
Bonnie 2010061101

The Violence on Television Has Bad Effects on Children

In the information era, electronic media is prevalent, especially television owing to its informativeness and entertainment. However, children are much more attached to television than adults. In a survey on the Internet, it is shown that nearly 2/3 children spend more than 2 hours in watching television per day. It is evident that a vast number of children have been addicted to television. On the other hand, to gain a maximal profit,

television producers go to every length including use violent scenes or implications. Therefore, excessive violent contents such as head or limbs being cut off and killing other people randomly are saturated with

television like those adult animations, shows, teleplays, etc. to draw viewers ’ attention. It is found that for a decade , the proportion of

violence on television has increased 8% per hour, from 19% to 27%. As consequence, children are totally exposed to violence on television, and repercussions that are respectively on their mind, communication and mentality are varied and severe.

A research conducted in Harbin revealed that there were approximately 20.8% of 900 surveyed children had violent tendency. When it comes to analysis, experts claimed that it can be ascribed to children being

preoccupied to television. Moreover, their strong acceptability impels

them to simulate indiscriminately those behaviors and words or sentences

containing violence. However, their psychological growth is much slower than learning things from the outside world . As a result, it will cause adverse effects on children’s psychological soundness.

The best-known animation in the United States South Park contains a host of swearwords and bloody scenes. Although it signs itself as adult animation, in actuality children can watch it without any restriction.

Being distinct from other animations, South Park is led by four kids and it tells stories to viewers from children’s angle. In this respect, not only it renders children increasingly attached to, but also those swearwords in it are spoken by kids and offensive behaviors of kids are normal. Therefore, it will prompt these young viewers to simulate and take speaking

swearwords and violence towards other individuals as granted. When they grasp of those swearwords awash with the animation, they will communicate with others in hindrance and with predicaments. On the other hand, being obsessed with television will distract children from their study that render them more knowledgeable and teach them

communicational skills. Technically, they will limit themselves into this virtual world due to obsession with television.

Take South Park as example once again, viewers who are well-acquainted with it must discern that one of the four leading kids Kenny will die per

episode. What’s more, every time he is killed by someone or something cruelly. Such scenes will facilitate children to develop distorted values of death and they will contemplate death as an insignificant stuff.

Consequently, these young viewers will not cherish lives, regardless of theirs or other’s. Similarly, once children are habitual to violent contents, they will be insensitive to societal violence and tend to use violent

methodologies to combat problems because they will apply what they have watched on television to reality. If they have conflicts with other individuals, they will more likely cope with them by way of violence immediately.

Violence on television has nothing good but detrimental to children.

Children will be susceptible to varied forms of television shows, teleplays and animations containing violence in mental, communications and values. Therefore, to help promote children’s physical, intellectual and emotional development, nurturing self-discipline of children and making them keep distance from violence on television is of great urgency.

Bonnie 2010061101

The Violence on Television Has Bad Effects on Children

In the information era, electronic media is prevalent, especially television owing to its informativeness and entertainment. However, children are much more attached to television than adults. In a survey on the Internet, it is shown that nearly 2/3 children spend more than 2 hours in watching television per day. It is evident that a vast number of children have been addicted to television. On the other hand, to gain a maximal profit,

television producers go to every length including use violent scenes or implications. Therefore, excessive violent contents such as head or limbs being cut off and killing other people randomly are saturated with

television like those adult animations, shows, teleplays, etc. to draw viewers ’ attention. It is found that for a decade , the proportion of

violence on television has increased 8% per hour, from 19% to 27%. As consequence, children are totally exposed to violence on television, and repercussions that are respectively on their mind, communication and mentality are varied and severe.

A research conducted in Harbin revealed that there were approximately 20.8% of 900 surveyed children had violent tendency. When it comes to analysis, experts claimed that it can be ascribed to children being

preoccupied to television. Moreover, their strong acceptability impels

them to simulate indiscriminately those behaviors and words or sentences

containing violence. However, their psychological growth is much slower than learning things from the outside world . As a result, it will cause adverse effects on children’s psychological soundness.

The best-known animation in the United States South Park contains a host of swearwords and bloody scenes. Although it signs itself as adult animation, in actuality children can watch it without any restriction.

Being distinct from other animations, South Park is led by four kids and it tells stories to viewers from children’s angle. In this respect, not only it renders children increasingly attached to, but also those swearwords in it are spoken by kids and offensive behaviors of kids are normal. Therefore, it will prompt these young viewers to simulate and take speaking

swearwords and violence towards other individuals as granted. When they grasp of those swearwords awash with the animation, they will communicate with others in hindrance and with predicaments. On the other hand, being obsessed with television will distract children from their study that render them more knowledgeable and teach them

communicational skills. Technically, they will limit themselves into this virtual world due to obsession with television.

Take South Park as example once again, viewers who are well-acquainted with it must discern that one of the four leading kids Kenny will die per

episode. What’s more, every time he is killed by someone or something cruelly. Such scenes will facilitate children to develop distorted values of death and they will contemplate death as an insignificant stuff.

Consequently, these young viewers will not cherish lives, regardless of theirs or other’s. Similarly, once children are habitual to violent contents, they will be insensitive to societal violence and tend to use violent

methodologies to combat problems because they will apply what they have watched on television to reality. If they have conflicts with other individuals, they will more likely cope with them by way of violence immediately.

Violence on television has nothing good but detrimental to children.

Children will be susceptible to varied forms of television shows, teleplays and animations containing violence in mental, communications and values. Therefore, to help promote children’s physical, intellectual and emotional development, nurturing self-discipline of children and making them keep distance from violence on television is of great urgency.


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