英语口译教程Unit 1,Unit2,Unit3. 参考译文

Unit 1

Dialogue 1 At the Airport

A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Boston?

B: 正是。

A: I’m Frank Din from Hyatt Regency Hotel. I’ve come to meet you.

B: 你好,Frank ,谢谢你到机场来接我。

A: How are you, Mr. Smith? Let me help you with your luggage.

B: 谢谢。

A: How was your flight, Mr. Smith?

B: 好极了!食品不错,服务周到,而且飞机还准点。

A: Anyhow, it’s a long way to China, isn’t it?

B: 噢,是的,确实很长,加上等待和转机的时间超过20 小时了。

A: Now, Mr. Smith, if all is ready, we’d better start for the hotel.

B: 好的,走吧。

A: This way, please. Our car is in Parking Lot 6. Is this your first visit to Shanghai, Mr. Smith? B: 不,是第二次,上次来是三年前。这次机场看起来有些不一样,而且非常的高效!

A: In the past couple of years, the government has done a lot to meet the needs of the Shanghai World Expo.

B: 噢,是的,世博会!难怪飞机这么满,我想有许多人都是冲着世博来的。所以你们增 大了机场的容量。

A: Yes. The airport terminals have been fully developed to receive thousands of tourists and business travelers every day. But it’s more than that. The airport is not only an efficient transport hub, but also features a wide range of facilities such as shopping, leisure and conventions. B: 对。我已经注意到了。

A: You’ll see more changes elsewhere. It’s now very convenient to travel from the airport to the downtown area. The visitors can take a shuttle bus as well as the subway. They can even take the Shanghai magnetic levitation train, which travels at a stunning speed. There is even a shuttle bus especially for Expo visitors. It leaves every half an hour.

B: Frank,你知道,上次我来上海,完全忙于公务,不过这次可能有些空闲时间。如果我想四处逛一逛的话,你有什么可推荐的吗?

A: Well, there’s a lot to see in Shanghai these days. The World Expo is a must-see site and it’s convenient to go there. Subway Lines 6, 7, 8 and 10 all go to the Expo site. You may also book a car in our hotel if you like, or dial 96822 for the Expo taxi system to request a taxi.

B: 世博园肯定是很好的去处,不过我听说那儿的人特别多,许多国家馆都要排几个小时的长队,我想我没那么多时间。

A: T hat’s true. Then what about the former Frenchtown? The architecture there is cool. The Oriental Pearl Tower is also a frequently visited place. The Shanghai Bund may be a good choice in the evening.

B: 听上去很有趣。

A: Do you like museums, Mr. Smith?

B: 当然了,非常喜欢。

A: The Shanghai Museum has a fantastic collection of ancient Chinese art.

B: 太棒了!我至少可能会在那里呆半天。你推荐哪里去购物呢?

A: If you want to go shopping, you can go to the shopping areas in Xujiahui,

Wujiaochang, East Nanjing Road, West Nanjing Road, Huaihai Road, North Sichuan Road, the Municipal Commercial Center, and Zhongshan Park.

There are several large department stores in each location. If you want to buy some local specialties, you may go to Chenghuang Miao, i.e. the City God Temple, where you will find many Shanghaiese specialties and snacks.

B: 你知道哪儿可以买到世博会的纪念品吗?既然我不打算去世博园,我最好能给孩子们 买些东西回去。

A: If you want to buy the Expo’s licensed products, you may log onto their official website: www.eshop-expo2010.com, or dial 4008851519 for details. I’ll write the website and phone number for you once we arrive at the hotel.

B: 太好了。吃的方面你有什么好介绍的吗?

A: Do you like spicy food?

B: 我很喜欢吃辣的!

A: You should try the Hunan cuisine at Dishuidong.

B: 听起来真不错!滴水洞在哪里呢?

A: It’s at 56 Maoming Road. I’ll write the address down for you later, together with the website and phone number of the Expo licensed products.

B: Frank,非常感谢。你提供了很多非常有用的信息。

A: My pleasure, Mr. Smith. Here we are. This is Hyatt Regency Hotel.

B: 太好了,我们很快啊!

Dialogue 2 Dragon Boat Festival

A: Daniel, have you heard about the Dragon Boat Races to be held this afternoon?

B: 知道啊,是为了庆祝什么节日对吧?

A: Yup, Duan Wu Festival, which officially falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It’s also called the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s among the three major traditional holidays celebrated by Chinese. The other two are the Mid-autumn Festival and the Chinese New Year. That you already know.

B: 我好像记得我们的中文老师曾经说过,这个节日跟一位古代诗人有关,是这样的吗? A: Well, there are many legends regarding the origin of the festival, but the most popular and widely accepted version relates to Qu Yuan, a well-known poet during the Warring States Period (475–221 BC).

B: 是的,是的,屈原,现在我想起这个名字了。

A: Qu Yuan served as minister to the King of the Chu Kingdom which was then in a state of fragmentation and conflict. A wise and articulate man, he was loved and respected by the common people. He did much to fight against the rampant corruption that plagued the court, thus earning the envy and fear of other officials. He also insisted on fight against the rival Qin Kingdom so King of Chu removed him from service. In exile, he traveled, taught and wrote for several years. Hearing that the Chu had been defeated by the Qin, he fell into despair and threw himself into the Miluo River, which is in the current Hunan Province, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. B: 不过,这位诗人的自杀跟龙舟赛有什么关系呢?

A: You know, he was so loved by the people, so the local fishermen rushed out in long boats to look for him, beating drums to scare the fish away, and throwing zongzi into the water to feed the fish so that they would not eat Qu Yuan’s body. Starting from that time to this day, people

commemorate Qu Yuan through Dragon Boat Races, eating zong zi, and several other activities, on the anniversary of his death.

