

vocabulary about travel

airline: an airplane company

travel agent: a person who helps other people buy plane tickets and arranges travel

plans for people

trave agency: a company that helps people arrange their travel plans(travel agents

work in travel agencies)

online travel agency: a travel agency that is on the Internet

deal: special prices;cheap prices:sales

book: to arrange a time or buy a ticket for something(flight,hotel,train,bus,etc.)

flight: a trip on an airplane

reserve: to book;to keep something aside so you can use it later

rental car: a car that you pay for to use for a short time

tour group: a group of people that go on vacation together

package deal: a kind of "deal"that includes many different things purchased together(such as flight,hotel,and meals)

arrange: to prepare,set up,organize

go sightseeing: when on vacation,to go to the most interesting places and take


tourist sites: places that many tourists like to go(tourists are people who are

on vacation in place)

independent: doesn't need other people's help,can take care of yourself


strike out on your own: to leave a group of people and go do something that you

want to do,by yourself


vocabulary about travel

airline: an airplane company

travel agent: a person who helps other people buy plane tickets and arranges travel

plans for people

trave agency: a company that helps people arrange their travel plans(travel agents

work in travel agencies)

online travel agency: a travel agency that is on the Internet

deal: special prices;cheap prices:sales

book: to arrange a time or buy a ticket for something(flight,hotel,train,bus,etc.)

flight: a trip on an airplane

reserve: to book;to keep something aside so you can use it later

rental car: a car that you pay for to use for a short time

tour group: a group of people that go on vacation together

package deal: a kind of "deal"that includes many different things purchased together(such as flight,hotel,and meals)

arrange: to prepare,set up,organize

go sightseeing: when on vacation,to go to the most interesting places and take


tourist sites: places that many tourists like to go(tourists are people who are

on vacation in place)

independent: doesn't need other people's help,can take care of yourself


strike out on your own: to leave a group of people and go do something that you

want to do,by yourself


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