
我的家庭英语作文75词一:My family

There are three people in my family ,my mother ,my father and me.different people enjoy doing different theings ,my mother is a doctor,she likes going shopping ,talking with her sick man ,listenling to the music ,reading books ,and so on ,my fanther is a teacher ,he likes watching tv ,doing exercise,I am s strdent ,I like playing computer games ,learn English ,singing songs and so on,I love my home,I love my family.

我的家庭英语作文75词二:My family

My family has five people, are grandparents, father and mother. Grandparents have retired, my father was a people's police, her mother is a pediatric nurse. Mom and Dad usually busy at work, little time with me, even though there is little time for parents to accompany me, but I can understand their work, after all, there are grandparents to accompany me, compared to those orphans, I've been very lucky! I love my family!

我的家庭英语作文75词三:My family

There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin.He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is very clever. I am a student, too.I study hard. I like to play football and listen to music very much. I love my family a lot.

我的家庭英语作文75词四:My family

I have a big family. There are 6 people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sisiter and I. My grandparents are both teachers. My father is a doctor and my mohter is a nurse. They both work in the same hospital. They work very hard. My sisiter and I are both students. But we study in different schools. Both of us study very hard and do well in our lessons. I love my family. I think it is the happiest one in the world.

我的家庭英语作文75词五:My family

I come from a family of six people.Everyone in my family is very friendly.

My grandpa is a kind old man.He usually cooks nice dishes for us.My father is a farmer.He works hard every day in he field.My mother is a shop assistant.She sells things which people often use in their daily life. I have a little brother.His name is Liu Xiaolong.He is only 3.He is the shortest and naughtiest in my family.My name is Liu Xiaojing.I am a middle school student.

This is my family--a happy family.

我的家庭英语作文75词一:My family

There are three people in my family ,my mother ,my father and me.different people enjoy doing different theings ,my mother is a doctor,she likes going shopping ,talking with her sick man ,listenling to the music ,reading books ,and so on ,my fanther is a teacher ,he likes watching tv ,doing exercise,I am s strdent ,I like playing computer games ,learn English ,singing songs and so on,I love my home,I love my family.

我的家庭英语作文75词二:My family

My family has five people, are grandparents, father and mother. Grandparents have retired, my father was a people's police, her mother is a pediatric nurse. Mom and Dad usually busy at work, little time with me, even though there is little time for parents to accompany me, but I can understand their work, after all, there are grandparents to accompany me, compared to those orphans, I've been very lucky! I love my family!

我的家庭英语作文75词三:My family

There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is tall and thin.He likes to watch TV and movies and read books. My mother works in an office. She cooks very well. She is short and thin. My sister is a student. She is very clever. I am a student, too.I study hard. I like to play football and listen to music very much. I love my family a lot.

我的家庭英语作文75词四:My family

I have a big family. There are 6 people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sisiter and I. My grandparents are both teachers. My father is a doctor and my mohter is a nurse. They both work in the same hospital. They work very hard. My sisiter and I are both students. But we study in different schools. Both of us study very hard and do well in our lessons. I love my family. I think it is the happiest one in the world.

我的家庭英语作文75词五:My family

I come from a family of six people.Everyone in my family is very friendly.

My grandpa is a kind old man.He usually cooks nice dishes for us.My father is a farmer.He works hard every day in he field.My mother is a shop assistant.She sells things which people often use in their daily life. I have a little brother.His name is Liu Xiaolong.He is only 3.He is the shortest and naughtiest in my family.My name is Liu Xiaojing.I am a middle school student.

This is my family--a happy family.


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