

一、找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(10分) 【 】1、A、teacher 【 】2、A、earth 【 】3、A、bowl 【 】4、A、page 【 】5、A、think 【 】6、A、game 【 】7、A、on 【 】8、A、ruler 【 】9、A、feet 【 】10、A、right

二、补一个同类词。(5分) 1、 morning, evening, _____________ 2、beer, coffee, ________________ 3、post, office, shop, ___________ 4、thin, fat, _____________ 5、cool, cold, __________________

三、根据汉语要求选择正确的英语句子。(10分) 【 】1、 Bob相约Tom去公园,应该怎么说?


【 】1、 Li Hong _____ TV for two hours every evening.

B、certainly B、near B、snow B、dog B、third B、table B、office B、mum B、meat B、ghost

C、sister C、hear C、now C、pig C、those C、get C、orange C、shut C、seven C、light

D、brother D、ear D、yellow D、big D、thank D、rain D、open D、colour D、peach D、night

A、Can I go to the park? B、Shall we go to the park? A、Lily, this is my friend. B、Lily, this friend is my. A、Thank you!


【 】2、 Lily,这是我的朋友。

【 】3、 当别人邀请你一起去郊游时,你说:“太好了!” 【 】4、 明天上午我要去买东西。

A、I’ll go shopping tomorrow morning. B、I’ll do shopping tomorrow morning. A、Don’t play football in the street, Fred! B、Not to play football in the street, Fred!

【 】5、 当你提醒Fred不要在街上玩足球时说:

A、watch A、What A、is

B、watches B、Who B、am

C、watched C、How old C、are

1 / 4

【 】2、 --- _________ is he? --- He is ten. 【 】3、 Kate and Jane _______ my good friends.

【 】4、 --- Where ________ he from? --- He _______ from China.

A、is; come --- I can’t ______ it.

A、look at A、about A、fine

--- They are red pencils.

A、What A、have A、Miss White

B、Where B、has B、Mrs White

C、What colour C、is C、Mr White

【 】9、 My mother _______ three shelves. 【 】10、 The man over there is ________. 【 】11、 --- _______ kitchen is clean? ---- Mary’s.




【 】12、 --- _______ grade are you in? --- Grade Five.




【 】13、 --- _______ on the river? ---- There’re some ducks.


1、 Peter’s father often ______ (take) a bus to go to work. 2、Look! They _______ (play) happily in the playground. 3、Tom likes _______ (swim) in summer.

4、Who can _____ (speak) English well in your family?

5、Tim and Tom _____ (read) in the library. Let’s _____ (join) them.

6、We will ______ (go) for a picnic tomorrow. We ______ (get) ready for it now. 7、Mary, ________ (not talk) with each other. _______ (be) quite, please. 8、_________ (be) there any water in the bottle? 9、Do you like _______ (watch) TV? 10、Don’t _______ (wash) your shirts now.


2 / 4

B、is; comes C、does; is

【 】5、 --- Where is my pencil?

B、find B、besides B、very nice

C、look for C、with C、well

【 】6、 We’re going to stay here tomorrow. What ____ you? 【 】7、 That blue jacket is beautiful. 【 】8、 --- _____ are these?

A、What A、His A、behind

B、Which B、Her B、in front of

C、What’s C、Its C、beside

【 】14、 That girl is my friend. ______ name is May. 【 】15、 Helen is behind me. I am ______ Helen.


一、找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(10分) 【 】1、A、teacher 【 】2、A、earth 【 】3、A、bowl 【 】4、A、page 【 】5、A、think 【 】6、A、game 【 】7、A、on 【 】8、A、ruler 【 】9、A、feet 【 】10、A、right

二、补一个同类词。(5分) 1、 morning, evening, _____________ 2、beer, coffee, ________________ 3、post, office, shop, ___________ 4、thin, fat, _____________ 5、cool, cold, __________________

三、根据汉语要求选择正确的英语句子。(10分) 【 】1、 Bob相约Tom去公园,应该怎么说?


【 】1、 Li Hong _____ TV for two hours every evening.

B、certainly B、near B、snow B、dog B、third B、table B、office B、mum B、meat B、ghost

C、sister C、hear C、now C、pig C、those C、get C、orange C、shut C、seven C、light

D、brother D、ear D、yellow D、big D、thank D、rain D、open D、colour D、peach D、night

A、Can I go to the park? B、Shall we go to the park? A、Lily, this is my friend. B、Lily, this friend is my. A、Thank you!


【 】2、 Lily,这是我的朋友。

【 】3、 当别人邀请你一起去郊游时,你说:“太好了!” 【 】4、 明天上午我要去买东西。

A、I’ll go shopping tomorrow morning. B、I’ll do shopping tomorrow morning. A、Don’t play football in the street, Fred! B、Not to play football in the street, Fred!

【 】5、 当你提醒Fred不要在街上玩足球时说:

A、watch A、What A、is

B、watches B、Who B、am

C、watched C、How old C、are

1 / 4

【 】2、 --- _________ is he? --- He is ten. 【 】3、 Kate and Jane _______ my good friends.

【 】4、 --- Where ________ he from? --- He _______ from China.

A、is; come --- I can’t ______ it.

A、look at A、about A、fine

--- They are red pencils.

A、What A、have A、Miss White

B、Where B、has B、Mrs White

C、What colour C、is C、Mr White

【 】9、 My mother _______ three shelves. 【 】10、 The man over there is ________. 【 】11、 --- _______ kitchen is clean? ---- Mary’s.




【 】12、 --- _______ grade are you in? --- Grade Five.




【 】13、 --- _______ on the river? ---- There’re some ducks.


1、 Peter’s father often ______ (take) a bus to go to work. 2、Look! They _______ (play) happily in the playground. 3、Tom likes _______ (swim) in summer.

4、Who can _____ (speak) English well in your family?

5、Tim and Tom _____ (read) in the library. Let’s _____ (join) them.

6、We will ______ (go) for a picnic tomorrow. We ______ (get) ready for it now. 7、Mary, ________ (not talk) with each other. _______ (be) quite, please. 8、_________ (be) there any water in the bottle? 9、Do you like _______ (watch) TV? 10、Don’t _______ (wash) your shirts now.


2 / 4

B、is; comes C、does; is

【 】5、 --- Where is my pencil?

B、find B、besides B、very nice

C、look for C、with C、well

【 】6、 We’re going to stay here tomorrow. What ____ you? 【 】7、 That blue jacket is beautiful. 【 】8、 --- _____ are these?

A、What A、His A、behind

B、Which B、Her B、in front of

C、What’s C、Its C、beside

【 】14、 That girl is my friend. ______ name is May. 【 】15、 Helen is behind me. I am ______ Helen.


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