the most important breeding areas of the herons or egrets in the southeastern China. There are 10 species of the herons and egrets living in this 1620 ha reserve. 

(Zhou Fang)  

▲ The status of the White-eared Night Heron 

Although it is reported there are some White-eared Night Herons ( Gorsachius magnificus) in China since 1990sh, our investigations show that the future of the birds is gray. Here is the summary. 

(1)The south of Guangxi It is argued that the largest breeding population of the species is in the south of Guangxi, but the number of the population is only about 50-60. Most birds of the population live in the degrading habitats below the height of 400m and they have been divided into several small populations. Although some measures have been taken to protect the birds, the lumbering and digging the root remain in the reserve. Moreover,the shrubbery where the birds live is replaced by eucalyptus woods. Therefore, frequent human disturbance is still a big threat to the existence of the species. 

(2)Chebaling of Guangdong A small population of the bird is in this region. 

(3)Shenlongjia of Hubei Mr. Zhong Lianfu had sampled four individuals of the bird from 1992 to 1994. During our investigation, we had found one nest, one adult and one chicken in the Wushanhu Reservoir. But the habitat had already been destroyed by the mining at the upstream and tourism in the left of the reservoir.  (Zhou Fang)  

▲ The wetlands for wintering birds in Xinken, Panyu, Guangdong 

It is an important wetland which located in the estuary of the Pearl River and has more than 3000ha. The wetland was authorized as the bird reserve by Guangzhou City

and was ever taken as the representative for applying for IBA three years ago. After the investigation for 4 years, we have recorded 60~80 species of birds Most birds in the reserve are wintering waterbirds, among which are some rare and endangered species. There are at most 10,000~20,000 birds in the wetland.The government of Guangzhou City determined to explore the region.If the wetland is replaced by factory, one of several habitats left for wanterbird in the Delta of the Pearl Region will disappear Therefore, we have appealed to the government to cease the plan by media and hope that more people will take part in the action for conserving the wetlands for birds. 

(Gao Yuren)  

▲ The Edible nest Swiftlet is ecological extinct in Hainan. 

Funded by the Education Department of Hainan Province,had carried out the investigation of the Edible-nest Swift let (Aerodramus fuciphagus) in Dazhou Island, Wanning, Hainan, which is the only distribution area of the bird in China. Up to 2002, only two nests were found in the island and the island had to be closed for conserving the bird for the third time. Therefore, we concluded that the bird is near ecological extinct in China. The extinction is caused by human's over-use and lacking of conservation. 

(Laing Wei and Shi Haitao)  

▲ The Successful Visit to UK by WPA-China 

Invited by WPA International, Prof. Zheng Guangmei, President of COS & Chairman of WPA-China, and Zhang Zhengwang, Secretary of WPA-China, visited UK from 12 to 25th January 2003. They have attended WPA Council Meeting and presented a report of the work carried out by WPA-China. They also visited the Game Conservacy Trust, Crocket St. Thomas Wildlife Park, Chester Zoo, Newcastle University, Cambridge University, RSPB, BirdLife International and British Natural History Museum at Tring. The visit was very successful and fruitful. 

(Zhang Zhengwang)  

▲ The list of candidates for the national tree, bird and flower of China will be declared 

The State Forestry Administration declared that they would organize the related organizations to select the national tree, bird and flower of China. The plan for the selection and the list of candidates for the three national symbols will be declared The final result will be authorized by the NPC of China.

▲ Professor Hu Hongxing is awarded Global Award. 

After honored as the National Advanced Model of Environment Education, Prof. Hu Hongxing of Wuhan University was awarded Global Award on April 22, 2002, which is the highest award in the scope of environment conservation of China.   News and Notes——Abroad

▲ WPA Galliform Symposium 2004  

The next WPA Galliform Symposium will be held in Dehra Dun, India from 5 th to 7 th April 2004. It is hoped that delegates will arrive in Dehra Dun on Sunday 4 th April, attend the formal symposium, and travel on to Corbett National Park for a further three-day stay. The symposium will be hosted by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII).Dehra Dun is six hours drive from Corbett NP. The party visited Claridges Hideaway Hotel and the adjacent Riverside Resort. Both are five minutes from the entrance to Corbett and look to be ideal locations for post-symposium workshops and discussions. WPA-China plan to organize a delegation to attend this Symposium. If you want to attend this Symposium, please prepare to submit your papers to Prof. Zhang Zhengwang, Secretary of WPA-China, c/o College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University (e-mail: [email protected])。 


▲ Gurney's Pitta rediscovered in Myanmar 

BirdLife International announced the rediscovery after 89 years of Gurney's Pitta, one of the rarest and most beautiful birds in the world, in southern Myanmar. The discovery was made by a team of conservationists from the Bird Enthusiasts and Nature Conservation Association (BENCA), the Department of Forests Kawthaung District, Tanintharyi Division, and BirdLife International following a month-long survey of lowland forest in southern Tanintharyi Division (Tenasserim), Myanmar.[3] The team found pittas at four lowland forest sites, with a maximum of 10-12 pairs at one of these, all sites were close to historical collecting localities. The last confirmed record of Gurney's Pitta from Myanmar was in 1914. 

(Zhang Zhangwang from OBC website)  

▲ New book:《Waterbird Population Estimates Third Edition》 has been published recently.

This publication sets the global standard in presenting estimates of the numbers and trends of waterbird populations throughout the world. It will be an important reference for the research and conservation management of the waterbirds. Full colour throughout; viii + 226 pages, 840 maps, 63 colour photographs, 4 tables, 2 figures. This book could be downloaded from in PDF format. You can also order the hardcopy report from the Natural History Book Service. 

(DING Chang Qing)  

▲ The Released HBW Volume 8 Broadbills to Tapaculos. 

Handbook of the Birds of the World Vol.8 Broadbills to Tapaculos will be published by the famous Lynx Edicions of Spain in June 2003. It is the first volume covering the passerines. The species included in this volume are Eurylaimidae, Philepittidae, Pittidae, Furnariidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Thamnophilidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae and Rhinocryptidae. It contains over 400 photographs and 81color plates. Price 160 Euros. For more detail please visit the website: www. hbs. com. (Zhang zhengwang) 


The 6th Ornithological Symposium between Mainland & Taiwan,China

The 6th Ornithological Symposium between Mainland & Taiwan will be opened in Taiwan Nature Museum, Taizhong City, Taiwan in November, 2003. With the efforts of both sides, the preparing work has been done. By reviewing the application and related papers, the delegation of Mainland is formed with Prof. Liu Nafa, vice-chairman of COS, as the head and Prof. Song jie as the secretary-general. The succeeding correspondence will be charged by, Prof. Song Jie.The further information about the conference will be informed as early as possible. 

(Song Jie)

目 录

受《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》保护的中国鸟类   国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录   公告 我会网站“www.chinabird.org”建立 雉类研究   水鸟研究   环志研究 研究快报 国内动态 国外动态 第六届海峡两岸鸟类学术研讨会 封面介绍   英文摘要


为了解决日益增长的野生动植物贸易对生物资源造成的威胁,国际社会于1973年3月在美国首都华盛顿召开了“关于缔结《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》的全权代表大会”,并讨论通过了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(简称CITES公约)。在该公约中列出了在全世界需要控制贸易的物种名单,分成附录Ⅰ 、附录Ⅱ和附录 Ⅲ三个级别。我国于1981年正式加入CITES公约,并在中国科学院和国家林业局分别建立了科学机构和管理机构,主管我国履行CITES公约和控制濒危野生动植物的 进出口工作。 在CITES公约所涉及的动植物类群中,鸟类是一个被关注的重点。根据2002年11月第12届缔约国大会通过的附录,对涉及我国的鸟类进行了统计和整理, 结果表明我国鸟类被列入CITES公约的总共168种,隶属于13目25科。其中被列入附录Ⅰ的有35种,附录Ⅱ的120种,附录Ⅲ的13种。详细名单见下表。




▲ 关于设立“中国鸟类学研究奖励基金”的决定 

我国是世界上鸟类资源相对比较丰富的国家,迄今已经记录的鸟类约1 300种,其中大约100种仅分布或主要分布在我国境内。自20世纪以来,在几代学者的共同努力下,我国鸟类学的研究不断取得进展,一些研究成果获得国际鸟类学界高度重视。2002年在北京成功举办的第23届国际鸟类学大会,为我国鸟类学走向世界提供了一个良好的契机,是我国鸟类学发展的一个里程碑。为了鼓励国内鸟类学工作者潜心基础研究,进一步推动我国鸟类学的发展,经在京理事会讨论通过,中国动物学会鸟类学分会决定设立“中国鸟类学研究奖励基金”。 












▲ 关于中国鸟类学会鹤类及水鸟委员会专家组成员的调整 


组 长:王岐山 

副组长:徐延恭 丁长青 

组 员: (按姓氏笔划排序)

马逸清 马 鸣 马志军 王 会

王天厚 史海涛 田秀华 卢 欣

朴仁珠 邢莲莲 纪伟涛 陈承彦

李长友 李文发 李来兴 李晓民

李筑眉 何芬奇 邹红菲 杨 岚

邱英杰 周 放 周立志 胡鸿兴

桂小杰 高育仁 钱法文 虞 快


▲ 中国动物学会鸟类学分会向“郑作新鸟类科学基金会”提供赞助

经2003年4月20日中国动物学会鸟类学分会在京理事会决议,由学会向“郑作新鸟类科学基金会”提供赞助费10万元,以鼓励青年学者为振兴鸟类科学而奋斗。希望广大会员积极申 报青年奖。(学会秘书处)