B: 粽子是什么?

A: Zong zi is the traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a glutinous rice ball, with a filling, wrapped in reed leaves or bamboo leaves. The fillings can be egg, sweet red beans, dates, fruits, sweet potato, walnuts, mushrooms, meat, or a combination of them. They are generally steamed.

B: 吃真是中国文化中很重要的一部分,对吧?

A: Yes, perhaps one of the most important aspect.

B: 除了赛龙舟和吃粽子,这一天还有其他什么活动吗?

A: Another important aspect of the Double Fifth Day is the timing: at the beginning of summer, when diseases are likely to strike, people also wear talisman to fend off evil spirits. So traditionally, it was also thought to be a time for warding off evil spirits, but now it’s just thought of a time to remind family members to take care of their health.

B: 真是一个有趣的节日!我想我会去参加龙舟比赛。

A: After you’ve worked up an appetite by boating so hard, you can eat zongzi . Everyone eats them during the Dragon Boat Festival. They are quite yummy!

B: 我一定会尝尝的!

Dialogue 3 In a Restaurant

A: Have you got a table for three, please?

B: Have you made a reservation?

A: No.

B: Fine. Smoking or non-smoking?

A: Non-smoking, please.

B: OK. This way please. Here’s the menu.

A: What is the specialty of the restaurant?

B: Lobster. It is steamed and served with our special sauce. It is a most popular dish. Do you want to have a try?

A: What would you like to have, John?

C: 你来点吧,只要是本地的我都可以。告诉你吧,我也喜欢吃辣的。

A: Great! Let’s have fish hotpot then. (To B) Fish hotpot, please. Could you tell the chef not to put MSG in it?

B: That’s no problem at all, Sir.

C: 你要他做什么?

A: I asked him not to put any MSG in our food. It’s not good for our health.

C: 是,味精让人上瘾,还会让你觉得口干。

A: It’s in so much food these days. You know, John, we people in Chongqing like hot and spicy food a lot. Hotpot is our favorite food. We have it throughout the year, even in the hottest summer days. Chongqing’s hotpot is the most famous in China, and the people in Chongqing are also famous for their hot and spicy personality.

C: 这非常有趣。英语里有句话说的也是大同小异的意思:―你吃什么就成为什么样子‖, 意思是说我们吃进嘴里的东西确实成为我们的一部分,我们所吃的反映出我们自 己——不论就人或文化而言都是如此。你想了解另一种文化吗?那么你应该去认识他 们的食物。认识一个地方的食物可以让我们了解其文化的精髓。正因如此,我每到一 个地方就会去尝试当


A: What is typical American food then?

C: 问得好!何谓―美式食物‖?乍听之下你可能认为答案容易得很。对许多人而言,美式 食物就是汉堡、热狗、炸鸡和披萨。如果你是好吃甜食的人,你可能还会想到苹果派或巧克力饼干。美国人确实是吃这些东西。

A: But isn’t Thanksgiving turkey a typically American food?

C: 你说得对,确实是。不过除了感恩节火鸡以外,挺难找到别的典型的美国食物了。美国是个移民之地,所以美国人吃的食物来自许多不同的国家,当人们移居美国,他们也将自己的烹调带了进来。那也就是为什么在美国你几乎可以看到所有不同民族的食物。在某些情况下,美国人把外国的食物视为最爱。美国人喜爱意大利的披萨、墨西哥的玉米饼和中国的春卷,但是这些东西的美国版味道却不很地道。

A: Americans eat a lot of fast food, right?

C: 是的,生活在快节奏之下的美国人通常只能―很快地吃几口‖。快餐店给赶时间的人提供各种食物,从炸鸡到炒饭,应有尽有。最平常的美式快餐之一就是三明治。任何能夹在两片土司中间的东西,美国人就可以把它作成一份三明治。忙碌的美国人也常常吃一大堆油炸土豆片和糖果之类的―垃圾食物‖。我们可没你们那么幸运。中国可是举世闻名的―烹饪王国‖,我太喜欢吃中国菜了!

A: When you say you love Chinese food, I’m afraid you are taking too much for granted. As a matter of fact, there is no such simple thing as the so-called ―Chinese food‖. A more accurate statement perhaps should be that you love a particular Chinese cuisine or a particular regional way of cooking.

C: 此话怎讲呢?

A: Chinese cooking styles generally fall into 4 major cooking schools, namely, the Northern School, the Southern School, the Sichuan School, and the Jiangzhe School, which are respectively represented by the Lu (Shandong) dishes, Yue (Canton) dishes, Sichuan dishes and Huaiyang dishes.

C: 它们各自都有什么特点呢?

A: Sour, salty oily or heavy dishes feature the Northern School. Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors and best known for being spicy-hot. Huaiyang cuisine emphasizes the original flavors of well-chosen materials. Cantonese cuisine stresses light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients. All in all, the four major cuisines have their own distinct characteristics, which are summed up by some people in the following expression: ―The light southern cuisine, and the salty northern cuisine; the sweet eastern cuisine, and the spicy western cuisine.‖

C: 真有趣!我希望将来都能品尝到。

A: Hey here’s our food!

C: 看起来真不错,希望吃起来更好。

A: Waiter, can you come here, please ?

B: What’s wrong, Sir?

A: The hotpot doesn’t taste very good.

B: That’s because you didn’t have any MSG in it…

Dialogue 4 Introducing Chinese Lamian and Pasta

A: Larry, what kind of food do you want to learn to cook? Just let me know.

