
Monosodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate, also named "Ajinomoto" as a fresh seasoning widely used in China and abroad. Its finished product is white columnar crystal or crystalline powder and its main component part is MSG.

Monosodium glutamate as a modern seasoning is made of rice or starch by using microbial fermentation which is one of the most advanced scientific

technologies. Monosodium glutamate’s production is generally divided into four main processes consisting of refining sugar, fermentation, extraction and


Liquefaction and Saccharification

At present, most of monosodium glutamate factories using starch as raw

material to produce monosodium glutamate. Starch first should be experienced the liquefaction stage, and then with β--amylase get into the saccharification stage. After saccharification, heated the saccharification pot to the temperature of 80.85 degrees Celsius in order to inactivate the enzyme 30min. When these are all done, filtering the mixed liquidcan get the glucose solution. After the glucose solution has been filter pressed, making the process of oil-water separation, and then filtering the liquid again.


After the glutamic acid medium has been disinfected, putting it into the

glutamic acid fermentation tank by an appropriate speed. When the tank’s


temperature dropped to 32 degrees Celsius, adding strain, potassium chloride,

manganese sulfate, defoaming agent and vitamin into the tank, and then passing into sterile air. After a period of time to adapt, fermentation process began to conduct slowly.


Making use of the properties of the amino acids, we can do things like

extraction, separation and so on. According to the data, the isoelectric point of glutamic acid in pH3.0 and glutamic acid in this pH has a minimum solubility.

Using this property of glutamic acid ,we can obtain glutamate by long time of precipitation.


We can use the technologies of the activated carbon decolorization and ion exchange to remove calcium ion, magnesium ion and iron ion which are mixed into the solution of the ammonia acid sodium. And then we can get sodium glutamate solution with high purity .The next process is putting the pure sodium glutamate solution into the crystallizer to carry out vacuum evaporation. And then sodium glutamate should be send to dry and screen in order to obtain pure MSG

Now, let me introduce the chemistry of the sodium glutamate. Sodium

glutamate ’s UPAC English name is sodium

(2S)-2-amino-5-hydroxy-5-oxo-pentanoate, its chemical formula is C5H 8NO 4Na,its structural formula is HOOCCHNH2(CH2) 2COONa and its molar mass is


169.111gmol -1. Through its chemical formula we can know that the sodium

glutamate is a kind of salt which is made of sodium ion and glutamic acid radical ion. It is a non color odorless crystal and its melting point is 237 degrees Celsius. Thesodium glutamate has a good water-soluble, approximately, in 100 ml of water can dissolve 74 grams of sodium glutamate.

As I said earlier,the sodium glutamate is a fresh seasoning, which can use to cook, do stuffing, mix dish, do soup and so on. Although MSG has no nutritional value directly, but it can increase the flavor of food, enhance people's appetite and help to improve people’s digestibility.

However, scientific research shows that long term consumption of MSG will reduce the normal human body resistance, and reduce the body's absorption of vitamins. Especially, it has a bad influence on the central nervous system, bones, bone marrow, and genetic system.

The scientists suggest that the content of monosodium glutamate of each dish should not exceed 0.5 mg. So, while we enjoy the delicious, we should also pay attention to our health


Monosodium glutamate

Monosodium glutamate, also named "Ajinomoto" as a fresh seasoning widely used in China and abroad. Its finished product is white columnar crystal or crystalline powder and its main component part is MSG.

Monosodium glutamate as a modern seasoning is made of rice or starch by using microbial fermentation which is one of the most advanced scientific

technologies. Monosodium glutamate’s production is generally divided into four main processes consisting of refining sugar, fermentation, extraction and


Liquefaction and Saccharification

At present, most of monosodium glutamate factories using starch as raw

material to produce monosodium glutamate. Starch first should be experienced the liquefaction stage, and then with β--amylase get into the saccharification stage. After saccharification, heated the saccharification pot to the temperature of 80.85 degrees Celsius in order to inactivate the enzyme 30min. When these are all done, filtering the mixed liquidcan get the glucose solution. After the glucose solution has been filter pressed, making the process of oil-water separation, and then filtering the liquid again.


After the glutamic acid medium has been disinfected, putting it into the

glutamic acid fermentation tank by an appropriate speed. When the tank’s


temperature dropped to 32 degrees Celsius, adding strain, potassium chloride,

manganese sulfate, defoaming agent and vitamin into the tank, and then passing into sterile air. After a period of time to adapt, fermentation process began to conduct slowly.


Making use of the properties of the amino acids, we can do things like

extraction, separation and so on. According to the data, the isoelectric point of glutamic acid in pH3.0 and glutamic acid in this pH has a minimum solubility.

Using this property of glutamic acid ,we can obtain glutamate by long time of precipitation.


We can use the technologies of the activated carbon decolorization and ion exchange to remove calcium ion, magnesium ion and iron ion which are mixed into the solution of the ammonia acid sodium. And then we can get sodium glutamate solution with high purity .The next process is putting the pure sodium glutamate solution into the crystallizer to carry out vacuum evaporation. And then sodium glutamate should be send to dry and screen in order to obtain pure MSG

Now, let me introduce the chemistry of the sodium glutamate. Sodium

glutamate ’s UPAC English name is sodium

(2S)-2-amino-5-hydroxy-5-oxo-pentanoate, its chemical formula is C5H 8NO 4Na,its structural formula is HOOCCHNH2(CH2) 2COONa and its molar mass is


169.111gmol -1. Through its chemical formula we can know that the sodium

glutamate is a kind of salt which is made of sodium ion and glutamic acid radical ion. It is a non color odorless crystal and its melting point is 237 degrees Celsius. Thesodium glutamate has a good water-soluble, approximately, in 100 ml of water can dissolve 74 grams of sodium glutamate.

As I said earlier,the sodium glutamate is a fresh seasoning, which can use to cook, do stuffing, mix dish, do soup and so on. Although MSG has no nutritional value directly, but it can increase the flavor of food, enhance people's appetite and help to improve people’s digestibility.

However, scientific research shows that long term consumption of MSG will reduce the normal human body resistance, and reduce the body's absorption of vitamins. Especially, it has a bad influence on the central nervous system, bones, bone marrow, and genetic system.

The scientists suggest that the content of monosodium glutamate of each dish should not exceed 0.5 mg. So, while we enjoy the delicious, we should also pay attention to our health



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