(北京 张雁云)〖FL〗〗

雉 类 研 究

▲ 贵州、广西发现白颈长尾雉的新分布区 


受世界雉类协会资助,海南师范学院生物系和贵州生物研究所联合对贵州的白颈长尾雉进行调查,在贵州北部、中部和南部均发现了白颈长尾雉的新分布地,使该雉在贵州的分布范围不仅大大扩展,而且使得原有分布区变为连续,即北起沿河县麻阳河保护区,经铜仁地区的梵净山、佛顶山(石阡县、余庆县、镇远县和施秉县)和雷公山(雷山、台江、榕江和剑河县),南至月亮山区(三都、荔波、从江和榕江县)。 本次调查还在广西北部发现有白颈长尾雉分布,同时根据本次调查结果,推断重庆地区可能也有白颈长尾雉分布。在贵州和广西的白颈长尾雉分布区,对该雉的猎捕极为严重,仅在某县的一个乡镇的集市上就看到4只白颈长尾雉在出售。贵州南部的月亮山区,是白颈长尾雉、白鹇等雉类的一个极为重要的栖息地,但由于同时属于4个县的边界地区,一直未能建立保护区。交通偏僻和当地村民对森林的自觉保护使该地区植被保存十分完好,而且大部分都是原生林。自2001年起, 一些外来商将这些原生林(树高可达40 m)砍伐利用,极大地破坏了该山区的原生植被。目前这一状况仍在继续。 这一做法既严重破坏了白颈长尾雉等珍稀濒危雉类的栖息地和当地人赖以生存的水源涵养林,又极大挫伤了当地村民的保护积极性。我们建议有关部门重视本地区森林植被的保护,鉴于本地区对保护白颈长尾雉的重要价值,建议尽早建立自然保护区。

(海南 梁 伟 贵州 李筑眉)  

▲ 四川乡城县发现绿尾虹雉 


(云南 韩联宪)

▲ 大别山地区白冠长尾雉的栖息地及保护现状调查 

受世界自然基金会“中国珍稀物种保护小型基金”和WPA资助,自2001~2002年12月,我们对大别山区的金寨、岳西(安徽)、罗山、新县、商城(河南)、广水、大悟(湖北)等7个地点的白冠长尾雉的分布、生境利用、种群数量以及保护现状进行了全面调查。掌握了该物种在这些地区的数量状况、生存状况,分析了该地区白冠长尾雉栖息地的片段化程度及其对种群存活的影响,并对保护工作所存在的问题和需要采取的保护措施进行了探讨。在白冠长尾雉分布比较集中的河南董寨自然保护区开始野外生态学的研究工作,研究内容包括白冠长尾雉的种群数量、空间利用、栖息地选择、繁殖生物学和集群行为。在研究中,采用无线电遥测技术对6只白冠长尾雉的活动进行了追踪研究,获得了一批科研数据。在繁殖季节,先后发现白冠长尾雉的巢5个,对巢址的特征进行了分析。采集了卵壳、食物等分析样品。 对所采集的数据进行整理和分析,所得结果填补了白冠长尾雉的一些空白领域,如集群行为、

活动区及活动区功能划分与活动性、栖息地选择、巢址和夜栖地等。 利用无线电遥测,我们对白冠长尾雉个体的扩散进行了初步研究,发现不适宜生境对白冠长尾雉个体的活动具有隔离作用。在已获得的栖息地的特征和片段化参数的基础上,我们结合GIS对两个研究地区的栖息地状况进行数字化模拟,并对栖息地质量进行了评价。我们的调查工作对当地自然保护区的建设也起到了一定的促进作用。在我们开展调查工作期间, 董寨自然保护区由省级自然保护区正式升格为国家级自然保护区。河南新县连康山自然保护区也大大加强了管理工作,并完成了自然保护区的总体规划。通过本项目的实施,安徽、湖北等调查地点的干部和群众加深了对野生动物保护的认识。由于我们的调查工作得到了河南、湖北、安徽等省野生动物主管部门的支持,同时也引起了他们的关注,因此对于推动整个大别山地区野生动物乃至生物多样性的保护将发挥积极的作用。

(北京 张正旺)  

▲ 西藏灌丛环境藏马鸡种群动态的长期监测研究进展


(武汉 卢 欣)  

▲ 白尾稍虹雉研究取得重要进展 


(云南 韩联宪、罗 旭)  

▲ 白冠长尾雉雌鸟无线电遥测取得成功 

2003年在陕西佛坪,北京师范大学采用无线电遥测技术对白冠长尾雉雌鸟的繁殖活动进行了成功的追踪,所标记的4只雌鸟均营巢产卵,1号巢已经成功孵化, 其他巢的孵卵情况进行观察之中。

(北京 张晓辉 张正旺)

▲ 海南雉类资源考察 



(海南 梁 伟、史海涛)

▲ 云南无量山自然保护区雉类资源丰富 


(北京 张正旺)  

▲ 白腹锦鸡在云南局部地区数量增加 


(云南 韩联宪、黄石林)  

▲ 云南江中山绿孔雀保护急需加强 


(云南 韩联宪) 

▲ 黄腹角雉精液的低温保存 

从17只笼养黄腹角雉采集精液,稀释后分别保存于4℃的冰箱和-196℃液氮中。 在4℃条件下,保存于生理盐水、C 2液、Lake液、Beltsville液等不同稀释液中的精液,其精子存活状况相差很大,其中保存于Beltsville液中的精子存活率最高,48小时后仍有60%以上的活精子,精子的活力也达到0.4以上。 生理盐水稀释液中的精液在前30min内精子的活率变化不大,12小时后精子的活率低于20%,36小时后,精子全部死亡。尽管3~5岁黄腹角雉的射精量、精子密度等参数与8岁的个体没有显著差异,但3~5岁和8岁以上(含8岁)黄腹角雉的精液在同样条件下保存24h后,后者的活率尚未达到前者的一半。推测可能与高龄个体精子质量的下降有关。降温过程中精子内外渗透压和水结晶等影响,精液冷冻保存过程中冷冻保护剂的浓度以及降温速度的选择非常重要。实验发现,以4%的二甲基亚砜(DMSO)作

为保护剂,在5~-20℃、-20~-80℃和-80~-196℃的温度范围内,分别以1℃/min、50℃/min和160℃/min的速率降温,黄腹角雉精液的冷冻保存效果较好.解冻后精子的活率可达到35%。 (北京 张雁云)  

▲ 2002年1~2月在浙江乌岩岭保护区黄腹角雉的栖息地内悬挂了200个人工巢。至5月累计检查,其中16个被黄腹角雉利用。这在国内外的雉类保护研究中是首次,引起国际同行们的关注。 

(北京 邓文洪)  

▲ 笼养角雉的营巢行为 

在英国的一些养殖场中,人们往往让角雉的母鸟自己照料抚养后代。一龄雌鸟在营巢产卵时,往往选择一个位置较高的巢址。使其卧在巢内时可以观望四周。尽管它本身很容易被看到,但它可以发现任何潜在的天敌和危险。孵卵期间母鸟的警惕性很高。而有过繁殖经历的母鸟的营巢行为明显不同。它的营巢位置相对较低,卧在巢内人们很难发现。而它也不必经常地观察巢外动静。这种行为或许有利于使母鸟专心孵卵而省去不必要的能量支出。  (英国 John Corder)  

▲ 四川山鹧鸪栖息地保护项目喜获资助 


(英国 Simon Dowell)  

▲ 湖南省野生动物救护繁殖中心雉类繁殖简报 

本中心自1992年成立以来,一直把开展珍稀雉类的人工驯养繁殖技术研究作为重点工作。目前已建立了10种珍稀雉类的人工繁殖种群,包括黄腹角雉、红腹锦鸡、白颈长尾雉、白冠长尾雉、白鹇等种类。 2002年人工繁殖珍稀雉类1000余只,其中黄腹角雉81只,白颈长尾雉50只,红腹锦鸡354只,白鹇310只,白冠长尾雉35只。上述种类的受精卵的孵化率均在90%以上,白鹇受精卵孵化率达到了96%。2003年繁殖季节到5月10日止,已孵化黄腹角雉91只,红腹角雉5只、红腹锦鸡145只、白腹锦鸡5只、白颈长尾雉75只、白冠长尾雉34只、白鹇252只。目前正在孵卵的还有500余枚。 

(湖南 李 立)

水 鸟 研 究

▲ 崇明东滩发现带无线电发射器的黑脸琵鹭 


好者陆巍、王吉衣也于4月19日在崇明东滩围垦的鱼塘内记录到黑脸琵鹭21只,并发现佩戴无线电发射器和环志的黑脸琵鹭。估计该鸟和4月2日记录到的黑脸琵鹭可能是同一只鸟。 4月1日~2日,马志军和敬凯在崇明东滩共记录到黑脸琵鹭27只,共3个群体(分别为13只,11只,3只)。除11只在天空飞行外,其他两群体都在滩涂上活动。近年来,马志军等在迁徙季节多次在长江河口湾区域记录到停歇的黑脸琵鹭种群。上海师范大学俞伟东曾在崇明东滩一次记录到黑脸琵鹭60余只。这表明长江河口湾区域为黑脸琵鹭重要的迁徙中途停歇地。

(上海 马志军)  

▲ 崇明东滩越冬白头鹤消息 


(上海 马志军) 

▲ 长江下游非繁殖期黑腹滨鹬调查 

黑腹滨鹬为东亚 澳大利亚迁徙路线上最为常见的鸟类之一。为了了解非繁殖期黑腹滨鹬在我国长江下游地区的种群状况,湿地国际组织的Mark Barter和东洞庭湖自然保护区的雷刚等在2003年1月对湖南、湖北、江西、安徽四省的黑腹滨鹬进行了调查。在46个调查区域,共记录到黑腹滨鹬47739只。近一半数量的黑腹滨鹬是在湖南省记录的,其中在安徽菜子湖记录到的最大集群的个体数量达6490只。根据本次调查的结果,Mark Barter和雷刚认为,非繁殖期在整个长江下游的黑腹滨鹬数量可能超过20万只。因此,长江下游地区对非繁殖期黑腹滨鹬的保护具有重要意义。