I’m best at shredded pancake in mutton broth. If you wish to learn

something more difficult, I may teach you how to do roasted Peking Duck.

B: 不,不,李华,我想学真正的中餐,就像幸运曲奇。你们怎么做到让放在饼里的幸运 签不被炉子烤焦的?

A: I’ve been to the States and also seen the so-called fortune cookies. Don’t be disappointed if I tell you that there is no such thing as fortune cookie in Chinese cuisine. This is the original invention of America!

B: 什么?这些年我一直梦想着来中国尝尝正宗的中国幸运曲奇,你却告诉我它们并不存在?噢,我所有的梦想都破灭了!

A: Fortune cookies are not products from China, but that doesn’t mean all your dreams have to be up in smoke.

B: 我知道,只是很失望。上周我来中国之前,我的幸运曲奇说我所有的梦想都会实现,我还以为这是上天的昭示。

A: Come on! What’s on the note is not a sign from heaven. It’s from the cookie company.

B: 没时间开玩笑了,李华。我的生活已经崩溃了,中国居然没有幸运曲奇!谁知道会是这样?

A: Poor Larry! All your dreams do not have to be up in smoke. I will teach you all I know about Chinese cuisine. Tell me what you want to learn!

B: 既然没有幸运曲奇了,我想学麻婆豆腐。麻婆豆腐真好吃,我特喜欢。

A: Oh, that I don’t know much. Mapo Toufu is Sichuan food. I’m only good at cooking dishes popular in the northern part of China. Maybe I can teach you how to do Lamian.

B: 好啊,我喜欢吃拉面!兰州到处都有。如果你教我做拉面,作为回报我就教你烹饪意 大利面。

A: Lamian in English comes from the pronunciation of the Chinese phrase La Mian, meaning hand-made or hand-pulled Chinese noodle. First of all, pour water into the wheat flour, and stir it until it becomes a piece of dough. There are several styles of twisting the dough but they all employ the same concept: a piece of dough is repeatedly stretched and folded onto itself in order to align the glutens and warm up the dough for stretching.

B: 明白了。

A: This dough is then pulled to about an arm span’s length, like this. Then we can make a loop with the dough, joining the two ends into one clump of dough, and insert my fingers into the loop to keep the strand from sticking to itself. Doing this, the pull has doubled the length of the dough while fractioning its thickness. This process is repeated several times until the desired thickness and quantity is achieved.

B: 这可真是力气活!

A: Apart from this, famous flour food also includes knife-sliced noodles and steamed bread dipped in mutton soup. In addition to the noodles made of flour, we also have noodles made out of rice, such as thick rice noodles and thin rice noodles. OK, our Lanzhou Lamian is ready. Look, how thin the noodles are! They can be cooked in a while. Now, it’s your turn to show me how to make pasta.

B: 哦,当然。不过你知道,我们这儿并没有原材料。或许我可以给你讲讲意大利面的不同种类吧。意大利面是pasta ,这个词是一个总称,涵盖了多种多样的意面种类,其中有意大利细面条、意大利通心粉、螺旋面、宽面条等等。我知道,你们中国人和意大利人总是在谁最先发明面条的问题上争论不休。

A: I’m afraid you are a bit ignorant of this (you are not very well-informed).

The oldest noodles in the world were discovered in Qinghai province in 2005 by archeologists. So it was China that first began to make noodles. This is already beyond question.

B: 对我来说,谁是第一并不重要,重要的是中国面条和意大利面条都很好吃,我都喜欢。我饿了,你的拉面什么时候煮好啊?

A: Here you are! You may add a bit more sauce if you think the taste is not strong enough.

B: 唔,太好吃了!谢谢你,李华!下次我一定教你做我的独家菜:油炸热狗,上面再放 上西兰花和巧克力酱。

A: Come on. I hate to burst your bubble, but save your special recipe to yourself. A deep-fried hot dog topped with chocolate sauce and broccoli? It doesn’t sound very appetizing.

B: 你疯了吗?那可是美味啊!

A: Well, fried ham and broccoli is a Chinese dish. But no chocolate sauce should be added. Broccoli together with chocolate sauce? You are only too imaginative!

B: 想象力丰富有什么错?我想你是嫉妒我天生就是一个好厨师,我喜欢那种独特的味道。 好了,就让我们各持己见吧。

Dialogue 5 Shopping

1. At an outlet

A: This place is great. I’m surprised they have so much stuff.

B: 是啊,但找东西需要一点时间就是了。这里不像一般的店那样井然有序。

A: I never shopped in an outlet before. We don’t have any in my hometown. Why do they call it an ―outlet‖?

B: 有时候成衣公司生产过量,不能在各店销完,只好把存货送到大卖场来,所以叫做 ―出清‖,就是商家把各店没卖出去的货清出去。

A: And they have faulty products here too, right?

B: 是的,―瑕疵品‖可能是一件有缺陷的衬衫,或是一条有破洞的裤子。有时候瑕疵很小,所以很值得买的。如果你有针线,可以买回家再做修补。

A: I like to sew, so that’s easy for me. I think it’s a really good deal. Some of

these shirts have only one tiny mistake on them.

B: 我知道。有时候在大卖场购物是一个好主意,你可以省很多钱。

A: That’s great for me. Now I’m still a student, I want to save as much as I can. Wow! How many of those sweatshirts are you buying?

B: 六件。

A: Six? Why do you need so many?

B: 它们很便宜。一件给史蒂夫,一件给他的弟弟瑞克,一件给我爸爸,两件给我妹妹, 还有一件是我的。

A: You really know how to use an outlet store!

B: 我当然要好好把握机会,不是吗?

