
After reading the Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen,I am impressed deeply by the touching love story.She descripeed a truthful picture of her world,especially the love and marriage between ladies and gentlemen.Therefore,it is not only a love story but also the illisution of marriage in Batain at that time.

Firstly, I want to say something about Charlotte Lucas, who is twenty-seven, Although Charlotte is a well-educated girl but she doesn't have much property.She isn't as beautiful as other girls. In order to make a living at that time, she can do nothing but to marry a man who has social status or is rich enough. So she chooses Mr. Collins as her husband, though he is a vulgar pompous clergyman based on excessive formality and overuse of high-level abstractions. What

enables her to make a decision is the identity of Mr. Collins and the close relation between he and Catherine, noble family. It is obvious that there is no love between them. So she is very practical. The marriage is called "world marriage ". So does Mr. Benet. He saw nothing but the beauty of his wife when he was young. He had to accept another side of his wife after

marriage. I reckon that they will not live a happy life before they get a child, because they don not have true love. As we all know, love can make our life more comfortable and happy. Besides, relation between Mr. Wickham and Lydia also develops in such a way. Lydia is the youngest daughter of the family, who is a dance-loving and pure girl. Attracted by the Mr. Wickham's charming appearance and disguised words, she ran away with him secretly. So silly is she that she does not realize the reason why he is glad to stay with her is that she is very young and he desires for sex as a man.Bodily needs build a bridge between them. Without of Darcy's help, it is hard to say he prefers to marry her. The marriage is called "ridiculous marriage ".

Compared the people mentioned above, I show a special preference to the couple of Darcy. We regard their marriage as "admirable marriage ".They both love each other. Despite the first impression they leave on each other, they gradually change their attitudes towards each other and fall in love with each other. Time has already brought great changes since

Lizebeath and Darcy met at the first time at the boll. Especially when she heard something unpleasant from Wickham, she was angry with what Darcy did. However, As time goes on, she knows the true image of the things, she tries to understanding him and clearly feels a warm heart beneath of the arrogant appearance. Darcy also change his attitude toward Lizebeath. He holds the idea that she is not as superficial as her mother.She is very self-confident and has numerous admirable qualities.With the help of appreciation and

love,they married. As to Bingley and Jane, they don not experience as much as the couple of

Darcy. But Jane and Bingley marriage is considered "the happiest marriage ". Love is not the main base, the main is a kind of attraction.

I Believe they also live happily in the world.

Based on Pride and Prejudice,I think a lot about marriage. We can grasp the essence of Jane and Bingley's marriage, Elizabeth and Darcy's marriage, Lydia and Wickham's marriage and Charlotte and Collins's marriage through Elizabeth's views.Through the women in the book, we see marriage description. To marry for wealth and beauty is wrong.This kind of marriage cannot last long-term happiness and truly happy marriage is based on love and sense.There is no doubt that marriage plays an important role in our life.Think twice before leap.Taking good personalities such as integrity, honest and sincerity into consideration instead of

wealth,identity or appearance when you are determined to marry somebody in the future.

After reading the Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen,I am impressed deeply by the touching love story.She descripeed a truthful picture of her world,especially the love and marriage between ladies and gentlemen.Therefore,it is not only a love story but also the illisution of marriage in Batain at that time.

Firstly, I want to say something about Charlotte Lucas, who is twenty-seven, Although Charlotte is a well-educated girl but she doesn't have much property.She isn't as beautiful as other girls. In order to make a living at that time, she can do nothing but to marry a man who has social status or is rich enough. So she chooses Mr. Collins as her husband, though he is a vulgar pompous clergyman based on excessive formality and overuse of high-level abstractions. What

enables her to make a decision is the identity of Mr. Collins and the close relation between he and Catherine, noble family. It is obvious that there is no love between them. So she is very practical. The marriage is called "world marriage ". So does Mr. Benet. He saw nothing but the beauty of his wife when he was young. He had to accept another side of his wife after

marriage. I reckon that they will not live a happy life before they get a child, because they don not have true love. As we all know, love can make our life more comfortable and happy. Besides, relation between Mr. Wickham and Lydia also develops in such a way. Lydia is the youngest daughter of the family, who is a dance-loving and pure girl. Attracted by the Mr. Wickham's charming appearance and disguised words, she ran away with him secretly. So silly is she that she does not realize the reason why he is glad to stay with her is that she is very young and he desires for sex as a man.Bodily needs build a bridge between them. Without of Darcy's help, it is hard to say he prefers to marry her. The marriage is called "ridiculous marriage ".

Compared the people mentioned above, I show a special preference to the couple of Darcy. We regard their marriage as "admirable marriage ".They both love each other. Despite the first impression they leave on each other, they gradually change their attitudes towards each other and fall in love with each other. Time has already brought great changes since

Lizebeath and Darcy met at the first time at the boll. Especially when she heard something unpleasant from Wickham, she was angry with what Darcy did. However, As time goes on, she knows the true image of the things, she tries to understanding him and clearly feels a warm heart beneath of the arrogant appearance. Darcy also change his attitude toward Lizebeath. He holds the idea that she is not as superficial as her mother.She is very self-confident and has numerous admirable qualities.With the help of appreciation and

love,they married. As to Bingley and Jane, they don not experience as much as the couple of

Darcy. But Jane and Bingley marriage is considered "the happiest marriage ". Love is not the main base, the main is a kind of attraction.

I Believe they also live happily in the world.

Based on Pride and Prejudice,I think a lot about marriage. We can grasp the essence of Jane and Bingley's marriage, Elizabeth and Darcy's marriage, Lydia and Wickham's marriage and Charlotte and Collins's marriage through Elizabeth's views.Through the women in the book, we see marriage description. To marry for wealth and beauty is wrong.This kind of marriage cannot last long-term happiness and truly happy marriage is based on love and sense.There is no doubt that marriage plays an important role in our life.Think twice before leap.Taking good personalities such as integrity, honest and sincerity into consideration instead of

wealth,identity or appearance when you are determined to marry somebody in the future.


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