(上海 马志军)  

▲ 九段沙湿地自然保护区鸟类资源调查

九段沙位于长江河口湾区域的最外侧,为长江河口湾区域新形成的沙岛。2000年,上海市批准成立了九段沙湿地自然保护区。为了配合九段沙湿地自然保护区申报国家级自然保护区的工作,2002年10月至2003年1月,马志军、唐仕敏、敬凯等对九段沙的鸟类资源进行了4次调查。调查共记录到鸟类70种,其中包括国家二级保护鸟类黑脸琵鹭和小天鹅。另外,还记录到了苍鹰、普通 、白头鹞、雀鹰、红隼等猛禽。

近年来,上海市的高校和科研单位多次对九段沙的鸟类资源进行调查。从调查的结果来看,九段沙鸟类的种类正在迅速增加。2000年在九段沙共记录湿地鸟类21种;2001年,在九段沙共记录到鸟类44种,其中湿地鸟类29种(原统计资料为30种,包括1种非湿地鸟类);而2002年10月至2003年1月,仅秋末和冬季不到两个季节就记录到鸟类70种,其中湿地鸟类40种。九段沙鸟类种类的增加与滩涂面积的不断增加有关。由于长江夹带泥沙在九段沙不断淤积,九段沙的滩涂面积不断增加,这为湿地鸟类提供了更为广阔的栖息环境。根据复旦大学、华东师范大学、上海师范大学、上海科技馆等单位的调查资料,目前,九段沙记录到的鸟类总计有113种。随着九段沙面积的继续增加,九段沙在鸟类保护上的意义将更加重要。 (上海 马志军)  

▲ 珠海琪澳岛红树林湿地——珠江三角洲仅剩的少数越冬鸟类自然栖息地之一 




(广东 高育仁)  

▲ 海南省发现新的黑脸琵鹭越冬地 


(海南 梁 伟 北京 张国钢)  

▲ 开展有关海岸湿地越冬水鸟的专项调查 

根据2001年2月中日两国政府在东京召开的关于中日两国共同开展候鸟保护的工作会议精神,由国家林业局保护司和全国鸟类环志中心组成领导小组,与东南沿海各省区野生动物主管部门共同组成调查队,于2002年12月20日—2003年1月9日和2003年2月15日—3月1日对江苏省、上海崇明、浙江省、福建省、广西省以及海南省的海岸湿地进行了越冬水鸟和黑脸琵鹭、黑嘴鸥的专项调查。本次黑脸琵鹭的越冬调查历时3个月,共7个省,基本上覆盖了江苏以南的东部沿海主要湿地和主要的岛屿沿岸湿地。共完成166个主要观察点,其中大陆海岸湿地123个,主要岛屿沿岸湿地57个。 黑脸琵鹭在我国的越冬地除香港米浦和台湾曾文溪口外,在大陆还在江苏盐城、上海崇明岛、广东深圳、福建闽江口、海南东寨港和临高,本次发现越冬的黑脸琵鹭种群7个,共74只。其中上海崇明岛、福建闽江口和海南临高是新发现的越冬地,这些越冬地是否稳定,还须今后的进一步跟踪调查。继1999年调查以来,今年对黑嘴鸥的越冬种群的分布和数量又进行了一次较为全面的调查。分别在江苏、浙江、福建发现越冬的黑嘴鸥种群20个,其中浙江1335只、福建231只和江苏1040只,共2606只。本次调查还在江苏盐城发现450余只的白琵鹭,在浙江宁海发现5只小天鹅以及在福建闽江口发现3只斑嘴鹈鹕。 

(北京 张国钢)  

▲ 亚洲白鹤与重要湿地的保护 

由国际鹤类基金会组织四个白鹤分布国(中国、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和伊朗)共同向UNEP申请的全球环境基金(GEF)项目,将于今年6月份正式启动。由于受非典(SARS)的影响,原定今年4月底在我国召开的项目启动会,不得不移到俄罗斯的莫斯科举行,时间也推迟到6月初。该项目总金额为1 000万美元,中国项目区占其中的40%。在我国实施的项目区域是黑龙江的扎龙国家级自然保护区、吉林的莫莫格和向海国家级自然保护区、内蒙的科尔沁国家级自然保护区,江西鄱阳湖整个湖区作为项目实施区域,鄱阳湖项目区具体负责单位是江西野生动植物保护管理局。项目实施从2003年开始,到2009年结束,跨越7个年度。


内容是项目点能力建设(人员培训、购置必要的设备等)、白鹤等其它水鸟的监测、社区共管等。通过该项目的实施,将进一步提高我国东部地区对迁徙水鸟的保护和管理工作。 (北京 钱法文)  

▲ 为积极配合首次白鹤GEF项目第一次指导委员会会议的召开,中国GEF项目办公室召集各项目点负责人及技术人员,于4月13—16日在吉林向海国家级自然保护区召开了工作会议。会议主要内容是审核2003年执行的项目、安排工作时间和经费、根据UNEP的项目表填写2003年度工作计划。国际鹤类基金会李凤山博士和GEF项目国际办公室主任Paul先生参加了本次会议,并对具体内容进行了指导。

(北京 钱法文)  

▲ 鹤类网络保护区小项目即将启动 


网络保护区 上报项目

三江国家级自然保护区 鹤类保护与管理

兴凯湖国家级自然保护区 中俄兴凯湖国际保护区鹤类研究

扎龙国家级自然保护区 乌裕尔河流域迁徙白鹤的监测

向海国家级自然保护区 建设鹤类救护站

双台河口国家级自然保护区 鹤类种群监测

黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区 鹤类调查与监测

盐城国家级自然保护区 越冬丹顶鹤及其栖息地有效管理

升金湖国家级自然保护区 越冬水鸟及生境管理研究初探

鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区 越冬珍禽联合保护

草海国家级自然保护区 刘家巷黑颈鹤觅食区参与式保护

(北京 钱法文)  

▲ 鄱阳湖越冬鹤类调查 


种类 白鹤 白头鹤 白枕鹤 灰鹤 东方白鹳

数量 4004 462 1932 458 1526

(北京 钱法文)  

▲ 北京动物园开展“朱 自然育雏试验研究” 

在国家林业局、北京市科学技术委员会和北京市园林局的资助下,北京动物园先后进行了朱 人工饲养和繁殖基础研究、朱 增殖研究、提高朱 种群生存力的研究。2001年开始了为期三年的“朱 自然育雏试验研究”,不但朱 自然育雏获得成功,朱 代育白 雏鸟获得成功,白 代育朱 雏鸟也获得初步成功。2003年进行重复试验,可望能对已经绝迹的朱 “迁徙型”种的恢复措施提供一点基础资料。

(北京 刘 斌 李福来)  

▲ 江西九连山自然保护区发现海南

2003年,江西省九连山自然保护区的技术人员在省内外专家的建议和支持下,加大了对Gorsachius magnificus的寻找工作力度,终于发现了海南〖HT5,7SS〗开〖KG- 3〗鸟〖HT5SS〗,数量为8~10只。2003年1月18日,保护区的管理人员在进行日常巡护时,在保护区的花露核心区边缘的大丘田河畔草丛中,发现一只受伤成年鹭鸟。所拍摄的照片得到了徐延恭研究员和香港李国诚先生的确认。2003年4月14日傍晚7时许,我们与何芬奇、戴年华等专家在大丘田河畔观察到一只飞翔的海南 。按有关专家的建议,保护区的科研人员分别于2003年4月下旬和5月中旬进行了两次专项考察。考察期间多次在白天观察到海南 觅食行为。4月下旬,我们分别在13时许、15时许观察到了海南 ;5月中旬,在8时许观察到海南 活动,5月13日11时许在一次观察时间长达30来分钟,最近处距鸟不足5米。九连山自然保护区对海南 的关注,始于2001年。但直至2003年发现实体,才确定海南 在九连山有分布。

(江西 唐培荣 廖承开)

环 志 研 究

▲ 黑龙江地区鸟类环志总结交流会在哈市召开 

2001—2002年度“全国鸟类环志总结交流会 黑龙江地区交流会”于2003年1月16—17日在黑龙江省哈尔滨市林海大厦召开。会议由黑龙江省林业野生动植物保护管理处和全国鸟类环志中心主持。参加会议的人员来自于东北林业大学帽儿山鸟类环志站、嫩江高峰林场鸟类环志站、三江保护区、龙江集团资源处、兴隆林业局青峰鸟类环志站及内蒙古自治区大兴乌尔旗汗林业局等省、市的环志站负责人及部分环志站的主管领导,全国鸟类环志中心,人员共22人。会议议程有二个:首先由帽儿山鸟类环志站常家传教授、嫩江高峰林场鸟类环志站李显达、兴隆林业局青峰鸟类环志站李洪文、全国鸟类环志中心侯韵秋和戴铭等总结交流2001—2002年各环志站及全国的鸟类环志概况及存在的问题;议程二讨论环志证的发放条件及2003年全国鸟类环志的工作重点。总之,本次会议的重点为总结交流经验,研究存在的问题及解决方法。会议一致认为,近两年来,全国的环志鸟的种类和数量有了明显提高,特别是黑龙江省的鸟类环志工作进展很快,了解、热爱鸟类环志的专业人员、基层干部和志愿人员不断增加。同时,会议还充分认识到:2003年鸟类环志的工作重点是: 





(全国鸟类环志中心 侯韵秋) 