A: Sure. You’re smart.

2. Buy a computer

A: 我可以帮你吗?

B: Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester. I was told it is cheaper to

buy computers here.

A: 的确如此。在这买新电脑你可以拿到很不错的价格,我们给学生很大的折扣。

B: I don’t know much about computers. But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory. And I need a printer.

A: 好的,我们先考虑你要的电脑。我推荐这儿的一套系统——麦金塔 G3。它的总内存 是64 兆。

B: Is that a lot? Sixty-four?

A: 是的,对任何学生的需求应该是足够了。你是什么系的?

B: History.

A: 好的,所以你会常用文字处理来写论文。我推荐 Corel Word Perfect 程式来做文字 处理。我们待会再来谈软件,先谈硬件吧。我们现在有特价,我应该告诉你,因为只持 续到星期二为止。如果你购买这套麦金塔 G3 的 15 寸彩色主机,可以给你打七折。

B: Thirty percent? Wow. That’s really good. And you think this is really a good system for a graduate student?

A: 是的,它是很棒的系统。

B: Hmm. Hey, wait. This has an Apple on it. Is this an Apple computer?

A: 是的,是麦金塔,也是苹果机。麦金塔和苹果机是一样的。

B: I don’t want Macintosh. I want PC.

A: 很抱歉,但是大学的电脑中心只卖麦金塔设备。

B: What? Are you serious?

A: 是的。

B: But nobody uses Macintosh!

A: 不会啊,这所大学大部分的学生和教授都用麦金塔。他们发现这套系统对写作和文字 处理比较好,而且大多数学生都在使用它。我可以问问你从哪儿来的吗?

B: Yes, I’m from China.

A: 我知道苹果电脑在亚洲大多数的国家并不是很流行。但在美国这里,尤其是大学和出 版社里,使用苹果电脑是非常普遍的。

B: But I need a computer that can handle writing in Chinese.

A: 有一些中文的写作程式可以在麦金塔上使用,对苹果电脑而言,中文不是问题。

B: Hmm. I think I should ask some of my friends for advice before I make a decision. I’m sorry. A: 没关系的。问你朋友是合理的,但是相信我,这所大学大多数的学生──包括亚洲的 学生,大部分都使用苹果电脑。

B: Well, thanks for your advice. I will probably come back later.

A: 非常欢迎。这是我的名片,有需要的话再来。

3. Buy cosmetics

A: 我可以为你效劳吗?

B: Yes, I would like to look at some of your products.

A: 有没有特别想要看的呢?

B: Well, to be honest, I mostly use Sarah Winter products now. But I’m not

happy with them. So I would like to change companies.


A: 你找对了,我的意思是来找我们。我们有一系列的产品,从化妆品到洁肤和润肤品。 B: What do you have in foundation?

A: 我们的粉底非常好,都是用很好的原料做成。它可以滋润你的皮肤并且有8倍防晒指数。 B: What colors do you have in foundation?

A: 你看看。我们有这种玫瑰色,还有各种浓淡的灰褐色。

B: The color I use now is rose. How much does this rose foundation cost? The 100ml bottle. A: 这瓶是53.95 美元。

B: Wow! That’s expensive.

A: 这些原料很珍贵的,太太。这是一个很好的产品。

B: I understand. I need some mascara too. Do you have a good thickening mascara?

A: 有,这是我们的浓稠式睫毛膏。我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛膏。

B: Alright. And I want to consider your eye shadow too. Do you have a color chart I can look at? A: 我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。这对你的眼睑是非常温和的。你 想试用吗?

B: Oh, sure. I will need to clean off my own eye shadow first.

A: 我来帮你。

B: Thank you.

4. Buy a car

A: I like the Honda Accord you showed me before. I think it’s more practical for my needs. B: 好的,女士。你选对了。本田在新款雅阁的设计上做了很多改进。

A: What does it come with standard?

B: 新车的基本配备包括:空调、防抱死制动、气囊和 AM/FM 调频以及 CD 播放机。但 是雅阁还有另一项基本配备,就是定速器。

A: Cruise control? I don’t like that.

B: 为什么不呢?

A: I think it’s dangerous. What if I can’t turn it off?

B: 有些顾客很在意定速器的问题,但是雅阁的车从来没有因为定速器故障而导致意外事件。 A: I wish it didn’t have cruise control.

B: 你不必用到它。你可以激活或解除设定,如果你不想用,不要激活它就成了。 A: I suppose. And what about the sunroof? Is that standard?

B: 不是。天窗是选择性的。


A: I see. Another important question is the time I can get this car. I need a new car rather soon. B: 新的款式八月份会到。如果你现在订购,我们八月份可以交车。

A: That’s good enough, I think. What colors does the new Accord come in?

B: 新款式的颜色有红色、白色、黑色和银色,这些都是标准颜色。当然你也可以特别定 制其他的颜色。

A: My brother has last year’s Accord. And his car is a kind of soft purple color mixed with silver. I really like that color. I wonder if I can get that color on my Accord.

B: 我知道你说的颜色。是这个吗?女士。

A: Yes, I think that’s it. Can I get that on the Accord?

B: 可以。那个颜色在雅阁的车子中是很受欢迎的,所以我们接受定制那种颜色。 A: Well, I think I want to order the new Accord then. It looks like an excellent car.

B: 你的选择很对。我自己也开雅阁的车,很坚固,很可靠。

A: Yes, I know. I think Accord is the most reliable car on the road. I would never change to anything else. The Accord I have now almost never has service problems. It runs smooth as silk. B: 好的,我帮你填写资料,请稍等。

Unit 1

Dialogue 1 At the Airport

A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Boston?

