




1 荷载计算

2 板的配筋计算

3 一榀框架结构受力分析、计算和设计

4 楼梯设计

5 独立基础设计

对电算结果进行校核,分析等 。除了计算外,还绘制了图纸包括框架配筋图,基础配筋图,楼梯配筋图,楼板配筋图,其中楼板配筋图为手工绘制,其余为PK-PM和CAD绘制。



This is a design for a multi-storey business building which is located in urban area of Suzhou . The height of the first and second storey of this five-storey building is 4.8 meters, and 3.3 meters for other storey. The stair half on the top of roof is 3

meters high. Height difference between indoor and outdoor is 0.450 meter. The indoor surface elevation is 0.000 meter and the total height is 37.0 meters. Total construction area is 11845.29 square meters. The building is full-featured and modern.

The structure is cast-in-site reinforced concrete frame structure. Fortification

intensity is six-degree. Seismic grade is four-grade and fireproof rank is secondary. The plane layout of building is symmetrical and fully satisfy requirements for common usage .

This design book includes two parts, architecture design and structure design, and the latter is the main part. In this design, horizontal frames are load-bearing structure. Three different load situations are taken into consideration in the interior force calculation, which are vertical constant load, live load and wind load. Structure calculation includes:

1. Load calculation,

2.Reinforced configuration for boards,

3.Analysis, calculation and design for one axis of frame,

4.Stair design,

5.Independent foundation design.

Besides compare and check results between computer calculation and hand

calculation, several drawings have been finished, including reinforced configuration for one axis of frame, foundation, stair and boards. The drawing of reinforced configuration for boards is hand-drawn and the rest are computer-drawn through software PKPM and CAD.

Key words: reinforced concrete, structure design, frame





1 荷载计算

2 板的配筋计算

3 一榀框架结构受力分析、计算和设计

4 楼梯设计

5 独立基础设计

对电算结果进行校核,分析等 。除了计算外,还绘制了图纸包括框架配筋图,基础配筋图,楼梯配筋图,楼板配筋图,其中楼板配筋图为手工绘制,其余为PK-PM和CAD绘制。



This is a design for a multi-storey business building which is located in urban area of Suzhou . The height of the first and second storey of this five-storey building is 4.8 meters, and 3.3 meters for other storey. The stair half on the top of roof is 3

meters high. Height difference between indoor and outdoor is 0.450 meter. The indoor surface elevation is 0.000 meter and the total height is 37.0 meters. Total construction area is 11845.29 square meters. The building is full-featured and modern.

The structure is cast-in-site reinforced concrete frame structure. Fortification

intensity is six-degree. Seismic grade is four-grade and fireproof rank is secondary. The plane layout of building is symmetrical and fully satisfy requirements for common usage .

This design book includes two parts, architecture design and structure design, and the latter is the main part. In this design, horizontal frames are load-bearing structure. Three different load situations are taken into consideration in the interior force calculation, which are vertical constant load, live load and wind load. Structure calculation includes:

1. Load calculation,

2.Reinforced configuration for boards,

3.Analysis, calculation and design for one axis of frame,

4.Stair design,

5.Independent foundation design.

Besides compare and check results between computer calculation and hand

calculation, several drawings have been finished, including reinforced configuration for one axis of frame, foundation, stair and boards. The drawing of reinforced configuration for boards is hand-drawn and the rest are computer-drawn through software PKPM and CAD.

Key words: reinforced concrete, structure design, frame


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