▲ 2003年春季鸟类环志基本概况 

东北林业大学帽儿山常家传教授的春季环志工作于5月24日结束,共环志92种9 040只,是历年春季环志数量最多的一年。据悉,今春已有7个省(区)12~14个单位开展鸟类环志工作。进展顺利的工作地点有:黑龙江嫩江高峰林场和兴隆林业局青峰林场、辽宁鸟类研究中心、黑龙江省洪河国家级自然保护区、吉林省吉林市鸟类环志保护站、珲春市依力沟环志点、山东省青岛鸟类保护环志站、河北省秦皇岛市鸟类环志站、上海市崇明东滩自然保护区及内


(全国鸟类环志中心 侯韵秋)  

▲ 4—6月环志中心参加的活动暂停 


(全国鸟类环志中心 侯韵秋)  

▲ 秦皇岛市鸟类环志站新人新气象 


(全国鸟类环志中心 侯韵秋)  

▲ 欧洲首次回收到我国环志的白腰朱顶雀 


环志信息:A093156,白腰朱顶雀 Carduelis flammea ,2001年10月24日由黑龙江省嫩江县高峰林场环志。2003年2月11日,挪威鸟类环志员Peter Sjolte Ranke,通过E-mail报告回收信息,2月15日再详报。发现日期:2003年2月10日15∶00;发现地点:Moss市Ostfold县(59.26N,10.38E);并又增加一环放飞:(Stavanger Museum 3H23677);年龄与性别:雄性,年龄不祥(至少3年)。

(全国鸟类环志中心 楚国忠)  

▲ 关于鸟类环志工作中注意个人卫生的通知



(全国鸟类环志中心 楚国忠)

研 究 快 报

▲ 麻雀(Passer montanus )的活动区及环境监测研究 

麻雀(Passer montanus)作为环境的指示物种已经引起人们的重视。对伴人生活的麻雀开展环境监测方面的研究具有现实意义,结合从人类生存环境的质量变化,来分析麻雀对环境改变作出的反应,进而阐述环境变化对整个生态系统可能带来的危害。因此,我们在国家自然科学基金资助项目(项目号: 30170187)“麻雀与城市环境监测的研究”的支持下,通过检测麻雀各组织中As、Hg、Cd、Pb、Ni、Co和Mn的积累状态,分析了鸟类在不同环境下的体内污染物积累,并初步分析了元素积累的年龄、组织、性别、地区等差异,并对麻雀监测环境的可行性进行了研究。利用专用于小鸟的无线电追踪设备,我们发现象麻雀这样的小型雀类,发射器的重量约占体重的3%以下遥测效果更好;在北京师范大学居留的麻雀具有稳定

2的冬季活动区,面积大约为7600 m ;麻雀的活动范围较小并相对固定,这对于监测其居留


从北京不同污染源的地区所采集的麻雀体内的污染物含量均比较高;各个元素之间具有明显 的相关性;麻雀内部组织与羽毛中所富集的重金属具有明显的相关性,表明以麻雀作为监测城市环境污染状况是可行的;尽管羽毛是监测环境污染的有力工具,但在分析时(尤其在对Hg进行分析的时候)要注意换羽等阶段的影响。

(北京 潘 超 郑光美)  

▲ 白尾地鸦生态学与保护研究 

得到国家自然科学基金和世界自然基金(WWF China Program)资助的白尾地鸦项目,2003年3—4月在新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠对白尾地鸦的分布、繁殖和保护现状进行调查。目前已经发现18个鸟巢。为了配合新疆当地5月初的爱鸟周活动,项目组马鸣等人还专门编写了《白尾地鸦》小册子,32页,维和汉两种文字,免费发放5千本。

(新疆 马 鸣)  

▲ 猎隼的越冬地与繁殖地调查 


(新疆 马 鸣)  

▲ 珠海见到栗喉蜂虎 



(广东 高育仁)  

▲ 野生鸟类进入城市 


(广东 高育仁)  

▲ 湖北鸟类物种的新发现及新资料 



在南湾嘴湖面发现凤头 繁殖种群70~80只。该种鸟类一贯为湖北的冬候鸟,每年11月上旬迁来,3~5只结群活动,翌年3月下旬、4月上旬迁离。据当地渔民反映它们在梁子湖自1997年以来已繁殖了4年。还发现在水牛群周边摄食的牛背鹭3只,白鹭5只和黄嘴白鹭7只;在湖滩沙砾中发现剑 和灰头麦鸡正在产卵和孵化,1997年夏天,渔民陈水清在农舍废弃的烟筒中发现一对棉凫正在育雏:郑州市林业局李振文在当地获得一号猎杀标本,经鉴定是红脚苦恶乌,为湖北省新记录。 

2.2001年7月18日至20日,继1999年8月8日至10日和2000年8月12日至14日在神农架林区阳日乡苦水河发现 嘴鹬5只,2只成体和3只幼体后,发现最大的繁殖种群18只,它们在河滩沙砾中筑巢和夜宿。自1998年8月5日在神农架国家级自然保护区鸭石口阴峪河岩面上发现白顶溪鸲以来,至今未见其踪迹。溪流的优势种仍然是红尾水鸲,常见种为小燕尾,褐河乌、灰背燕尾,斑背燕尾、黑背燕尾。2002年6月14日至17日,在九冲河芦院和西沟,海拔700~970 m,约6 km范围内,发现发冠卷尾繁殖种群14只和2个巢。



(武汉 胡鸿兴)

国 内 动 态

▲ 广西即将建立两个鹭鸟保护区 


该保护区位于南宁市南部的邕宁县南晓镇那兰村。经过当地群众长期自发保护, 在那兰村已经形成了一个稳定的鹭鸟群落, 现有池鹭、白鹭、绿鹭和夜鹭四种。这些鹭鸟聚集在小范围内营群巢,成为“鹭林”。其种群数量众多,盛时可超过1万只,蔚为壮观。现划定保护区面积349公顷,为一个市级的小型鸟类保护区。3月下旬该保护区通过了论证和评审,已正式上报待批。

2.广西防城万鹤山鹭鸟自然保护区该保护区位于北部湾沿海的防城港市防城区滨海地带。北部湾沿海地带处于东南亚和亚洲东北部之间的候鸟迁徙通道上,是候鸟迁徙的重要中途停歇地,同时也是我国东南沿海地区多种鹭鸟的重要繁殖地之一。因此,该保护区在生物多样性保护中具有重要作用。亦是经过当地群众长期自发保护, 在防城区万鹤山亦形成了一个稳定的鹭鸟群落, 保护区内现有鹭科鸟类10种, 其中7种鹭鸟聚集在万鹤山小范围内营群巢,成为大型复杂的鹭林,具有极高的科学研究价值。保护区规划面积1620公顷,为一个自治区级的小型鸟类保护区。其范围内不但有山林、河溪,而且划进了大片沿海红树林和滩涂,可为数量众多的鹭鸟提供充足的觅食地。该保护区5月初通过了论证和评审并已正式上报待批。上述两个保护区鹭林的形成,都是当地社区长期参与保护的结果,是人、鸟与自然环境和谐相处的典型范例,具有特别重要的生态建设和生态教育的示范作用,其意义十分深远。我们希望有更多的群众参与保护鸟类,也期待有更多的鸟类保护区建立。

(广西 周 放)  

▲ 海南开鸟前景堪忧 

(国家自然科学基金项目:39660016 ) 

海南开鸟一度被认为已经绝迹。上世纪90年代初在广西南部重新发现后,近几年又有些地方报导有其活动踪迹,因此国外有些学者又盲目乐观起来,以为海南 尚有较多数量。通过我们近几年在全国各地的调查,可以说海南 的生存状况并不乐观。现将大致情况汇报如下:


目前海南开鸟已知最大的繁殖种群在广西南部,但其数量也不过50 - 60只。该种群主要分布在海拔400米以下的生态环境比较退化的地区,分为几个小种群。近几年虽然采取了一些保护措施,但远未达到有效保护。在海南开鸟的分布区,盗伐林木、挖树根之事不断;更有甚者,利用西部大开发资金,砍伐海南开鸟栖息地的稀树灌木林来营造速生桉树林。人类经济活动愈来愈频繁对该种群构成极大威胁。


广东车八岭国家级自然保护区是另一个确定有海南开鸟分布的地方。但那里的海南 种群数量很少,非常不易见到该鸟。据当地群众反映,仅在樟栋水(一条小河溪)少数河段见到过该鸟活动。考虑到该保护区面积较小,只有7545公顷,山溪水域面积也不大,环境容纳量极为有限;保护区周围地区生态环境较退化,即使有海南开鸟零星残存分布数量也不会多,因此该地的海南 种群只是一个不大的种群。





位于林区内,为一典型的山区水库,拦断关门河而成。湖宽50~100m,两岸较陡,但水库大坝下浅水区较多。原来库岸边长有较多树木,1992年5月,在库岸边发现一海南 巢,并采集了一只成鸟和一只幼鸟作标本。用GPS测定巢地位置为N31°42.119′,E110°47.344′,海拔高度595m。前几年因上游开矿的需要,沿右侧库岸开了一条公路,毁坏了大部分沿岸树木,并破坏了原营巢地。近年来又在左侧库岸开辟了温泉旅游区,人来车往大量增加,该栖息地已被彻底破坏。


2位于林区内,南河中一河湾处,河岸坡上,有约0.3 hm梯田,N31°44.238′,E110°51.457




(广西 周 放)  