B: 正是。

A: I’m Frank Din from Hyatt Regency Hotel. I’ve come to meet you.

B: 你好,Frank ,谢谢你到机场来接我。

A: How are you, Mr. Smith? Let me help you with your luggage.

B: 谢谢。

A: How was your flight, Mr. Smith?

B: 好极了!食品不错,服务周到,而且飞机还准点。

A: Anyhow, it’s a long way to China, isn’t it?

B: 噢,是的,确实很长,加上等待和转机的时间超过20 小时了。

A: Now, Mr. Smith, if all is ready, we’d better start for the hotel.

B: 好的,走吧。

A: This way, please. Our car is in Parking Lot 6. Is this your first visit to Shanghai, Mr. Smith? B: 不,是第二次,上次来是三年前。这次机场看起来有些不一样,而且非常的高效!

A: In the past couple of years, the government has done a lot to meet the needs of the Shanghai World Expo.

B: 噢,是的,世博会!难怪飞机这么满,我想有许多人都是冲着世博来的。所以你们增 大了机场的容量。

A: Yes. The airport terminals have been fully developed to receive thousands of tourists and business travelers every day. But it’s more than that. The airport is not only an efficient transport hub, but also features a wide range of facilities such as shopping, leisure and conventions. B: 对。我已经注意到了。

A: You’ll see more changes elsewhere. It’s now very convenient to travel from the airport to the downtown area. The visitors can take a shuttle bus as well as the subway. They can even take the Shanghai magnetic levitation train, which travels at a stunning speed. There is even a shuttle bus especially for Expo visitors. It leaves every half an hour.

B: Frank,你知道,上次我来上海,完全忙于公务,不过这次可能有些空闲时间。如果我想四处逛一逛的话,你有什么可推荐的吗?

A: Well, there’s a lot to see in Shanghai these days. The World Expo is a must-see site and it’s convenient to go there. Subway Lines 6, 7, 8 and 10 all go to the Expo site. You may also book a car in our hotel if you like, or dial 96822 for the Expo taxi system to request a taxi.

B: 世博园肯定是很好的去处,不过我听说那儿的人特别多,许多国家馆都要排几个小时的长队,我想我没那么多时间。

A: T hat’s true. Then what about the former Frenchtown? The architecture there is cool. The Oriental Pearl Tower is also a frequently visited place. The Shanghai Bund may be a good choice in the evening.

B: 听上去很有趣。

A: Do you like museums, Mr. Smith?

B: 当然了,非常喜欢。

A: The Shanghai Museum has a fantastic collection of ancient Chinese art.

B: 太棒了!我至少可能会在那里呆半天。你推荐哪里去购物呢?

A: If you want to go shopping, you can go to the shopping areas in Xujiahui,

Wujiaochang, East Nanjing Road, West Nanjing Road, Huaihai Road, North Sichuan Road, the Municipal Commercial Center, and Zhongshan Park.

There are several large department stores in each location. If you want to buy some local specialties, you may go to Chenghuang Miao, i.e. the City God Temple, where you will find many Shanghaiese specialties and snacks.

B: 你知道哪儿可以买到世博会的纪念品吗?既然我不打算去世博园,我最好能给孩子们 买些东西回去。

A: If you want to buy the Expo’s licensed products, you may log onto their official website: www.eshop-expo2010.com, or dial 4008851519 for details. I’ll write the website and phone number for you once we arrive at the hotel.

B: 太好了。吃的方面你有什么好介绍的吗?

A: Do you like spicy food?

B: 我很喜欢吃辣的!

A: You should try the Hunan cuisine at Dishuidong.

B: 听起来真不错!滴水洞在哪里呢?

A: It’s at 56 Maoming Road. I’ll write the address down for you later, together with the website and phone number of the Expo licensed products.

B: Frank,非常感谢。你提供了很多非常有用的信息。

A: My pleasure, Mr. Smith. Here we are. This is Hyatt Regency Hotel.

B: 太好了,我们很快啊!

Dialogue 2 Dragon Boat Festival

A: Daniel, have you heard about the Dragon Boat Races to be held this afternoon?

B: 知道啊,是为了庆祝什么节日对吧?

A: Yup, Duan Wu Festival, which officially falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It’s also called the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s among the three major traditional holidays celebrated by Chinese. The other two are the Mid-autumn Festival and the Chinese New Year. That you already know.

B: 我好像记得我们的中文老师曾经说过,这个节日跟一位古代诗人有关,是这样的吗? A: Well, there are many legends regarding the origin of the festival, but the most popular and widely accepted version relates to Qu Yuan, a well-known poet during the Warring States Period (475–221 BC).

B: 是的,是的,屈原,现在我想起这个名字了。

A: Qu Yuan served as minister to the King of the Chu Kingdom which was then in a state of fragmentation and conflict. A wise and articulate man, he was loved and respected by the common people. He did much to fight against the rampant corruption that plagued the court, thus earning the envy and fear of other officials. He also insisted on fight against the rival Qin Kingdom so King of Chu removed him from service. In exile, he traveled, taught and wrote for several years. Hearing that the Chu had been defeated by the Qin, he fell into despair and threw himself into the Miluo River, which is in the current Hunan Province, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. B: 不过,这位诗人的自杀跟龙舟赛有什么关系呢?

A: You know, he was so loved by the people, so the local fishermen rushed out in long boats to look for him, beating drums to scare the fish away, and throwing zongzi into the water to feed the fish so that they would not eat Qu Yuan’s body. Starting from that time to this day, people

commemorate Qu Yuan through Dragon Boat Races, eating zong zi, and several other activities, on the anniversary of his death.

