

一.1. where 2. kilo 3. argue 4. want 4. clean 二.1.Xiaodong read a book yeasterday.

2.Mothe and I bought many things at the supermarket.

3.Lingling liked the ride bus best.

4.Whose T-shirt is this? It’s mine.

5. The London Eye is a big wheel.

三.1. I put ten pencils in the blue box.

2. Can you read the shopping list to me?

3. Look at these ice cream.

4. What’s the London Eye ?

5.Lingling ’s T-shirt is clean.

四.1. Hello! How many pears do you want ?

2. One kilo, please. How much are they ?

3. Ten Yuan, please.

4. Here you are

5. Thank you. Here are your pears.

五.1. When did you come back ?

2. How many apples did you buy ?

3. Where did Daming go at the weekend ?

4. What did you do at the weekend ?

5. Did they go to Badaling by bus ?


一.1. where 2. kilo 3. argue 4. want 4. clean 二.1.Xiaodong read a book yeasterday.

2.Mothe and I bought many things at the supermarket.

3.Lingling liked the ride bus best.

4.Whose T-shirt is this? It’s mine.

5. The London Eye is a big wheel.

三.1. I put ten pencils in the blue box.

2. Can you read the shopping list to me?

3. Look at these ice cream.

4. What’s the London Eye ?

5.Lingling ’s T-shirt is clean.

四.1. Hello! How many pears do you want ?

2. One kilo, please. How much are they ?

3. Ten Yuan, please.

4. Here you are

5. Thank you. Here are your pears.

五.1. When did you come back ?

2. How many apples did you buy ?

3. Where did Daming go at the weekend ?

4. What did you do at the weekend ?

5. Did they go to Badaling by bus ?


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