





话题:what it would look like

why you would like to have it

and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.-

An useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know- A handmade gift you gave to your friends or relatives

- A special toy you had in your childhood

- A vehicle you would like to buy (or own)

- Something you really want to buy in the future

Describe a vehicle you would like to buy (or own)

You should say:

what (kind of) vehicle it is


例句1:I have been always imagining if I have a vehicle of my own, then I could get rid of thepeople in the crowded subway during the peak hours every morning and afternoon. Besides, Icould also drive to anywhere that I am interested in without any preparation beforehand forthe routes, that’s as long as my oil tank is filled up.

例句2:The vehicle that I always wanted to buy is Toyota CRV which has a streamlined exteriordesign and unique color, i.e. beige. A latest transmission with seven gears is installed and Iwould be benefited for this new feature since I am still confusing with clutch and brake pedalsat times after 2 weeks of learning.


那么多年的雅思口语考试中,总有些话题经久不衰,被俗称为高频经典话题。那么小编就对极有可能考到的高频经典话题做了番整理,供考生们参考,希望考生们接下来的备考能够针对这些话题有所准备。Objects and Media:

1.An educational TV program2.An electronic device you want to buy

3.A vehicle that you want

4.A subject you didn’t enjoy at school but interested in now

5.A special thing you want to buy in the future

6.A picture or photograph in your family

7.A song you have remembered well since childhood

8.A gift which took you a long time to choose

可能出现的变化:除了旧题重现外,在最近的雅思考试中出现了很多反面描写的物品;损害的设备等。People &Creatures:

9.A person you know who is good at cooking.

10.A family member you want to work with

11.A person you met who surprised you / who speaks another language very well

12.Someone you don’t like but you have to be friendly to.

13.A popular band or singer in your country.


Events and Experiences:14.An occasion that you got up extremely early

15.A small successful company

16.The stage or age of your life that you enjoy the most

17.An indoor activity you played when you were a child.

18.A piece of good news heard on TV or the internet

19.An occasion you got lost

20.A time when you helped someone you don’t know

21.An ambition you haven’t achieved yet

Places and Buildings:

22.An educational trip when you were at school.

23.A restaurant or cafe you like(not home).

24.A change that will improve your local area.

25.A short-term / long journey trip you would like to make again.

26.A place that is full of color









话题:what it would look like

why you would like to have it

and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.-

An useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know- A handmade gift you gave to your friends or relatives

- A special toy you had in your childhood

- A vehicle you would like to buy (or own)

- Something you really want to buy in the future

Describe a vehicle you would like to buy (or own)

You should say:

what (kind of) vehicle it is


例句1:I have been always imagining if I have a vehicle of my own, then I could get rid of thepeople in the crowded subway during the peak hours every morning and afternoon. Besides, Icould also drive to anywhere that I am interested in without any preparation beforehand forthe routes, that’s as long as my oil tank is filled up.

例句2:The vehicle that I always wanted to buy is Toyota CRV which has a streamlined exteriordesign and unique color, i.e. beige. A latest transmission with seven gears is installed and Iwould be benefited for this new feature since I am still confusing with clutch and brake pedalsat times after 2 weeks of learning.


那么多年的雅思口语考试中,总有些话题经久不衰,被俗称为高频经典话题。那么小编就对极有可能考到的高频经典话题做了番整理,供考生们参考,希望考生们接下来的备考能够针对这些话题有所准备。Objects and Media:

1.An educational TV program2.An electronic device you want to buy

3.A vehicle that you want

4.A subject you didn’t enjoy at school but interested in now

5.A special thing you want to buy in the future

6.A picture or photograph in your family

7.A song you have remembered well since childhood

8.A gift which took you a long time to choose

可能出现的变化:除了旧题重现外,在最近的雅思考试中出现了很多反面描写的物品;损害的设备等。People &Creatures:

9.A person you know who is good at cooking.

10.A family member you want to work with

11.A person you met who surprised you / who speaks another language very well

12.Someone you don’t like but you have to be friendly to.

13.A popular band or singer in your country.


Events and Experiences:14.An occasion that you got up extremely early

15.A small successful company

16.The stage or age of your life that you enjoy the most

17.An indoor activity you played when you were a child.

18.A piece of good news heard on TV or the internet

19.An occasion you got lost

20.A time when you helped someone you don’t know

21.An ambition you haven’t achieved yet

Places and Buildings:

22.An educational trip when you were at school.

23.A restaurant or cafe you like(not home).

24.A change that will improve your local area.

25.A short-term / long journey trip you would like to make again.

26.A place that is full of color





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