▲ 呼吁保护广州番禺新垦越冬鸟类栖息湿地 

广州南部番禺区有一片重要湿地,位于珠江三角洲的出海口,总面积在3000公顷以上,近几年来有大量越冬鸟类栖息,经我们和有关部门调查发现后立即建立了广州市的区级鸟类保护区。三年多前已作为广东省候选区之一申报亚洲重要鸟区。经过我们4年来的不定期调查,记录到鸟类60-80种,其中以越冬水鸟为主。有鹭类和琵鹭类12种,鸭类十几种,鹬3种以上,鸥类和燕鸥类10种以上。其中出现过黑脸琵鹭、花脸鸭、罗纹鸭、游隼、黑嘴鸥等濒危物种。还有鸬鹚、白琵鹭、草鹭、大麻开鸟 、黑翅长脚鹬、黑尾塍鹬、红嘴巨鸥、褐翅鸦鹃等珍稀种类。每年越冬鸟类的高峰期数量达1~2万只之多。省内有关部门也正考虑将此块广州仅剩的半自然状态湿地升格为省级自然保护区。不幸的是广州市政府去年底决定大规模开发附近地区,拟建现代化的钢铁基地和化工基地。新垦湿地已被划入开发涉及地区。该湿地如被开发,珠江三角洲目前仅有的少数几处重要的越冬水鸟栖息地之一将永远失去,且不可能恢复。工业发展造成生态自然地的丧失,将是任何代价都换不回来的。为此我们已经通过媒体作出大力呼吁,希望得到广泛支持。

(广东 高育仁) 

▲ 海南收回餐馆野生动物经营权 


(海南 梁伟、史海涛)  

▲ 受海南省教育厅资助,海南师范学院生物系对在中国仅发现分布于海南万宁大洲岛的哇金丝燕进行了调查。由于长期以来对燕窝的过度利用,到2002年,大洲岛仅发现2个金丝燕的巢,不得不第三次进行封闭管理。可以说目前该鸟已“生态灭绝”。这是人们利用过度和不注意加以保护而导致物种濒临灭绝的典型例子。〗

(海南 梁伟、史海涛)

▲ 郑光美理事长参加世界雉类协会会议 

应世界雉类协会(WPA)的邀请,鸟类学分会理事长、WPA-China 主席郑光美教授和WPA-China 秘书张正旺教授于2003年1月12日-25日访问了英国,参加了世界雉类协会的工作总结,并受邀做了关于中国雉类研究现状的报告。访英期间,还访问了狩猎动物保护协会、Crocket St. Thomas 野生动物园、Chester 动物园、纽卡斯尔大学、剑桥大学、大英博物馆、英国皇家鸟类保护委员会、国际鸟类联盟等单位。鉴于郑光美教授在雉类研究方面的突出贡献,郑光美教授已被选为世界雉类协会副会长。

(北京 张正旺)  

▲ 我国将评选国树国鸟国花 候选名单将在近期公布 


▲ 2002年4月22日,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院胡鸿兴教授继1995年获得《全国环境教育先进个人》称号后,又荣获第六届《地球奖》,该奖项为我国环境保护领域最高奖。

▲ 2002年观鸟数据库工作总结

随着我国人民生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的人们已将观鸟作为一种新的休闲方式,很多专业鸟类学工作者也在野外工作之余观察和记录所见到的各种鸟类。如果我们将这些观鸟记录集中起来,那么对于监测我国鸟类资源的变化趋势将会有重要的参考价值。基于此要求,我们受中国鸟类学会委托,在香港观鸟会林超英、张浩辉先生的支持与帮助下,于2002年10月开始创建永久性 “全国观鸟记录数据库”,该库自创建之日起搜集和输入了去年8月份以后全国各地观鸟组织、个人及其鸟类专业研究人员在国内各地的观鸟记录情况。目前已经完成的工作:1)建立了数据库工作的领导机构、确定了工作人员;2)整理了中国鸟类最新名录;3)借鉴香港观鸟会的经验,建立了观鸟数据记录表格和稀有种记录表格;4)建议、鼓励民间观鸟组织建立观鸟数据库;5)通过电子邮件、学会通讯、信件等方式向国内外同行宣传“全国观鸟记录数据库”,并征集有关观鸟记录;6)2002年8至月2002年12月,本数据库共收录有观鸟记录50多份。从数据库得到的记录分析,2002年全国的观鸟活动进一步发展,观鸟地点涉及京津沪三市及河北、广州、湖南、四川、云南等省,共20多个地点。观察人员包括鸟类学工作者、民间环保团体的观鸟爱好者、大专院校学生、(包括外国人士)等。所观察到的鸟类共计379种,分属16目55科168属。由于“全国观鸟记录数据库”工作刚

刚起步,2002年所收录的记录也还很有限,因此需要各位同行及各界爱鸟人士的大力协助。有些观鸟者常年坚持野外观鸟,非常有经验,记录也很准确, 在今后的工作中,我们会及时与诸位有经验的观鸟者联系,共同把“全国观鸟记录数据库”建设好。欢迎国内同行提交观鸟记录。请寄北京师范大学生命科学学院张正旺教授收,邮编100875;电子邮件:[email protected]。 

(北京 张正旺)

国 外 动 态 

▲ 国际雉类学术研讨会 (International Galliformes Symposium)通知  

国际雉类学术研讨会将于2004年4月5-7日在印度北部的Dehra Dun召开。本次会议是世界雉类协会将2000年尼泊尔会议之后的又一次盛会。会议的主办方为:世界雉类协会。承办单位:世界雉类协会南亚办公室、印度野生生物研究所。会议的议程包括论文交流、研讨会、野外考察等。在2003年1月郑光美教授访问英国期间,世界雉类协会的许多官员都表示希望中国能有较多的代表参加会议,同时中国鸟类学会雉类专业委员会也计划申办2007年的国际雉类学术研讨会,因此我们希望我国的雉类专家尽早准备论文,并做好参加会议的准备。希望参加会议的我会会员,请向张正旺教授(e-mail: [email protected])报名。

▲ 新书介绍:《全球水鸟种群数量评估—第三版》 

湿地国际(Wetland International)于2002年出版了《全球水鸟种群数量评估——第三版》(Waterbird Population Estimates Third Edition)。该书由Simon Delany和Derek Scott 主编,包括以下内容:





・为国际重要湿地的确定、迁徙水鸟的保护和区域性水鸟保护协议的制定提供了理论依据; ・指出了目前对全球水鸟种群、物种和地理区域分布的了解所欠缺的内容; 

・全书为彩版印刷,共226页,840幅分布图、63张彩色照片、4个表格和2个统计图。  同第一版(1994)和第二版(1997)一样,《全球水鸟种群数量评估—第三版》将成为全世界水鸟研究和保护管理人员的一本重要的参考书。该书定价25英镑,可向Natural History Book Service联系购买,也可以免费从网上下载。具体地址: http://www.nhbs.com/xbscripts/bkfsrch?search=1036


(北京 丁长青)  

▲ 泰国八色鸫在缅甸消失89年后被重新发现 



▲ 《世界鸟类手册》第八卷已经出版 

《世界鸟类手册》(Handbook of the Birds of the World)第八卷(阔嘴鸟至窜鸟科)由 西班牙著名的Lynx Edicions出版社于2003年6月正式推出。这是该套鸟类权威著作中介绍雀形目鸟类的第一卷,主要涉及阔嘴鸟科(Eurylaimidae)、裸眉鸫科(Philepittidae)、八色鸫科(Pittidae)、灶鸟科(Furnariidae)、 雀科(Dendrocolaptidae、蚁〖HT5,7SS〗 科(Thamnophilidae)、蚁鸫〖CM(20〗科(Formicariidae)、食蚁鸟科(Conopophagidae)和窜鸟科(Rhinocryptidae)。400多张照片,81个彩色图版。定价160欧元。详情可访问网站www. hbs. com. 

(北京 张正旺) 


▲ 原订于2003年11月在台湾台中市台湾自然科学博物馆召开的“第六届海峡两岸鸟类学术研讨会”,经双方筹委会的努力,准备工作正在开展。大陆代表团通过报名,论文筛选等,已组成由我会副理事长刘 发教授任团长、宋杰秘书长任副团长的代表团。有关申办的各项工作由宋杰先生负责与台湾方面联系。目前,由于“非典”暴发,大陆与台湾的有关


封 面 介 绍 

血雉 Ithaginis cruentus( Blood Pheasant) 



(北京 王 楠)

The List of Chinese Birds Protected by the CITES

▲ According to the new version of the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) issued in 2003, there are 168 species of Chinese birds listed in the Appendices, including 35 species in Appendix Ⅰ, 120 species in Appendix Ⅱ, and 13 species in Appendix Ⅲ.

(Zhang Zhengwang)  

▲ The List of Wild Terricolous Animals that are Beneficial or Valuable in Economy & Scientific Research and Protected by China was issued by the State Forestry Administration, P. R. China on August 1, 2000. The list divided protected wild animals into two types, key protected and general protected, for the purpose of widely protecting. There are 707 species in 61 families of 18 orders of birds in the list. (Zheng Guangmei) 


In order to make more achievements in the research about waterbirds and cranes, the COS decides to reorganize the Specialist Group on Waterbirds and Cranes.as below:Chairman: Wang Qishan 

Vice-Chariman: Xu Yangong, Ding Changqing 

On April 20, 2003, the Beijing Council of COS makes a decision that the Society will sponsor the Cheng Tso-hsin Fund of Bird Sciences with 100,000 RMB for encouraging the young research working on bird. China Ornithological Society May 16, 2003 ▲ The Decision of Setting Up the Promotional Fund of China Ornithological Research

Aiming to encourage basic research of Chinese researchers and promote the development of birds' research, the COS decides to set up the Promotional Fund of China Ornithological Research. 

▲ Scope:  

1)Basic research on the species that lacking of data on breeding ecology; 

2)Finding new species and subspecies in China; 

3)New distribution records. 


1)The applicant should be the member of the COS 

2)The result has been published in the key journals. 

