






In knowledge economy era, innovation has gradually become a breakthrough of enterprises seeking for higher level development important way, competitiveness and innovation is the enterprise talent comprehensive strength, how to maximize employee innovation potential is dedication dedication and loyalty of employees in the new period puts forward higher requirements. With the constant development of media today, the traditional "patriarchal" rigid management mode has certainly not to meet the needs of enterprise development, the wisdom of each employee is likely to become an important resource, promote enterprise rapid development only by constantly strengthen ties between enterprises and employees, to induce employees continued active energy release of wisdom. Enterprises in the continuous improvement of talent pool at the same time, more should pay attention to strengthen the cultivation of the staff loyalty, to make people treasure really play its proper value, maximum limit to reduce staff turnover, increase employee loyalty, fully excavate potential of employees is becoming the development of modern enterprise management needs to conquer difficulties. Can cultivate more high loyalty of employees for the enterprise, also become before each enterprise managers have to face the reality of the obstacles. This article based on the analysis of present condition of the enterprise staff loyalty, elicit and system explains the concept of enterprise employee loyalty, and then expounds how to measure the loyalty of employees. And through the draw lessons from successful enterprises, finally according to the reality of our country enterprise staff loyalty situation characteristic, in order to improve the staff loyalty targeted specific Suggestions are put forward.

Employee loyalty is an important indicator to assess the merits of human resource management, employee loyalty may reflect the situation from the perspective of employee turnover and other side. The latest business management studies show that competition among enterprises is the corporate human resources competition. Modern companies want sustained, healthy and stable development, to build a high loyalty of the workforce is the key. In the context of today's market economy, talent has become the key competitive advantage, and determine the level of loyalty can give full play to the advantages of talent. Therefore,

how to retain talent enterprises and effectively enhance the loyalty of talent, to achieve lower labor costs, play the maximum effectiveness of human resources, has long been a corporate manager of human resource management department especially desired to solve the problem.

Keywords: Turnover ,staff ,loyalty







In knowledge economy era, innovation has gradually become a breakthrough of enterprises seeking for higher level development important way, competitiveness and innovation is the enterprise talent comprehensive strength, how to maximize employee innovation potential is dedication dedication and loyalty of employees in the new period puts forward higher requirements. With the constant development of media today, the traditional "patriarchal" rigid management mode has certainly not to meet the needs of enterprise development, the wisdom of each employee is likely to become an important resource, promote enterprise rapid development only by constantly strengthen ties between enterprises and employees, to induce employees continued active energy release of wisdom. Enterprises in the continuous improvement of talent pool at the same time, more should pay attention to strengthen the cultivation of the staff loyalty, to make people treasure really play its proper value, maximum limit to reduce staff turnover, increase employee loyalty, fully excavate potential of employees is becoming the development of modern enterprise management needs to conquer difficulties. Can cultivate more high loyalty of employees for the enterprise, also become before each enterprise managers have to face the reality of the obstacles. This article based on the analysis of present condition of the enterprise staff loyalty, elicit and system explains the concept of enterprise employee loyalty, and then expounds how to measure the loyalty of employees. And through the draw lessons from successful enterprises, finally according to the reality of our country enterprise staff loyalty situation characteristic, in order to improve the staff loyalty targeted specific Suggestions are put forward.

Employee loyalty is an important indicator to assess the merits of human resource management, employee loyalty may reflect the situation from the perspective of employee turnover and other side. The latest business management studies show that competition among enterprises is the corporate human resources competition. Modern companies want sustained, healthy and stable development, to build a high loyalty of the workforce is the key. In the context of today's market economy, talent has become the key competitive advantage, and determine the level of loyalty can give full play to the advantages of talent. Therefore,

how to retain talent enterprises and effectively enhance the loyalty of talent, to achieve lower labor costs, play the maximum effectiveness of human resources, has long been a corporate manager of human resource management department especially desired to solve the problem.

Keywords: Turnover ,staff ,loyalty


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