B: 粽子是什么?

A: Zong zi is the traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a glutinous rice ball, with a filling, wrapped in reed leaves or bamboo leaves. The fillings can be egg, sweet red beans, dates, fruits, sweet potato, walnuts, mushrooms, meat, or a combination of them. They are generally steamed.

B: 吃真是中国文化中很重要的一部分,对吧?

A: Yes, perhaps one of the most important aspect.

B: 除了赛龙舟和吃粽子,这一天还有其他什么活动吗?

A: Another important aspect of the Double Fifth Day is the timing: at the beginning of summer, when diseases are likely to strike, people also wear talisman to fend off evil spirits. So traditionally, it was also thought to be a time for warding off evil spirits, but now it’s just thought of a time to remind family members to take care of their health.

B: 真是一个有趣的节日!我想我会去参加龙舟比赛。

A: After you’ve worked up an appetite by boating so hard, you can eat zongzi . Everyone eats them during the Dragon Boat Festival. They are quite yummy!

B: 我一定会尝尝的!

Dialogue 3 In a Restaurant

A: Have you got a table for three, please?

B: Have you made a reservation?

A: No.

B: Fine. Smoking or non-smoking?

A: Non-smoking, please.

B: OK. This way please. Here’s the menu.

A: What is the specialty of the restaurant?

B: Lobster. It is steamed and served with our special sauce. It is a most popular dish. Do you want to have a try?

A: What would you like to have, John?

C: 你来点吧,只要是本地的我都可以。告诉你吧,我也喜欢吃辣的。

A: Great! Let’s have fish hotpot then. (To B) Fish hotpot, please. Could you tell the chef not to put MSG in it?

B: That’s no problem at all, Sir.

C: 你要他做什么?

A: I asked him not to put any MSG in our food. It’s not good for our health.

C: 是,味精让人上瘾,还会让你觉得口干。

A: It’s in so much food these days. You know, John, we people in Chongqing like hot and spicy food a lot. Hotpot is our favorite food. We have it throughout the year, even in the hottest summer days. Chongqing’s hotpot is the most famous in China, and the people in Chongqing are also famous for their hot and spicy personality.

C: 这非常有趣。英语里有句话说的也是大同小异的意思:―你吃什么就成为什么样子‖, 意思是说我们吃进嘴里的东西确实成为我们的一部分,我们所吃的反映出我们自 己——不论就人或文化而言都是如此。你想了解另一种文化吗?那么你应该去认识他 们的食物。认识一个地方的食物可以让我们了解其文化的精髓。正因如此,我每到一 个地方就会去尝试当


A: What is typical American food then?

C: 问得好!何谓―美式食物‖?乍听之下你可能认为答案容易得很。对许多人而言,美式 食物就是汉堡、热狗、炸鸡和披萨。如果你是好吃甜食的人,你可能还会想到苹果派或巧克力饼干。美国人确实是吃这些东西。

A: But isn’t Thanksgiving turkey a typically American food?

C: 你说得对,确实是。不过除了感恩节火鸡以外,挺难找到别的典型的美国食物了。美国是个移民之地,所以美国人吃的食物来自许多不同的国家,当人们移居美国,他们也将自己的烹调带了进来。那也就是为什么在美国你几乎可以看到所有不同民族的食物。在某些情况下,美国人把外国的食物视为最爱。美国人喜爱意大利的披萨、墨西哥的玉米饼和中国的春卷,但是这些东西的美国版味道却不很地道。

A: Americans eat a lot of fast food, right?

C: 是的,生活在快节奏之下的美国人通常只能―很快地吃几口‖。快餐店给赶时间的人提供各种食物,从炸鸡到炒饭,应有尽有。最平常的美式快餐之一就是三明治。任何能夹在两片土司中间的东西,美国人就可以把它作成一份三明治。忙碌的美国人也常常吃一大堆油炸土豆片和糖果之类的―垃圾食物‖。我们可没你们那么幸运。中国可是举世闻名的―烹饪王国‖,我太喜欢吃中国菜了!

A: When you say you love Chinese food, I’m afraid you are taking too much for granted. As a matter of fact, there is no such simple thing as the so-called ―Chinese food‖. A more accurate statement perhaps should be that you love a particular Chinese cuisine or a particular regional way of cooking.

C: 此话怎讲呢?

A: Chinese cooking styles generally fall into 4 major cooking schools, namely, the Northern School, the Southern School, the Sichuan School, and the Jiangzhe School, which are respectively represented by the Lu (Shandong) dishes, Yue (Canton) dishes, Sichuan dishes and Huaiyang dishes.

C: 它们各自都有什么特点呢?

A: Sour, salty oily or heavy dishes feature the Northern School. Sichuan food is famous for its numerous varieties of delicacies and strong flavors and best known for being spicy-hot. Huaiyang cuisine emphasizes the original flavors of well-chosen materials. Cantonese cuisine stresses light cooking with seemingly limitless range of ingredients. All in all, the four major cuisines have their own distinct characteristics, which are summed up by some people in the following expression: ―The light southern cuisine, and the salty northern cuisine; the sweet eastern cuisine, and the spicy western cuisine.‖

C: 真有趣!我希望将来都能品尝到。

A: Hey here’s our food!

C: 看起来真不错,希望吃起来更好。

A: Waiter, can you come here, please ?

B: What’s wrong, Sir?

A: The hotpot doesn’t taste very good.

B: That’s because you didn’t have any MSG in it…

Dialogue 4 Introducing Chinese Lamian and Pasta

A: Larry, what kind of food do you want to learn to cook? Just let me know.