3)The applicant should be the first owner of the research result 

The application of 2003 should be mailed to Song Jie before Dec. 31,2003. The address is the COS, College of Life Sciences, BNU, Beijing, 100875

▲ Construction of the Website of China Ornithological Society 

The website of COS,www.chinabird.org, has been opened since 2002. Current columns include Introduction of COS, Publications, News and Notes, List of members of COS, Important Messages,Birdwatching in China, Related Links. Columns under-constructed are Database of Songs and Photos of birds and Database of Birdwatching.  (Zhang Yanyun)  


▲ New sites of Elliot's Pheasant found in Guizhou Province 

Funded by WPA, the distribution of Elliot's pheasant in Guizhou was surveyed by Liang Wei, Hainan Normal University and Li Zhumei, Institute of Biology, Guizhou Province, in 2002. Some new sites for the pheasant were found, including Foding shan NNR (Shiqian, Yuqing, Zhenyuan and Shibing county), Mayanghe NNR (Yanhe and Wuchuan county) and Yueliangshan Forest (Sandu, Libo, Congjiang and Rongjiang county). In addition, some new sites in Guangxi Province and Chongqing city were found. Elliot's Pheasant is threatened by poaching and habitat loss in the study areas. Illegal hunting for this bird in Guizhou and Guangxi was a severe threat.Yueliangshan forest is a very good habitat for Elliot's with its primary forest protected by local people. However,

deforestration in this area occurred since 2001.We suggested that a provincial nature reserve should be established there as soon as possible in order to conserve the Elliot's Pheasant. 

(Liang Wei and Li Zhumei)  

▲ Chinese Monal found in Xiangcheng County of Sichuan Province 

On 22nd September 2002, four Chinese Monals were observed by the birding group of Hong Kong Birdwatching Society in Xicheng County, Sichuan Province. This site is very close to the Da Xue Shan of Zhongdian County, Yunnan Province. It is the most south record of sites for Chinese Monal. 

(Han Lianxian)   

▲ Investigation of the fragmentation of Reeve's Pheasant in Dabie Mountains  From 2001 to 2002, we conducted a survey of habitat use and conservation status of Reeve's Pheasant in Dabie Shan. This project was jointed supported by WWF Small Grants and WPA. The distribution,habitat use, population densities, threats and conservation status of Reeve's Pheasant were investigated in Jinzhai, Yuexi of Anhui Province, Luoshan, Xinxian, Shangcheng of Henan Province, and Guangshui, Dawu of Hubei Province. The most intensive studies were carried out in Dongzhai Nature Reserve. During the field work, six individuals were radiotagged and tracked through the breeding season, 5 nests had been found. Our work has promoted to the management of nature reserves. During the year, Dongzhai had raised its level from a provincial reserve to a national nature reserve; and Liankang Shan had completed the action plan to improve its management. 

(Zhang Zhengwang)  

▲ Report on studies of population dynamics of Tibetan eared pheasants Crossoptilon harman  


The field work of 2002 was continued in Xiongse monastery (29°27′N, 91°40′E) nearby Lhasa, Tibet. We investigated the size and composition of all Tibetan eared pheasant flocks occurring in the study area and found that the population had kept declining since the peak of 2000. Nesting success of the eared pheasants this year was lower than that last year. We also trapped and marked 28 individuals so that the number of marked individuals were over 120. Also, the data on social behaviors of the eared pheasants were gathered. 

(Lu Xin)  

▲ The Progress of Sclater's Monal Project in Yunnan 

Supported by Yunnan Science Foundation and World Pheasant Association, the project of Sclater's Monal in Yunnan have made several important achievements. We have collected the data of population numbers, sex ratio, diet, home range and roosting sites in Gaoligongshan Nature Reserve. In April 2003, a nest was found on a rock at 3400m above sea level. The information of incubation behaviour and incubation rhythms

were also obtained. 

(Han Lianxian and Luo Xu)  

▲ First Success of Radio-tracking Hen Reeve's Pheasant in China 

In the breeding season of 2003, the researchers from Beijing Normal University have been successfully tracking the hen Reeve's Pheasant in the natural habitat in Foping County, Shaanxi Province. Totally 4 hens have been radio-tagged and tracked by the technique of radio telemetry. All the 4 hens built nests and laid eggs. So far, the first nest has been successful hatched. 

(Zhang Xiaohui and Zhang Zhengwang)  

▲ The Surveys of Gailliformes in Baisha County of Hainan Province 

During the surveys in 2003, several rare species of Galliformes, including Hainan Hill Partridge, Hainan Peacock Pheasant, Red Jungle Fowl and Silver pheasant were found in Nankai forest, Baisha County of Hainan Province. We found the Nankai forest is an important habitat with nice primary forest for pheasants. A provincial nature reserve will be set up after our surveys. We suggested that more work should be done in this area. 

(Liang Wei and Shi Haitao)  

▲ Wuliangshan Nature Reserve home 18 species of Galliformes

This Nature Reserve is located in Yunnan Province. The species include Mrs.Hume's Pheasant, Chinese Francolin, Green Peafowl, Ring necked Hill Partridge, Scaly breasted Hill Partridge, Rufous throated Hill Partridge, Bar backed Hill Partridge, Chinese Bamboo Partridge, Temminck's Tragopan, Silver Pheasant, Red Junglefowl, Ring necked Pheasant and Lady Amherst's Pheasant. As there is no detail survey on Galliformes in this nature reserve, the Chief of the reserve wrote to WPA China expressing their interests to cooperate with WPA China to make a survey and they welcome our experts to conduct research in the reserve as well. 

(Zhang Zhengwang)   

▲ Lady Amherst's Pheasant is increasing in some areas in Yunnan 

The areas include Cangshan of Dali City and Wuliangshan Nature Reserve in Nanjian County, Yunnan Province. The long-term monitoring project is on the way of planning. (Han Lianxian)  

▲ The Green Peafowl in Western Yunnan Need Effective Protection  

We found several Green Peafowls in Xiaoheishan Nature Reserve in March 2003 during a field survey. But the wild population of Green Peafowl is threatened by the poisoning baits which the local farmers used for protect their crops. There are some cases of dead birds outside the nature reserve. We call for the local government take some effective measures to protect the Green Peafowl. 

(Han Lianxian)   

▲ The Breeding Results of Hunan Wildlife Rescue Center 

Hunan Wildlife Rescue Center was established in 1992 and it homes about 10 species of rare pheasants, including Cabot's Tragopan, Golden Pheasant, Reeve's Pheasant, Silver Pheasant and Elliot's Pheasant. Till May 10, 2003, we have hatched 91 Cabot's tragopan, 5 Temminck's tragopan, 145 Golden Pheasant, 5 Lady Amherst's Pheasant, 75 Elliot's Pheasant, 34 Reeve's Pheasnt and 252 Silver Pheasants. 

(Li Li)  

▲ The Nesting Behavior of Captive Tragopans 

Our captive Tragopan hens are all encouraged to raise their own young. The first year that a hen makes her nest and sits on the eggs, she chooses a site where she can sit high in the nest and see what is going on around her. She is very visible, but she can see any possible predators and dangers. She remains very alert throughough the incubation period. As she becomes more experienced at nesting, she chooses to make a much deeper nest, where she can be totally concealed; often she cannot see out of the nest. However, she also seems much more relaxed and is often asleep in the nest, thus saving much energy prior to hatching time. when she will need to be extra vigilant. One small problem we have found is that, because we use nesting baskets for our tragopans, the experienced hens build such deep nests that the chicks find great difficulty in getting out of the baskets after they hatch. It would be interesting to see how much of this behaviour is replicated in the wild. 

(John Corder)  

▲ Funding Success for Sichuan Partridge Forest Conservation Project 

The Sichuan partridge forest conservation project has received over 24,000 pounds of funding for the development of two new nature reserves in southern Sichuan. The funding has been donated by the North of England Zoological Society based at Chester Zoo in the U.K. and by Mr. James Goodhart who is a supporter of the World Pheasant Association, also in the U.K. The money will pay for training of local people in wildlife conservation skills, the development of infrastructure such as a field station at one of the reserves and for surveys of local biodiversity to be carried out. The reserves, one at Laojunshan in Pingshan county and the other at Mamize in Leibo county, consist of valuable broadleaf forest habitat, home of the endangered Sichuan partridge Arborophila rufipectus. They also contain other Chinese endemic birds like the Gold fronted Fulvetta Alcippe variegaticeps and the Omei Shan Liocichla Liocichla omeiensis. They are high in biodiversity and support a wide range of plants and animals. The reserves are managed by local people under the direction of the Sichuan Forestry Department and the project is co-ordinated by Dai Bo who works for the Wildlife Division in the Forestry Department. The funding of these reserves will ensure that the habitat can be managed effectively for the conservation of endemic birds in Sichuan. 

(Simon Dowell)  

Waterbird Research

▲ Black faced Spoonbills with band and telemetry were found in the east of Chongming Beach. Three flocks of Black faced Spoonbills ( Platalea minor ) with one having band and telemetry were found in the east of Chongming Beach on April 1 and 2, 2002. According to Simba Chen of Wild Bird Society of Japan, the bird was banded in Mai, Hong Kong. On April 19, another flock of 21 individuals was seen in the same region. Yu Weidong from Shanghai Normal University had recorded more than 60 individuals of the species. All data suggest that the estuary of Yangtze River is an important stage in the migration route of the Black faced Spoonbills.  (Ma Zhijun)  

▲ Hooded Cranes founded in the east of Chongming Beach. 

101 individuals of the Hooded Crane (Grus monacha) were observed in the east of Chongming Beach in the winter, 2002. The flock left the region in the end of March, 2003. According to the investigation of Xu Ling, East China Normal Universtiy, the birds arrived at the beach as early as October 28, 2002. Therefore, the wintering period of the bird should be about 5 months. However, measures should be taken to protect the habitat of bird, which has been threatened by the reclamation and the invasion of the herb. 

(Ma Zhijun)  

▲ The investigation of the Dunlin during the non-breeding period 

The dunlin (Calidris alpina) was one of the most common birds in the migration route between East Asia and Australia. In January, 2003, M. Barter of the Wetlands International and Lei Gang of East Dongting Lake Nature Reserve had investigated the dunlin in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi and Anhui Province and recorded 47739 individuals, among which more than one half were in Hunan Province and the biggest flock in Caizi Lake of Anhui had 6493 individuals. According to the result, it is estimated that there are more than 200,000 dunlins lived in the middle and lower part of Yangtze River during the non breeding period. So the region is very important to protect the dunlins.  

▲ The investigation of birds in Jiuduansha Wetlands Nature Reserve 

Jiuduansha Island is located in the estuary of Yangtze River. To help the reserve to apply for the national nature reserve,had investigated the bird resources in the region for four times during Oct., 2002-Jan., 2003.It is recorded that there are more than 70 species, including two species of national second class protected birds, the Black faced Spoonbill and the Tundra Swan, and some raptors. According to some investigations carried out in recent years, the number of species of birds in Jiuduansha has been rapidly increasing resulted from the increase of the beach where the birds live. 

(Ma Zhijun)  

▲ Qi'Ao Island Mangrove Wetland of Zhuhai——One of Several Wintering Habitats Left in the Delta of the Pearl River 

Qi'Ao Island Mangrove Wetland, Mai Po of Hong Kong and Futian of Shenzhen form a

triangle around the estuary of the Pearl River, which is one of several wintering habitats left in the region.Since its discovery by related units and us, the mangrove wetland has been protected and restored and will be set up as an important waterbirds reserve. During the investigation for two years, we have found 93 species of birds in the wetlands, 7 of which belong to national second class protected wildlife. Moreover, there are more than 10 thousand of birds living in the region in the winter. Qi'Ao Wetland will surely become an important wintering habitat of waterbirds in the Delta of the Pearl River in the future!

(Gao Yuren)  

▲ The Black faced Spoonbill found in Henan Province 

13 Black-faced Spoonbills in Lingao County and 1 have been found in Dongzhaigangin Henan Province in 2002. Although We didn't find the bird in Yinggehai, Ledong County, the local government had seen two individuals in 2001 and 2002 respectively.  (Liang Wei and Zhang Guogang)  

▲ The special investigation of the wintering waterbirds, the Black-faced Spoonbill

and the Saunders's Gull 

According to the agreement on conservation of migratory birds between China and Japan, the National Bird Banding Center had organized a special team to investigate the wintering waterbirds, the Black-faced Spoonbill and the Saunders's Gull (Larus saunersi) in the coastal wetlands in Jiangsu, Chongming of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi and Hainan for five months. We found that, apart form Mai Po of Hong Kong and Zengwenxikou of Taiwan, there were some distribution areas of the Black-faced Spoonbill in the Mainland, including Yancheng of Jiangsu, Chongming of Shanghai, the estuary of Min River of Fujian, Dongzhaigang and Lingao of Hainan. Chongming, the estuary of Min River and Lingao are new distribution areas, more works should be taken to examine their stability. As to the Saunders's Gull, we have found 20 wintering populations in Jiangsu (1040 individuals), Zhejiang (1335) and Fujian(231) provinces. We also recorded about 450 individuals of the White Spoonbill ( Platalea regia) in Yancheng,5 Tundra Swans in Ninghai, Zhejiang, and 3 Spot-billed Pelicans( Pelecanus philippensis) in the estuary of the Min River. 

(Zhang Guogang)  

▲ GEF and its implementation in China 

The GEF item shared by four countries, China, Russia, Kazakstan and Iran will be initiated in JuneChina accounts for 40% of the 10,000,000 dollars' item. Zhalong Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang, Momoge and Xianghai of Jilin, Ke'erqin of Inner Mongalia and Poyang Lake of Jiangxi have been selected as the implementation areas from 2003 to 2009. 

(Qian Fawen)  

▲ Small items on the crane conservation net among nature reserves will be initiated. In order to promote the the crane conservation network of China, the Wildlife

Conservation Department of the State Forestry Administration will set up some small items to encourage the reserves to carry out the action plan. Currently, 10 reserves have applied for items. 

(Qian Fawen)  

▲ The investigation of wintering cranes in the Poyang Lake

From January 1~9, 2003, the National Bird Banding Center and Jiangxi Province cooperatively organized the investigation of wintering cranes in the Poyang Lake. We have investigated 68 wetlands around Poyang Lake and found that there were nearly 300,000 birds of more than 40 species. 

(Qian Fawen)  

▲ The breeding of the Crested Ibis in Beijing Zoo 

Funded by the State Forestry Administration, Science and Technology Committee of Beijing City and the Garden Bureau of Beijing City, we have successively conducted the research on the artificial feeding and breeding of the Crested Ibis (Nipponia Nippon ),the study on improving the population viability and the experimental study on the natural brooding of the species. Currently, we have succeeded in the natural brooding of the Crested Ibis and alternate brooding between the Crested Ibis and the Black headed Ibis ( Therskiornis melanocephalus). We plan to repeat the experiment this year in order to provide basic data for the restoration of the migratory populations of the Created Ibis. 

(Liu Bin and Li Fulai)  

▲ White eared Night Herons ( Gorsachius magnificus ) Found in Jiulianshan Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province 

In 2003, we have found 8-10 individuals of the White-eared Night Herons in Jiulianshan Nature Reserve. In fact, we began to search the birds since 2001, but finally observed them in 2003. The photo of a wounded adult has been identified by specialists from the CAS and Hong Kong. 

(Tang Peirong, Liao Chengkai)  

Bird Banding Research

▲ The Bird Banding Summary Meeting of Heilongjiang was held in Harbin. 

2001—2002 Bird Banding Summary Meeting of Heilongjiang was held in Harbin in January, 2003.22 colleagues from different units attended the meeting. In recent years, more birds and more species have been banded in China.,especially The meeting emphasis three key tasks of 2003: 1) improve the quality and reduce the mistakes; 2) increase the number of banded waterbirds and raptors; 3) grant the Bird Banding Certificate to the staff. 

(Hou Yunqiu)   

▲ The general situation of bird banding in the spring of 2003 

It is reported that there are 12—14 organizations in 7 provinces that begin to band

the birds.three stations of which, Gaofeng Forestry Station of Nenjiang, Qingfeng Forestry Station of Xinglong and Bird Research Center of Liaoning, have banded nearly 10,000 birds. 

(Hou Yunqiu)  

▲ Europe firstly re-captured the Common Redpoll banded by China. 

The Common Redpoll ( Carduelis flammea ) banded by China was firstly re-captured in Norway, which attracted the European ornithologists. Some years before, two Common Redpolls from Finland and Sweden respectively were re-captured in Heilongjiang Province, China. In recent years, Heilongjiang Province has made great success in the bird banding by implementing the strategy of the State Forestry Administration, which results in the increase of the number of banded birds. So Europe can re-capture the banded bird from China. 

(Chu Guozhong)  

Brief Reports

▲ Study on the home range and environmental monitoring of the Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) 

Levels of metal contaminants start to accumulate in higher species in the food chain and so it is these species that offer the best opportunity to monitor these pollutants in the environment. As birds are conspicuous and are often easier to study than other species, they are ideal for fulfilling this role. Tree Sparrow is a sedentary species and always forages near towns, farms and other places close to human in Beijing. It is widespread and non-endangered species. Therefore, it might be a proper species to monitor the local environment. Supported by the NNSF (No. 30170187), we studied whether the Tree Sparrow is a potential good biomonitors for point source contamination. Using radiotracking, we counted the home range of the Tree Sparrow is about 7600m2 by 90% harmonic mean transformation. The forage site and home range of Tree Sparrow are steady during study of which imply that it is a potential species for monitoring point-pollute environment. Differences in heavy metal concentrations between adults and chicks, among different locations, between different types of tissues are distinct, but there are no significant differences of heavy metals concentrations between female and male. The eggs laid in the first brood had relatively higher concentrations of mucury (p=0.04 *) than those in the second ones. The metal levels but nickel and manganese in ventral feathers of Eurasian Hoopoe are lower than those in Tree Sparrow. Therefore, we must have a good knowledge of the ecology parameters of the bird before selecting it as the indicative animal. The concentrations of heavy metals in Tree Sparrow are high. There are remarkable relationships among the elements. Most importantly, the relationships of the metals concentration among feathers and tissues are significant. Organochlorines are accumulated mainly on feathers. All above indicate that Tree Sparrow is a feasible species for monitoring the environment. Although feathers are the most common tools for the monitoring, different moult stages should be considered. 

(Pan Chao and Zheng Guangmei)  

▲ Ecological and conservational research on the Xinjiang Ground Jay 

Funded by the NNSF and the WWF-China Program, we had investigate the distribution, breeding and conservation status of the Xijiang Ground Jay ( Podoces biddulphi ) in the Takelamagan Desert for March to April in 2003 and found 18 nests. 

(Ma Ming)  

▲ The wintering and breeding habitats of the Saker Falcon 

It is reported that the falcon ( Falcon cherrug ) distributes in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet Doctor Potapov from the Falcon Institute of the Bird Center of the British and Ma Ming from the CAS cooperatively investigate the wintering and breeding habitats of bird in the above-mentioned areas from April to June, 2003. Up to date, we have found some new breeding areas in the 4000-5000m high mountains. 

(Ma Ming)  

▲ Chestnut-tailed Bee Eaters was observed in Zhuhai 

A flock of 5 Bee eaters ( Merops philippinus ) were observed in Qi' Ao Mangrove Wetlands, Zhuhai, Guangdong, which is infrequent in the region. 