I’m best at shredded pancake in mutton broth. If you wish to learn

something more difficult, I may teach you how to do roasted Peking Duck.

B: 不,不,李华,我想学真正的中餐,就像幸运曲奇。你们怎么做到让放在饼里的幸运 签不被炉子烤焦的?

A: I’ve been to the States and also seen the so-called fortune cookies. Don’t be disappointed if I tell you that there is no such thing as fortune cookie in Chinese cuisine. This is the original invention of America!

B: 什么?这些年我一直梦想着来中国尝尝正宗的中国幸运曲奇,你却告诉我它们并不存在?噢,我所有的梦想都破灭了!

A: Fortune cookies are not products from China, but that doesn’t mean all your dreams have to be up in smoke.

B: 我知道,只是很失望。上周我来中国之前,我的幸运曲奇说我所有的梦想都会实现,我还以为这是上天的昭示。

A: Come on! What’s on the note is not a sign from heaven. It’s from the cookie company.

B: 没时间开玩笑了,李华。我的生活已经崩溃了,中国居然没有幸运曲奇!谁知道会是这样?

A: Poor Larry! All your dreams do not have to be up in smoke. I will teach you all I know about Chinese cuisine. Tell me what you want to learn!

B: 既然没有幸运曲奇了,我想学麻婆豆腐。麻婆豆腐真好吃,我特喜欢。

A: Oh, that I don’t know much. Mapo Toufu is Sichuan food. I’m only good at cooking dishes popular in the northern part of China. Maybe I can teach you how to do Lamian.

B: 好啊,我喜欢吃拉面!兰州到处都有。如果你教我做拉面,作为回报我就教你烹饪意 大利面。

A: Lamian in English comes from the pronunciation of the Chinese phrase La Mian, meaning hand-made or hand-pulled Chinese noodle. First of all, pour water into the wheat flour, and stir it until it becomes a piece of dough. There are several styles of twisting the dough but they all employ the same concept: a piece of dough is repeatedly stretched and folded onto itself in order to align the glutens and warm up the dough for stretching.

B: 明白了。

A: This dough is then pulled to about an arm span’s length, like this. Then we can make a loop with the dough, joining the two ends into one clump of dough, and insert my fingers into the loop to keep the strand from sticking to itself. Doing this, the pull has doubled the length of the dough while fractioning its thickness. This process is repeated several times until the desired thickness and quantity is achieved.

B: 这可真是力气活!

A: Apart from this, famous flour food also includes knife-sliced noodles and steamed bread dipped in mutton soup. In addition to the noodles made of flour, we also have noodles made out of rice, such as thick rice noodles and thin rice noodles. OK, our Lanzhou Lamian is ready. Look, how thin the noodles are! They can be cooked in a while. Now, it’s your turn to show me how to make pasta.

B: 哦,当然。不过你知道,我们这儿并没有原材料。或许我可以给你讲讲意大利面的不同种类吧。意大利面是pasta ,这个词是一个总称,涵盖了多种多样的意面种类,其中有意大利细面条、意大利通心粉、螺旋面、宽面条等等。我知道,你们中国人和意大利人总是在谁最先发明面条的问题上争论不休。

A: I’m afraid you are a bit ignorant of this (you are not very well-informed).

The oldest noodles in the world were discovered in Qinghai province in 2005 by archeologists. So it was China that first began to make noodles. This is already beyond question.

B: 对我来说,谁是第一并不重要,重要的是中国面条和意大利面条都很好吃,我都喜欢。我饿了,你的拉面什么时候煮好啊?

A: Here you are! You may add a bit more sauce if you think the taste is not strong enough.

B: 唔,太好吃了!谢谢你,李华!下次我一定教你做我的独家菜:油炸热狗,上面再放 上西兰花和巧克力酱。

A: Come on. I hate to burst your bubble, but save your special recipe to yourself. A deep-fried hot dog topped with chocolate sauce and broccoli? It doesn’t sound very appetizing.

B: 你疯了吗?那可是美味啊!

A: Well, fried ham and broccoli is a Chinese dish. But no chocolate sauce should be added. Broccoli together with chocolate sauce? You are only too imaginative!

B: 想象力丰富有什么错?我想你是嫉妒我天生就是一个好厨师,我喜欢那种独特的味道。 好了,就让我们各持己见吧。

Dialogue 5 Shopping

1. At an outlet

A: This place is great. I’m surprised they have so much stuff.

B: 是啊,但找东西需要一点时间就是了。这里不像一般的店那样井然有序。

A: I never shopped in an outlet before. We don’t have any in my hometown. Why do they call it an ―outlet‖?

B: 有时候成衣公司生产过量,不能在各店销完,只好把存货送到大卖场来,所以叫做 ―出清‖,就是商家把各店没卖出去的货清出去。

A: And they have faulty products here too, right?

B: 是的,―瑕疵品‖可能是一件有缺陷的衬衫,或是一条有破洞的裤子。有时候瑕疵很小,所以很值得买的。如果你有针线,可以买回家再做修补。

A: I like to sew, so that’s easy for me. I think it’s a really good deal. Some of

these shirts have only one tiny mistake on them.

B: 我知道。有时候在大卖场购物是一个好主意,你可以省很多钱。

A: That’s great for me. Now I’m still a student, I want to save as much as I can. Wow! How many of those sweatshirts are you buying?

B: 六件。

A: Six? Why do you need so many?

B: 它们很便宜。一件给史蒂夫,一件给他的弟弟瑞克,一件给我爸爸,两件给我妹妹, 还有一件是我的。

A: You really know how to use an outlet store!

B: 我当然要好好把握机会,不是吗?