(Gao Yuren) 

▲ Wild birds come to our city 

Because of the enlargement of Guangzhou, many wild birds formerly living in the downtown are observed in the city. The Chinese Bulbul ( Pycnonotus sinensis ) maybe the first guest coming to our city twenty or thirty years before, then the White Wagtail ( Motacilla alba ), the Common Tailorbird ( Orthotomus sutorius ), the Yellow bellied Prinia ( Prinia flaviventris ), the Japanese Whiteeye ( Zosterops japoncus ), the Barn Sparrow ( Hirundo rustica ), the Blackbird ( Turdus merula ), even the Common Kestrel ( Falcon tinnunculus ) frequently visits to the city.

(Gao Yuren)  

▲ Some fieldworks in Hubei Province 

1.From July 2 9, 2001, we had observed many species in the Liangzi Lake, Hubei, which are listed as: Great Crested Grebe ( Podices cristatus ), Cattle Egret ( Bubulcus ibis ), Little Egret ( Egretta garzetta ), Chinese Egret ( Egretta eulophotes) , Ringed Plover ( Charadrius hiaticula ), Grey headed Lapwing (Vanellus cinereus), Cotton Pygmy Goose ( Nettapus Coromandelianus ), and Brown Crake (Amaurornis akool).

2.Some species observed in the Shenlongjia region are listed as: Ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii) , White capped Redstart ( Chaimarrornis leucocephalus) , Plumbeous Water Redstart (Rhyacornis fuliginosus) , Little Forktail (Enicurus scouleri), Spotted Forktail (Enicurus maculatus ), Black backed Forktail ( Enicurus immaculatus) , Slaty backed Forktail (Enicurus schistaceus) , Brown Dipper (Cinclus pallasii) , and Hair crested Drongo ( Dicrurus hottentottus). 

3. Results of the investigation in the Longgan Lake Nature Reserve are listed as below: Silky Starling ( Sturnus sericeus) , Chinese Egret (Egretta eulophotes), Whiskered Tern ( Chlidonias hybridus ), White winged Black Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus ),

Common Tern ( Sterna hirundo) , Little Tern (Sterna albifrons ), Black Stork (Ciconia nigra ), Hooded Crane ( Grus monacha ), and Common Redshack ( Tringa totanus).

4. Some species observed in the Chenhu Wetlands Nature Reserve of Wuhan are listed as: Oriental White Stork ( Ciconia boyciana ), Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus), Tundra Swan ( Cygnus columbianus ), Great Egret (Egretta alba ) and some species of Anseriformes. 

(Hu Hongxing)  

News and Notes——China

▲ Two reserves special in the conservation of herons and egrets will be established in Guangxi Province 

(1)Nanan Bird Nature Reserve The reserve is located in Nannan Village, Nanxiao Town, Huning County, Nanning City. There are four species of Ardedae, the Chinese Pond Heron (Aredola bacchus), Little Egret (Egretta garzetta), Green-backed Heron (Butorides striatus) and Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) and more than 10,000 of them in this 349ha reserve.(2)Wanheshan Bird Nature Reserve he reserve is located in the shore of Fangchenggang City, which is an important stage in the migration routes of birds and one of the most important breeding areas of the herons or egrets in the southeastern China. There are 10 species of the herons and egrets living in this 1620 ha reserve. 

(Zhou Fang)  

▲ The status of the White-eared Night Heron 

Although it is reported there are some White-eared Night Herons ( Gorsachius magnificus) in China since 1990sh, our investigations show that the future of the birds is gray. Here is the summary. 

(1)The south of Guangxi It is argued that the largest breeding population of the species is in the south of Guangxi, but the number of the population is only about 50-60. Most birds of the population live in the degrading habitats below the height of 400m and they have been divided into several small populations. Although some measures have been taken to protect the birds, the lumbering and digging the root remain in the reserve. Moreover,the shrubbery where the birds live is replaced by eucalyptus woods. Therefore, frequent human disturbance is still a big threat to the existence of the species. 

(2)Chebaling of Guangdong A small population of the bird is in this region. 

(3)Shenlongjia of Hubei Mr. Zhong Lianfu had sampled four individuals of the bird from 1992 to 1994. During our investigation, we had found one nest, one adult and one chicken in the Wushanhu Reservoir. But the habitat had already been destroyed by the mining at the upstream and tourism in the left of the reservoir.  (Zhou Fang)  

▲ The wetlands for wintering birds in Xinken, Panyu, Guangdong 

It is an important wetland which located in the estuary of the Pearl River and has more than 3000ha. The wetland was authorized as the bird reserve by Guangzhou City

and was ever taken as the representative for applying for IBA three years ago. After the investigation for 4 years, we have recorded 60~80 species of birds Most birds in the reserve are wintering waterbirds, among which are some rare and endangered species. There are at most 10,000~20,000 birds in the wetland.The government of Guangzhou City determined to explore the region.If the wetland is replaced by factory, one of several habitats left for wanterbird in the Delta of the Pearl Region will disappear Therefore, we have appealed to the government to cease the plan by media and hope that more people will take part in the action for conserving the wetlands for birds. 

(Gao Yuren)  

▲ The Edible nest Swiftlet is ecological extinct in Hainan. 

Funded by the Education Department of Hainan Province,had carried out the investigation of the Edible-nest Swift let (Aerodramus fuciphagus) in Dazhou Island, Wanning, Hainan, which is the only distribution area of the bird in China. Up to 2002, only two nests were found in the island and the island had to be closed for conserving the bird for the third time. Therefore, we concluded that the bird is near ecological extinct in China. The extinction is caused by human's over-use and lacking of conservation. 

(Laing Wei and Shi Haitao)  

▲ The Successful Visit to UK by WPA-China 

Invited by WPA International, Prof. Zheng Guangmei, President of COS & Chairman of WPA-China, and Zhang Zhengwang, Secretary of WPA-China, visited UK from 12 to 25th January 2003. They have attended WPA Council Meeting and presented a report of the work carried out by WPA-China. They also visited the Game Conservacy Trust, Crocket St. Thomas Wildlife Park, Chester Zoo, Newcastle University, Cambridge University, RSPB, BirdLife International and British Natural History Museum at Tring. The visit was very successful and fruitful. 

(Zhang Zhengwang)  

▲ The list of candidates for the national tree, bird and flower of China will be declared 

The State Forestry Administration declared that they would organize the related organizations to select the national tree, bird and flower of China. The plan for the selection and the list of candidates for the three national symbols will be declared The final result will be authorized by the NPC of China.

▲ Professor Hu Hongxing is awarded Global Award. 

After honored as the National Advanced Model of Environment Education, Prof. Hu Hongxing of Wuhan University was awarded Global Award on April 22, 2002, which is the highest award in the scope of environment conservation of China.   News and Notes——Abroad

▲ WPA Galliform Symposium 2004  

The next WPA Galliform Symposium will be held in Dehra Dun, India from 5 th to 7 th April 2004. It is hoped that delegates will arrive in Dehra Dun on Sunday 4 th April, attend the formal symposium, and travel on to Corbett National Park for a further three-day stay. The symposium will be hosted by the Wildlife Institute of India (WII).Dehra Dun is six hours drive from Corbett NP. The party visited Claridges Hideaway Hotel and the adjacent Riverside Resort. Both are five minutes from the entrance to Corbett and look to be ideal locations for post-symposium workshops and discussions. WPA-China plan to organize a delegation to attend this Symposium. If you want to attend this Symposium, please prepare to submit your papers to Prof. Zhang Zhengwang, Secretary of WPA-China, c/o College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University (e-mail: [email protected])。 


▲ Gurney's Pitta rediscovered in Myanmar 

BirdLife International announced the rediscovery after 89 years of Gurney's Pitta, one of the rarest and most beautiful birds in the world, in southern Myanmar. The discovery was made by a team of conservationists from the Bird Enthusiasts and Nature Conservation Association (BENCA), the Department of Forests Kawthaung District, Tanintharyi Division, and BirdLife International following a month-long survey of lowland forest in southern Tanintharyi Division (Tenasserim), Myanmar.[3] The team found pittas at four lowland forest sites, with a maximum of 10-12 pairs at one of these, all sites were close to historical collecting localities. The last confirmed record of Gurney's Pitta from Myanmar was in 1914. 

(Zhang Zhangwang from OBC website)  

▲ New book:《Waterbird Population Estimates Third Edition》 has been published recently.

This publication sets the global standard in presenting estimates of the numbers and trends of waterbird populations throughout the world. It will be an important reference for the research and conservation management of the waterbirds. Full colour throughout; viii + 226 pages, 840 maps, 63 colour photographs, 4 tables, 2 figures. This book could be downloaded from in PDF format. You can also order the hardcopy report from the Natural History Book Service. 

(DING Chang Qing)  

▲ The Released HBW Volume 8 Broadbills to Tapaculos. 

Handbook of the Birds of the World Vol.8 Broadbills to Tapaculos will be published by the famous Lynx Edicions of Spain in June 2003. It is the first volume covering the passerines. The species included in this volume are Eurylaimidae, Philepittidae, Pittidae, Furnariidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Thamnophilidae, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae and Rhinocryptidae. It contains over 400 photographs and 81color plates. Price 160 Euros. For more detail please visit the website: www. hbs. com. (Zhang zhengwang) 


The 6th Ornithological Symposium between Mainland & Taiwan,China

The 6th Ornithological Symposium between Mainland & Taiwan will be opened in Taiwan Nature Museum, Taizhong City, Taiwan in November, 2003. With the efforts of both sides, the preparing work has been done. By reviewing the application and related papers, the delegation of Mainland is formed with Prof. Liu Nafa, vice-chairman of COS, as the head and Prof. Song jie as the secretary-general. The succeeding correspondence will be charged by, Prof. Song Jie.The further information about the conference will be informed as early as possible. 

(Song Jie)


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