A: Sure. You’re smart.

2. Buy a computer

A: 我可以帮你吗?

B: Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester. I was told it is cheaper to

buy computers here.

A: 的确如此。在这买新电脑你可以拿到很不错的价格,我们给学生很大的折扣。

B: I don’t know much about computers. But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory. And I need a printer.

A: 好的,我们先考虑你要的电脑。我推荐这儿的一套系统——麦金塔 G3。它的总内存 是64 兆。

B: Is that a lot? Sixty-four?

A: 是的,对任何学生的需求应该是足够了。你是什么系的?

B: History.

A: 好的,所以你会常用文字处理来写论文。我推荐 Corel Word Perfect 程式来做文字 处理。我们待会再来谈软件,先谈硬件吧。我们现在有特价,我应该告诉你,因为只持 续到星期二为止。如果你购买这套麦金塔 G3 的 15 寸彩色主机,可以给你打七折。

B: Thirty percent? Wow. That’s really good. And you think this is really a good system for a graduate student?

A: 是的,它是很棒的系统。

B: Hmm. Hey, wait. This has an Apple on it. Is this an Apple computer?

A: 是的,是麦金塔,也是苹果机。麦金塔和苹果机是一样的。

B: I don’t want Macintosh. I want PC.

A: 很抱歉,但是大学的电脑中心只卖麦金塔设备。

B: What? Are you serious?

A: 是的。

B: But nobody uses Macintosh!

A: 不会啊,这所大学大部分的学生和教授都用麦金塔。他们发现这套系统对写作和文字 处理比较好,而且大多数学生都在使用它。我可以问问你从哪儿来的吗?

B: Yes, I’m from China.

A: 我知道苹果电脑在亚洲大多数的国家并不是很流行。但在美国这里,尤其是大学和出 版社里,使用苹果电脑是非常普遍的。

B: But I need a computer that can handle writing in Chinese.

A: 有一些中文的写作程式可以在麦金塔上使用,对苹果电脑而言,中文不是问题。

B: Hmm. I think I should ask some of my friends for advice before I make a decision. I’m sorry. A: 没关系的。问你朋友是合理的,但是相信我,这所大学大多数的学生──包括亚洲的 学生,大部分都使用苹果电脑。

B: Well, thanks for your advice. I will probably come back later.

A: 非常欢迎。这是我的名片,有需要的话再来。

3. Buy cosmetics

A: 我可以为你效劳吗?

B: Yes, I would like to look at some of your products.

A: 有没有特别想要看的呢?

B: Well, to be honest, I mostly use Sarah Winter products now. But I’m not

happy with them. So I would like to change companies.


A: 你找对了,我的意思是来找我们。我们有一系列的产品,从化妆品到洁肤和润肤品。 B: What do you have in foundation?

A: 我们的粉底非常好,都是用很好的原料做成。它可以滋润你的皮肤并且有8倍防晒指数。 B: What colors do you have in foundation?

A: 你看看。我们有这种玫瑰色,还有各种浓淡的灰褐色。

B: The color I use now is rose. How much does this rose foundation cost? The 100ml bottle. A: 这瓶是53.95 美元。

B: Wow! That’s expensive.

A: 这些原料很珍贵的,太太。这是一个很好的产品。

B: I understand. I need some mascara too. Do you have a good thickening mascara?

A: 有,这是我们的浓稠式睫毛膏。我们也有一些助长睫毛的睫毛膏。

B: Alright. And I want to consider your eye shadow too. Do you have a color chart I can look at? A: 我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。这对你的眼睑是非常温和的。你 想试用吗?

B: Oh, sure. I will need to clean off my own eye shadow first.

A: 我来帮你。

B: Thank you.

4. Buy a car

A: I like the Honda Accord you showed me before. I think it’s more practical for my needs. B: 好的,女士。你选对了。本田在新款雅阁的设计上做了很多改进。

A: What does it come with standard?

B: 新车的基本配备包括:空调、防抱死制动、气囊和 AM/FM 调频以及 CD 播放机。但 是雅阁还有另一项基本配备,就是定速器。

A: Cruise control? I don’t like that.

B: 为什么不呢?

A: I think it’s dangerous. What if I can’t turn it off?

B: 有些顾客很在意定速器的问题,但是雅阁的车从来没有因为定速器故障而导致意外事件。 A: I wish it didn’t have cruise control.

B: 你不必用到它。你可以激活或解除设定,如果你不想用,不要激活它就成了。 A: I suppose. And what about the sunroof? Is that standard?

B: 不是。天窗是选择性的。


A: I see. Another important question is the time I can get this car. I need a new car rather soon. B: 新的款式八月份会到。如果你现在订购,我们八月份可以交车。

A: That’s good enough, I think. What colors does the new Accord come in?

B: 新款式的颜色有红色、白色、黑色和银色,这些都是标准颜色。当然你也可以特别定 制其他的颜色。

A: My brother has last year’s Accord. And his car is a kind of soft purple color mixed with silver. I really like that color. I wonder if I can get that color on my Accord.

B: 我知道你说的颜色。是这个吗?女士。

A: Yes, I think that’s it. Can I get that on the Accord?

B: 可以。那个颜色在雅阁的车子中是很受欢迎的,所以我们接受定制那种颜色。 A: Well, I think I want to order the new Accord then. It looks like an excellent car.

B: 你的选择很对。我自己也开雅阁的车,很坚固,很可靠。

A: Yes, I know. I think Accord is the most reliable car on the road. I would never change to anything else. The Accord I have now almost never has service problems. It runs smooth as silk. B: 好的,我帮你填写资料,请稍等。


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